p!W< f.n 7 - n..,. J J"Li y LJJah availtble in lallUU Eiiltrn Kent *nd Job Pfinlins Slr'JSK wetttrn Ionia Countitt THE LOWELL LEDGER. prieM. Phont 200 'OL. XXVI LOWELL, MICHIGAN, FEB. 6. 1019 No. 35 rw /• : IE SM FINED 1 millROW ESGIPE Small Accounts 150 and Coats for Aasault Reaisted O. J. Yeiter Pinned Under Over- Arrest—Arraigned Later. turned Car. Released by Ladies. Jake Staal was fined $50 and Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Yeiter, sister Have You costs Saturday forenoon by Justice Miss Lena Yeiter and Miss Nora A. M. Andrews for an ussauli com- Howe had a remarkable escape from Tried KLENZO Are Welcomed! mitted upon Will Kerekes on the serious injury or more, when their Tooth Past.? previous Thursday morning, to car turned turtle opposite the Ernst which charge Staal pled guilty. place on the Ada road Wednesday The occasion of the assault was morning. All but Mr. Yeiter were on a trip of investigation by Vil thrown clear, but he was pinned THIS bank welcomes the small savings lage President Winegar of charges under the overturned car and was We want you to try it that Staal's drove of hogs was be- helpless until the ladles lifted the account as well as the large one. Dur- ing fed and running at large in the car sufiielently to release him. on our guarantee that it road fronting his premises in the The Sedan top was wrecked but is the best tooth paste on ing the number of years that this bank east end of the village, constituting a the occupants escaped with bruises, nuisance and menace to the neigh- scratches and lameness from the the market today—re- hss been doing business, it has stood as a bors. Mr. Winegar was accompanied shaking up. Not a cut was suffered by Village Marshall Haysmer, Will from the broken glass. gardless Oi price—and if bulwark of safety for the savings of Lowell Kerekes and Glen Barnes as wit- Dr. C. 11. Anderson who was in nesses. Following a statement by Lowell on business was summoned •^ou are not with ua, after Kerekes that his wife feared to take by telephone, conveyed the party you have used it, we want people and all who come here to do bank- her baby along the street at that home and fixed up the injured mem- ing business. It has seen many small ac- point, a hot reply by Staal and a bers. you to ask us for your 25c denial by the latter that he bad fed back a$jain. n. VAN DYKE his hogs. In the road, Kerekes stated Obituary—Jamea Henry Ward. E. A. ANDERSON ... counts grow into large amounts, once the HeliiinK Grocer. that he had seen Staal feed bis hogs Jas. H. Ward, who passed away Successor to R. Van Dyke Cool, Clean Over 300 tubes sold in [hxctiae the moustache. Our rnior there. A blow in the face followed, Monday, Jan. 27, after a prolonged savings habit was firmly established. Is dull.] I.o>vell in the past cixht further inlurles being prevented by Illness, was born in Vergennes RED CROSS NOTICE Klenzo Feeling the witnesses, who then withdrew. township May 27, 1850. being 08 Don't forget to call at the Red mi mi h i and everyone a Bring a dollar and start a savings ac- The matter of tbe alleged hog years old at his demise. Coming Cross rooms Tuesdav p. m., Feb. 11, \ VAU'f lo I:now how to moko tho nuisance is the subject of a petition with his parents to Ada township at for work. As soon as conditions • '! lone their dislike frr saiislkd user. for abatement to the Village Coun early age, he has resided here al- will permit the rooms will he open • • *' i 'jlvellicm Klen»o—t!ic count TODAY. You will be welcomed. eil. See proceedings. i f'—'Ti.'I Tl.c fceliar; that follov/n BUSINESS GHillGE most continuously since. "James every Tuesday and Thursday after- . .v ur-.ony t-j Klonzc'a thorouch Wednesday Officer Haysmer ser- ilenry" as he was known and hail- noon, where we will meet for sew- •" • thut rciidifs even the ved a warrant upon Staal for letting ed by a host of friends and ac- ing. •• • • iw-.ivca, freeing them from sijjle bi> R Van Dyke Sella Grocery to E. A. •t rnoV;- ti.o mouth feci hat an J his hogs run at large and Staal re- quaintances, was supervisor of Ada The following letter has been re- •. y l •...'jt t_df y Anderaor. fused to accept arrest, whereupon township for 25 years which service, ceived from the (irand Hapids chap- This bank will be closed February 12. Haysmer reported to the local au- H. Van Dyke has soid his arocery excepting a two year interval, was ter: D. G. Look thorities and proper oflicials in continuous. He was dean of the We want the women of the Lowell business to E. A. Anderson the lat- Grand Rapids were notified. One of the 8000 .. , ,'iS H / /C € - AC(. OH HO DA TION SAT'TV ter taking possession Monday, Feb- Kent county Board of Supervisors at Auxiliary to know how much we ap- ruary 3. and Mr. Van Dyke retiring This Thursday morning an officer his retirement from office and left red ale the beautiful afghans they •m Rexall Stores. came from the city and accompanied to private life, after a continuous a deep and lasting impress of his Kave made for our soldiers. by Haysmer went to the Staal place service in that body as the county I think those bright preth* things business experience of about twen- made the arrest. Staal was ar- 4:^ (TTY STATE BAHK ty-five years at the present stand. records for years past will show. make a room look so cheerful. DENTAL raigned before Justice Andrews, His loyal and faithful servico of the We have received instructions CRG M E This announcement, which was a pleaded not guilty and trial was surprise to most people, marks an township backed by his fine and from Chicago headquarters to hold LOWELL, MICH set for Thursday morning, Febru- decided characteristics has left a important change ill the business ary 13. all afghans for the War Department life of Lowell, in which both par record and impress on the history of as they want them for one of our ties are sublect for congratulations, Ada township and Kent county reconstruction hospitals. Resources over $500,000.00. Mr. VanDyke upon a success which Congregations] Church which as the years pass by will be Again thanking your auxiliary for Services Sunday, 10:30. Subject, more fully understood and appreci their beautiful work, 1 am enables him to retire in the prime ated. of life and Mr. Anderson upon his "Limitations of a Life." Your sincerely, Member Federal Reserve Syetem establishment in a successful busi- Sunday school, 11:45. He Is survived by his widow, al- Mrs. J. A. Solomons, ness in his old home town. The Cheerful Doers will meet so three sons Ashley, Webb and Chairman of Women's Work De- Like his predecessor. Mr. Ander with Mrs. C. P. Neff Monday even- Chan. Ward, one daughter, Mrs. partment. ersoh has spent the greater part of ing, Feb. 10. Caroline Richardson, two brothers, A. H. Lash. Pastor. Chas. Ward of Grand Rapids and his life in Lowell, where he has Eugene Ward of Caledonia, and one Obituarv—James Lovely These Long Evenings served the Grand Trunk company sister. Miss Clara Ward of Grand James Lovely was born in Hamil- and the people of this community at Elmdale Bethany Church Notice. ton, Canada, Feb. 3, 1839, and died one and the same time, and the vil- Evangelistic services are in pro- Rapids. His funeral and interment were held at Bailey church and Jan. 29, 1919, aged 79 yrs. 11 mos. are just the time to enjoy lage as trustee and president and gress at the Elmdale Bethany 27 days. Interment Feb. 1 in the the Lowell Board of Trade as an church. Rev. Hanks of Nashville cemetery conducted by Ada Lodge the music of F. & A M.. Rev. J. H. Bennett South Boston cemetery, Rev. W. M. acUve worker and president. Re has charge of the services. Meeting P. Jerrett oiliciating. every night this week tit 7:30 and preached the funeral sermon to a Over The Plate cenUy he returned from France large concourse of relatives and In 1866 Mr. Lovely was united in where he served bis country and Sunday services 10:30, a. in., and 7, marriage to Margaret Oser of Rrant. p. in. Come and hear the old-time friends. The many tloral offerings the soldier boys in connection with gave tribute of the esteem and Co.. Canada. llemember the good old base ball days the Y. M. C. A., and now he resumes gospel. Everybody welcome. The deceased moved to Michigan Pastor, Rev. J. H. Clymer. respect in which the deceased was when a ball over tbe plate meant a bit and a his life In Lowell, this time in busi- held.—Com. where be resided until the time of bit meant a score and a score meant a frame? ness' for himself among the friends Methodist Church. his death. Throughout his life the A New Ellison Well, those good old days are coming again of a life time. Week beginning Sunday, Feb. 9 '19. Auction Sales. deceased was temperate, honest and with the war over and in the good time com- Mr.
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