PLANNING COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 5th February 2014 at Worksop Town Hall Present: Councillor B Barker (Chair) Councillors B A Bowles, H Burton, P Douglas, S Fielding, G Freeman, K H Isard, G Jones, G A N Oxby, C Palmer and A Simpson. Officers in attendance: B Alderton-Sambrook, C Crossland and S Wormald (Meeting commenced at 6.30pm.) (The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and read out the Fire Alarm/Evacuation Procedure. Members of the public were asked if anyone wanted to film the meeting (or part thereof) in accordance with the Department for Communities and Local Government’s guidance; however no-one responded.) 78. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D Challinor. 79. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (a) Members Councillor B A Bowles declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application 13/00977/COU, as he had been present at a Parish Council meeting when the application was discussed. He has also been contacted by residents and requested that the application be brought to Planning Committee. He remained in the meeting. (b) Officers S Wormald declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application 13/00977/COU as one of the objectors to the application is his neighbour. He remained in the meeting. 80. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15TH JANUARY 2014 RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2014 be approved. 81. MINUTES OF PLANNING CONSULTATION GROUP MEETINGS HELD BETWEEN 6TH JANUARY AND 20TH JANUARY 2014 Councillor P Douglas, ward Member for Welbeck, commented in relation to 13/01382/VOC that residents of Elkesley were concerned that the application was not referred to Planning Committee. She thanked the Chairman and the Planning Services Manager for subsequently meeting with herself and the Parish Council Chairman. RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Planning Consultation Group meetings held between 6th January and 20th January 2014 be received. 82. OUTSTANDING MINUTES LIST RESOLVED that the Outstanding Minutes List be received. SECTION A – ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION IN PUBLIC Key Decisions None. Other Decisions 83. REPORT(S) OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY PROSPERITY (a) Public Interest Test The Head of Community Prosperity had deemed that he considered all the reports on the Agenda were of a non-confidential nature. (b) Planning Applications and Associated Items Application No Applicant Proposal 13/01231/FUL J G Pears (Newark) Ltd Erection of a thermal oxidiser and 30 metre high chimney at J G Pears (Newark) Limited, Marnham Road, Low Marnham, Newark The application had not been the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting as Members were familiar with the site. Members were advised that the application seeks to erect a thermal oxidiser comprising of plant equipment 23 metres in length, 7.4 metres wide and 9.3 metres high with a 30 metre high chimney for the purpose of reducing residual emission from the combustion and odour treatment process at the site, therefore reducing the odour. The Planning Services Manager used slides to show the site location and photographs of the site. The landscape is considered as being moderate quality in the Nottinghamshire Landscape Study. The visual impact of the proposal is considered to be marginal given that the existing plant already has a visual impact. The benefits in reducing the odour outweigh the marginal change to the visual impact. Members were reminded that planning permission was refused in 2013 at the site for a biomass combined heat and power plant, the decision has been the subject of a recent appeal. If the appeal is unsuccessful this proposal will provide odour abatement. However if the appeal is successful this would be become the standby equipment for the combined heat and power plant, the 30 metre high tower would then be removed as per the terms contained in the associated section 106 legal agreement. Mr G Bolton spoke as the agent on behalf of the applicant. He advised that they are awaiting the outcome of the appeal. The combined heat and power plant proposal would have dealt with the odour issues. Following meetings with the Council’s Environmental Health Officer it was felt that the best option was to build a thermal oxidiser which could be incorporated into the combined heat and power plant if the appeal was successful. In the event that the combined heat and power plant is approved the 30 metre chimney would be removed. The proposal would also reduce the load on the bio filter. Observations from the following organisations were taken into account: English Heritage Environment Agency The Council’s Principal Environmental Health Manager Normanton-on-Trent with Marnham Parish Council Also taken into consideration was a planning statement in support of the application submitted by the applicant’s agent. RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY PROSPERITY – Grant subject to the conditions as circulated. COMMITTEE DECISION - Grant subject to the conditions as circulated. Application No Applicant Proposal 13/00977/COU Mr M J Mitchell Change of use from agricultural land to clay target shooting club, land off Whitewater Lane off, B6045, Bawtry Road, Blyth The application had been the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting. Members were advised that the application seeks permission for the change of use of agricultural land to a clay target shooting club following the closure of a shooting club on the former army base at Ollerton. The application is for change of use only and further planning applications would be required for any other works. The applicant states that five full time and up to 15 part time jobs would be created. The Planning Services Manager used slides to show the site location, photographs of the area and a diagram indicating the location of closest properties to the site. In relation to concerns and objections received she advised that: no objections have been received from statutory consultees; the nearest properties are 650 metres on the opposite side of the dual carriageway; the football pitch is some distance away and the club would shoot away from the pitch; and there are no public footpaths or rights of way within the vicinity. Members asked questions/ raised issues in relation to: The potential noise impact Stray shots The number of potential jobs created Access Highway safety Other suitable sites Hours of operation Contaminated land In response to questions raised in relation to the hours of operation Members were advised that the Council’s Environmental Health Officer has submitted recommendations and a condition is proposed to restrict the opening hours. Observations from the following organisations were taken into account: The Highways Agency Nottinghamshire County Council Director of Environment and Resources (Highways) Styrrup-with-Oldcotes Parish Council Blyth Parish Council Also taken into consideration were two letters of objection from local residents and a request from the ward Member that the application be reported to Planning Committee. RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY PROSPERITY – Grant subject to the conditions as circulated. COMMITTEE DECISION - Grant subject to the conditions as circulated. Application No Applicant Proposal 13/01355/FUL AH Retford Ltd Erection of extra care village comprising 63 apartments, 30 bungalows and associated car parking, amenity space and landscaping, former Elizabethan High School and games courts, land at Leafield, Retford The application had been the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting. Members were advised that the application is for an extra care village comprising of 33 one bedroom apartments, 30 two bedroom apartments and 30 two bedroom bungalows with associated parking, landscaping and the formation of a bowling green and allotments. The properties would be available for purchase, private rent or be nominated rented by residents who are over 55 years of age. The Planning Services Manager used slides to show the site location, proposed layout, elevations and a section across the street showing the relationship of the proposal to existing dwellings on Leafield. A copy of additional information received from a local resident comprising of photographs in support of their objection was circulated at the meeting. Mrs A Harrison spoke in objection to the application. She advised that she feels the proposal is not in keeping with other buildings in the area. She expressed concerns that there would be a significant loss of sunlight for the opposite properties, an increase in traffic and an increased strain on utility suppliers. She raised issues in relation to highway safety, children walking to and from school and that the proposed parking is not adequate for the number of dwellings. She added that there is a concern over the character of the residents. She commented that she does not object to the idea in principle but resents the size, height and design of the development. She suggested that the bowling green could be taken out of the scheme and the height of the apartments lowered and accommodated in this space. Ms C Dunk spoke in support of the application. She advised that Nottinghamshire County Council have committed funding for the development of several extra care schemes across the county. Consultation has shown that older people want to live in their own home environment with care support. Extra care housing accommodation is built to a high specification with high corridors, lifts and wheelchair access. There will be an element of communal space with the opportunity to invite health professionals for wellbeing clinics. The use of the communal areas will be decided by the residents. The County Council would have nomination rights on 25 of the units for residents who are to receive care funded by the County Council. The model of care enables residents to access medical care whilst ensuring they retain their independence.
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