Monday, May 1, 1995• Vol. XXVI No. 131 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S SMCTostal Habitat begins to foster 'building blitz' relations By JENNIFER LEWIS Volunteers construct home Saint Mary's Assistant Editor in Northeast Neighborhood For Saint Mary's students, the celebration of Anlostal this By ROB PIECUCH Glinda Nicodemus, the ex­ year changed to SMCTostal. News Writer ecutive director for Habitat in The Saint Mary's Student St. Joseph County, has provid­ Activities Board fSABl decided Recently, student volunteers ed a great deal of assistance to to rename the series of events for the campus organization the students on this, the cam­ due to the lack of communica­ Habitat for Humanity have pus group's first independent tions between both campuses, been dedicating their time to project. Specifically, she has according to Candy Novak, stu­ the construction of a new helped in obtaining the lot for dent chair of AnTostal. home in the Northeast the construction site. She has "I wish there was more of an Neighborhood. also provided a helping hand lllTort involved to gel both cam­ Just last weekend, students in negotiating with contractors puses together for one big began their "building blitz," and South Bend city officials evllnt, " said Novak. the term used by the club to on building procedures. By changing it's name to describe the process of coming The road to success for the SMCTostal the SAB Board together to build the house. Habitat here on campus has hoped that more Saint Mary's Progress has been good, ac­ not been easy. The club students would participate in cording to Erika Quinn, a gained official University the events at Saint Mary's. Habitat board member and recognition three years ago, According to Novak, the one of the project's organizers. and has had difficulty obtain­ Photo courtesy of Erika Quinn SMCTostal comrnittr.e tried to "Last weekend we framed ing funding for the project Heather Hughes, a board member of Habitat for Humanity, helps get such events as sumo the house," she said. "Sunday ever since. assemble another home. wrestling and bungee-trampo­ we finished roofing the house The turning point for the or­ linn jumping, but the adminis­ and framed all the interior ganization came about when a tr'ation declined for safety rea­ walls." The building site is Notre Dame alumnus came sons. located at 1054-56 Burns forward with a $15,000 "Last year AnTostal was Street in South Bend. matching grant. The grant something I looked forward The club was founded by a provided a stepping stone for to," said Regina Sophomore number of architecture majors the organization, as the club Colleen Duffy. "This year I and currently has over 150 has raised roughly $30,000 didn't even know it was taking members. The expertise of over the last two semesters. place until later in the week." the architecture majors has The club conducted a During the previous years, been a major asset, according Christmas fund-raiser last l'llstivitins toke place on Thurs­ to Quinn, "they are really a big semester and a JPW fund-rais­ day of Antostal week on Saint help because they have build­ er this semester. Mary's campus. Because of the ing experience." The family who will live in rain, the day's activities were The campus club, which is the house will undergo what is delayed to Monday from 3-5 not yet an official chapter of known as "sweat equity." This pm on the library green. This the national Habitat organiza­ means that the family must includes tie-dying, fake tattoos, tion, has worked under the work 500 hours on a Habitat and The Alpha Experience, a guidance of the St. Joseph project, either their house on Photo courtesy of Erika Quinn visual simulation. County Chapter since its incep­ Rob Hardison hammers away while helping to build a home for tion. see HABITAT/ page 4 Habitat for Humanity. see SMC/ page 4 Discovering your possibilities • NEWS ANAlYSIS Garno urges Court ruling curbs students to take constitutional abuse risks, challenges By DAVID CLAIRMONT opposing side, as did Chief Jus­ News Writer tice Hehnquist and Associate By PAITI CARSON Justices Kennedy, O'Connor, Saint Mary's Editor The Supreme Court has Scalia, and Thomas in the ac­ taken its first step in over 60 tual case. There will never be any years to curb the abusive inter­ Kmiec said that for the past greater influence than the place pretations of the constitution's 60 years, in an attempt to ad­ where you discovered your own commerce clause, according to dress the country's ills coming possibilities, according to Mary Professor Douglas W. Kmiec of out of the Great Depression and Lou Gorno, Saint Mary's alum­ the Notre Dame Law School. later to help the country to re­ na of 1972, who highlighted the In this most recent case, the turn to a peace-time economy ways Saint Mary's women con­ United States Supreme Court, after World War Two, the com­ tinue to transform the world in a 5-4 opinion, decided to merce clause has been invoked last night in Madeleva Hall .. override the 1990 Gun-Free time and time again to allow In her lecture "Outrageous School Zones Act. In arguing the Federal government to Acts and Everyday Leadership," the case, yet another appeal guide the country through Gorno focused on the ways in was made to the "commerce rough economic transitions. which leaders are made. clause" of the United States However, Kmiec also said "I know that you can perform Constitution which allows the that the commerce clause has the outrageous acts that lead­ Federal government power to allowed the Federal ers must sometimes perform­ regulate activities which affect government's power to grow take the risks, scale the heights inter-state trade. largely unchecked and that the and not let anyone or anything The ObserverfTina Lemker Areas around schools which recent court opinion has taken S!and as your obstacle ... And I Mary Lou Gorno, vice-president of Leo Burnett, a member of the St. are ridden with guns tend to a significant step in reversing know that you are also willing Mary's Board of Trustees, and a graduate of St. Mary's in 1972. spoke discourage interstate trade. By this trend. to put in the .work and dedica­ about leadership. this line of thinking, the best Kmiec said that the key to interpreting this case is to real­ tion that everyday leadership largest advertising firms and the students "inspire" her, .she action would be to use a Federal action to protect chil­ ize that it is "not denying the requires, attending the meet­ she currently serves as the vice found time to speak to mem­ ings, making the phone calls, dren and teachers in schools existence of federal authority in chair of the Board of Trustees bers of the college community an appropriate case, just in an doing the research," Gorno at the college. In addition, she while at the same time, appeal­ last night about how they can inappropriate case." said. is the national chair of the be leaders and about how ing to the commerce clause for Gorno is vice-president at Leo Sesquicentennial Campaign for justification. Burnett, one of the world's Saint Mary's College. And since see LEADERS/ page 4 Professor Kmiec takes the see GUNS/ page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, May 1, 1995 • INSIDE CoLUMN • WORlD AT A GLANCE Fourteen prisoners break out of California jail What are SANTA CLARITA, Calif. searched from the air, Deputy Rich Fourteen maximum-security prisoners Erickson said. All the fugitives were broke out of jail early Sunday and 10 wearing orange jail jumpsuits. · we so got away. "How the inmates escaped is still Five of the fugitives are charged with under investigation," Hecht said. afraid of! murder, two are charged with carjack­ ing and three are drug defendants, said The Peter J. Pitchess Honor Rancho We all must take up Robert Bollman Deputy Diane Hecht, a spokeswoman Facility, between the mountainous the search for meaning for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Angeles and Los Padres national forests during maturing process. __G_ra_p,-h_ic--,D_es_ig-=n-er __ Department. 35 miles northwest of downtown Los In America this search for meaning is often The four other inmates were captured Angeles, has 4,152 inmates. confused by the myriad of lifestyles around us. almost immediately, she said. People live such varied lifestyles that is some­ More than 100,000 people live just times seems as though no ultimate unilateral More than 100 deputies joined the south in Santa Clarita. Small highway truth exists. With an open heart and an unbi­ manhunt and a helicopter crew and farm communities dot the region. ased mind, we fmd that many of these alterna­ AP tive lifestyles and religions are just different ways of honoring the one spiritual truth. Atomic city balks at peace statue Robber Returns Stolen Money Many here at Notre Dame firmly believe that their religion, their god, and their beliefs are LOS ALAMOS, N.M. PORTLAND, Ore. the only way to salvation. They preach that Standing on a grassy median at the edge of town, First, he helped rip off $346,770 in one of the largest they alone are right, and they close their Ginger Welch can look past the plateau and see the automated teller scams in the nation's history. Then, hearts ands minds to other lifestyles. This snowcapped mountains that isolate the birthplace of the when he tried to return some of the loot, he was robbed.
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