VILLAGE VOICE Fornham All Saints Village Magazine Bumble Bee Bench on The Green June 2021 - July 2021 Issue No. 230 Fornham All Saints Parish Council Paul Purnell (Chairman) 01284 763701 Enid Gathercole (Vice Chair) 01284 767688 Cathy Emerson 01284 700550 Hugo Greer - Walker 07309 045130 Don Lynch 07557277067 Jill Mayhew 01284 723588 Mat Stewart 01284 701099 Chris�ne Mason (Parish Clerk) 07545 783987 Other Representa'ves Rebecca Hopfensperger 07876 683516 (District and County Councillor) Sarah Broughton 07929 305787 (District Councillor) Jo Churchill (Member of Parliament) 01284 752311 Bury St Edmunds Police Sta�on (Office) 01284 774105 Mee'ngs The Parish Council meets at 6:30 pm, on the third Tuesday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November. Website h5p://fornhamallsaints.suffolk.cloud Village Voice Online h5ps://fornhamallsaints.suffolk.cloud/our-village/village-newsle5er/ The ‘Village Voice’ is published by Fornham All Saints Parish Council. Views and opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily accepted as being those of Fornham All Saints Parish Council. The ‘Village Voice’ accepts all ar�cles, no�ces and adver�sements in good faith. We cannot be responsible for the content of any submissions, nor liable for the quality of goods or services adver�sed. Deadline for ar�cles to be included in the Aug / Sept 2021 issue is Mon 26 July 2021 2 TUT HILL CONSULTATION A MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE A1101 BURY ROAD TUESDAY 22 JUNE 2021 at 7.00 pm TO DISCUSS THE PROPOSALS FOR THE FUTURE OF TUT HILL REPRESENTATIVES FROM WEST SUFFOLK COUNCIL & SUFFOLK HIGHWAYS WILL BE ON HAND TO ANSWER QUESTIONS --------------------------------------------------- THE PROPOSALS WILL THEN BE PUT TO A VOTE TO BE HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL THE GREEN SATURDAY 26 JUNE 2021 BETWEEN 9.00 am and 2.00 pm 3 The Annual General Mee'ng of Fornham All Saints Parish Council was held virtually on 5 May 2021 at 6.30pm. Present: Cllr Enid Gathercole, Cllr Paul Purnell, Cllr Jill Mayhew, Cllr Don Lynch, Cllr Cathy Emerson, Cllr Hugo Greer-Walker, Cllr Ma5 Stewart In a5endance: Chris�ne Mason (Clerk), Cllr Rebecca Hopfensperger 1. To receive nomina�ons for the posi�on of Chairman and to receive Chairman’s Declara�on of Acceptance of Office. Proposed by Cllr Greer-Walker, seconded by Cllr Mayhew that Cllr Purnell be elect- ed Chairman – unanimously agreed. 2. Apologies : All present. 3. To receive nomina�ons for the posi�on of Vice-Chairman and to receive Vice-Chairman’s Declara�on of Acceptance of Office Proposed by Cllr Purnell, seconded by Cllr Greer-Walker that Cllr Gathercole be re- elected Vice Chairman – unanimously agreed. 4. There were no declara�ons of interest. 5. To confirm porIolios held by Parish Councillors/porIolio vacancy Confirmed all councillors to keep their present porIolios. The Communica�on & Media vacancy was deferred. 6. Minutes of the mee�ng held on 16 March 2021 were approved as a true record and will be signed by the Chairman at a later date. 7. To receive reports from County and District Councillor Rebecca Hopfensperger Key topics included worse of potholes have been filled in on Mildenhall Road, due to be resurfaced this year; flooding issues on road running along Lark’s Gate to be dis- cussed at a mee�ng in May with Anglian Water, SCC, Environment Agency; gran�ng of temporary permits for HGV’s, full list of when expired has been requested. 8. Public forum No members of the public were present. 9. To receive reports from porIolio holders Reports previously circulated and noted. 10. To receive the Clerk’s report Website being well looked aNer by Suffolk Cloud, High Court appeal to extend virtual mee�ngs aNer 6 May dismissed, face to face mee�ngs to resume following implementa�on of Step 3. 11. Finance ma5ers All payments were unanimously approved. 12. Update on agenda items from the previous mee�ng Greener Growth – swiN boxes for summer 2021 - emails sent but as yet no response 4 Slow Ways and plant life road verges ini�a�ve – now ac�ve, survey able to be viewed, local businesses to be contacted and added to the Slow Ways route. Footpath along A1101 Fornham to Hengrave – no further update. 13. Quiet Lanes Suffolk Posi�ve feedback from adver�sed route; although signage costs at either end of Mere Lane are guaranteed to be met by Highways, to help more Quiet Lanes in the future the Parish Council agreed to contribute the sum of £250 towards the project; Risby Parish Council will be holding their public consulta�on tomorrow; second stage to be sorted out this summer. 14. Proposed path and rent review An updated valua�on for the land in ques�on to be obtained a) land as it is and b) reduced land area once a footpath is in. Concerning safety issues with crossing the road from a new path, Highways and Marham Park will need to be consulted on the proposal. Considera�on to be given for plan�ng more trees with, or without a new footpath. Sicon Founda�on, a charitable organisa�on for plan�ng and maintaining trees at zero cost to be contacted. 15. Emergency plan including pandemics Already a system in place but requires upda�ng with pandemics included. Parish Councillors to be invited to be added to a contact list. 16. Welcome pack To be reinstated and posted on the website. A hard copy to be given to new residents. 17. War Memorial poppy wreaths To ensure wreaths are kept in situ un�l removed, a means of a5aching them to the fence to be progressed. 18. Tut Hill – finalisa�on of op�ons for traffic and consulta�on process Following full and detailed discussion, it was proposed to hold both the Annual Parish mee�ng and the public consulta�on on Tut Hill on Tuesday 22 June commencing at 6.30 pm in the Community Centre, with the vote taking place on Saturday 26 May 9.00 am to 2.00 pm in the Village Hall. The electoral register to be used to confirm eligibility to vote. Specifics of proxy /postal votes to be discussed further. To be adver�sed in the village magazine and on no�ce boards. 19. Correspondence received since the last mee�ng Circulated previously. 20. Ma5ers for agenda of next parish council mee�ng None received. 21. Date of next mee�ng Tues 20 July at 6.30 pm Village Hall 5 Fornham All Saints Community Council – May 2021 Community Council: Mrs Enid Gathercole - Chairman Mr Brian Hardy Treasurer Mrs Virginia Comely - Secretary Commi5ee Members: Mrs Jean Cook, Mrs Kyra Turner, Mrs Daphne Wilding, Mr Leon Jones Mr Paul Purnell – Parish Council Representa�ve Mr Robin Southgate – Indoor Bowls Club Representa�ve The Community Centre re opened its doors on Monday 17 May 2021 and bookings are star�ng to come in. Our current regular bookings are Yoga, Upholstery Classes, Tex�le Classes, Exercise Classes, Pilates, Art Club and a choir. There is also the outside sport event for children run by Billy Wappe5. If anyone wishes to enquire about hiring the hall, please contact Enid Gathercole, Chairman. We hope to start holding car boot sales again from 27 June 2021 – subject to Covid Rules and Restric�ons. All being well we will be able to start holding these Car Boot sales regularly again on the last Sunday of the month running un�l September 2021. Volunteers and helpers are always needed to run these events, so if anyone can help with the car parking on the day, please contact Enid Gathercole who will give you all the informa�on that you will need. During the recent closure it was agreed that the football group would not be allowed to use the facili�es or the football pitch anymore. The reason for this decision was made due to the group not looking aNer the football cabin or the surrounding area. The football cabin is now having to be demolished due to its deteriora�on. This is going to be replaced by a metal cabin that has been funded by West Suffolk Council Covid-19 Business Grant. Leon Jones, Commi5ee Member, has decided to resign from the commi5ee. The Commi5ee are very grateful for all his help with the electrics and other handyman issues that we have experienced over the years! He will be sorely missed and the Commi5ee are very sad to see him leave. The Community Council meet (pandemics permiTng) every other month to discuss the upkeep and running of the community centre. This is a village facility and is 6 run by members of the village. We are always looking for new members to help, so if you find yourself with a bit of free �me and would like to join, then please contact Enid Gathercole, Chairman. Enid Gathercole gavcol34@b�nternet.com 01284 767688 07712 130293 Fornham All Saints Church News Fornham All Saints Church welcomed Reverend Sarah Geilesky for their tradi�onal Family Service on May 2nd and also welcomed the band returning aNer the enforced break and were clearly in good voice! The theme for the service was based on the reading from St John's Gospel, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower", beau�fully read by Anna Geilesky. The congrega�on were liNed by the joy and zeal demonstrated through- out the service. The idea of the vine and the branches was clearly shown with a vine creeping around the pulpit. Oscar and HaTe were great helpers in puTng the fruits of the vine onto the pulpit.
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