Water Usage Editor's Choice Energy Conservation Friday - Sunday, April 12-14 Friday -Sunday, April 12-14 Kick-off meeting for the 1991 Navy Total Usage: 819,730 KWH Relief Fun Drive is Thurday, April 18, 3 Storage: (Fri.) 89 MIL 64 %, (Sa.) 9.0 Total Cost $110,466 MIL 64 %, (Sun.) 9.0 MIL 64 % p.m. in the COMNAVBASE Conf. Rm. Cost in Norfolk: $61,480 Production: (Fri.) 1.9 MIL, (Sat.) 1.6 MIL, (Su.) Bldg 760. All commands/NAVSTA 1.8 MI. Comparison In March Consumption: (Fri.) 2.1 MIL, (Sat.) 1.8 MIL, (Sn.) 1.6 Dept. reps. are urged to attend. MIL Center Bargo (3br) Gisno Norfolk I $659 $233 Guantanamo Daily Gazette Sunrise: Tomorrow, 5:45 am. Sunset: Today, 8:08 p.m. M-F Vol. 47 -- No. 070 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Monday, April 15, 1991 Gitmo Marines talk about Gulf War experiences combat, Gunnery Sgt. Charles ByJO3S.VELAZQUEZ Shears is receiving medical treatment because of residues r' '; I %V w -IQr -W e When 10Marines from Na- of oil in his lungs. "When we E Israel -Secretary of State James val Security Group Activity went through the first barrier, Baker is reportedly heading back Company L received orders to fire surrounded us. From 11 to Israel for the third time in five "Desert Shield" and "Desert p.m. to 2 a.m. it was light as weeks. An Israeli newspaper says Storm" they had mixed emo- day because of the explosions. he's expected in the Jewish state tions . By this weekend. Foreign Minister the time 9 a.m. came avid Levy says Baker's effort to "I was at basketball prac- around, we couldn't see a d a Mideast peace formula is tice when I got the news," thing. Not even from a two- making headway. Lance Cpl. Ben Cherry, a 19- foot distance." year-old from Long Island, Sgt. Gabriel Pintos was re- Italy - Hundreds of gawking N.Y. said. "Right then and lieved tourists have rushed to the Italian when he received his Riviera, where an oil tanker re- therelwasshocked, scared and orders. "I wantedtogo, after all mains submerged with 42 million mad. I quickly realized this that's what we get paid for," he Phkd. bJ03 .hV. iq. gallons of crude oil. Residents was my mission and it was says. "This is a historic mo- Six Naval Security Group fear that when the excitement something that had to be done, Activity /Co. L Marines who served in ment. I felt I had to be a part of "Desert Shield" and "Desert Storm." Left to right back row: dies, tar and oil will keep tourists so I packed my gear." away. So far, a 20-mile swath of it. The day the ground war Gunnery Sgt. Michael Dobbs, LanceCpi. Ben Cherry, Gunnery Sgt. coastline has been dotted with Staff Sgt. Garry Bliss from started, everyone was calm and Charles Shears and Staff Sgt. Gary Bliss. Front row left to right: globs of thick tar from buying Buffalo, N.Y. participated in collected. When we entered Gunnery Sgt. Donald Shelkey and Sgt. Gabriel Pintos. crude from the Cypriot tanker, "OperationPraying Mantis"in Kuwait City, the people which sank yesterday. the Persian Gulf in 1988. swampedus with thanks. They "That's why when Iraq in- were so grateful, they prised we didn't get more Albania - It's supposed to be wanted I wanted to go," he said. "It's Albania's first multi-partyparlia- vaded Kuwait back in August I us to thank the president. I'm Enemy Prisoners of War. what we've trained for. It all ment in more than 60 years, but was ready I wanted to go just glad we could represent (EPWs)." hropened so quickly though, I communists may be the only ones back," he said. "What sur- Gitmo there." "These soldiers just fin- jai :didn't think it would all be who show up today. They control a prised me was the weather "I was bored at first," said ished a war hIran," said overso soon. I'm justgladlgot two-thirds majority in the legisla- there. It was cold. It also rained Gunnery Sgt. Donald Shelkey, Shears. " we were going ture after recent elections. The the experience." opposition Democratic Party says the first or second day of the whose wife (a Marine reserv- through th r bunkers every- It's this kind of determina- it will boycott the session until ground war. Then there was ist) was called in for active thing was in place, cups full of tion and dedication to duty that the communist government fixes the day when the sun didn't duty in Camp Lejeune. Their coffee, gas lanterns still lit. But make the U. S. Marine Corps blame for the killing of four pro- come up because of the oil children, likemany others, had we expected them to surrender what it is today. From the testers. fields burning and all the de- to stay with their grandparents. like they did. They're tired of youngest to the oldest Marine, struction. Now that was some "When the ground war started fighting." they all have the "Espirit de experience." it was exciting. Right then and Gunnery Sgt. Michael Corps" that have made them a 'USA While none of Gitmo's there, I knew there was no turn- Dobbs was expecting orders. unique group of servicemem- Marines were injured during ing back. I was actually sur- "I was nervous and scared but bers. Semper Fi, Marines! News r Southern Iraq r New York - A weekend shoot- United States starts troop pulout Cheney goes before base ing in Brooklyn has broughtfears of anew mob war. Bartholomew AP - The withdrawal of are fleeing the stranglehold of closure board today Borriello was shot and killed American troops from south- Saddam Hussein. A doctor AP - The commission winner from the list, but three Saturday in the driveway of his ernIraq is onafasttrack. Most with the Paris-bed doctors home. Borriello was the personal charged with reviewing the of its Democratic House driver for reputed crime boss will be out in a matter of days, Without Bordrs relief Pentagon's recommendation members come up losers. John Gotti and police say he was leaving in doubt the future of agency says may Kurdish on military base closures gets California is the biggest a mob figure himself. The New some 40,000 refugees who mothers carry their children to down to work today. potential loser, possibly York Daily News says Borriello found American and Saudi doctors as soon as they reach Secretary of Defense Dick seeing more than 26,000 had been with the Gallomob, the protection in the south. A the border. But in many cases, Cheney appears before the military and civilian jobs dis- Genevese crime family and fi- Base Closure and Realignment appear. nally the Gambino crime family. United Nations peacekeeping the children are already dead force is scheduled to be in from exposure and disease. A Commission this morning amid Cheney has recom- Rhode Island - The FBI has place in the next week or two. medical student says one charges that his recommenda- mended closing 31 major tions have a partisan ring to domestic bases joined the search for a newborn But many refugees fear that woman tossed her newborn and 12 minor them. installations, while scaling girl kidnapped from a Provi- once the Americans leave, it daughter into a freezing river dence, RI., hospital Friday when The commission must de- back 28 other facilities. she was 11 hours old. The baby will be an open invitation for to spare her future suffering. cide by July 1, whether to ap- Massachusetts Democrat weighed seven pounds. A woman Saddam Hussein to attack. Most of the Americans sent prove or amend the Pentagon Joe Moakley says it looks as posing as a nurse took the baby An Air Force colonel says toKuwaitto restore basic serv- list before forwarding it to if Democratic strongholds from her mother, 19-year-old American, British and French ices after liberation are due out President Bush and Congress are taking the most hits. But Patricia Cullen, saying she cargo plans are flying over the as of today,leaving this linger- for their final say. Cheney denies that partisan needed blood tests. The parents Texas is emerging as a big motivations are realized something was wrong Turkishborderata rate of three ing question, is the Emirate involved. when another nurse inquired every 30 minutes. Each air- ready to stand on its own? about the child. craft is carrying 32 tons of aid The government believes the for the Kurdishrefugees. Even answer is yes. Washington - Transportation with a stepped-up effort, the Secretary SamuelSkinneris hop- ing to avert a crippling rail strike British Red Cross describes Tomorrow's flight this week. He's scheduled tomeet the situation in the region as Taxes 727 with railroad union leaders horrific, and they're appealing Arrive Today is tax filing day. Depart today before asking Congress to for funds. An estimated half In Gitmo, you have until intervene and head off a strike. million Kurds are gathered on NAS Norfolk, Va. ---------- 8:00 a.m. Marathon bargaining sessions July 15, however, if you Guantanamo Turkey's border. Bay 11:30 p.m. noon over the weekend proved fruit- owe the IRS, penalties and/ Kingston, Jamaica 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Tales of horror are being less. or interest begin April 15. Guantanamo Bay 2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m.
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