Biking on Sanjbei: Tips and trails Everything the Island visitor n«*eds to know 20G Vol. 24 No. 12 Tuesday, March 20,1984 Three sections, 25 cents But Spoonbill wanted it first Proposed golf course tracts placed high on priority list for dty purchase By Barbara Brundage wetlands preservation); elevation (filling Interferes - Two large tracts of land In the center o( Sanlbel's with the natural function of wetlands); location proposed Wetlands Preservation District have been (tracts within 300 ((*t of the Sanibel River or ad- given a high priority for public acquisition by dty jacent to public land* most critical); and number of planners. dwelling units (an Indication of the value o< the land The seme tracts alto are high on the priority listof and its environmental sensitivity) a group of Inlander* who want to develop a private Forty acres of the ISO-acre tract. Including the lH-bolegolfcourKandCQuntryclubonttWKltaj - - former Caaa Ybe! air strip, are owned by the Island In a city Inventory JitVvacant !*nd within the Beaen Club and have an elevation below three feeL Island's freshwater management area, the MS acres The land borders on the Sanibel River, has a density tbat have been Urgeted (or the "memben only" ' of 27 dwelling iiniis and an appraised valuation of SpoeoMU Golf and Tennis Club ncorad nine out of a S422.0SO. the Inventory revealed. possible 12 point* for environmental sensitivity. Tlte remaining 172 acres along Tarpon Bay Road AstioUnt Planning Director Bob Duane said four are owned by Trosl International Of those, 130 weighted criteria wen* used to ranfc.33 undeveloped acres - have an . elevation below three feet. The property*. ParceJsttat scored between eight and 12 Sanibel River snakes through the property that has points were deemed most Important for preser- a density or 18 dwelling units and an appraised vation, to said. valuation of $313,420. The criteria were: alto sire (generally the larger the tract the more critical its importance for continued page 2A Condo owners unite for a voice on Sanibel By Cindy Chfiinws "We aren't looking for an registered Sanibel voters who - Most condominium o nerai overthrow or a, revolution or own condos here and who can dwellers r on SanibeL owned *nd anything of that nature," Dr. Art unite to make sure their voice is lived in .single-family home* at Williams, chairman of the newly- heard. one time or another before they formed Political Action Com- Two weeks ago those COO-plus Somebody had to do H... opted for the condo community. mittee with routs in the sevee- residents received the "salmon ' And even though taey live year-old Condominium sheet"'— a Jetter from the CASI be* County Commlaskmer Porter. Goas and here, vote here and pay their Associations of Saoibcl. Inc., board of directors urging par- two county platmfil braved the traxflC' and Usu taxes here now—Just ax they Aid stressed Uait week. "We are ticipation in the PAC and at- win* of the ttumuy lust Ttamtar to deter- when they lived In slngfe-larofly looking for. equality, an un- tendance at the annual meeting mine wheaer tte nulnJuxHo-UIind apra to neighborhoods.; up north - a dtslandlnfieArtrsandlnfi " ot CASI next Thursday; March •sfefer cydiiti. Alimifb Hie Mo growing group of condo residents With that goal Williams.. 29, at the Sundial. befon racblns tte dntw bridfc frooi the on the Island maintain they do Warren Hyde and Don Brandt — Williams said he called the Sanibel side. COM concluded the three-mile span not have a voice here. all permanent residents of letter the "wlmon sheet" with is unsafe tar casual bikers. Photo by Mark But they hope to change all Santbel rondomlnlunu — have that .targeted more than 500 continued page 2A HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS: Its never too early Strl. Jack Prtmm ! coordinates* tn* city's evacuation order or In tn* w»k« of * storm. tmaraency maft3W>i*ir>? Plan ind vig«t Business owncrs-manaoM's must submit their Identification cards islanders to start thinking rxw about what they ncn-rMtdent emptovees' names and addresses can do to protect fntmulvts and their propertv for identification cards If these employees are M they will be ready when the Mason does dmffirf Msenttal for pre-storm preparation and will ensure access arrive. ' po»l-itorm rveovery operations. From time to rtm*. to this special box w* offer Island residents need only their drlvors license to your property if you tips to helo ltljnders be prepared coow Jttnt or voters registration card indicating a Sanibel This week's tip is dlrscted toward nonresident sddrass to gain access to the Islands In a ttnrm propertv owners or worker* whowlll need access situation.' do not live here to The Island both to secure their property or Hurricane identification Cards are Issued by buslneu befort a storm and to survey tha mall'only. 'For applications and ' more in- Hurricane s*aion dost not beoln asaln until damage and beoln repairs attcra storm. formation contact the city of Sanibel, tn-WS. JUM ], nut disaster offW»ls on Sanlbal already Anyont wno does not live on Sanlrwl Will have Those wno applied for the Identification card Uit art praptrlne - for the - 19M slx^tnonth: storm to show officials a Hurrkant Identification Card; year need not reapply and will b* corrtaetad if they want to com* on ttw islanddunno an reoartling renewal. The ISLANDER Tuesday, March 20. IBM ZA 1A Tuemday. March », IW The ISLANDER What's inside Weather watch Learn the pros and cons Director named for Below Market Rate Housing program about Amendment One Arts - «c Everybody ByClodyChalmen The board of directors of Community Housing and and flexible," she said. "I think that's me. The Committee of the Islands Is sponsoring a A former economic researcher for the U.S 10A public toruRi on the pros and cons of Amendment Resources, Inc., selected Newman over 10 other "When I was In school I was always younger than Business nm One at 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday, Starch 28, at tbe government has beco chosen to direct Sanlbd'i first applicants for the CO.ooo a year position. As the my classmates." she added. "That never bothered talks about it... Sanlbel Community Association hall. Below Market Rate Housing program. Dr. Dorothy city's housing foundation, CHR Is charged with me then. And it certainly doesat hotter me now to Classifieds 17C Newman assumes h»r duties ApriJ 1. administering the program to provide affordable Voters will reject or approve the proposed be older than most of the people 1 will be working amendment, or "Citizens Choice" as it is sometimes housing on Sanibei for residents with moderate with. 19C Islanders and vlsltorr. this week can expect more Incomes. Crossword ponle called, on Nov. S, 1934 (barring removal of the "As I always say. I'm only two years younger titan of tbe same almost-summer weather that blessed proposal from the ballot by the Supreme Court). The Newman said last week the directorship is the president." FI&hlDgtlps 8B Sanlbel and Captlva list week. Although there issue should be ol vital interest to all Sanlbel "almost exactly the sort of thing 1 want rtgbt now. I Newman and her husband, Sanford, have bought a might be a few more clouds overhead this week, the residents. feel very comfortable with this." condominium on Sanibei and are looking forward to highs should remain In tbe to* 80s and lows in tbe Movies, eaterUinioerjt 10C Supports say the amemi-aept U a much-needed The soft-spoken Newman, wbo is 70 years old, has being permanent residents here. "Is fact I'm BOs. restraint on Florida government. Opponents say it an impressive background that includes serving as already a registered voter here." she said. The Last week's weather according to records kept ky will devastate Florida Governmental services. PoUconeat 11A a cabinet member for the National Urban League Nvwnuns have visited Sanibei for four years. tbe Satubel-CapUva Chamber of Commerce was as Speakers at tbe forum will discuss Amendment and 15 years directing studies about housing for the For the past Uiree years Newman has taught follows: One as It affects both Lee County and Sanlbel VS. Department of Labor. She holds a bachelor's sociology at the graduate level at the University Service directory 15C property owners. degree in sociology and mathematics from Con- of Maryland and helped develop a course oa the HIGH LOW BAIN necticut College and a doctorate from Yale : This is an Informational meeting to give citizens a world view of race and ethnicity. SB Trace dearer understanding of tbe proposed amendment. University. The first task Newman will undertake once she Is Monday, March U 78 She has served as a consultant for the Carnegie Tuesday, March 13 2.07 Tbe presentation* by proponents and opponents will settled In her quarters at City Hall will be to Sports 10B begin at 7:30 p.m. sharp and will adjourn at 9:30 Corporation , and the Washington Center for "learn as much about Sanibei and IU people as I Wednesday. March H p.m. There will be tune for questions from the Metropolitan Studies, where she was a senior possible can." To do that, she said, she wUl utilize Thursday. March U Tides 9B Friday, March It associate. numerous data sources with which she Is familiar Fred Metcalfe, president of COTI,, win moderate Newman said she learned about (be position on Saturday, March 17 and will conduct an informal survey within the Sunday, March IS the discussion. The public is Invited. Seating will be Sanibei from an ad the city placed in The Islander.
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