I Buckners find common ground Z1 !l Community Newspaper Company www.townonhne.com/ alls tonbnghton FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2003 Vol. 7, No. 28 48 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ Crime Opening shot Curtain rising rate on next act of ·rising Waterworks By Phoebe Sweet STAIT WI ,I LR After I() g<xxl years, police \J) All proposals are due today AllstQn-Bnghton crime mte" went up la-,t )Car for the first time By Phoebe Sweet posals on Oct. I, principal<; have in a decade. Although A-B has STAFF WRITER been gathering teams ol develop­ seen a 47 percent drop 111 c1ime he Cleveland Circle Wa­ ers, an.:hitects and restor.ition ex­ since 1992 - more than any other terworb site i.., poised to pert-. lo put together proposals neighborhood in Boston crime T mo"e into a new -,tage of that\\ rll compete for community was up 7 percent last )Car mer planning thi-, week as developers and government approval this 2001. ready to -,ubmit prorx>sals for re­ spring. The rise came from an addi­ development of the site's three Re-..1oration of the historic tional 16 re1x)11cd crimes each historic buildings. Proposals, buildings is expected to cost up­ month 111 A-B. mak111g an aver­ wh ich wi ll include new develop­ wards of $15 mi ll ion. Since the age total of 226 per month ment slatted to fund the restora­ buildings are wo11h only about throughout 2002. tion effo11, are due t<xlay, Friday, $5 million, any developer is ex­ Preliminm·y Boston Police De­ Jan 31. pected to enter the project with partment internal statiscic-.. from Since the Ma-,-,achusetts Di\ i­ an expected $1 1 million shortfall. 2002 show that much of the in­ sion of Capital Asset Manage­ New development, expected to cre<L'>e came from a -..pike in rob­ ment relea-,ed a Request for Pro- WATERWORKS, page 25 berie-... which were up lc.L\I year by I00 percent over 200 I. Although robberies were down from 115 in 2000 to 88 in 2(X) I, the) shot back up to 177 in 2002. Winter of red ink District 14 Police Captain William Evan" said this week By Phoebe Sweet city ran through its snow re­ that A-B "t<x>k a little hit of a hit" STAFF WRITER moval budget after less than half this year from robbers hitting up With nearly three month.., of the potential ~inter storm sea­ hanks and pedestrians near the snow behind them and as many son. Oak Sqmu-c YMCA, the West as three more yet to come, "Wl• -.tru1ed to hit bottom about End Boys & Girls Club and Boston Public Worl-.s has been a month ago," said Cas<v1a. Commonwealth Tenants. seeing red since the new year Atkr the cit)' purchased addi­ "I hate to -..cc the robberies. began. Public Work-.. Commis­ tional road chemicals recentl y, Those an: the mo-..t personal," sioner Joseph Casa11a 'aid thi -, theL_ ··went into the red." accord- ....... id 1n.... "You hate that techng week t at Ho-.. ton has been 0\ er ing to the commissiom:r. - that \Omeone"s been in )Our budget for ncarl) a month, hav­ So 1.ir Boston has spent he­ propcrt) ... That\ \\hat dmcs up ing plowed through its r-... ecn $5.2 million and ~5.5 pcllplc\ (\!\cl or fear. \\c'\I.! got S-l.462.060 fi scal 2002 -..now re­ m1 II o 1 on all the matena1'. to do a better job." mo\ al budget. equip111ent and mwlfX)Wer re­ Evan-.. 'aid that many of tile '"You can't have an intelligent quired to clear up the 12 tn 13 robberies arc being commilled by di scussion" about how much winter -;torms that have blown younger kid..,, '-Ollie ju\enilcs, money it will cost the cit) to through the city '>i nce the first often while the youngsters m·e plow, sand , ..,alt and maintain flakes llew. walkmg back to Commom1.ealth wi nter roads each year, said It co-.ts the city $60,000 to & Tenants from the Y or the Boys fl Y tlt.fl L Casaaa. "No one knows." $65,000 per hour to clear the Girls Club. Ryan Bien takes the break shot during a billiards league game at Harpers Ferry on Monday night . Last year\ light winter found roads during a moderately seri­ The "Pike in robbcrie-.. has abo For more phot os and lnfonnatlon about t he league at Harper's, see page 24. Boston right on target, accord­ ous storm, said Casa11.a. Al- CRIME, page 25 ing to Casa11a, but this year the SNOW BUDGET, page 13 l.3righton High getting ready for the lean cash days ahead ....a•. ,.~ By Judy Wasserman he wants to prc,cr. e ~talc aid to the <,late. Lex.ii ard helps finance IQ1;al Meanwhile, in BPS schools such a.-. We don't want to see that lost because O:· CORR SI N, NT schools for at lea't the re't of this li,cal public 'en 11..e-. and cducallon. Brighton High, principals and teachers of budget con-.traints." Faced \I. ith a I 0 pc1wn1 cut in his fis ­ year. School Supt. Thomas Pa)tant re­ r.re trying to cope with potential cut­ Skidmore said the I 0 percent cut cal 2004 budget. Brighton High School Romne) announced on \\'edne da) ccntl\ directed all Bo,ton Public backs. How the cuts \I.ill be handled in equals appro\1mately $600,000 in the Headmaster Charle., Skidmore said night that he a-.. cutting loc,11 aid to Sch<~JI principal\ to cut their school Boston is still to be determined. BHS budget, and it will have to come M<"inda) .. next year \\ill be difficult," citi~s and tO\\TI' b) 5 l' tin thl: re't of building budget" b) I 0 percent m an Skidmore said Monday, "People feel from teacher and administration but: he 1s .. guardedly optimistic" with this fiscal ) ear. \\hi ch amount-.. to 1-B effort to othet expected cutback-.. in a -.ense of loss. We've worked hard and ..,alaries. The only place to cut that Governor Mitt Romney, who <>a id that million of the :s2 billion 'till O\\ed from funding to schools. there is a real sense of community here. BUDGET, page 13 Residents concerned about Ice cream weather? $oHo' s neighborhood impact ...• : • By Phoebe Sweet near-empty bar room of SoHo. the popular ne-... restaur.int. bar ••.• ~f WRITER the hottest new night spot m All­ and club located on Market ~t lunch time on a Monday, the ston-B1ighton. Cor 1e S p.m. on Strl'et. '>ptl(:iou booth-,, mtxlem :u1 and Frida), howe\cr, 11e \\ill find Sometimes more than a hun­ swank lighting look lonel) in the hundred-. of hipstt.:1'- packed imo dred txx.he" \\ait on the side\\alk out,idc to gam entr). Hut the Imes. the cu,tomcrs and the noise ha\e neighbors on a crnsad<.! to pre,,ent SoHo - not to mention u·s line - from growing an) largc1. Although . oHo hw; a 6<X)-per­ 'on capa.:it -... ith the Boston ln­ "pe..:tional Sef\ ices and Fire De­ panmcnt~. they ha\ e only a 400-bod) capacit) on their tem­ poraI) entertainment license. Abutter-.., oppose the 600-per­ 'on tertainment capacity for \\llh.. h ~<Ho \\ill plead \1.ith the PllOTO BY KATE FlOCK Lic1n' nt: Board. Herrell's Ice Cream shop felt as though It was the tropics compared to the below-freezJng ........... ··Jlk) ha\e a place there ... --aid t emperatures outside on Monday night. True, this has been a brutal winter, but the beginning of Ne}ghbors are concerned about t he impact of the SoHo Restaurant on Edward Shanie\, a resident of March Is only 29 days away. Maybe the g round hog will have some good news for us on Feb. 2. Market Street In Brighton • .. SOHO, page 13 .... •" INSIDE MAEL • (j d ~ Also <l"<ial """"' ~\{\'c o ~~ ,._ '~f.. ~ for kids & l<m<qrn SIMPLY FREE ~ '\~\\~ " ..\' ,~ Commentary 10 <~ HIROPlt\( :TU : S~~ '-"~'~ t . 4 • , Nru Fall a.,,,, ~o'''"' ' • ~ Kids and Tcm<1gm Community Notes 3 !~ CHECKING ~ · li \l'..m t:Xf\.-rtt:n1..1.: I~ Sports C.111 C u ~tomer Servi ce Learn to dance Crime 4 for more details Private and group lessons with or without I~ Auto partner • weekly dances • low rates ~ ~21. Ente rta inment .. Wedding preparation specials 15 MERCANTIU: ~&NK Shawmut Properties l Work lnjurie~ FREE '\l~{l~ ©m<ill? I ~ Tremont Street • Brighton Ubrary Not es 9 Bankmg on a first name basis 617-566-7850 Obitua ries 9 423 Washington Street • Brighton DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® 556 Cambridge ~ t •. Hrighto 11 617-783-3500 ~ of New Englqnd People e ~ 7.1a2.3000 (617) 7 www.mercanttleboston.com r 384 Harvard St. BrllQ_kline 787·2121 (617) 787-8700 331 Wa·~ ngton SI. (Brighton Center) Member FDIC www.DanceSport·NewEngland.com Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, January 31, 2003 www.townonline.cotn/all tonbrighton We want your news! I Key contacts: '~r~~(r mis WEEK on townonline ·com - Editor.. • • • • . ... Wa<Jne Braverman (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the A llston-Brighton TAB! We I wbraver~.com The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton and America .1 are eager to serve as a forum for the communi­ Reporter •.•••••••••••. Phoebe Sweet (781) 433-8333 Online Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 local publications, pro- ·- • ty.
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