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Volume 64,65, NNo.1 5384 MONDAYTHURSDAY,, JANUARY JUNE 27,7, 20192019 50¢50¢ LILICabánWoodside Lawyers Lawyers leads Charged Charged KatzMan in UEENS WithWithChargedtoo-close-to-call Defrauding Defrauding With Q ClientsClientsQueens for for DA Millions Millionsprimary FatalByBy JonathanBy Jonathan David Punch Sperling BrandSperling QueensQueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle Eagle TheyTheyPublic were were defenderhired hired to to practice practiceTiffany the the Cabánlaw law — — nothas not breakbreakclaimedFaces it. it. victory inCour the Democratict On prima- ODAY ryNow for Queenstwo recently District disbarred Attorney lawyers by anfrom ex -a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T formertremely Long slim Island margin law firmover are Borough facing multiple Pres- former Long Island law firm are facing multiple — JANUARY 7, 2019 — Victim’sgrandident larceny Melinda charges Katz, andBirthday but a schemethe result to defraudis too — JUNE 27, 2019 — grand larceny charges and a scheme to defraud chargeclose forto allegedlycallBy with David pilfering roughly Brand more 3,400 than absentee$7 million ««« chargefromballots thefor allegedlysettlementsleft to count. pilfering of dozens more of than clients, $7 million Queens ««« Queens Daily Eagle LRUMA PARENTSINDISTRICT30AREIE MALDONADO CRUZ DEFE- fromDistrict Roughlythe Attorneysettlements 85,800 Richard of dozensDemocrats A. Brown of clients, votedannounced Queens in the on ated WyattFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUESPARENTSINDISTRICT30AREFLUSHING Gibbons FIREHOUSEin the Democratic DistrictThursday.firstFamily Attorneycontested Brownand friendsRichard wasQueens appointedof A. John Brown DA “Danny” primary toannounced the case McGee in deonas -a primaryNumerousCLOSESFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUES for CivilproblemsFOR SCABIESCourt with Judge. school INFESTATION busSee drivers page have14 Thursday.filledspecialcades, a prosecutorrow Brownand inside Cabán was by a theappointed crowdedmaintains Office Queensofto Nassauthea 39.57 case criminal County asper a- parentsfor FirefightersNumerousmore and information school problems from children aboutwithEngine lookingschool the 320 result. bus for on drivers answers Francis have in specialcourtroomDistrictcent prosecutorto Attorney 38.3Friday percent by morningMadeline the Office lead as Singas of theover Nassau man Katzin Countychargedorder with to LewisLongparents Island Boulevardand schoolCity. The nearchildren incidents 37th looking Avenue were for so in answers badFlushing for thein Districtinavoid95.6 relation anypercentAttorney toconflict McGee's of Madeline ofprecincts interest. death Singasappeared reported. in in order court toon wereresidentsLong Islandnot of allowed DistrictCity. The 30 insideincidents and PS their were384Q, firehouse so they bad heldfor onthe an avoidwhatTheOverall, anywould conflictdefendants have Cabán beenof interest. — receivedhe victim's60-year-olds 33,814 22nd birthdayvotesMitchell to. ThursdayemergencyresidentsA CTIVI ofS afterT DistrictmeetingS, FoneA M30 ofIL withand theirY PSMthe Efellow384Q,M DepartmentBERS theyfirefighters ANDheld anof LenchnerKatz’sTheSteven defendants 32,724.and O’Brien, Corey The —Kaye, a winner60-year-olds Woodside both ofof Long the resident, Mitchell Islandcontest is — were served with criminal complaints stemming wasEducation,emergencyelected infected officials accordingmeeting with scabies, gatheredwithto ABC7 the the . atDepartmentInPost additionCity reported Hall ofto Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory Lenchnerchargedwill face and with third-degree assault for allegedly Republican Corey Kaye, bothnominee of Long Daniel Island Ko —- fromgan allegationsin the November that they generaldefrauded election. 29 clients be- onskippingEducation,Wednesday Friday stops,. Cleanersaccording at leaving noon were kidstoto ABC7 atatrally theschool. locationInfor andaddition Layleen dropping where to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory werethrowing served the with punch criminal that complaints killed McGee stemming during off kids at the wrong stops, parents tell stories of a 5- froman tween altercation outside allegations“They January said that2010 I theywas and a defrauded too Sunnyside May young, 2018 29 at bar clientsthey the around since- saidbe- moreskippingXtravaganza than stops, 100 leaving Cubilette-Polanco,firefighters kids atare school assigned. andthe dropping Afro- year-oldoffLatinx kids attrans giving the wrongwoman his busstops, who driver parents was directions, foundtell stories dead multiple of ata 5- Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tween3:45 a.m. on Nov. 22, according to the criminal shutteredI didn’t January looklaw 2010 firmlike and aof district MayKaye 2018 &attorney, atLenchner. the since- they If driversyear-oldRikers headingIsland giving earlier histhe bus wrong this driver month.direction directions, Polanco on one-waymultiple had LasakFrom left, Administrative Honored Judge of the Supreme at RetirementCourt, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; Breakfast NYS Supreme Court shutteredcomplaint. McGee fell and hit his head on the convicted,said we law theycouldn’t firm face ofabuild minimumKaye a movement& ofLenchner. one year from toIf a Public defender Tiffany Cabán (left) has a slim edge over Borough President Melinda maximum of 25 years in prison. streetsdriversbeen held andheading atone Rikers driverthe wrongfor refusing two direction months to help on onkids one-waya $500buckle FromJustice left, Gregory Administrative Lasak; Presiding Judge of Justice, the Supreme NY Supreme Court, Court, Civil Division, Appellate Jeremy Division, Weinstein; Randall NYS Eng; Supreme Queens County Court convicted,ground. He was pronounced dead at Elmhurst the grassroots, they face athey minimum said ofwe one could year tonot a seatVIOLENT belts. “This ST. is ALBANS a crisis for SENIOR any parent HOUSING whose child SurrogateKatz in the Court Democratic Judge Peter primaryKelly. See more for Queens coverage DA,on pages but 15the and race 16. was too closeEagle to photo call by Andywith Katz maximumHospital. of 25 years in prison.Continued on page 7 streetsbail charge and one stemming driver refusing from toallegedly help kids biting buckle Justice Gregory Lasak; Presiding Justice, NY Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Randall Eng; Queens County Continued on page 8 is affected,PIMP andCONVICTED the city of IN New QUEENS York and COURT the mayor roughly 3,400 absentee ballots left to count. AP Photos/Seth Wenig “Today would have been his 22nd birthday,” seata cab belts. driver “This and is a carrying crisis for anya so-called parent whose “crack child SurrogateWoodside Court resident Judge Peter Steven Kelly. See O’Brien more coverage (right) on is pages charged 15 and with 16. third-degreeEagle photoassault by Andy forKatz Continued on page 7 andispipe,” affected,A theQueens according DOE and judgeneed the tocity to isThe beexpectedof NewAppeal.handling York to sentence thisand asthe if mayor a it’sSt. a said McGee’s uncle Tim Murphy, 51. “We’re Albanscrisis,” predatorsaid City to Councilmember up to eight years Jimmy in prison Van allegedly throwing the punch that killed John McGee in Sunnyside on Nov. 22. Bramer.and the ParentsDOE need said tothat be at handling their emergency this as meetingif it’s a Continued on page 7 forcrisis,” admitting said Citythat heCouncilmember took advantage Jimmy of a drug- Van Pool photo by Dennis Clark Empty Courthouse ThursdayASO T RI night,A CO itU wasNC ILMestablishedEMB ERthat anyCO SschoolTA addictedwithBramer. persistent Parents senior issues said citizen that would at and their get pimped emergency a new bus a teenage meetingservice. Empty Courthouse Constantinides, chair of the Committee on girl,TheThursday currentprosecutors night, service, it wassaid. Grandpa’sestablished Joseph Gilbert Busthat anyCompany, pleaded school Cardi B pleads not guilty to assault Environmental Protection, called on NBC Full of History guiltyreleasedwith persistent before a statement issuesQueens apologizing would Supreme get for a new the Court incidents bus Justiceservice. and By Clarissa Sosin News to dedicate a portion of the 2020 PeterassuringThe current Vallone that service,there Jr. on is Thursday Grandpa’sa zero-tolerance for Bus attempting Company,policy forto Full Queensof History Daily Eagle sexlawbreakingreleasedDemocratic traffick a statement a andPrimary16-year-old leaving apologizing debates children girl for from thein incidentsdanger.Miami December They andto Jim Henderson: Wikipedia PhotogInside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse and in Long fighting the climate crisis at the national level. charges in Flushing stripIsland club City a janitor cleaned brawl the second floor bathroom, 2016alsoassuring setto Marchthatup telephonethere 2017. is aRead hotlineszero-tolerance more for on anypage policy parents 2. for Queens Daily Eagle experiencinglawbreaking andissues: leaving 718-475-7585, children in 718-475-7586, danger. They a loneInside security the Queens guard watchedCounty theCourthouse front door in while Long his andalso 718-475-7587.set up telephone hotlines for any parents Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat COSN N TA TINIDES HAS ALSO TEAM- The Unsung Hero of Communitychatting with visitors on theNews empty benches of his experiencing issues: 718-475-7585, 718-475-7586, a lone security guard watched the front door while his QUEENS MURDER««« SUSPECT courtroom. anded upBUSTED718-475-7587. with
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