Manmouth County'* Great Market Place ' All the Mews of The BegUtert Ctaulfled BED BANK Department—• and Surrounding Towns Where tha Seller Bind* Told Fearlessly anil Without Bin* 1EK the Buyer, Intuit Wnklr. EnUr.d u Bacond-Uan Matter at tha l'o<l- Subicrlptlon Prloai On K«ar It.CO VOLUME LV, NO. 25. ofnci it Bad Bank. N. J- undtr tie Act of Match S. HIS RED BANK^N. J,, WEDNESDAYKDECEMBER 14,1932. Six Month! 11.00. Simla Cop/ «c. PAGES 1 TO 12, O1IB MAYOB IN FLORIDA. FIREWOOD FOB THE JOBLESS. Rumson Considers Christmas Program Organize to Aid War Veterans ii iff Charles B. English Is Making a So- \ Carload ol Fuel for Former Ball- Try Red Bank First Holding Tax Sale of Woman's Club journ ot New Smyrna. Local Unemployed Elect Officers , road Employees, Mayor Charles E. English of Maplo A freight railroad car loaded with lusic Department Arranges In- avenue, Red Bank, loft on Saturday Red Bank Labor Association Will rrancis M. Higgins of Keansburg rcwood arrived at Hed Bank last Borough Borrows $10,000 from by train with hlB wife for New week. This fuel was obtained by Campaign Is Popular Bank to Pay County and State teresting Program for Friday Smyrna, Florida. The mayor and Seek to Have County Men Commander of Edwin Field reaking up cars of the Central rail- \ Taxes and Current Bills—Sale Consisting of Christmas Car- Mrs. English expect to spend about Employed on All County Pub- Camp of Spanish War Veter- oad company which were worn out May Have to Take Place. ols and American Mutic. ' a month there and to return Tuesday, lic Work. : ans—Installation January 12. ind unserviceable. The wood was January 10th. Mr. English has left given to former employees who were Throngs of Christmas Shoppers Come to Monmouth To hold or not to hold a tax sale. The rauslts department oftho Rod with Mrs. Anry-E, Shlnn, the borough A- new'-organisation _ has been Tho annual meeting and election laid off from their Jobs because of the That In too question, tho mayor and lank Woman's club has an Intercst- clerk, a Hut of tho appointive officials formed at Red Bank known as theot officers of Major Edwin Field business depression. Three other car- County's Shopping Center—Another Distribution council of RuniBon may be culled up- lg program arranged for Friday af- and councllmanlc committees, 'to bo Red Bank Labor association, incor- camp No. 41 of the United Spanish oads of the same kind ot fuel were T>n to dooldo shortly• Tho matter has irnoon. Christmas carols by theratified at the New Tears reorgan- porated, and it received its incorpor- war veterans, was held Thursday •ecently given to former employees of Free Gifts Tomorrow Night. D-eui under deliberation for some ;ub chorus under thb~ aireotlon of ization coironlttoo of tho conncjl. it ation papers last Wednesday. The night at tho borough hall. The_ meet- >f the company. time, but cottar tho 'cornmlBalonora •B. Edythe Grelsonbeclc and a pro- Is generally expected that t[ie apassociatio- n was started primarily to ing also embraced the annual "recep- Much other asslstanco for former "Hello, Everybody, The Voice "of Gift No. 48— Picture frame, donated b/ have boon dblo to avert a tax ealo. ;ram of American muBlc under the pointments will bo the same as this secure work for its members on tion to tha department officers and •allroad employees who are now job- Red Bank" Is broadcasting a mes- "-'•••> Unnc .Store, won by Mr*. B. M, It Is the last thing tho commission- building, construction and repair Jobs 703 Elver rond, I'ulr Haven. irectlon ot Mlns Sadie Child will be year. Tho executive board will remain their respective staffs. / ess has been provided, thanks to the sage of good will to the thousands (illt No. 61—Powdor nnd perfuira let, er) want, Several times during tho iresented. Mrs. John R. Morris Is unohanged. Mr. English having been being done in Monmouth county and Joseph E. Bahr of Keanaburg, com- generosity of railroad employees. of its shopping friends of Monmouth mated by Schroeder'n Pharmacy, won by past years a tax salo appeared Im- halrmari and Mrs. Alan Frost la co- re-elected mayor and James S. Parkos being paid for by public funds. An- mander of tho camp, presided and These employees for a number of county. On page three of this Issue rs. Frank Smith, 20 Uranchport «v«nue. minent, but tho olliclalB made per- other purpose was to protect those there Is an announcement of general ons Branch. halrman of this department. ' and J. A. VanScholok having been re- introduced the guests, among whom eeks post have been donating part Gift No. 63—Chlld'« dreaa, donated by sonal appeals to taxpayers and the elected cotincllmen. All tho members members and non-members embrac- Interest to all Register readers where MIBS Child's program will consist of ing all branches of labor who arewere Past Department Commander )f their salaries to buy food and (.oldbcrit, won by Cecilia Hammond, response was sufficient to save the ilano selections by Virginia Wyckoff, of tho board are Republicans. lothing for their former fellow cm- a vote of thanks Is extended to the Lipplncott avenue, Lon,r Brancii. day. residents of Monmouth county In the Fred D. Shadell of Lyndhurst, Senior people of Red Bank and vicinity for lilft No. 67—Six pairs mix, donated by eanetto Ryeraon, MISa Ruth WI1- hiring, Importation and the-employ- Vice Commander Kdward M. An-iloyees who are without work. As- onmouth Street Hen'n Shop, won by Tho question is before the commis- istance of this kind has been pro- the hearty response to the appeal to nmaret Farrell, IUvonldo Jlduati, R>d man, Mliu Lydla Ivina and Georgo ment of labor foreign to Monmouth drcWa of Rahway, Junior Vice Com- spend their Christmas club checks sioners once more.' At Thursday arx. Also solos by Mrs.' Kenneth monder Arthur H. Dill, of Dover, De- vided for twenty families. The dis- ank. night's meeting of the commission- Middletown to county and<ito N^ew Jersey. In Red Bank. That they did "Try , Olft No. 10—Electric train, donated uy Wycltoff and negro spirituals by the partment Adjutant Fred C. Westphal ribution of the food and clothing at Red Bank First" was evidenced by ctloy ». won by Ml«a E. Klolnschraldt, 10 ers county and state taxes and cur- The promoters do not understand Red Bank and vicinity is under the rent kills amounting to $70,000 were Rosebud quartet of the Colored Bap- why a resident of, Monmouth county of Lyndhursf and ^onartment Quar- the large number of Christmas club «e«t Front streot. Red Dank. it church. Miss Wyckoffu numbers direction of Georgo Robinson. Last Inl(ilfeJt No. 78—Doll, donated by SthuIU. ordered paid. Tho borough had Honor Barbour should pay taxes Which take care of termaster William A. Larkln of Jer- checks which were presented In pay- ' ;, won by Yloln barker, llumlon will Include "Narcissus," Nevln, sey City. •ear the Central railroad employees ment for merchandise purchased In ond. Little • Silver. ' about $00,000 in tho treasury, and a county Improvements and then stand in New Jersey donated $50,000 for resolution was adopted to borrow the March Grofcseque," Miss Wilman will United States Senator Will be by without any employment and al- Past Department Commander Sha- Red Bank last week. Tomorrow will be another double balance from tho bank. The bor-)lay "Adoste Fldells, Kern, "From An low the contractor in charge of pub- dell spoke on the number of bills his purpose, and It Is probable that :oupon day in Red Bank and tho Indian Lodge," MacDowell, and "Crap Guest of Honor at the Annual contributions will be larger this year. That this Christmas shopping sea- ough hopes to got enough taxes In lic work to employ labor from other now before Congress, and brought son is the greatest Red Bank has 'Try Red Bank Firot" customers by tho ond of the year to pay off the hootcrB." Miss Lydla Ivlns will Dinner of the Township Com- parts of the atato and out of theout many facts of great Interest to seen In some years Is gratifying to ill receive double purchase cortlft- note. If tho receipts aro sufficient lay, "To a Wild Rose," and "Rlgan- mittee at Molly Pitcher Hotel. state. , The promoters of this new the veterans. Other officers made the 110 merchants who have united ntes In the stores displaying the of- jio pay tho note It la not likely that lon," MacDowoll and Jeanetto Ryer- organization have Informed The short addresses. towards making this a real accom- lcial Chamber of Commerce banners. a tax sale will be held. On tho other on, "Blue Danube Waltz," Straus. Tho annual and final meeting of Register that labor from Monmouth The vote of the camp resulted In Making Good in plishment. The "shop early" slogan Another co-operative dlatrlbutlon of hand if taxes fall short of the mark Goorgo Marx will play both Indian ho township committee of Middle- county cannot secure work on anythe following officers being elected which the Red Bank merchants have lft8 will be made tomorrow night tho officials say they have no othor and Negro compositions, to Include town township will be held Saturday, of the public jobs being done In our nd tho names of tho winners will 1 for the ensuing year: Virginia College been advocating over a period of recourse but to hold tho salo.
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