Spring 2009 The Magazine of ACFSA, the Association of Correctional Food Service Affiliates Save the Date! August 16-20 2009 ACFSA Annual Conference Grand Rapids, MI Teddie Mitchell ACFSA President Association of Correctional Food Service Affiliates Spring 2009 PRSRT STD Us Postage PAID Permit #271 Tucson, AZ Spring 2009 President’s Message ...................................... 2 ACFSA Elections ......................................... 37 Vice President’s Message .................................. 3 Chapter Presidents & State and Provincial Contacts ............ 38 ACFSA Board of Directors / Regional Vendor Liaisons ............4 Chapter Chatter ......................................... 39 What Leadership Means to Me ...............................5 Advertiser Index ......................................... 40 Dietitian’s Corner: DRI Update .............................. 14 ACFSA 2009 Conference Info. and Registration Forms ...........17 FEATURE ARTICLES ACFSA 2009 Policy Letters and Nomination Forms ..............23 The Magazine of ACFSA, the Association of Correctional Food Service Affiliates Can Omega-3 Fats Play a Role in Reducing ACFSA Challenge 2009 ................................... 29 Anti-Social Behavior .......................................6 ACFSA Past President, Ricky Clark Spreads the Word About Correctional Food Service ............................34 Views on the Use of Food Loaf ...............................8 Executive Director’s Message .............................. 35 Surviving These Tough Economic Times ......................21 Welcome New ACFSA Members .............................36 It’s A Small World ........................................31 Regional Report ......................................... 37 Taking My Shingle Down .................................. 32 INSIDER is published quarterly (Spring/March; Summer/June; Fall/September; Winter/December) by the Association of Correctional Food Service Affiliates, 210 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Suite C, Burbank, CA 91502; Phone: (818) 843-6608, Fax: (818) 843-7423 ▲ website: www.acfsa.org. Copyright © 2009 ACFSA. All Rights Reserved. Lock Down Security with our Revolutionary FLEX TRAYS! ENGINEERED TO KEEP OFFICERS AND STAFF SAFE. INCREASED SECURITY EXTREMELY DURABLE EASY TO CLEAN 5 styles to choose from! CAN’T SHARPENEDBE INTO A WEAPON Call 1-800-956-5571 to request a FREE sample tray To see our flex trays in action visit: www.cooksflextray.com ® 2200 Ogden Ave, Suite 500 Lisle, Illinois 60532 [email protected] Phone: 1-800-956-5571 www.cookscorrectional.com ACFSA INSIDER Spring 2009 ▲ 1 President’s Message by Teddie Mitchell, CCFP s I write this, it is very cold in Wisconsin. Hopefully by They do not exaggerate by calling it “Grand”—some very im- the time this reaches you, it will begin to feel like Spring pressive people have been their guests including Queen Beatrix Awith everything new and beautiful. of Holland and her husband and Ronald and Nancy Reagan to name just a few. Believe me, you’ll feel like royalty when you A new year has started and I wish everyone good health and enter the lobby. happiness for 2009 and success in your chosen field: correction- al food service. Serving as your president has been an exciting At this time, we are trying to sign up Chef Jeff Henderson of time for me—let me share some highlights. the “Chef Jeff Project” on the Food Network, to be our keynote speaker. The committee intends to keep you interested an edu- In October, 2008, I attended the Ontario Chapter Conference in cated for the duration of the conference. We will open with a Toronto, Canada. What a great experience. The conference team, day on Lake Michigan’s beach and end with a humorous closing led by Steven Morgan, chose great topics and excellent speak- message from Joel Weintraub. (Google these individuals to find ers, supported by wonderful vendors. For several years now, the out more about them). In between there will be numerous inter- Michigan and Ontario Chapters have held a cook-off to get the esting, education sessions and of course the Vendor Show. Any- conference off to a good start. Unfortunately for the “American” one who needs new equipment needs to be there. If you need a side, their celebrated chefs were not available. Gatha McClellan change in your menu, come check out the different food items and I did our best as total rookies and had to be satisfied to take that will be available there. Where else can you compare differ- the “runner up” trophy home. Michigan vows to take back the ent products all in one place and make a choice, specific to your title next time! At the same time, the California Chapter held facility? “Please go online and visit www.acfsa.org, where you’ll find a new Members Only area. Here you can ask questions of each other and exchange ideas. All of this is designed to help you be the best you can be in your field: correctional food service.” their conference which I heard was also very successful—start- If you haven’t done so in a while, please go online and visit the ing with a powerful message from Major Jim Beach. I’m sorry I ACFSA website: www.acfsa.org. Charles, our web master, is do- was not able to attend both conferences. ing a fantastic job of keeping it current and has also created a Regional and Chapter conferences are a very important part of members-only area where you can ask questions of each other ACFSA. With the recent budget crunches, some employees may and exchange ideas. All of this is designed to help you be the best not be able to afford to travel out of state. With our mission of you can be in your field: correctional food service. We don’t want education and networking, individual chapters should strive to the Members Only area of the website to remain a secret—and give their members an opportunity to meet, even if that is for you have probably already received several -mails from ACFSA one day only. Strong chapters are the backbone of any organiza- Executive Director, Jon Nichols, explaining how to log on and tion and we need to nurture them and their members. Having navigate the site. Please take advantage of it—I’d love to see a regularly scheduled meetings will also attract prospective mem- good dialogue going! bers who are interested in everything ACFSA offers to foster Let me close by saying: “See you in Grand Rapids, MI, this Au- professionalism. gust!” As you may know, Cindy Burns and Gatha McClellan are co- Teddie Mitchell, CCFP is foodservice manager for Shawano County chairs of the 2009 ACFSA Annual Conference Committee. Jail, Shawano, WI. She serves as 2008-2009 ACFSA Vice President. When I returned from Canada, I met Cindy and Kevin O’Brien at our conference hotel, the Grand Amway in Grand Rapids, MI. 2 ▲ Spring 2009 ACFSA INSIDER FedSup_Ad_1007 10/15/07 10:24 AM Page 1 Vice President’s Message by Jim Hartman, CDM, CFPP FEDERAL SUPPLY USA “If we work together as a team, we can grow ACFSA in the next year to over 600 active members. If we could get everyone to bring in one Your Single Source for new member we can make this a great year!” Correctional Foodservice y the time you get this issue of INSIDER, we will be well Equipment and Supplies on our way to planning our next Annual Conference in Bthe great state of Michigan. It looks to be the best one yet. So, mark your calendar and start packing because August will be here before you know it. I would like to say thank you to all the members that voted for Over the association by-law changes. We now can start to revise the policy and procedures manual based on the new by-laws. As we get ready to move into a new year, I would ask that you think 55 about what you can do to keep this great association moving 77Years forward. You can help by being on one of the committees, run 7 for one of the offices that will be open, or write an article about Since 1931 what is going on at your facility. How about working to get new members in your state or sponsor a meeting at your facility. The list goes on and on of the things you can do or get involved in to make this a better association. Our People Make Have a question about what things are about or what is involved? Just ask anyone on the board and we will be glad to answer your question. Don’t have a chapter in your state, but would like to The Difference! start one? Give us a call and we will work with you to get one started. I know that if we work together as a team, we can grow ACFSA in the next year, to over 600 active members. If we could just get every member to get one new member we can make this a great year. I know that money is tight and budgets are being cut, but this is the time to join the ACFSA to get ideas and an- CALL TOLL FREE swers as to how to save money and still get our jobs done. This association has the answers—you just have to ask questions and 888•623•4499 you will be surprised how many answers you will get. Some of for them will work and some of them might not, but it is a great way to gather information and make your boss think that you are the • Current correctional catalog smartest person in the room. • Experienced & dependable sales consultants I just want to close by saying: remember to stop and smell all the roses as you pass through the garden because you might not get to pass through again. OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Jim Hartman, CDM, CCFP is Director of Food Service for Albemar- le-Charlottesville Regional Jail in Charlottesville, VA. He serves as www.federalsupply.com 2008-2009 ACFSA Vice President. ACFSA INSIDER Spring 2009 ▲ 3 ACFSA Board of Directors 2008-2009 President Secretary Region IV Director Theodora (Teddie) Mitchell, CCFP Cynthia (Cindy) Burns Karen Candito Shawano County Sheriff’s Canteen Services Santa Clara County DOC Department Coldwater, MI Milpitas, CA Shawano, WI (616) 745-2334 (408) 957-5350 (715) 526-7952 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Vice President Region I Director Professional Partner Jim Hartman, CDM, CFPP Carol Thomas, CDM, CFPP Representative (Equipment) Albemarle-Charlottesville Academy for Staff Development Pattie Whitlock Regional Jail Crozier, VA Design Specialties, Inc.
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