REGD. GOA 5'· Panaji,10lh August 1918 (Sravana 19, 1900) SERIES III No. 19 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENTOF.GOA, . DAMAN AND DIU .. GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Home Department (General) Directorate of Tramp';rt Public Notice I-Applications have been received for grant of renewal of st~ge carriage pennits to operate on the following routes: Date Da.te Name and a.ddress -ot the applicant Y. V. No. S. No. of receipt ot expiry 1. 6·5-78 23- 9-78 Shri Sudam A. 'Moraskar, Calangute, Bardez..Goa. Baga to Panaji via GDT 2429 Candolim, Sinquerim and back. (Renewal of GDPst/579/75). 2. 6·5·78 10· 9-78 Shri Ashok M. Mandrekar, Mandrem, H. No. 270, Pernem-Goa.. Patradevi GDT 2139 to Mahakhazan via Pernem and back. (Renewal of GDPst/429/70). 3. 15·5-78 29· 9·78 Shri Jose Novais, Goa Velha, H. No. 43, nhas~Goa. Panaji to Agasaim GDT 2012 ."fr" and back. (Renewal of GDPst/44/66). 4. 15·5-78 25- 9-78 Shri Amarante Vaz, 78, Near Church, CUncolim-Goa. Velim to Mormugao GDT 2313 Harbour and back. (Renewal of GDPst/524/72). 5. 15-5-78 19-10-78 Mis. Laxmi Transport Co. Pvt. Ltd., Assolna, Salcete-Goa. Ambelim GDT 1827· to Margao via Assolna, Ch~chinim and vice versa. (Renewal of GDPst/460/71). 6. 15-5-78 19·10-78 Mis. Laxmi Transport Co. Pvt. Ltd., AssoIna, Salcete-Goa. Margao to GDT 2053 Assolna to Betul and vice versa. (Renewal of GDPst/459/71). 7. 22·5-78 4· 9-78 Shri Sagun Gonsu Naik, Ribandar, Dhas-Goa. Opa to Panaji and vice GDT 2338 versa. (Renewal of GDPst/237/69). 8. 2·6-78 14- 9-78 Smt. Mathuribai Esso Naik, OrUm, H. No. 35, Salcete-Goa. Cavelossim GDT 1842 to Margao and vice versa. (Renewal of GDPst/385/72). 9. 2·6-78 25, 9-78 The Marmagoa Motor Transport Cooperative Society Ltd., Vasco da GDT 2382 Gama-Goa. Vasco da Gama to Sadashivgad via Cortalim, Margao, Canacona, Polem & vice versa. (Renewal of GDPst/484/71). 10. 2-6·78 19· 9-78 The Marmagoa Motor Transport Cooperative Society Ltd., VasCo da GDT 2390 Gama-Goa. Vasco da Gama to Sawantwadi via Margao, Dodamarg & vice versa (Renewal of GDPst/578/75). 11. 12·6-78 18- 1',79 Smt. Niceta Barros, Vel1m, H. No. 969, Salcete-Goa. Betul (Baradi) to GDT 2049 Margao via Assolna, Chinchinim, Cuncolim, Sirlhu & vice versa. (Renewal of GDPst/598/76). 12. 14-6-78 23~10·78 Shri Raman Rama Pednekar, H. No. E-11, Mausawado. Pernem-Goa. GDT 1996 Naibag to Mahakhazan and vice versa. (Renewal-of GDPstj205/67). 13. 19-6-78 20-'10·78 Shri Marcus F. X. Fernandes, Ansabhat, Mapusa,- Bardez-Goa. Kerim GDT 2036 t~ Chopdem via Arambol, Mandrem and back. (Renewal of" GDPstl /26/66). 14. 23·6-78 23·10·78 Mis. Shri Manguexa Bus Service, CaralJ,Zalem-Goa. Panaji to_ Dona GDT 2410 Pallia & Panaji to Taleigao and vice_ versa. (Renewal of GDPst/ /581/75). 15. 26·6-78 22-12-78 Mis. Goa Chitrapur Bus "Service, P. Bo N:o. 72, Margao-Goa. (1) Margao GDT 2425 to Mapusa & back (2) ·Margao. to Fannagudl Eng. College and back. ________________________~(~R~e~n~ew~a1~of~G~D~P~s~t/~5~8~9~/7~5~);-- ____________________________________________. II - The following applications received late for r'enewal of regular stage calTiage permits are treated as applications for new permits to operate on the routes: Date of Date of M. V. No.- Sr.l\'"v. receipt expiry . 1. 25-4-78 13-7-78 Shri Manohar ,Ladu Shlrodkar, H. No~ 8," RibandarJ Dhas~Goa.' (Panaji GDT 2359 to Margao & vice versa). 2. 13-3-78 23-6-78 Mis. Janata Transport Society, H. No. ,E 112, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa. GDT 2272 -~ (Panaji to Mapusa & vice versa). - 280 SERIES III No. 19 The above applications will be considered by the State Applications of the applicants will be available for ins~ Transport Authority. Panaji, Goa, at its meeting to be held pection to any person or authority specified in Section 47 of in the Office, of the Director of Transport, panaji, Goa, the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 at the oftice of the underSigned together 'With any representations for or against or objections O.D receipt of a written request from such _a person. The date, that may be submitted so as to reach the undersigned within tune-' and place for considering the applications by the State fifteen days from the date of publication of notification in the 'Transport Authority, Panaji, Goa, will be notified: Official Gazette. Copies of the representations unless sent'to .Panaji, 4th August, 1978.":- The Director of Transport, N. the applicant will not be- considered. - D. Vengurlekar; Office of the District Magistrate of Go. Notification Notification No. MAG/MV/PANAJI/78·1373 No. MAG/MV/PANAJI/78·1499 It is hereby notified under Ruie 7 ~12: of the Goa,' Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles Rules, 1965.1hat the space at ,the In supersession of this office notification No. JUD/MV/ PANAJIj77 dated 19-11-1977, it is hereby notified under old bus stand in front of post office, Panaji is declared as a Section 76 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939' read with Rule_7.7 . stand for auto~ckshaws.- The rickshayvs _,presently, being of the Goa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles Rules, ·-1965 parked near St. Tome Chapel shall be shifted at the above that the present autorickshaw stand situated near the Khoja ,stand -and this place shall cease_to be used as a stand. Community Temple is shifted to an alternate location along Ormuz Road along Azad Maidan at its eastern most stretch. This shall have immediate effect. (opposite Cafe Prakash) Panaji, 3rd August, 1978. -~The Distnct Magistrate. Panaji, 2nd August, 1978. -- The Distrtct Magistrate, N arendra Prasad.. N arendra Prasad. Notification Notification No. JUD/MV/P ANAJI/78-1500 Under Section 75 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 the No. MAG/MV/PANAJI/78-1373-A following place is hereby notified for fixation of signboard Under Section 75 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 the follow­ as indicated against the same.. ing place is hereby notified for fixation of signboard as indi­ Type and number of cated against the same. Name of Place signboard ' ------------------------~ ---- Name of the place Type and number of On the Ormuz Road along Azad Rickshaw Stand-1 signboard Maidan ,at its eastern most· At the old bus stand (opposite post Rickshaw Stand -- 1 stretch. (opposite to Cafe Pra- krum~)________________________________ _ office~ Panaji} , Panaji, 2nd August, 1978. - The Distrtct Magjstrate, Panaji, 3rd August, 1978. - The District Magistrate, Na­ Narendra Prasad. ... rendra Prasad. Works, Education and Tourism Department Public Works Dep.rtment Works Division VI- Margao Tender Notice No. PWD/WDVI/500/4/78-79 The Executive EngVleer._ Works Division ,VI, P.W.D., Margao, Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, Sealed Item Rate Ten~ers from the approved and eligible contractors. of __ ,C.P.W.D. and those of appropriate list -of Union Territories/State 'PWD/M.E.S./Railways upto 3.00 p. m. on 19-8-1978 for the following works separately: . " "' . Estimated Earnest Cost of tender Time Limit Sr.Na. Description cost " Money Rs. Rs. Rs. (days) 1. Re-const. of 6.00 & '2.00 mts. Span Culverts on Margao ' Quepem Road nearkms. 44/2 and 44/4 ................. , ... 3,18,444.35 7,961.00 30/- ,180 2. Construction of Khareband to _Pedda Road in a le~ of 1591 mts....................................... , ..................... 3,00,987.57 7,525.00 30/- 240 3. B/T., of Maina Plrla Road ....................................... 2,80,361.00 7,009.00 30/- 180 4. Improvement and BjT.- of Nuvem Dongori ROad ......... 2,69,169.69 6,729.00 30/- 210 5. 'BIT. 'of_"Varca- ,'Pedda' Road .................................... 1,67,365.22 4,184.00 30/- 180 Tenders__ ,wi1I."be ,op,ened immediately after 3.00 .p. m. on the The intendirig tenderer will have to produce Income Tax same day. Earnest ,Money shown against works should be Chiarance Certificate at the time of buying tender. deposited in the State Bank of India, Margao or any Scheduled The tender of the contractors, who do not deposit Earnest Bank in the 'form -of,-'Deposit at Call Receipt and. enclosed Money in the prescribed form is liable to be rejected. Right with the tender. Conditi,ons-, of_ . contract and Tender Forms to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any _reason can be had from the above mentioned Office upto 3.00 p. m. therefore is reserved. of 17M 8-1978 on all, work~ng ;d~~ on payment_"of -co.st of tender (non-refundable) per each <-iteill in cash. If required Margao, 3rd- August, 1978. - The Executive Engineer, M. R. by post an amount of' Rs. 2.00 will be charged extra. Pwe. 10TH AUGUST, 1978 (SRAVANA 19, 1900) 281 Works Division III, (PHE) (Panaii-Goa) The intending tenderer will have to produce Income Tax Clearance Certificate at the time of buying the tender. Tender Notice No. WDin/ADM/16/78-79 The tender ,of the contractors who do not deposit earnest money in the prescribed form is liable to be rejected. The Executive Engineer, Works Division m, PWD, Panaji, Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed item Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning rate tenders from eligible· Suppliers. upto 3.00 p. m. on any reasons thereof is reserved. 25-S-197S, for ~he uSupply of geared motors for Opa Water Fatorda, Margao, 31st July, 1978.
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