PRESERVATION / PROTECTION OF ARCHIVES Jozef Hanus Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, Department of Archives, Križkova 7, 811 04 Bratislava [email protected] Who am I? Chemical engineer - graduated 1973 Chemical-Technological Faculty, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava Head, Department of Archives Preservation at the Slovak National Archives since 1974 PhD. in macromolecular chemistry and technology - 1987 International Council on Archives - Committee on Preservation since 1980 International Council on Museums - Working group for conservation of graphic documents – since 1995 International Institute for Archival Science Trieste-Maribor External lecturer at the Comenius University Bratislava – Preservation of archives Partiiicipant at th e EU proj ects – MIP, PaperTreat, COST D42 Research stays - National Archives Canada – Ottawa 1991, - CRCDG Paris 1998, 2000, 2002, - University La Rochelle 2004 Director, Archives Department, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic – since January 1, 2009 Network of SA Bytča Branches SA Levoča SA Prešov the state 1. Čadca Branches Branches 2. Dolný Kubín 1. Levoča 1. Prešov archives SR 3. Lipt. Mikuláš 2. Poprad 2Bardejov2. Bardejov 4. Martin 3. Spišská 3. Humenné ŠA Nitra 5. Považská Bystrica Nová Ves 4. Stará 4. Svidník 6. Žilina 5. Vranov nad Topľou Branches Ľubovňa 1. Nitra 2. Bojnice 3. Komárno 4. Levice 5. Nové Zámky 6. Topoľčany SNA SA Košice Branches 1. Košice SA B. Bystrica 2. Michalovce ŠÚBA B. Štiavnica Branches 3Rž3. Rožňava 1. B. Bystrica 4. Trebišov Branches 2. B. Štiavnica 1. Modra 3. Kremnica SA Bratislava 2. Skalica 4. Lučenec 3. Šaľa 5. Rim. Sobota More than 400 employes 4. Trenčín 6. Veľký Krtíš Archives of the Capitol 5. Trnava 7. Zvolen 185 000 running metres of the SR Bratislava Preservation, conservation and restoration of documents crucial importance among the main tasks of archivesarchives Preservation of archives is a summary of processes and proceedings ensuring stability of documents against damage or destruction, treatments of damaged documents by conservation and restoration ppprocesses as well treatments of all documents during processing, making accessible, using, exhibition, etc. Basic ppprinciples and conditions for protection / preservation §§§ Legal provisions §§§ Practical preservation • preventive measures • conservation and restoration §§§ Legal provisions §§§ Declaration of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on preservation of cultural heritage from February 28, 2001 the Act no . 395/2002 on Archives and Registries and on the Amendments of Certain Acts from 17 May 2002 the Decree no. 628 of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic from 29 October 2002 by which some provisions of the Act on Archives and Reg itiistries are execut tded Protection in legislation Act no. 395/2002 on Archives and Registries Article 2 DfiitiDefinitions (8) Protection of archives, shall mean a complex of specialised activities intended for their preservation and protection against theft and destruction. (10) Conservation copy of archives (hereinafter referred to as “conservation copy ”) , shall mean a copy of the archives that is usually saved on microfilm in order to preserve the information that the archives contain. Protection in legislation Article 3 Basic provisions (1) Archival heritage shall form an integral part of the cultural heritage of the Slovak Republic. The state shall be obliggped to provide for the p reservation of archival heritage and everyone shall be obliged to provide collaboration to the state with respect to it . (2) The acquisition of archives, protection of archives, their processing and access to the information contained in archives, shall be subject to public interest. Charter of Zobor dated 1111, Bishop´s AhiNiSlkiArchives Nitra, Slovakia CfCoat of arms c harter granted by emperor Zigismund to Bratislava in 1436,AMB Golden bull of king Matej 1464 Founding charter of Academia Istropolitana in Decree of Gratianus, Bratisldbllava granted by Pope Paul II in 1469, SNA 13th century, SNA Antiphonary of Bratislava, 15th cent. SNA PaperPaper It is an organic material based on is the principal cellulose fibres information very vulnerable carrier in its degradation can cause archives and the loss of “memory of mankindmankindmankind” libraries Where does actually preservation beginsbegins?? Original quality of archival documents which are already kept in archives or records which alreadyyp have been produced 1.and Creation will becomeand origin archival of documents record/documentCANNOT BE INFLUENCED- process cannot be influenced Evidence/registration is an integral part of preservation which also enables the exact access to information Quality of archival aids can significantly reduce useless manipulation with documents Nothing will be lost in the archives! However, not always it can be found! Archives buildings - the basic condition of preservation Eifitbl/tilditiftEnsuring of suitable /optimal conditions for storage of archival documents is a first-rate responsibility andkfd task from preservat iuon po int o fif view Preservation strategy is of a p rimary imp ortance in planning, building or reconstruction/adaptation of any archives building There are a lot of publications dealing with these problems - among them some numbers o f ATLANTI journa l or proceeding of traditional conferences on professional and technical problems of archi ve works Su dobni Arhiv i w hich have been held since 1979 Archives buildings - the basic condition of preservation BS 5454 : 1989 , rev. 2000 . B riti sh St and ard Recommendations for storage and exhibition of archival documents. ISO 11799:2003 - Information and Documentation – DiDocument storage requirements for archhiive and llibibrary materials APPENDIX B Temperature Relative humidity ((informativeinformative)) [ ˚C]C ] [ % ] min max. changes min. max. changes Paper, optimal storage 218 ± 1 30 50 ± 5 Parchment, leather 2181°/h 50 60 3%/h Photographic film b&w, ester of cellulose < 21 ± 2 15 50 No changes Photographic film b&w, polyester < 21 ± 2 30 50 Microfilm colour, ester of cellulose < 2 ± 2 15 30 No changes Photographic microfilm colour, polyester < 2 ± 2 25 30 Photographic sheets b&w < 20 20 50 No changes Photographic sheets colour < 2 20 50 Photographic paper b&w 2 20 4/deň 30 50 No changes Photographic paper colour < 2 30 50 Microfilm b&w, ester of cellulose < 21 ± 2 15 40 No changes Photographic microfilm b&w, polyester < 21 ± 2 30 40 Vinyl plates < 21 50 Magnetic media (audio, video) 17 20 20 30 No chans AtiActive gases and vapours o f grea test concern whi hihch may be expected to harm archival documents and which are found in a polluted atmosphere are sulphur dioxide SO2 oxides of nitrogen NOX ozone O3 hydrogen sulphide H2S The major acidic pollutants sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are presented in urban air worldwide with typical ambient concentrations of 5 – 50 ppb for SO2 and 50 – 200 ppb for NO2. ISO 11799ISO 11799 British Standard 5454: 2000 andInformation Information and DocumentDocumentation – DocumentationDocumentRecommendations – forthe for the storage requirements forstorage nd aand storageexhibitionof archiveandlibrary archiveandmaterials and library materialsarchival documents Annex A -Maximum limits for Annex A - Environmental poaaa utir po olluti poon ut o cond it io ns fo r t he storage of modern media Parts/billion (photographic materials) ((yby volume) 3 Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 5 – 10 1 μg / m 3 Nitrogg(en Oxides (NOx) 5 – 10 5 μg/mg / m 3 Ozone (O3) 5 – 10 25 μg / m μg/mg / m3 carbon 45 μgg/m / m3 dioxide Dust particles 50 Theory - and reality; gaps between scientific knowledge and reality? Nationaal Archief: different ways of storage Courtesy of Ted Steemers, The National Archives, The Netherlands ArchivesNational – National– rchivesAThe Netherlands Hague – The The Hague Nationaal Archief: monitoring Klik om tekst in te voeren Courtesy of Ted Steemers, The National Archives, The Netherlands The Slovak National Archives The air-inlet to the building The air outlet from the storage room the 5th floor Nationaal Archief: Air filtration AIRFILTRATION SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. DUSTFILTER EU4 5. ACTIVATED CARBON 2. VENTILATOR 6. DUSTFILTER EU9 3. ELECTROSTATICAL FILTER 7. OPTIONAL 4CHEMISORBANT4. CHEMISORBANT Courtesy of Ted Steemers, The National Archives, The Netherlands Preservation of cultural heritage - priiltkfincipal task of arc hives 26 Disinfection / sterilisation of archival documents Conservation - restoration Conservation - restoration Conservation - restoration Preservation Image / information transfer to other medididium - prevention and access Microfilming Digggitization ArchivesSlovak National – National– Archives di itidigiti tiza diti ition equ ti itipmenAtlt Atl Atlas Archívne dni Žilina Slovak National Archives– Archives– SiSScannbkingb gbac Sikids--s k id bkte id eB ithetterlight6000 lBt 6000 SA Levoča ArchivesSlovak National – National– Archives Microfilmscanner Microfilm scanner State Central Mining Archives Banská Štiavnica ScannerCruse Scannerformaps Cruse for maps Archívne dni Žilina Proper storage 16 ± 2oC conditions 50 ± 5 % PPreservationreservation of cultural heritage can be solved only as an interdisciplinary complex problem in which the role of chemists, physicists, paper scientists and their co-co-operationoperation with experts from other fields of scidhlience and technology and practical endend--users,users, conservators and restorers, supported by adequate financial background is an inevitable
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