INTRODUCTiON Welcome to tile intel Ut,~raHm~ Cwcie --- a full·fledged libfilry of ter.hnical support documenta­ tion for today's leadino .nemary ano ITIlcroproC8?sor component and system products. This comprehensive literature selection guide is a tool to help you, the Intel customer, during product selection, desiqn and operation. It is for this reason tha'l we \ieep its contents up to date. THE NEED FOR SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION As systems design becomes mcr'easlngi\! software-dependent, development time and costs will continue to rise. To help reduce, both systems ilnd en9ill8ering costs, Intel will be deslgn- ami manufacturing products Wilich will integrate more and mors software functions into system hardware. ThiS ('I' complex, hlgflly inte9rated product 'will require substantial support clocumentation, Wli! tY' incoi'poraleC) into the Intel Literature, Guilie as !11ese products emerge. - HOW TO ORDER When ordering from Tim; Utera(uP?, GUide. please use ~he order form located at the front of thio; bookiet. To 'facjHtat~} on1t;(, pleas6 tH:: SUit'} to endose H'j8 You \lv~a always receive the editjop (Y: Hny PUhUc2tion you or~jer. to change.) PleaSE} \Ilif:jte (ntt~i's Literatufe Departil~ent JOu[; Bc:vvers /\venue, Santa C1a(8., CA 95051, lol' additionai infonllation. Please note and as.',umes riO r,::!~;pol;:,ib;iity tor Ci~I}' err~)fS wl"lIe!llnay appear in ;i'formCltlon cnntc'iinecl h,~'ein :ntel retain::, thE: nghr tc. make any wirnout notice MUL­ PROMPT, MCS "0 code and i~:, 110t Sci.:::nces Corp0railon Intei ~~:o~poration LITERATURE In addition to the product line Handbooks listed below. the INTEl. PRODUCT GUI DE (no charge. Order No. 210846) provides an overview of.1nle!'s complete product line and customer servic~s. Consult tbe INTEL LlTERATU RE GUIDE fora complete listing oflntellilerature. TO ORDER literature in tbe United States. write or cal! the Intel Literature Department. 3065 Bowers Avenue. Santa Clala. CA 95051. (800) 538-1876. or (800) 672··1833 (California only). TO ORDER literature from international locations. contact the nearest Intel sales office or distributor (see listings in the back of most any Intel literature). 1984 HANDBOOKS U.S. PRICE* Memory Components Handbook (Order No. 210830) $15.00 Contains all application notes. article reprints. data sheets. and other design information on RAMs. DRAMs. EPROMs. E2PROMs. Bubble Memories. Telecommunication Products Handbook (Order No. 230730) 7.50 Contains all application notes. article reprints. and data sheets for telecommunication products. Microconlroller Handbook (Order No. 2109111) IS.OO Cont,!ins all application notes. article reprints. data sheets. and design information for the MCS-48. MCS-SI and MCS-96 families. Microsystem Components Handbook (Order No. 230!143) 20.00 Contains application notes .. article reprints. data sheets. technical papers for micropro­ cessors and peripherals. (2 Volumes) (Individual User Manuals are also available on the gO_KS. g086. 8088. IH6. 2g6. etc. Consult the Literature Guide for prices and order numbers.) Military Handbook (Order No. 210461) 10.00 Contains complete data sheets for all military products. Information on l.cad\ess Chip Carriers and on Quality Assurance is also included_ Development Systems Handbook (Order No. 210940) 10.011 Contains data sheets on devdopment systems and software. support options. and design k'ts. OEM Systems Handbook (Order No. 21(941) 15.011 Contains all data sheets. application notes. and article reprints for OEM boards and systems. Software Handbook (Order No. 23(7116) 10.011 Contains all data sheets. applications notes. and article reprints available directly from Intel. as well as 3rd Party software. • Prices are (or the U.S. only. TYPE CONTENT PURPOSE -'----- --- Brochure General description of specific Product introduction products or product families, their characteristics and applications. AP- Application Detailed design example(sj for Design aid Note certain product or related products. AR-Article Reprint Copy of Intel product design, Product introduction, application or related article design aid originally published by a source other than Intel. RR - Reliability Documentation information Report reliability of a Product Description Data sheet materials for specific Product reference product and supporting products. Data Catalog/Data Collection of data sheets for Product introduction, Book products of a certain category reference, design aid (components, systems) or a specific type of application (industrial, military). Design Handbook Article reprints, application notes, Design aid data sheets and product design/operating (SHe User's Manual). Applications Collection of application notes DeSign aid Handbook and article reprints common to a specific product or product family. Overview Any combination of Provides the "big information, instruction, picture" for a product or information, and family of products details. Introduction Definitions of technical Provides an terminology relating to the introduction to the Possibly some technical aspects of to use the product. the product TYPE CONTENT PURPOSE Getting Started Procedures telling how to start Helps readers get started With ... using the equipment almost quickly. immediately. Examples are likely to be of smaller scale than user's application. Reference Technical detail about the Allows readers to find product. Might also contain some information quickly introductory or instruc\ional information. Guide or Procedure tor accomplishing a Telis reader how to do Instructions specific task. something or Pocket POCkE+Slzed procedural or Allows.reader to reference information. inforrnationin Command Dictionary Command syntax and examples Operation brder. Used a family. CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE _ ------------------------~--------------------------------------~--------------~----------------------- Mail Intel Corporation, Literature Dept. Literature Order Form Sept!!mber/October Issue 1984 to· 3065 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051 Order Number Publication Title Quantity Unit Price Total IjJ~+--~~I----~~------------------­ ---- x ----- =- ___-1 ---- x -----=----1 ~ I I 1- ! ~I .I __ ~·-,----------------,----­ ____ x ____ = ____ ____ x _____ =------1 f----JlI,-n-++1, ,I :i 11j--,------------. _j_l~ I ______. _______________ ~-.---- ___ x ____ =-_.___ --1 Sub Total __. __ Add Applicabie Saies Tax ____ TotalS =_=== To order literature, send check, money order, or, use your VISA or MasterCard. If paying by check or money order, make payable to Intel Corporation. Company __________________________________ AccountNo. _____________________ o VISA 0 MasterCard Expiration Date ______ Name _______~-------------------- Customers outside the U.S. and Canada should con­ tact the local Intel Sales Office or Distributor listed in Address __ ~ _____. __ ~------------------- the back of this guide. , ~~~R~P~.~-~.~~.•• ~~A~·.~~~~';~~-_I.-C~M~C-N~O~:------ I City ___. ____ . ____ State ___ Zip _________ R~e NP:2:OGP' '-. PROJ. NO: 1 Business Phone (___ ~)'-- ______~------------ K CORP-1~20 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PRODUCT OVERVIEW ......................... .. 1 MEMORY COMPONENTS ................................... 1 Bubble Memory .. .. .. ........................... TELECOM .................................................................. MICROCONTIlOLLERS .. .. ......................... 2 8048,8051, 8096 ................................................................ 2 MICIlOPIlOCESSORS ............................................... .. .. .... 3 8080/8085 and Support Circuits ...... , ............................................ 3 iAPX 86/10 (8086).. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 iAPX 86/20 (8087). ............................................................. 4 iAPX 88/10 (8088) ............................................................... 4 iAPX 286/10 (80286) ..................................... ......... .. 5 iAPX 287 (80287) ................................................................ 5 iAPX 432 ...................................................................... 5 Intel 432 Cross Development System. .. ............... 6 IMAX 432 ..................' ................................................... 6 System 432/600. .. ......... ................. 6 PERIPHERALS.. .. .. .... ................... .. .............. f5 MILITARy .. ; .................................................................... 7 DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ....................... 7 Emulators. .. ............... ................ '. .. ... 8 PROM Programmers. .. ............. 9 PROMPT ..................................... , ............................... 10 PSCOPE ................................................................ 10 INSTRUMEmATION .................................... ,...................... 10 SOFTWARE ....... , .................................................. , .... " .... 10 Systems Software ... .. ............................ ,......................... 13 SINGLE BOARD COMPUTERS ............., ..... ' . .. ........................ ' ... 15 Prototype Microcomputer Kits. .. ...... ;........................ 17 iCS Industrial Control Series .............. , ..... " . ....................... 18 Distributed Control Modules Products ........................................... " 18 MULTI MODULE Boards ......................... , ...' . .. .................. 18 Local Area Network Products .......... , . .. ................,........ 18 Speech Transaction Products. 1 9 OEM SySTEMS ............. ; .........................., ........................
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