I SCIENTIFIC DATA SYSTEMS SDS 900 Series Computer Systems CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 6 THE COMPUTER -O RIENTED APPROACH 9 SDS SYSTEM ELEMENTS 16 COMPUTER INTERFAC E CHA RACTERI STI CS 20 U SERS ©1965, Scientific Data Systems, Inc. INTRODUCTION Every activity at SDS ultimately focuses on the company's effort to fulfill needs for versatile, efficient total computing systems. Virtually every SDS product from logic modules and analog/digital conversion devices to general-purpose computers and peripheral equipment is involved · in a systems project. Every service provided by SDS-engineering, programming, maintenance, and training-is directed at supporting the systems effort. As a result more SDS computers are operating today in real-time engineering and scientific systems than those of any other computer manufacturer. The key element in this total systems capability is a "building-block" philosophy that SDS applies to the design of all its products-both hardware and software. The resulting compatibility and modularity of equipment and programs enable SDS to design and construct complex systems from standard off-the-shelf products. The customary charges for systems engineering and check-out programming are completely eliminatedwhen 80 percent of the system cost is represented by S OS products. Over 200 SDS 900 Series computers are now operating in a wide range of systems applications. Of these, 125 were system-engineered by SDS. Typical applications include real-time industrial control. telemetry data acquisition and reduction, nuclear pulse-height anal­ ysis, missile check-out and seismic data reduction. Illustrated throughout the text are the following representative SDS 900 Series computer-controlled systems reflect examples of operating SDS 900 Series computer systems: the broad range of central processor and peripheral System 1-Space Network Communications equipment configurations made possible by the SDS modular, standardized approach to design of real-time System 2-Meteorological Data Processing data acquisition, data processing, and control systems. System 3-Aircraft Data Acquisition S DS Data Systems System 4-Automobile Production Control Over-all SDS systems capabilities are enhanced by SDS System 5-Hybrid Simulation Data Systems (formerly Consolidated Systems Corpo­ ration of Pomona, California), an SDS subsidiary. Data System 6-lnstrumentation Data Test Systems is a leading producer of digital data acquisition System 7-Telemetry Data Reduction systems, computer-controlled electro-optical systems, and industrial control systems. In February 1955, it System 8-Multiparameter Analysis became the first company to deliver a large-scale, high- 2 SYSTEM 1 abstract. and record telemetry data from interplanetary INSTRUMENTA'"fION SYSTEM spacecraft. Selected data is transmitted from the track­ FOR DEEP SPACE NETWORK ing sites to Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, via the teletypewriter communications subsystem. Eleven SDS computer-controlled systems are used for station instrumentation and data communications in the Each system configuration includes two computers, an National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Deep SDS 910 and an SDS 920. Under computer control are Space Network tracking stations around the world. The two independent analog subsystems, two digital sub­ SDS systems, located at each of six Deep Space Instru­ systems, communications systems, two independent mentation Facility stations, receive, interpret. process, magnetic tape systems, and other peripheral equipment. 50S 910 ]4J\rHhl\l1 rullf l 'lr~ Ch .. ,,, .. ·l) [J'v'tai l.omp,,\1!1 ...... '11\8192 W(rd :" r).'pl •• \ l"pot~ ItH}to.'pe~ An.-l..{lul f).lt.. l.'!)I!" ['l;~ Ib' S1;,l ,tit, 1,:1'" ~'" AI.a~(#tl Tilt)., {)5\,ltl~ !(,D.'J'Hi 50S 910 0'01\,,1 Computer w11t18191-Word COle MemolV Afl\ k '~ r')ulillifj RvW'J1E' U-:'ll;JY~ SYSTEM 2 speed data acquisition, sampling, editing, and visual MOBILE METEOROLOGICAL output of data in meteorological units for quantitative DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM analysis. After data has been processed, it is recorded continuol;Jsly on industry-compatible magnetic tape. The SDS 920 Computer system, housed in a mobile van, is system incorporates a special photoelectric paper tape used by the Air Force Cambridge (Massachusetts) reader that reads printed, rather than punched, binary Research Laboratory to process and analyze real-time information. Since the central component is a general ­ meteorological data such as wind direction and speed, purpose digital computer, the system is used for varied air temperature and air-temperature difference, dew data reduction, correlation, and computational tasks in point and net radiation. The computer controls high- addition to its primary functions. 96 A/D Data SDS 920 Analog M ultiplexer Two I/O Conv. Di gital Computer Typewriters Inputs with 16.384 -Word Core Memory Control PIN W Buffer Paper-Tape Equipment Syste m POT Timer Magnetlc- Tape Control Juncti on Box Magnetlc-Tape Transport No.1 EOM A larm Magnetl c-Tape Transport No 2 INT .1'0 M agnetl c- Tape 8- Pen D/A Transport NO . 3 Re cord er Co nv. speed, digital data acquisition system. Since then, Data for analysis and reduction. Because the large computer Systems has produced more than 500 digital systems to is most often situated at a remote site, a delay is im­ perform such tasks as telemetry data processing, posed between the time data is avai lable and mean­ acquisition of data from test facilities, and seismic ingful answers are obtained. As a result many data record i ng. appli cations require a costly "'quick-look"' system in addition to the basic system. The computer-based Benefits of Computer Control approach obviates this problem by providing data analysis and reduction capability at the test site as SDS 900 Series computers and other SDS system an inherent part of the basic data system. elements are designed on a completely modular basis and use a common interface logic. Thus the user can • Improved Understanding. The computer-based ap­ choose from the members of a logicall y and electrica ll y proach tends to integrate instrumentation, reduction, compatible family of products to achieve the precise and ana lytic efforts into a unified effort based on combination of performance characteristics needed for common aims and objectives. Improved understand­ his application. Five 'stored-program, general-purpose ing and communication, as well as a more efficient digital computers-the SDS 910, 920, 925, 930, and total system, result from this approach. In systems 940-are available as the central computing element. that do not use a computer, three separate groups Modularity extends to the size of the magnetic core generall y participate in a data system project: instru­ memory, the speed and type of peripheral input/output mentation, data reduction, and engineering. Each units, and the analog and digital modules and instru­ group sees the project from the viewpoint of its own ments that interface the computer to real-ti me equipment discipline; consequently, perspective may be lost. and the external environment. This modularity and compatibility feature enables the user to fully capitalize • Lower Initial Cost. A major cost factor in special­ on the benefits of a computer-centered data system. purpose systems is the over-a ll controlling and These benefits include: sequencing logic, which must be uniquely designed and fabricated for each appli cation. The computer­ based approach minimizes such costs and the need • Flexibility. A special-purpose system (i.e., one not for associated special hardware by using a common using a computer) can perform on ly those functions central element-the computer-that is produced In built into it during the design phase. Any change in quantity rather than on a one-of-a-kind basis. system function usually necessitates redesign and additional hardware. More important, such a change • Lower Operating Cost. The computer-centered system often means the device or system is not availab le for also decreases operating costs. Manual intervention use while it is being modified. By contrast, a computer­ is reduced because the computer, through its stored based system has built-in flexibility. Simple or complex program, can perform more functions than the equiv­ changes in function can generall y be made merely by alent special-purpose system. The set-up procedure revising the computer program. Since hardware is not often consists of simply entering a program into the affected, down time is minimized. computer, thereby el iminating costly manual wiring and plugging procedures. • Reliability. Computer-based systems usually are much more reliable than their special-purpose counterparts, • General- Purpose Use. A computer-based system primarily because the central controlling element is makes avai lable to the user a powerful general- purpose standardized. Hardware is already debugged, well machine for off-line use. Scientific problem solution understood, and fully documented. or other general-purpose work can be performed in idle hours. All SDS computers are supplied with a full • Reduced Solution Time. Most special-purpose data library of programming aids (e.g., mathematical sub­ ( acquisition systems provide neither analysis nor re­ routines, assemblers, FO RTRAN, etc.) to enable the duction capability. They usually record data on mag­ user to perform these off-line tasks. netic tape and then send it to a large digital computer 5 THE COMPUTER-ORIENTED APPROACH A computer-controlled system must
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