t Volume 9, Number 12 | Student Newspaper of Lindenwood University | Nov. 17, 2015 huld c S hel ac R The y b n o i t a r t s u l l I Legacy Above: Students hosted a vigil Monday to show support for Paris. See Lindenlink.com for the whole story. The “Peace for Paris” design was created by Jean Jullien. Graduates #LUSupportsYou will sit with department at ceremony “He’s actually read Nicola Muscroft names for the World Reporter Cup,” said Finnegan, Lindenwood’s De- “he’s as professional cember graduation as they get.” ceremony will have While Sweeney new components, of- will read the students’ ficials say. names, those gradu- Barry Finnegan, ating will now shake the dean of Aca- the hands of the demic Services, said deans of their respec- that he and President tive schools. Michael Shonrock Some are unsure worked together to about the ceremony discuss changes for as a whole. Fresh- the event. man, Ana G. Quirós, During the previ- attended her high ous ceremonies, the school graduation in information listed December 2014. was only the students’ “It was three hours names and the degrees of us sitting there earned. Finnegan said and being told why the new ceremonies we were graduating, would also include which we already Photo by Romane Donadini previous degrees and knew,” she said. “I Members of the Black Student Union showed their support Thursday for University of Missouri students fighting racism. hometown informa- don’t see graduation Lindenwood students met at Spellmann Center’s Connection and posed for photographs with signs saying “#LuSupportsyou” tion. here to be any differ- and “#ConcernedStudents1950”. They then posted them to social media. See Lindenlink.com for related content. The seating ar- ent. At the end of the rangement will also line it’s graduation, be altered. there’s only so much “We had lined stu- they can do. They still dents up by degree have to say our names WPA gets more formal review and in alphabetical and get a diploma. I order, so a Masters do appreciate the fact this class that’s really either a “pass” or “in- of Arts in Education they want to change What do you think Essi Virtanen useful, you should take complete” within two could be sitting next it,” Quirós comment- Reporter it. If you don’t need the weeks. to a Masters of Arts ed. of the WPA? A writing test that class, we’ll test you out Edele said that as in Communication,” The first gradu- all Lindenwood stu- of it.” with any other stan- said Finnegan. ation with these “It’s a good idea, but I don’t dents must pass before To register for the dardized test, students “This year they will changes will occur on like that they are not giving graduation is now be- test, students have to don’t get individual be by school and de- Dec. 6, officials said. us a review after that. We ing reviewed, officials pass ENGL 150 and results, but if Edele gree, so they will be Finnegan said he’s ex- cannot see what we did, say. 170 with a C or better. has the time and the sitting by classmates. cited to see the new why we failed. I don’t like Professor Susan In the exam, students student requests it, she It’s probably nicer to ceremony. that we don’t have Edele, who runs the write a minimum of a will go through the es- sit by students you’ve “We have close to feedback.” Writing Center, said 450-word essay in 40 say with him or her. taken classes with.” 900 people graduat- that the Writing Pro- minutes, where they Mann said results In previous cer- ing. It’s a special event - Boyan Donov ficiency Assessment is take a side on a general are not consistent emonies, the deans of and it should be fun.” reviewed every couple argument. from year to year and each school read the “We’ll see how this of years, but this year, Grading is focused depend on a student’s names of the gradu- goes and ask for feed- “I think it’s bad because it involves a “more for- on grammar, spelling proficiency and prep- ating students. This back from the stu- you don’t have enough mal review.” and other structural aration in English. year, Daniel Sweeney, dents,” said Finnegan. time structure the exam Edele said she is factors. Timing is also a an assistant profes- He said the chang- and do it well.” aware of student con- Edele said that for- factor, she said. sor in the School of es will continue - Emilio Torres cerns, but declined to mer President Dennis The longer students Business and Entre- and more may be talk about it further Spellmann established wait to take the WPA, preneurship will be added for the May until after the review the test after he heard the longer it has been doing the task. graduation. process is completed. from the business since their composi- The WPA has been community that Lin- tion classes. required for the past denwood graduates “Writing skills, just “I feel like it doesn’t work decade and is a fre- did not write well. It like any other kind of for everybody. It worked quent cause of anxiety first appeared in the skills, get rusty,” she for me, and I understand among many students, 2005-2006 catalog. said. why they do it.” partly because only Mann said that after She said students - Jenna Raithel about half pass the test a student takes the as- would benefit from on the first try. Those sessment, a computer taking the test as who fail must take an program grades it first soon after finishing extra class, ENGL 210. and then it is reviewed ENGL 170 as possible. “I think it’s definitely a Interim Associate by a staff member. Edele said that the good tool to test how Provost Erin Mann “We want to give main purpose of the proficient somebody is said she thinks the test it a respectful, good, assessment is to en- in writing, and to test the suffers from “a prob- thoughtful read, and sure that students skills they have in writing lem of presentation.” someone from Linden- write well long after that are important in the “You take this test, wood reads every sin- they have left Linden- you fail it, you have to gle student essay and wood, and continue to real world.” take another class,” she decides,” she said. Stu- make themselves and - Sky Toland said. “Instead: Here’s dents get the results, the university proud. Design by Cayla Brown Page 2 Nov. 17, 2015 NEWS First Miss Lindenwood crowned ‘I’m shocked; I feel so happy,’ says Mary Boudreau after winning pageant Phi Lambda Phi hosted hosts, proudly announced Lena Kirchner the school’s first “Miss the jury’s decision a little Reporter Lindenwood“ pageant. after 9 p.m. A festive atmosphere Decorated in gold and “And now, the mo- took over the Linden- black, the auditorium was ment we all waited for, the wood Cultural Center on filled with cheers when award for Miss Linden- the night of Nov. 7, when Mason Heinie, one of the wood goes to our winner Mary Boudreau!” Boudreau, a junior communications major at Lindenwood is from St. Charles, and her hobbies include scuba diving and diving. “I am shocked; I feel so happy!” she said. “This is my last year at Linden- wood, and I am going to miss it so much!” Photo by Andrea Pascual During the on-stage Contestant and second runner-up Ivy Tinnin painted a portrait during the talent contest. questions, she said that sky, sophomore and Miss tion of the contestants. in a nightgown. if she could change one Colorado Collegiate They included dance and The second runner up thing in the world, she Alexis Kadey, and student singing performances, was awarded to Ivy Tin- would change social stan- ambassador and 2015 speeches, a quick self-de- nin, and the award of the dards and make everyone Homecoming King Ethan fense class and Taekwon- first runner up was given equal. Miller. do moves. to freshman Katelyn Za- The two-hour long pag- The pageant got going In the last performance torsky. eant started with an open- with the second round of of the talent competi- The people’s choice ing number, where all 13 the competition, where all tion, contestant Ivy Tin- award went to Orf, before contestants made an ap- the women had to show- nin painted a portrait on Boudreau was given her pearance on stage and got case their active wear out- stage, which then was Miss Lindenwood crown. briefly introduced by the fits. Some of them were auctioned off for almost The proceeds from the hosts Heine and Miriah creative, such as Nicole $100. painting, as well as all do- Ludtke. Dee, who wore a golf out- The final contest was nations during the show The judges included fit, and Kelsey Orf, who the evening gown com- and raffle ticket sales ben- Vice President for Stu- wore a retro outfit. petition accompanied by efitted a good cause. dent Development Ryan Throughout the show, a question asked by the The total of $782 raised Guffey, Director of Stu- the women of the Lion hosts on stage. that night all went to sup- dent Life and Leadership Line dance team per- All 13 women present- port the Backstoppers, a Angie Royal, Assistant formed three of their rou- ed themselves in pretty non-profit organization Director of Student Life tines.
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