. 5 z ' /Ol I ....... *-4 ' V I ,> ■■ ■ ■ „*»- ••••-..*..... ■ ■■■.,-■ . L V * a C" -!»• '■’■ '"' "' • '" ~•"••« '•< -‘3 F ' W ' i © - f ?..' E?-v’.: ?’ .1 o i i x i* <» k i* k it o n :*. iHii.i.vit r u n < is. AM fiSSlftM M W S A 9A1IS&T «roasrM « SSW fBB TO VOLUME IV. AST THOMASTON. MAINE. THURSOAY MORNING. AEG, 23. 1819. NUMBER AAAI. A SEA TALE. fail in that, lie could jump, overboard, nf.d W e w ill now return to Amos, le ft in an lie Ji‘ hel l the fla g s o f many 'a t i.ln s , ami w it- I may In? tight; lint I feel sure dial we shall Amos had found llm hatchet, and was cniu- t-oiich the shore by swim m ing. Hut the hope open boat, w ithout sails nr oars, tossing about ttesseil w ith astonishment, the singular ap- luive enough heforc sun-rise to-nnirrriw . I iug nil deck, w hen the vessel seemed to ex- From the Boston Daily Journal. was not realized. I lie wind continued to in the open sea, nt thn mercy o f the winds ponralict o f their vessels. Besides the F.ng- wish w ith all my heart that we were •safe at perienee a terrible shock— he heard the sound AMOS jONfcS. hlow as hard as ever, with no prospect of a anil waves, liis condition was an unpleasant lisli. French, Spanish, and Portuguese, which anchor in St. 1 liotmis.’ of spars falling on the deck, and while thn The Boy who went’ to sea in spite of Himself! lull, and it wns growing dark rapidly. Amos one; for if a sudden storm should agitate the differed not very materially from the craft ‘W hy so?’ Inquired Mr. Dennis, the mate, w ater was pouring down the crcviecs nnd was now convinced that exertion on his part sea, his little lim it would soon be filled, and a which he had been accustomed to see. he lie- ‘Do you think that any ik in g is going to bap- "pen sqtiu'cs by the eompaninii-w ay, skylight, I1Y UAWSEtt MXItTlKOAI.E. would nvnil nothing; nnd, nftor im ploring the W atery grave wool I bn his lot. Am i even if lu l l the ’ :■ h mf.li,a a id .- - o f vessels dis- pen tn us.” ! t- the hull seemed to quiver in every pnrt. I protection til Providence, lie calmly resi'.med the wind continued med. rate, m il the tinge shed f .r their neatness mid clumsiness: A M ’Mnr.n o f yours ngn there lived in Mnine, atucss and ‘Nothing exira 'i'dimrv, perhaps,’ replied j !Ie knew that something dreadfid hail hap- until named bylvestec Joni's, lie dwelt in himself to his fate. And for hours the storm m innth, uiltoss within a lew days lie should the ireek p.daere, ti ' Maltese I lueca, the A l i d r e w ; 1 an il I think I bat a hurl 'wane is emu- P' llt'd -—lie believed that Ins last lunir had come, eoiuim ied— and w lull w ith the rain an ! the non-dcseript from the ing o n ’ ’ j and in his distress called upon the A lm ighty n litllu cottage, ot: tin: banks o f one o f those, receive BUcc.or, ho Would |*ei'. i. t'.r want o f ni " i • attatiei spray w hich dashed over tile sides o f the boat a variety of iilltt'i's.— liottnliftil i ivers w liieli are found in such ulinti- i'n"d. .o f Perl tv ‘A huriieaiic *’ exe’.ainied dm astonished , ower fur aid in that sad ciucrgl'iiey. ihincts in our sister Suite. lie nutted n litt'e — In: found it necessary to work pretty hard lint Amos, nlthiiiigh lie felt bv no montls i'* 4 |k m— f"v pirn-.: whi"'i (il’l '• more n e i'" ‘ W hat has pu: dial droll idea 'iitoM iiir \ e ' A n in s wa.< not alarmed without i " ’.son pi.'00 of httitl situ..toil at oiilv a low miles di to save i,is frail skill'from foundering. He i gay and laughing humor, as was his want, an I led:,: yu,]'. adventurer, nttrai*- head. Nonsense!’ \ heavy i ill'll" wave of mieniim ioil size and tauee from the sea and maintained him self 111,11 ',0 l>ud uh'eady passed the liar at was nut altogether discouraged, lie knew live objects than fiilirillter. ‘ I have 1...... in dm W est Indies liefine tn- with a foaming crest, rescilihling ihe mighty and fam ily l.y tin: labor o f his bauds. I Io die mouth of die river, and expected eve ... that vessels belonging to various ports in New ('apt. M iller .’mill discharged hi- cargo, and d a i .' r e p lie d A n d r e w , w it Ii a p e c u lia r e m p lia - wales which roll upon ihe exposed sen-beach was a poor uud holiest, hard w orking man. - inon.cut In lie throw n ashore n.ioii m i" o f i England hound to ami from different purls of got a freight for St. Tie.mas, in the West In iluring i fearful storm, had broken over thn llis family consisted of his wife, a son,named islands, w hi. h 1 have already spoken of, die world,traversed the liav in ever' din "lion dies. There was mi vessel bound directly to 1 lie male laughed, and w ; 'd aft to tlm decks anil swept every thing away! Vcs, A'tnos, w lm was sunn: twelve nr foui'K en years dasliud upon ashnal nr reel'. _ a„ j he Imped that he would lie s fortunate >h|! 1 niteil Sates, at the lim e, and Amos cnii- qunrler-ileek and told dm eaptu in nl the n lI when Anins had in some degree recovered 'nl age, and a little daughter, named Louisa, «ns id .... midnight when the wind some- as to meet with one, mid be resent from dm elude,I to remain in the ship, un til she reach­ sailor's prediction, whn med n.ue'rt nm ’.ls- frem his fears by seeing no prospect o f im m e­ only six years old. "hat abated, and the rain ceased. Soon uf- perilous situaiion. And he stood for hours ed her port ill the We.-t Indies. He w lute a I. diate death, and opened the eompanion-wny Amos dunes was a stunt liny for his years, lerw nr.ls ihe clouds broke away,and the stars upon one u f die boat’s thw arts, and gazed le lli r to his parents, which was placed in the The wind seemed to breeze tip from the scuttle, and loiikrd upon the deck, hardly lie had never know n ill health, hut was fa­ appeared in the sky. Amos eagerly looked around tin: horizon, lie sawn miml.cr of hands o f dm Consul, w ith a request that il southeast, as evening advanced, and I'm* a lew knowing w hat to expect,lie beheld at a elanco miliar with the rough-and-tumble of life. lie arom iil to ascerlain what land was in sight, vcs. els at the dislai.ee of s-vcral miles, but -it "J.l he forwarded the lust opportunity.— hours the schooner proceeded at a good rate: ihe terrible efleets of that destructive wave.__ was inured to a life of labor and hardship, but mine greeted his vision. I hero was a none o f diem seemed approaching him. Tins letter however was never received. but nt about midnight it suddenly died away. The mainmast was liriiken nfl' near the deck, sameness mound the hnrriz.on which lie had but scorned always cheerful and happy, lie was about three o’clock in the nliernoon, ( ’ ll the passage In Si. I'honias, there was and tlm liaz ’ are m il the horizon s e e m e d to the Inug-hoat, ealionse-huuse,spare spars, liul- never seen I., lore, mid his heart almost sank increas'?. But few stars could lie seen, and walks, rails, indeed every thing above the could w histle, or sing, or laugh w ith any of when he descried, far n il' in dm W ist, a white also much Io attract dm alteutioii mid '.'licit the within him, as the conviction entered his mind kis companions, in the hiituhlo village near speck ju st appearing on the edge n f the hor­ aduiiratinti nf A lu m s. those were directly in llu- zenith. The moon deck, had been carried away hy llm wonderful rose soun afierwards, and in a couple o f hours strength o f that wave. lie looked for the his lather’s house,and seemed to cxeell in any that lie had been driven out to sea. izon. It rapidly increased in size, and lie At length one pleasant afm i'linnii, a sailor I’m llu re was mi help for it now. lie felt was seen struggling, as it were, through llm , captain, for the male, for the men,I,nt noton’i kind of work suitable for a farmer’s hoy of soun knew that il was a square-rigged vi s- was sent aloft to look out for laud. Ho had fatigued and weary, a; well as low-spirited m ist,and o f a pale greenish Imejand as she in- „ f that whole crew could he seen.
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