KosKosKosciuszkociuszkociuszko NatiNatiNationalonalonal Park ParkPark AlpineAAlpinelpine safety safetysafety TheThe AustralianThe Australian Australian Alps Alps Alpsaren’t aren’t aren’t as high as as high highor steep or or steep steep GetGet adviceGet advice advice as mountainsasas mountains mountains overseas, overseas, overseas, but but strongbut strong strong winds, winds, winds, • Check• • CheckCheck weather weather weather before before before you youset you out:set set out: out: rain,rain, rain,snowfall, snowfall, snowfall, and and extremeand extreme extreme temperatures temperatures temperatures bom.gov.au/australia/alpinebom.gov.au/australia/alpinebom.gov.au/australia/alpine makemakemake our our alpineour alpine alpine and and sub-alpineand sub-alpine sub-alpine areas areas areas dangerousdangerousdangerous year-round. year-round. year-round. • Contact• • ContactContact national national national parks parks parks visitor visitor visitor centres centres centres for for for conditions,conditions,conditions, closures, closures, closures, and and forand detailed for for detailed detailed maps. maps. maps. SearchSearchSearch and and rescueand rescue rescue operations operations operations occur occur occur in in in - -- KosciuszkoKosciuszkoKosciuszko National National National Park Park Park every every every year. year. year. Many Many Many Jindabyne: Jindabyne:Jindabyne: (02) (02)6450 (02) 6450 6450 5600 5600 5600 or or or Tumut:Tumut:Tumut: (02) (02)69477025 (02) 69477025 69477025 of theseofof these these are arefor are visitorsfor for visitors visitors who who whounderestimate underestimate underestimate conditionsconditionsconditions and and overestimateand overestimate overestimate their their theircapabilities. capabilities. capabilities.• If •you’re • IfIf you’re you’re advised advised advised not tonot not go to to – go godon’t. – – don’t. don’t. SafetySafetySafety is your is is your your responsibility. responsibility. responsibility. PersonalPersonalPersonal Locator Locator Locator Beacons Beacons Beacons • Even• • Even Evenexperienced experienced experienced travellers travellers travellers should should should carry carry carry a a a PersonalPersonalPersonal Locator Locator Locator Beacon Beacon Beacon (PLB). (PLB). (PLB). Be preparedBeBe prepared prepared • You• • YoucanYou can loancan loan aloan free a a free PLBfree PLB atPLB Jindabyne, at at Jindabyne, Jindabyne, Perisher, Perisher, Perisher, • Take• • Take Takeextra extra extra water water water and and food.and food. food. Purify Purify Purify all all all KhancobanKhancobanKhancoban or Tumut or or Tumut Tumut visitor visitor visitor centres. centres. centres. streamstreamstream water water water before before before drinking. drinking. drinking. • Only• • OnlyOnly activate activate activate a PLB a a PLB PLBif you’re if if you’re you’re in danger in in danger danger or or or • Take• • Take Takelayers layers layers of warm, of of warm, warm, waterproof waterproof waterproof clothing, clothing, clothing, injured,injured,injured, and and thenand then thenstay stay staywhere where where you you are.you are. are. eveneven evenin summer in in summer summer and and onand day on on daytrips. day trips. trips. PlanPlanPlan your your your trip trip trip • Wear• • WearWear high high highfactor factor factor sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen and and and sunglassessunglassessunglasses all year. all all year. year.UV isUV UV high is is high highand and snowand snow snow • Always• • AlwaysAlways travel travel travel with with atwith least at at least leasttwo two peopletwo people people in in in reflectsreflectsreflects the sun,the the sun, evensun, even evenon overcast on on overcast overcast days. days. days. a group.aa group. group. Make Make Make sure sure sureat least at at least leastone one personone person person is experienced.isis experienced. experienced. • Take• • Take Takea topographic a a topographic topographic map map mapand and compass.and compass. compass. Be sureBeBe sure sureyou youknow you know know how how tohow use to to usethem. use them. them. It’s It’s It’s • Tell• • aTellTell reliable a a reliable reliable friend friend friend your your yourtravel travel travel plans, plans, plans, including: including: including: a goodaa good good idea idea toidea carry to to carry carry a Personal a a Personal Personal Locator Locator Locator - the- - number thethe number number in the in in groupthe the group group and experienceand and experience experience level level level BeaconBeaconBeacon (PLB). (PLB). (PLB). - planned-- plannedplanned route route route • Understand• • UnderstandUnderstand risks risks riskswhen when when backcountry backcountry backcountry - equipment-- equipmentequipment walking,walking,walking, skiing skiing skiing and and snowboarding,and snowboarding, snowboarding, includingincludingincluding unstable unstable unstable and and deepand deep deep snow; snow; snow; steep steep steep - when-- whenwhen you youplan you plan planto return. to to return. return. icy slopes;icyicy slopes; slopes; cornices; cornices; cornices; avalanches; avalanches; avalanches; and and and extremeextremeextreme weather. weather. weather. • Fill• • inFiFi thellll in in tripthe the intentiontrip trip intention intention form form format the at at Jindabyne,the the Jindabyne, Jindabyne, PerisherPerisherPerisher or Tumut or or Tumut Tumut NPWS NPWS NPWS visitor visitor visitor centres. centres. centres. • Take• • Take Takea bivouac a a bivouac bivouac bag bag orbag space or or space space blanket blanket blanket It’s freeIt’sIt’s free. freeA summary. .A A summary summary of your of of your yourtrip willtrip trip bewill will sent be be sent sent for emergencies.forfor emergencies. emergencies. to yourtoto your yournominated nominated nominated emergency emergency emergency contact. contact. contact. • Advise• • AdviseAdvise when when when you’re you’re you’re back back back or if or youor if if youstay you stay longer.stay longer. longer. Don’t rely on technology Don’tDon’tDon’tDon’t rely rely relyDon’t onrely on on technology technologyonrely technology technology on technology • Mobile phone coverage within the park• • Mobile• MobileMobile• Mobile phone• phone phoneMobile phone coverage coverage coverage phone coverage withincoverage within within within the the the parkwithin thepark park park the park is patchy and the cold can severely is ispatchyis patchy patchyis patchy andis and andpatchy the and the the cold the cold andcold cancold canthe can severely can coldseverely severely severely can severely affect batteries. affectaffectaffectaffect batteries. batteries. batteries.affect batteries. batteries. • Global Positioning System (GPS) can be• • Global • GlobalGlobal• Global Positioning• Positioning PositioningGlobal Positioning Positioning System System System System (GPS) (GPS) System(GPS) (GPS) can can can (GPS)be can be be be can be unreliable. Batteries are affected by coldunreliable. sounreliable.unreliable. unreliable. unreliable.Batteries Batteries Batteries Batteries are Batteries are are affected areaffected affected affected are by affectedby bycold cold bycold socold so by so socold so only use with a topographic map and compass.onlyonlyonly useonly use use with useonlywith with awith usea topographica topographic topographic awith topographic a topographic map map map andmap and and compass. andmap compass. compass. compass. and compass. • Technology won’t guarantee your safety.• • Technology• TechnologyTechnology• Technology• Technology won’t won’t won’t won’t guarantee guarantee guarantee won’t guarantee guaranteeyour your your safety.your safety. safety. safety.your safety. Conditions may restrict rescue efforts. AlwaysConditionsConditionsConditionsConditions Conditions may may may restrictmay restrict restrict restrictmay rescue rescue rescuerestrict rescue efforts. efforts. efforts.rescue efforts. Always Always Alwaysefforts. Always Always be prepared - even on day trips. bebebe prepared prepared beprepared preparedbe -prepared even- - even even - evenon on on day- day evenonday trips. daytrips. trips.on trips. day trips. If you get caught out If IfyouIf you youIf getyou get getIf caught get youcaught caught caughtget out caughtout out out out • Stay calm, assess your situation and consider• • Stay• StayStay• calm,Stay calm, calm,• Staycalm, assess assess assess calm, assess your your yourassess situationyour situation situation situationyour and situationand and consider and consider consider consider and consider your options. youryouryour options.your options. options. options.your options. • Stay where you are. You’ll be harder to• find• Stay• StayStay • on whereStay where where• Staywhere you you you whereare. youare. are. You’ll are. You’llyou You’ll You’ll beare. be be harder You’ll harder beharder harder tobe to tofind harder find findto on find on on to on find on the move and will use a lot of energy. thethethe move themove move move andthe and and movewill and will will use will use anduse a use a lotwilla lot lot ofa use of lotofenergy. energy. energy.ofa lotenergy. of energy. • Find a shelter, stay out of the wind. • • Find• FindFind• aFind a shelter,a • shelter, shelter, aFind shelter, stay a stay stayshelter, outstay out out of outofstay ofthe the theof wind.out thewind. wind. of wind. the wind. • Leave something visible for searchers,• like• Leave• Leave Leave• Leave something • something somethingLeave something something visible visible visible visible for for for searchers,visible searchers, forsearchers, searchers,
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