February 2013 Volume 36, Number 1 PAID NM Permit 8 ® CIMARRON T h e m a g a z i N e o F T h e P h i l m o nt S Ta ff a ss o c i aT i o N® U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization high countrY check us out! www.philstaff.com ® Mission unites (PSA) Association Staff Philmont The and present— staff—past Philmont the adventure, purpose of serving the the for Ranch Scout Philmont of experience and heritage Boy Scouts of America. and the 17 DEER RUN ROAD CIMARRON NM 87714 Our Mission HigH Country®—Volume 36, Number 1 PhilmoNT STaFF aSSociaTioN® February 2013 board oF direcTorS ed PeaSe, ediTor mark dierker, layouT ediTor Jim lyNch, PreSideNT in this issue ScoTT ToNey, Vice PreSideNT, memberShiP raNdy SauNderS, associaTe ediTor Tim roSSeiSeN, Vice PreSideNT, SerVice daVe kenneke, STaff contribuTor JohN murPhy, Vice PreSideNT, deVeloPmeNT columns keViN “leVi” ThomaS, carTooNist ray czech, SecreTary Jack PerSoN, TreaSurer 4 from the prez contribuTiNg ediTorS roberT birkby daVid caffey NaTioNal direcTorS 5 from the editor bill cass gregory hobbS ray baTchelor WarreN SmiTh mark STinnett bill caSS 30 ranch roundup mary STueVer STePheN zimmer keN daViS mark griFFiN 32 i-camp HigH Country® iS The official PublicaTioN oF The lee huckSTeP 37 trail talk Philmont STaff associaTioN® aNd iS PubliShed Six STeVe rick TimeS Per year aS a beNeFiT To its memberS. STeVeN zimmer 39 good campsite © 2012, The Philmont STaff associaTioN, iNc. regioNal direcTorS all rights reSerVed. No coPyrighT claimed For NorTheaST articles PreViouSly coPyrighTed or Public maTerial. adam Fromm PermissioN granted For NoN-commercial rePrintiNg kaThleeN SeiTz 8 psa news - nye@the ranch or redistribuTioN WiTh ProPer attribuTioN. ceNTral 10 psa news - regional reunions HigH Country®, Philmont STaff associaTioN®, caTheriNe hubbard PSa® aNd The official PSa logo® chriS maNheim 11 psa news - 2012 canoe voyage are all registered TrademarkS oF: SouTherN 14 psa news - 2013 celebration trek The Philmont STaff associaTioN, iNc. bryaN delaNey 16 2012 annual giving report 17 deer ruN road mark leiNmiller cimarroN, NeW mexico 87714 20 2013 psa annual mtg/reunion 575-376-1138 WeSTerN amy boyle 22 ptc news - spanish woodbadge For memberShiP aNd SubScriptioN informaTioN, michael WaggoNer ViSiT our WebSiTe aT: 24 psa elections bill mckoWN, raNch commiTTee rePreSeNTaTiVe 25 casting for recovery WWW.PHILSTaFF.COM ed PeaSe, immediaTe PaST PreSideNT mark aNderSoN, PhilmoNT STaFF adViSor 26 philmont history - vtc in ‘63 ex oFFicio memberS 28 philmont history - dragoons in nm ® HigH Country WelcomeS arTicleS, PhoToS aNd emery corley, legal adViSor 35 good reading letterS For consideraTioN For FuTure issueS. douglaS FaSchiNg, TechNology maNager On the cover: The 75th Anniversary SubmissioN doeS NoT guarantee PublicaTioN. participant Arrowhead patch which will The ediTorS aNd PubliSher reSerVe The righT To be used all this summer. See story on other SelecT aNd ediT maTerialS To be PubliShed. raNdy SauNderS, execuTiVe direcTor page 20. SeNd Submissions, letterS or comments To Julia mcculloch, office maNager 6 bulletin board “ HigH Country” aT The aboVe address or e-mail: [email protected] PSA® FELLOWS 6 under the zia BOB HArvEy FELLOW 31 87714 pride iF you Would like To receiVe HigH Country® PAUL And MARY JAnE HARVEY iN elecTroNic raTher ThaN PaPer FormaT, PleaSe GLEnn A. FOWLEr FELLOW contacT The PSa office aT [email protected] BRUCE BARnES GEOrGE A. BuLLOck FELLOW MeMbers only ACCess ® oPiNions exPressed iN HigH Country are ThoSe oF WILLIAM d. BRYCE Contributing Writers The WriTerS aNd, uNless oTherWiSe staTed, Dave Bates Cathy Hubbard Lee Huckstep JOE DAviS FELLOW user nAMe:siXMilegAte do NoT Necessarily reFlecT The Views oF The BILL CASS Doug Latimer Chris Manheim Warren Smith Philmont STaff associaTioN®, Philmont JOHn A. MAxBAuEr, Jr. FELLOW couT aNch or The oy couts oF merica PAssWord: elkhorn Mark Stinnett S r , b S a . AnOnYMOUS Volume 36, number 1— February 2013 Volume 36, number 1— February 2013 3 from the president To start my first column of 2013, I’d like half of the year, until donations came in the satisfaction of knowing they help housing per person for that weekend. to congratulate the almost 400 crazy later. To avoid having to secure these keep the PSA from having to spend It is a fun time to relax and enjoy the PSA members who came together to loans (and therefore spending some of resources on loan costs that otherwise Ranch with other PC members. meet our Annual Fund goal by the last our annual budget just to service debt), could go to help Philmont. But they In closing, I invite anyone who day of 2012! I ask my rhetorical ques- the PSA formed the President’s Circle also get a token of appreciation for thinks that the PC membership fits in tion again. to bring in some large donations in the their financial leadership, like a set of their budget to join. Contact Randy at “Are we crazy to fund the PSA this first three months of the calendar year. coasters, or 4 glasses with the PC logo the PSA Office at psadirector@philstaff. way?” Since its inception in 2006, the Presi- emblazoned on it. The only other thing com or by calling 575-376-1138. We ap- I think for an organization like dent’s Circle has obviated the need for they get is an invitation to come to preciate all our donors, those that give ours, it really is the only way to oper- short term loans of any kind. the Ranch in mid to late October for a with their time and talents as well as ate—it keeps our budgets tight, the Second question – Who? We wel- special weekend of tours, and events their treasure – and we look forward to board accountable, and most impor- come anyone to join. In the beginning, just for them and their families. Keep- seeing you this summer at the Ranch! tantly it maximizes our support to we solicited some larger donors to get ing with our ethos of paying our way, Philmont. Now it is on to 2013—with the Circle going. The idea was that attendees pay a $75 fee for food and -Jim Lynch another week long reunion celebrat- once you join the President’s Circle ing 40 years of the PSA and 75 years of (PC) you stay in for at least a few years. Philmont! Many of our charter members are still from the editor One of the first things the PSA has members. But all of our members are done every year since 2006 is crank up welcome to participate. • Apparently, the PSA membership supports the Board’s decision to expand the the President’s Circle. Many people Third question—What is required to range and reach of High Country with special issues produced on occasion. The have asked me over the years about be a member of the President’s Circle? August 2012 special issue (our first ever, but on-line only) resulted in a number the President’s Circle. What is it? Who To be in the PC requires a donation of (mostly on-line) responses, mostly from seasonal staffers who appreciated the can join? What is required to become of at least $1000.00 in the first three issue about photography and writing, treating it as a sort of “yearbook” of their a member? What incentives do Presi- months of the calendar year. Many of summer at the Ranch. We’re glad it was so well received and are already in the dent’s Circle members get? It is not our PC donors give more than the mini- planning stages for a similar issue this summer. an “invitation only” group. As with mum. But as you can see, having 40 or everything in the PSA, we try to keep 50 PC members really moves the needle • We have been overwhelmed, though, by the number of responses to the special everything as open and transparent as as far as filling up our checkbook early issue on conservation at the Ranch – and to the enthusiastic reception it received. possible—but with all of these ques- in the year. Our hope is to some day As you might expect, an issue of that size and scope required an extraordinary tions I think it is time we responded (soon!) have enough members of the effort by our volunteers led by Mary Stuever, but the reaction of our members has here in my column to let everybody President’s Circle so that it completely persuaded us that we need to do more of this sort of thing, and we are already in “in” on the President’s Circle. funds all operating expenses of the the planning stages for doing so. Ideas/suggestions are welcomed. First question—Why? The PSA gets PSA. Doing so would then allow us to most of its donations in the last month assure our members that every penny • We realized after going to press that not all of the photo credits for images of of the year. The 19.73 Club has helped, they donate in the Annual Fund goes the Annual Meeting and Reunion in Tulsa were included in the December issue. but our income stream is still skewed to directly into support for the Ranch, Our apologies – and our thanks – to Robert Dorsey (cover photo), and to David late in the year. Our expenses, how- with none needed for administrative Phillips, Robert Dorsey, and Douglas Fasching (photos used in the article) who ever, are fairly steady—and historically, expenses of any sort. provided them to us. They greatly enhanced the story, and provided our member- the PSA was forced to take out short- Last question—What incentives do ship a better understanding of the scope of the generosity of Waite and Genevieve term loans to get us through the first PC members get? Most of all they get Phillips.
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