HDTV Now. OVCPRO equipment ~nd ;-ystcm> from !':masonic arc dc,lgned to 'uppon an) and ~II of the 18 different formats propo,ed for OTV in Canada.And while Panasonic. OVCPRO is perfect for the digital tciC\Ioion future, it'' aho quite capabl)' meeting the high demands of digital technolog)' tod:t)'. Whjch is no doubt wh)' we've alrcad)' >old DVCPRO 60,000 units around the world. DVCPI\0. l'crfect for now. l'crfcct for the DTV rc:tlity. Phone: (905 ) 238•2115 f Q X ( : 9 0 5 3 ) 2 8 3 • 2 6 2 President's Report Best of the Best 2 Turning the Tables Happy I DOth, Kodak Conodo 4 1999 CSC Awards Second to None 6 Kodak New Century Award 14 Fuji Award 15 Bill Hilson Award 16 Fritz Spiess Award 17 Rogers' Cube CSC Feotvre Award 18 Film Clips 20 Looking at HDTV Action Production Notes CSC Calendar 24 On this moorh'scove~ : 1. Colleen Nom~ 2. Bill Purthme 3. Dylon Mod.!Od CSI 4. Monhew Phillips S. Joon Huttoo CSI 6. PcxA Sorossy CSI 1. Andre l'lenoor CSI 8. Ann Medino 9. Derek Rogers CSI 10. Jeff Rowers & studenh that Gunild Spiess was there to make the premier presenta­ PRE~IDEnT'S tion In the name of her late husband, who died in March, REPORT 1998. Fritz, a Full Ufe Member who was one of the founders of the Society in 1957, shot over 3,000 commercials and was JOAN HUnOH uc fondly dubbed the "dean of Canadian cinematographers.• While this award Is dedicated to the memory of Fritz Spiess esc. we also salute a lithe founding members of 1957 who gave us a distinctive place to communicate, learn and grow as pro­ fessionals. We were privileged to welcome some of those char­ ter members at our 1999 celebra­ Honourin_g the tion. They arc active links between Best of tlie Best our past and future, and they, and many others who came latN, he esc Awards Gala, our tribute to the achievements helped build a Society that one of of our members, has come and gone for another year. our past award winners, Barry TIt was bigger and better than ever, a truly wonderful Stone esc, once described as a way to validate the impressive work of Canadian clnematog· somewhat maternal organization. raphers In world-class film and video productions. As we In a quote for the esc mem· 1 confidently approach The Year 2000, at a time when the bership brochure, Barry said: • Jn 1 Canadian film and television industry has never been the ephemeral world of fllm, the { healthier, we are proud to honour the past by celebrating the esc Is a bit like your mum: always ~ present and embracing the future. The esc has ne•-er strayed there to answer your questions, -.: from its original objective, "to promote and foster the art of feed you new information, and pat THAHK.S, ANN: ac Aw•cb cinematography in Canada; and that's why we were there you on the back from time to host AM Me&na. on March 27, prt.>senting awards to the best of the best. time.,. There was a significant and touching addition to the pro­ We patted a lot of worthy p;!Ople on the back this year. And gram this year. The Fritz Spiess Award for Commercial there are many people to thank. My thanks to the executive, Cinematography was inaugurated, and we were honoured staff and volunteers for another great year, with special thanks to Awards Chair Susan Saranchuk for stagi ng this year's won­ derful show. We are grateful for the time and expertise of the awards juries, chaired so ably by Wilson Markle esc (HON), and we were delighted to have Ann Medina as our host. Ann has been executive producer of CBC-TV's Newsmagazitlt, senior foreign correspondent for 17~t /Oitntal and Beirut bureau chief for 171t! National and 111~ /Oimtal. She has won an Em my, she was one of the flrst residents at Norman jewlson's Canadian FUm Centre, ~he was chair of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television for four years, and she cur­ rently hosts CBC Newsworld's documentary series Rough Cuts and History Television's 11/story 0 11 Film. We were honoured to have a broadcast journalist of her professional stature guide our proceedings. As Vice-President Richard Stringer C.'IC said In offi cially winding up the awards night: "Most cinematographers-myself Include-are not accus­ tome<l to being out in front of the camera o r a live audience. And, no matter how many Interviews we shoot, we are in awe or the ease and wit with which professional broadcast journal­ Ists like Ann handle being In the public eye. The talent, as we affectionately call them, are sometimes mysteries to us, and we to them. But they like us for making them look good, and so it is a symbiotic relationship. Ann, thank you for your time, your talent and your energy. Most of all, thank you for making us look good." A huge thanks goes, of course, to our corporate sponsors, whose generosity made this festive occasion possible. And last but not least, congratulations to all this year's winners and nominees. We are fortunate to have such talented and dedi· cated individuals as members of our Society. e sentation to everybody Turning the Tables at Kodak Canada, and especially the superb Happy l DOth Ann iversary, team at Professional Motion Imaging." Kodak Canada Kodak Canada began with a small office in he presentation of the Kodak downtown Toronto at New Century Award has been 41 Colborne Street In Tone of the highlights of the esc 1899, when George Awards pr<>gr.~m every rear since 1987, Eastman, Eastman Kodak's joan Hutton esc told the 1999 Awards founder, sent john G. gala. "But this rear Is extra special and l'almer to evaluate we are proud to turn the tables on Canada's Hcdgllng pho­ Kodak Canada, just thl> once. • tographic business. Con­ The CSC president presented a spe­ vinced of the viabi­ cial trophy to the film company'~ pres· lity of the Canadian ldent and CEO, Ed jurus, to mark the market, Palmer became IOOth anniversary of Kodak Ca nada. the first president of "It is my privi lege and pleasure this Canadian Kodak l-td., as evening. • she sald, "to acknowledge the company was then the warm and wonderful association known. Today, Koda!.. the CSC has had with Kodak Canada Canada employs over over many years, and which continues 1,600 Canadians pro­ to grow in mutual respect. We con­ ducing consumer and gratulate Kodak Canada on the commercial imaging anniversary of its first 100 years, and products for sale both CSC Prtsldtttt Jooo Hott011 m mobs spodal pr11t11tatloo to as a token of gratitude and friendship, domestically and Inter- Prtsldtttt oM GO ld Jvnos of Kodok Cooodo to matk Kodak we would like to make this special pre- nationally. e Cooodo's IOOth oonivonory. FUJICOLOR SONY. PROFESSIONAL AWARD W INNING MOTION PICTURE FILM POST PRODUCTION FUJICOLOR NEGATIVE FILM I SUPER F SERIES SOUND & PICTURE F-&10 H 64 Daylight Balance F·125 E.l. t25 FOR FILM AND F·250 E.l. 250 Precision Camera Inc. F-2500 E.l. 250 Daylight Balance T ELEVISION F·500 E.l. 500 Imaging Technology Available In both 35mm and 16mm. for the Future Sony: Broadcast Cameras For tunhor Information. please contact: Digital Betacam FUJI PHOTO FILM CANADA INC. DVCam Sachtler Tripods MONTREAl. TORONTO VANCOUVER DeMo lanQts ~ fOQOII Nora Spencer Sonic Solutions Digital Audio (5t4)331·38$C (905)891)-6611 (604)271·2512 Video Tape: Sony, Maxell, Fuji Manufacturing-Special Services PCI Power ProduclS ~ FUJIFILM 181 Cl!lewAvenue 315 WMt 5th Avenue 22 BOSTON AVE. TORONTO ON. TO<OniO Ontario Vancouver, B.C. CANADA M4M 2T9 IMM 2$1 VSY 1J6 TEl: (416) 461-2550 FAX: (416) 461-9709 Phone (418) 461-3<0 11 Phone (604) 875·6500 YOUR BEST CHOICE. Fox (418) 481-<a89 F3J< (604) 875·6555 • esc NfWSMay 1999 \ 1 CSC Awards I Aesc shooter takes 0 back seat to no one' "This is always a special evening," president Joan HuHon esc said in her welcoming address to the 1999 CSC Awards Gala on March 27. " It is a time to honour and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our fellow cinematographers, it is an opportunity to recognize and thank the individuals and companies who keep our industry at a world-class level, and it is an occasion to enjoy a fine dinner in the excellent company of old and new friends." By Don Angus Photos by John Narvali he friends included broadcast journalist Ann Medina, who made a sparkling debut as host and kept the proceedingsv moving smoothly wit h wit and charm. In her introduCIIOn, the CSC president recounted thdt Ann had won an Emmy, was one of the first residents at Norman jewison·~ Canadian Film Centre, was chair of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television for four years, and was current­ ly host of CilC Newsworld's documentary series Rouglr Cuts and History Television's History on Film. ""Ann, It's your show," joan sajd, and it was. Her light and breezy style set a fun tone right off the top, starting with CTV newscaster Tom Clark's humorous adven· tures In searching for the nominees for the Roy l:lsh Award and followed by CBC-1V host Bana Gartner's hilarious cell-phone conversation with the winner of the Stan Clinton Award, CfV's Wendell Tenove, who was out of town on a news shoot.
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