City Tree List For more information please contact the City of Franklin Arborist: [email protected] www.franklintn.gov/parks/arborist.html Common Name Scientific Name TN Deciduous Mature Crown Growth Drought Road Road Parking Landscaped Drainage Utilities Native / Evergreen Height Size Rate Tolerance Frontage Frontage Lots Areas Areas Right of Street Yard Ways Alder, Smooth Alnus serrulata Yes Deciduous 10-20" 10-20" Fast Moderate Fair Fair Fair Excellent Excellent Fair Ash, Green Fraxinus pennyslvanica Yes Deciduous 60-80" 40-50" Fast High Good Excellent Good Excellent Good Poor Ash, White Fraxinus americana Yes Deciduous 70-100" 40-60" Medium Low Good Excellent Good Excellent Good Poor Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Yes Deciduous 50-80" 30-60" Medium High Fair Excellent Good Good Excellent Poor Basswood, American(Linden) Tilia americana Yes Deciduous 60-100" 35-50" Fast Low Fair Fair Poor Good Good Poor Beech, American Fagus grandifolia Yes Deciduous 50-80" 50-70" Slow Low Fair Fair Poor Excellent Good Poor Beech, European Fagus sylvatica No Deciduous 50-70- 40-70" Slow Low Fair Fair Poor Excellent Good Poor Birch, River Betula nigra Yes Deciduous 50-90" 40-60" Fast Low Good Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Poor Birch, River "Heritage" Betula nigra "Heritage" Yes Deciduous 50-90" 40-60" Fast Low Good Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Poor Blackgum (Tupelo) Nyssa sylvatica Yes Deciduous 50-100" 20-35" Slow Moderate Good Excellent Good Excellent Good Poor Boxelder Acer negundo Yes Deciduous 30-70" 40-50" Fast Moderate Fair Fair Fair Good Good Poor Buckeye, Bottlebrush Aesculus parviflora No Deciduous 15-20" 10-15" Medium Low Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Buckeye, Ohio Aesculus glabra Yes Deciduous 30-60" 20-45" Medium Moderate Poor Fair Poor Good Excellent Poor Buckeye, Painted Aesculus sylvatica Yes Deciduous 15-25" 5-15" Medium Low Fair Fair Fair Good Good Good Buckeye, Red Aesculus pavia Yes Deciduous 5-20" 5-15" Medium Low Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Buckeye, Yellow Aesculus flava Yes Deciduous 50-90" 30-60" Medium Low Poor Fair Poor Excellent Excellent Poor Buckthorn Bumelia Bumelia/Sideroxylon lycioides Yes Deciduous 10-25" 10-25" Medium Moderate Fair Fair Good Fair Good Good Buckthorn, Carolina Rhamnus caroliniana Yes Deciduous 30-40" 10-30" Medium Moderate Good Good Good Good Good Fair Buckthorn, Common Rhamnus cathartica No Deciduous 10-30" 20-30" Medium High Fair Fair Good Fair Fair Good Buttonbush, Common Cephalanthus occidentalis Yes Deciduous 10-30" 10-20" Medium Moderate Fair Fair Fair Good Good Good Catalpa, Northern Catalpa speciosa Yes Deciduous 50-80" 30-70" Fast Moderate Poor Fair Poor Excellent Excellent Poor Cedar, Deodar Cedrus deodara No Evergreen 40-100" 40-80" Medium High Poor Fair Poor Good Fair Poor Cedar, Japanese Cryptomeria japonica No Evergreen 40-60" 20-25" Slow High Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Chastetree, Lilac Vitex agnus-castus No Deciduous 15-20" 10-20" Medium High Good Good Good Good Good Good Cherry, Black Prunus serotina Yes Deciduous 30-100" 20-50" Fast Moderate Poor Good Poor Good Good Poor Cherry, Japanese Flowering Prunus serrulata No Deciduous 20-30" 20-30" Fast Low Fair Good Poor Fair Good Excellent Cherry, Okame Prunus "Okame" No Deciduous 15-30" 20-30" Medium Moderate Fair Good Poor Good Good Good Cherry, Yoshino Prunus x yedoensis No Deciduous 20-45" 20-40" Fast Low Fair Excellent Fair Excellent Fair Excellent Cherrylaurel, Carolina Prunus caroliniana No Deciduous 20-40" 15-30" Medium High Poor Good Poor Fair Poor Fair Chestnut, Chinese Castanea mollissima No Deciduous 40-60" 30-50" Slow Moderate Good Fair Good Fair Fair Fair Chinquapin, Allegheny Castanea pumila Yes Deciduous 10-30" 10-25" Slow High Fair Fair Fair Good Fair Good Coffeetree, Kentucky Gymnocladus dioicus Yes Deciduous 60-100" 40-70" Fast Moderate Poor Fair Poor Good Excellent Poor Cottonwwood, Eastern Populus deltoides Yes Deciduous 60-100" 30-70" Fast Moderate Fair Fair Good Good Excellent Poor Crabapple, Japanese Malus floribunda No Deciduous 15-30" 15-30" Medium Low Good Good Fair Fair Fair Excellent Crabapple, Southern Malus angustifolia Yes Deciduous 20-30" 15-25" Medium Low Good Good Fair Good Good Excellent Crapemyrtle, Common Lagerstroemia indica No Deciduous 15-30" 10-25" Fast High Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair Poor Excellent Dogwood, Flowering Cornus florida Yes Deciduous 15-30" 15-30" Medium Low Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent Fair Excellent Dogwood, Kousa Cornus kousa No Deciduous 10-20" 10-20" Slow Low Good Good Fair Fair Fair Good Elm, American Ulmus americana Yes Deciduous 60-100" 30-70" Medium High Fair Good Fair Good Good Poor Elm, Chinese(Lacebark) Ulmus parvifolia No Deciduous 40-60" 30-50" Fast High Excellent Excellent E Fair Fair Poor Elm, Slippery Ulmus rubra Yes Deciduous 60-80" 30-50" Fast Moderate Good Good Good Fair Fair Poor City of Franklin - City Tree List 1 of 5 City Tree List For more information please contact the City of Franklin Arborist: [email protected] www.franklintn.gov/parks/arborist.html Common Name Scientific Name TN Deciduous Mature Crown Growth Drought Road Road Parking Landscaped Drainage Utilities Native / Evergreen Height Size Rate Tolerance Frontage Frontage Lots Areas Areas Right of Street Yard Ways Elm, Winged Ulmus alata Yes Deciduous 70-80" 30-50" Medium High Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair Poor Farkleberry Vaccinium arboreum Yes Deciduous 10-30" 5-10" Slow Moderate Fair Good Fair Fair Good Good Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus Yes Deciduous 10-30" 5-15" Medium Low Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Ginkgo (Male) Ginkgo biloba No Deciduous 50-80" 30-60" Slow High Excellent Excellent Fair Good Fair Poor Goldenraintree Koelreuteria paniculata No Deciduous 20-40" 20-40" Medium High Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Hackberry, Common Celtis occidentalis Yes Deciduous 60-90" 30-60" Medium High Fair Good Fair Good Good Poor Hackberry, Georgia Celtis tenuifolia Yes Deciduous 20-40" 20-35" Slow High Fair Good Fair Good Good Fair Hawthorn, Washington Crataegus phaenopyrum Yes Deciduous 8-40" 5-25" Slow Moderate Good Good Fair Good Fair Good Hickory Bitternut Carya cordiformis Yes Deciduous 70-100" 50-75" Fast Low Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Hickory, Mockernut Carya tomentosa Yes Deciduous 70-100" 50-75" Slow High Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Hickory, Pignut Carya glabra Yes Deciduous 50-100" 50-75" Slow High Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Hickory, Sand Carya pallida Yes Deciduous 40-80" 20-40" Slow High Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Hickory, Shagbark Carya ovata Yes Deciduous 70-100" 50-75" Slow Moderate Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Hickory, Southern Shagbark Carya ovata var. australis Yes Deciduous 60-80" 40-60" Slow Moderate Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Holly Yaupon Ilex vomitoria No Evergreen 10-25" 5-10" Slow High Good Good Good Fair Fair Good Holly, American Ilex opaca Yes Evergreen 15-60" 15-25" Slow High Fair Excellent Good Good Fair Fair Holly, Foster"s Ilex x attenuata "Fosteri" No Evergreen 15-25" 10-15" Slow High Fair Good Good Fair Fair Fair Holly, Savannah Ilex x attenuata "Savannah" No Evergreen 30-45" 10-20" Medium High Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Holly,Deciduous(Possumhaw) Ilex decidua Yes Deciduous 10-20" 10-20" Medium High Fair Good Fair Good Good Good Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos Yes Deciduous 60-80" 30-50" Fast High Poor Good Poor Good Fair Poor Hophornbeam, American Ostrya virginiana Yes Deciduous 20-40" 10-30" Slow High Fair Good Good Good Good Fair Hornbeam, American Carpinus caroliniana Yes Deciduous 20-40" 15-30" Slow Moderate Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Fair Hornbeam, European Carpinus betulus No Deciduous 40-60" 30-40" Slow High Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair Fair Poor Hornbeam, Japanese Carpinus japonica No Deciduous 20-35" 20-30" Slow Moderate Good Good Good Good Fair Fair Katsuratree Cercidiphyllym japonicum No Deciduous 40-60" 35-60" Fast Low Fair Good Good Good Fair Poor Linden, Littleleaf Tilia cordata No Deciduous 30-100" 30-60" Medium Moderate Fair Good Poor Good Good Poor Locust, Black Robinia pseudoacacia Yes Deciduous 40-90" 20-50" Fast High Fair Fair Poor Good Good Poor Magnolia, Chinese (Saucer) Magnolia x soulangiana No Deciduous 20-30" 10-30" Medium Low Fair Good Poor Fair Fair Good Magnolia, Cucumber Magnolia accuminata Yes Deciduous 50-80" 20-60" Fast Low Fair Good Poor Good Good Fair Magnolia, Southern Magnolia grandiflora Yes Evergreen 70-100" 30-60" Medium Moderate Fair Excellent Poor Excellent Fair Poor Magnolia, Star Magnolia stellata No Deciduous 15-20" 15-20" Slow Moderate Good Good Fair Fair Fair Good Magnolia, Sweetbay Magnolia viginiana Yes Evergreen 20-60" 20-40" Fast Low Fair Good Good Excellent Excellent Fair Maple Sugar Acer saccharum Yes Deciduous 60-80" 30-50" Medium Moderate Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Poor Maple, Amur Acer ginnala No Deciduous 15-25" 15-25" Medium Moderate Good Good Fair Fair Fair Good Maple, Chalk Acer leucoderme Yes Deciduous 20-40" 10-30" Medium High Good Good Good Good Fair Fair Maple, Hedge Acer campestre No Deciduous 35-50 25-35" Slow High Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Maple, Japanese Acer palmatum No Deciduous 15-25" 10-25" Slow Low Fair Good Poor Poor Fair Good Maple, Red Acer rubrum Yes Deciduous 40-90" 20-40" Fast Low Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Poor Maple, Silver Acer saccharinum Yes Deciduous 50-80" 40-60" Fast High Poor Fair Poor Fair Fair Poor Maple, Trident Acer buergeranum No Deciduous 20-50" 20-30" Fast Moderate Excellent Excellent Excellent Fair Fair
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