16728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 June 20, 2007 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The resolution (S. Res. 245) was Whereas Spurs owner and Chief Executive clerk will report the resolution by agreed to. Officer Peter Holt and General Manager R.C. title. The preamble was agreed to. Buford have built the San Antonio Spurs The legislative clerk read as follows: The resolution, with its preamble, into 1 of the best organizations in NBA his- tory; A resolution (S. Res. 245) congratulating reads as follows: Whereas the Spurs hold an all-time record the University of Arizona Wildcats for win- S. RES. 245 of 16 wins and 6 losses in the NBA Finals; ning the 2007 NCAA Division I Softball Whereas on June 6, 2007, the University of Whereas the Spurs have the best winning Championship. Arizona (UA) Wildcats of Tucson, Arizona, percentage in NBA Finals history; There being no objection, the Senate won the 2007 National Collegiate Athletic As- Whereas the Spurs are committed to serv- proceeded to consider the resolution. sociation Women’s College World Series ing the San Antonio community by pro- Mr. KYL. Mr. President, today I am Softball Championship by defeating the Uni- moting education, achievement, and civic re- pleased to join with Senator MCCAIN in versity of Tennessee Lady Volunteers by a sponsibility; and support of this resolution to acknowl- score of 5 to 0, winning their 8th title since Whereas the Spurs are the pride and joy of edge the athletic achievement of a tre- 1991; the City of San Antonio: Now, therefore, be mendous group of young women. On Whereas, in the championship game, UA it pitcher Taryne Mowatt set a Women’s Col- June 6, the University of Arizona wom- Resolved, That the Senate— lege World Series record by pitching 60 in- (1) congratulates the San Antonio Spurs en’s softball team won the 2007 Na- nings and was named the tournament’s Most for winning the 2007 National Basketball As- tional Collegiate Athletic Association Outstanding Player; sociation Championship; and Division I Softball Championship. By Whereas Kristie Fox, Jenae Leles, and (2) respectfully requests the Secretary of defeating the University of Tennessee Caitlin Lowe were selected to be on the all- the Senate to transmit 1 enrolled copy of Lady Volunteers 5 to 0, the Wildcats tournament team; this resolution to Senator Hutchison for claimed their 8th title since 1991. Whereas the UA Wildcats completed the presentation to the San Antonio Spurs. season with a 50–14–1 record, climbing from The victory was a team effort that f was marked by a number of special ac- the loser’s bracket to emerge victorious; and Whereas Coach Mike Candrea has taken complishments. Taryne Mowatt, pitch- SUPPORTING THE IDEALS AND the UA Wildcats to the Women’s College VALUES OF THE OLYMPIC MOVE- er for the Wildcats, set a Women’s Col- World Series 19 times over the last 20 years, lege World Series record by pitching 60 and won 8 national championship titles: MENT innings and was named the tour- Now, therefore, be it Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I nament’s Most Outstanding Player. Resolved, That the Senate— ask unanimous consent that the Com- Centerfielder Caitlin Lowe had a (1) congratulates the University of Arizona merce Committee be discharged from record-tying 4 hits in the national title Wildcats for winning the 2007 NCAA Division further consideration of S. Res. 185 and game. Shortstop Kristie Fox tied the I Women’s Softball Championship; and (2) recognizes all the players, coaches, and that the Senate then proceed to its record with 12 hits in the series. On 4 support staff who were instrumental in this consideration. occasions Fox faced the best pitcher in achievement. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the country, Tennessee’s Monica Ab- f objection, it is so ordered. The clerk bott. Second baseman Chelsie Mesa can will report the resolution by title. take credit for hitting a 3-run home CONGRATULATING THE SAN The legislative clerk read as follows: ANTONIO SPURS run off Abbott to break open the game A resolution (S. Res. 185) supporting the and send the Wildcats to victory. Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I ideals and values of the Olympic movement. Taryne Mowatt, Kristie Fox, Jenae ask unanimous consent that the Sen- There being no objection, the Senate Leles, and Caitlin Lowe were selected ate now proceed to the immediate con- proceeded to consider the resolution. to be on the all-tournament team be- sideration of S. Res. 246, which was Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I cause of the skill they demonstrated submitted earlier today. ask unanimous consent that the reso- during the tournament. Other Wildcats The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lution be agreed to, the preamble be making important contributions in- clerk will report the resolution by agreed to, the motion to reconsider be clude Adrienne Acton, Sarah Akamine, title. laid on the table, and that any state- K’Lee Arredondo, Callista Balko, Sam The legislative clerk read as follows: ments relating thereto be printed in Banister, Cyndi Duran, Lauren Erb, A resolution (S. Res. 246) congratulating the RECORD. Samantha Hoffman, Jill Malina, Lisa the San Antonio Spurs for winning the Na- Odom, Danielle Rodriguez, and Laine tional Basketball Association Championship. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Roth. There being no objection, the Senate The resolution (S. Res. 185) was The team’s success was guided by proceeded to consider the resolution. their coach, Mike Candrea, who just Ms. KLOBUCHAR. I ask unanimous agreed to. completed his 22nd season as coach of consent the resolution be agreed to, The preamble was agreed to. the University of Arizona softball pro- the preamble be agreed to, and the mo- The resolution, with its preamble, gram. A highly decorated coach, tion to reconsider be laid upon the reads as follows: Candrea has won 18 coach-of-the-year table. S. RES. 185 honors. He boasts a 1,131 to 228 overall The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas, for over 100 years, the Olympic win-loss record. In 2004, Candrea took a objection, it is so ordered. Movement has built a more peaceful and bet- year off to coach the USA Olympic The resolution (S. Res. 246) was ter world by educating young people through softball team, which went on to take agreed to. athletics, by bringing together athletes from many countries in friendly competition, and the gold medal. The preamble was agreed to. The resolution, with its preamble, by forging new relationships bound by Senator MCCAIN and I introduce this friendship, solidarity, sportsmanship, and resolution today so that this body can reads as follows: fair play; send a well-deserved congratulations to S. RES. 246 Whereas the United States Olympic Com- the University of Arizona Wildcats and Whereas on June 14, 2007, the San Antonio mittee is dedicated to coordinating and de- their coach for the hard work and skill Spurs (Spurs) won their fourth National Bas- veloping athletic activity in the United they demonstrated in winning the ketball Association (NBA) Championship States to foster productive working relation- championship. since 1999 by defeating the Cleveland Cava- ships among sports-related organizations; Ms. KLOBUCHAR. I ask unanimous liers 4 to 0; Whereas the United States Olympic Com- consent the resolution be agreed to, Whereas Tony Parker won his first NBA mittee promotes and supports athletic ac- Finals Most Valuable Player award after tivities involving the United States and for- the preamble be agreed to, and the mo- shooting 57 percent for the series and aver- eign countries; tion to reconsider be laid upon the aging 24.5 points per game; Whereas the United States Olympic Com- table. Whereas Spurs Head Coach Gregg Popovich mittee promotes and encourages physical fit- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without added to his growing legacy by winning his ness and public participation in athletic ac- objection, it is so ordered. fourth NBA championship; tivities; VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:05 Jun 08, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00159 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S20JN7.005 S20JN7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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