• JOB NUMBER REQUEST FOR RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORITY ;V(-oct�-10-5 To NATIONAL ARCHIVES & RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Date received, :I:)· , �I• ROOM L ' NWML, 2100 j ·: <;g/1/fo 8601 ADELPHI ROAD COLLEGE PARK, MD 20740-6001 1 FROM (Agency or establishment) j TIFICATION TO AGENCY USDNForest Service •NO 2 MAJOR SUBDIVISION In accordance with the prov1s1ons of 44 U S C 3303a, the d1spos1t1on requ'est, mcludmg amendments, 1s approved 1------------------------------<except for items that may be marked "d1s pos1t1on not 3 MINOR SUBDIVISION approved" or "withdrawn" m column 10 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER :T� -'-·.) \ , ..,, ;:��ST � UNITED STATES 4 NAME OF PERSON WITH WHOM TO CONFER l MomcaMcGee (202) 205-0442 ..._ •1i-"t'\' '\V.. ..... I 1--- ,,-h� 6 AGENCY CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agency m matters pertammg to the d1spos1t1on of its records and that the records proposed for disposal on the attached ___g__page(s) are not needed now for the busmess for this agency or will not be needed after the retention penods specified, and that wntten concurrence from the Geqeral Accountmg Office, under the prov1s1ons of Title 8 of the GAO Manual for Guidance of Federal Agencies, � 1s not reqmred 0 1s attached, or 0 has been requested DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE TITLE 08/04/2010 I? J;; Forest Service Records Officer L-1111cnu_Co._ �l 1 ,t � 9 GRS OR 10 ACTION TAKEN 7 ITEM NO 8 DESCRl�TION OF ITEM AND PROPOSE�DISPOSITION SUPERSEDED JOB (NARA USE ONLY) CITATION U S Department of Agriculture Forest Service Record Group 95 See attached .... 115-109 PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE STANDARD FORM 115 (REV 3-91) Prescribed by NARA 36 CFR 1228 Nl-95-10-5 F orests erv1ce- N ew andP rev1ous1y I U nsch ed u I ed I terns- PERMANENT R etent1on: 1000 I 2000 I 3000 series retention sch ed u I e CURRENT PROPOSED NARAJOB PROPOSED CURRENT FS FILE HEADING DESCRIPTION SUB·HEADINGS NUMBER AND RETENTION FILE CODE CODE RETENTION PERIOD 1020 Forest Service Significant Includes significant correspondence related to the • S1grnf1cant PERMANENT 1020 Unscheduled /. M1ss1on Forest Service M1ss1on Also includes significant records relating to the Forest Service V1s1on and Guiding Principles, as well as policy regarding wording of references to the Forest Service on/in Agency letterhead and official documents Note 1 Close files at end of fiscal year Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval ).. 1390 Knowledge Reports Reportsreqwred by OMS, USDA, and others for • Reports PERMANENT New, not New, not Sharing and knowledge sharing and conservation/knowledge management previously previously Conservation act1v1t1es scheduled scheduled Note 1 Apply retention schedule when case file closed Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval Guidance, Coordmat1on and Collaboration Records pertaining • Guidance, New, not New, not to the national or regional 1mpelmentat1on guidance and direclion Coordination, and previously previously for the Knowledge Sharing and Conservation (KSC) program Collaboration scheduled scheduled Includes agency agreements, memorandums of understanding, and related instruments for knowledge sharing and conservation act1v1t1es Note 1 Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention schedule Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval 1590 Defense and Agency Emergency and Disaster Response Plan (Master) • Agency Emergency PERMANENT New, not New, not \. , J. Emergency Agency Emergency and Disaster Reponse Master Plan and Disaster previously previously Operations Note 1 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to Response Plans scheduled scheduled transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval Note 2 Vital Record Note 3 Close record and apply retention period when new plan rev1s1on approved Reports Includes reportsof operations tests, consisting of • Reports New, not New, not consolidated or comprehensive reportsreflecting agencyw1de previously previously results of test conducted under emergency plans scheduled scheduled Note 1 Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention schedule 1 Nl-95-10-5 F I U orests erv1ce- N ew andP rev1ous1v nschdldlt e u e ems- PERMANENT R e ten t ion: 1000 ' 2000 ' 3000 series retention sch ed u I e CURRENT PROPOSED NARA JOB PROPOSED CURRENT FS FILE HEADING DESCRIPTION SUB-HEADINGS NUMBER AND RETENTION FILE CODE CODE RETENTION PERIOD Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval 1680 History Program Cultural History Documents not produced by the History • Cultural History PERMANENT New, not New, not Program, which record and provide insight into the Agency's previously previously material and cultural history Such items may include, but are not scheduled scheduled limited to, employee surveys, internal publications, signs, uniforms, unpublished papers and studies, and commemoration materials Note 1 Documents collected in field offices should be transferred to the Washington Office - FS History Program Note 2 Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention schedule Note 3 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval Commemorat1on/Anmversary/S1gmficant Event Documents • Commemorat10 New, not New, not related to the celebration and commemoration of important dates n, Anniversary, previously previously and events in agency history As lease one copy of posters, or S1gnif1cant scheduled scheduled pamphlets, and other promotional material should be sent to the Event WO History Program, as part of the permanent Agency records In add1t1on, documentation produced by the Agency to record response to or involvement in s1gnif1cant events (such as natural or man-caused disasters, memorials, or commemorations) will be gather by the WO from the field for permanent retention Note 1 Documents collected in field offices should be transferred to the Washington Office - History Program Note 2 Apply retention schedule when file closed Note 3 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval 2030 LargeScale Event General Includes general records and correspondence related • General PERMANENT New, not New, not [, Recovery to large scale event recovery plans and act1v1t1es previously previously (LaSER) Note 1 Close hie at end of fiscal year scheduled scheduled Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officer for approval LaSER Plan Includes LaSER plan case flies including • LaSER Plan New, not New, not assessments, budqet, form FS-2000-1, executive summarv, previously previously 2 Nl-95-10-5 F orests erv1ce- N ew andP rev1ous1y I U nschd e uldlt e ems- PERMANENT R e t en tion: 1000 ' 2000 ' 3000 series re ten t ion sch ed u I e CURRENT PROPOSED NARAJOB PROPOSED CURRENT FS FILE HEADING DESCRIPTION SUB-HEADINGS NUMBER AND RETENTION FILE CODE CODE RETENTION PERIOD recommendations, post-event cond1t1ons, recovery objectives, scheduled scheduled description of actions, monitoring plan, research opportunities, partners and funding sources, skills and staffingneeds, maps, recovery plan team members, and recovery plan approval Note 1 Establish case files as needed, and apply retention period when the case 1s closed Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officerfor approval Monitoring Monitoring results • Monitoring New, not New, not Note 1 Establish case files as needed, and apply retention period previously previously when the case 1s closed scheduled scheduled Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officerfor approval Non-Federal Lands Includes documentation of post-event • Non-Federal New, not New, not conditions and recovery ob1ect1ves or act1v1t1es for non-Federal Lands previously previously intermingled or adiacent lands impacted by the large-scale event scheduled scheduled Note 1 Establish case files as needed, and apply retention period when the case 1s closed Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officerfor approval Other Federal Lands Records documenting Joint large-scale • Other Federal New, not New, not assessments, planning, and 1mplementat1on actions Lands previously previously Note 1 Establish case files as needed, and apply retention period scheduled scheduled when the case 1s closed Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officerfor approval Reporting Annual reports • Reporting New, not New, not Note 1 Close file at end of fiscal year previously previously Note 2 Transfer closed file to NARA when 10 years old Prior to scheduled scheduled transfer, submit SF258 to FS National Records Officerfor approval 3 Nl-95-10-5 F orests erv1ce- N ew andP rev1ous1v I U nschdldit e u e ems- PERMAN ENT R e t en tion: 1000I 2000 I 3000 series re t en tion sch ed u I e CURRENT PROPOSED NARAJoe PROPOSED CURRENT FS FILE HEADING DESCRIPTION SUB·HEADINGS NUMBER AND RETENTION FILE CODE CODE RETENTION PERIOD LaSER Databases Includes information regarding database
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