WEPUTGREATSTCX:K RESCUE 911 . ~ IN ShapIro Murder in Boston." COfl/ifll.,dfrom JH1lt S-6 He has also helmed a multi. tude of syndicated programs and RESCUE 911! Shapiro read in Janu:lr)' 1978 specials, including "Over the inspired the chilling film. Influence: Preventing &: "Nobody anticipated the Recovering Our Kids From reception that documentary Drugs and Alcohol," hosted by would receive," says Shapiro. Tom Selleck and Whitney ISIUDI8nltl~lA" "Nothing like it had been on TV Houston; "The Truth About 6674 Santa Monica BMI. HollywoOll. CA!ml8 Tel 213.466.8101 Toll Free lm.82431]J in terms of language, and it Teachers," hosted by Whoopi &:II Ninth Avenue N.wYolt. NY 10036 Tel 212.9779330 Toll Free lm4449:nl caused a stir in lerms of social Goldber.; "See Dick &: Jane conscience in examining juve­ Ue, Cheal &: Steal," hosled by nile crime and the ways we're Selleck; and Ihe Emmy·nomi­ dealing with it." nated"Scared SlRight! 10 Years WE PLAY SEVERAL Although Shapiro, married to Later," hosted by Goldberg. MAJOR ROLES IN THE his wife Marie for II years, has Along the way, every project ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY ••• no kids of his own, his sensitivi­ Shapiro has been involved with Iy 10 all those who are vulnera­ - whether it be documenlary, ble - whelher they be children, docudrama or reality show ­ animals or victims of circum­ has been based on fact. "I'm flO( stance - appears to be Ihe too inlercsloo in pure ficlioo," he guiding philosophy of his life says. "I don't rule it out, bUI Ijust and work. "Cruelty and vio­ have a fascination with the truth. lence toward the innocent is just And I'm one oflhose people who appalling and unacceplable to believe that fact and truth are me. And that theme comes out more intriguing IJwl fiction." 0 ~PORTER in almost everything I do in one Your Gateway to Entertainment form or another." The producer's company, ~EPOR1ER Arnold Shapiro Prods., operated under the umbrella of Golden Salut•• ' ••MU. 911' West Television during its flfSt Robert J. Doll'line two and a half years, beginning Publisher and Edilor-in-Chief in 1982. Golden West was sold Randall TIerney Congratulations to in 1984. Shapiro's production Edilor. Special Issues company has operated indepen­ Matthell' Kine dently since then. Managing Editor. Special Issues Arnold Shapiro Prior to that, Shapiro served Rachel Fischer' Stolt McKim and ('Re~cue 911" as vp movies for television at Editorial Assistants TAT' - Norman Lear's prcxluc­ tion company - which later Michael Kellner for your contributions Associate Art Director became Embassy Television. to society, television, He held that post from 1979-81, Mary A. Bradley developing '1be Burning Bed" Production Manager andthe many lives and anaching Fanah Fawcen to Robert W, Ford the project. Production Coordinator that have been saved. Corporate sponsor USAA, a LynneSqall financial services company, has Associate Publisher funded all 14 of Shapiro's Director of Markeling and Sales social-issue documentaries pro­ Marc Slernberg Happy lOOth episotk duced since 1985. All have aired Sales Manager. Special Issues in syndication, except two that Barbara Bergman andcontinued success! ran on CBS. including "Scared New York Sales Manager Silent." Shapiro's relationship Dawn Anen with the eye network has contin­ Talent Advenising Coordinator ued with "Rescue 911" and every TV movie that he's pro­ Merry EJldns West Coast TV Advenising duced, including "Scared Manager Michael Yada Straight! Another Story," ''TIle Usa Bomstela Drug Knot" and most recently Accounl Executive "Goodnight Sweet Wife: A 1-22 THE HOllVWOOO REPOUU SAlUTES RESCUE 911 Riseu. 911 Life Less.ns More than 100 lives have heen saved as a result of viewers using techniques seen on the show. ay STEVE CHAGOLLAH he triumph ofeveryman over adversi- . ty - namely life-threatening situa· T} tions - makes "Rescue 911" a SUlnd· out in the reality arena. There are no super­ heroes on this show, only ordinary people performing extraordinary feats. usually under extreme duress. TIle ITlessage is clear: "This could happen to you." And in countless cases, the show has inspired viewers 10 follow its example, averting potential tragedy in the process. As ofearly January, nearly 120 lives have been saved as the result of what people have learned from watching "Rescue 911." "lbis show has saved so many lives that 1think it's unique in the annals of TV," says the program's host, William Shatner. A couple ...·c..........1, yl.w.... ef • 11fe...Yl•••pl.ode ........I_b. "Anything that can possibly save a life as a resuh of somebody's watching ('Rescue woman and her husband sat in the waiting people made changes in their house that 911') - whether it be properly reporting a room, her symptoms seemed to lessen ­ resulted in installing smoke-alann systems 911 incident, performing CPR, applying the largely because she had left the house in or taking gasoline cans out of the garage, abdominal thrust to a choking victim - is which the haurdous gas had been released. they might have acted in a way that avoided the most positive thing coming out of thai As they waited to see a doctor, the couple tragedy because the life-threatening event show," affirms Capt. Steve Valenzuela of noticed a television tuned in to "Rescue never happened." the Los Angeles County rue Department. 9 I I:' which just happened to be airing a "I happen to know thai many hundreds of Adds "Rescue 911" executive producer story about carbon-monoxide poisoning. In lives have been saved as a result of this Arnold Shapiro: "We are the only lelevision the segment they viewed, a man and woman show," adds Shatner, "because some of series that 1 know of that is literally saving were poisoned by carbon monoxide from a those people have written in and some I've the lives of viewers. These are lives we've possibly faulty furnace. meL A man with tears streaming down his been able to verify, where viewers have As they watched the show, the couple cheeks, holding his daughter, approached written to us and said that if it weren't for realized that her symptoms mirrored those me in the street and said that if it weren't for your series, I wouldn't be alive today or my depicted in the story and that the four kids the show, his daughter wouldn'l be alive. child wouldn't be alive." they had left at home were being exposed to That was meaningfUl for me, 10 be intimate­ As a result, "Rescue 911" kicked off its the same loxins. The husband immediately ly connected to that moment in his life." fourth season Sept. 15 with an episode titled rushed home and, with the help of para­ In addition to being introduced to such "100 Lives Saved." The program chronicled medics, saved their lives. life-saving techniques as the Heimlich a number of incidents in which people re­ Producers note the story as a concrete maneuver and CPR, viewers have learned a created what they saw on the show to rescue example of "Rescue 911" having a direct. wide range of tips during the three years a loved one, friend or a complete stranger immediate effect on people's lives. "Rescue 911" has been on air. (rom death. The indirect effect might be even greater. Some of those key lessons include safe­ Perhaps the most remarkable segment of "There's no way to measure events that guarding against further injuries by not "100 Lives" is the account of a man who don't happen, but we know that we have moving accident victims unless their lives rushed his wife to the hospital after she, saved additional lives just in the prevention are in immediate danger; never covering unbeknownst to either of them, became poi­ area because we've educated people," says electrical cords with rugs or any other soned with carbon-monoxide. As the Shapiro. "If by watching our show certain Conrinlltd on pal'S-20 S" THf H()IlYWOOD ~EPO~T£I SAlU1ES RESCUE Ql1 -_.. _------ ~. 12950 RAYMER STREET NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 91605 Ufe Lenon. " . (818) 764·6726 (213) 877·5309 Coll/jllu~d from ptJl~ S-4 objects, because of possible r;~ fire danaers; havina heater units inspected before using them 10 ensure !hat there are no leaks - a frequenl cause of ~ STUDIO EQUIPMENT, INC. carbon monoxide poisoning; applying direci pressure to an Leondrd-~J~\ open wound in order 10 prevent elECTRIC- MOBILE­ bleeding to death; learning gun TIME SAVING-CAMERA­ ~~~ safety; and leaching children CRANES AND DOLLYS / how 10 use the 911 system. ~- ..... Not only do the makers of "Rescue 911" instruct audi­ CONCIUDlfUTIONS ON YOIJR JOOTH EPISODE ences aboul what should and should not be done in dire cit­ AND ALL THE LlrES TIUT HAYE BEEN SAYED! cumslances, they also practice what they preach. "Our biggest nightmare is 10 have somebody injured while doing a 'Rescue 91 I' show," says Milio. As a result, the producers go beyond the call of duty in Congratulations to Arnold Shapiro terms of safety precautions while filming re-creations. and all the post-prDlduction staff "We always have more equipment and more personnel Rescue 911 ... [than necessaryJ," says at Shapiro. "Because the last thing we need is 10 create a new accident in the process of Dana Arnett, Mark Baum, Morgan Bell, Art re-creating an old one." When working with the Booth, Lester Chung, Gard Cookson, George aClUal people whose experi­ Copanis, Danna Doyle, Donna Egan, Abby Elliot, ences they chronicle, the pro­ ducers are especially careful. Sueann Fincke, John Gengl, Rob Goubeaux, They don't allow the real peo­ ple to participate in any re-cre­ \/icki Hammel, Steve Hayes, Allison MacEwan, ation when there is possible danger.
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