Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-28-1997 The BG News January 28, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 28, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6115. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6115 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Directory SPORTS 7 CAR CARE 4 TODAY Switchboard 372-2601 Classified Ads 372-6977 Bash Brothers Howard Wants Helpfui Hints For Your Car Display Ads 372-2605 Editorial 372-6966 Reunited To Stay Sports 372-2602 A how-to for keeping your car up and Entertainment 372-2603 Jose Canseco sent Super Bowl MVP cloudy and back to Oakland in a Desmond Howard wants running during those nasty Siory Idea? Give us a call colder weekdays from I pm. lo 5 pm., or trade from Boston to stay in Green Bay Bowling Green winters e-mail: "[email protected]" High: 30 Low: 19 TUESDAY January 28,1997 Volume 83, Issue 85 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" & Green named USG vice president Student Government cial assistant to the executive is a member of a certain organi- Weckesser branch. "It is tough to come in under controversy and zation." Weckesser admitted that he USG members also felt Weck- removed amid Monday's meeting. was not in good standing with the knowing not everybody is supportive of me esser's removal denied him due Green was appointed, after University, but said it had noth- process as stated in the USG con- some debate, to fill the position ing to do with his grades. He said controversy Nathan Green stitution. vacated by Jimmy Weckesser, that he was removed from office "I feel that the whole situation who was removed from office due to a minor break of the stu- new USG Vice President should have went through a due By TANYA MARKUL and because of "his probationary re- dent code, and would not elab- process as stated by the constitu- VINCEGUERRIERI cord," according to a memo from orate. tion," said Rob Pietruszka, USG The BG News USG Graduate Adviser Eileen According to the USG constitu- cers of an organization must be statement that is echoed by chief legislative officer. "There Sullivan to Scott Carr, head of tion, the president and vice in good standing. several USG members. has also been no consideration to Nathan Green, formerly USG Student Court. president must be in good stand- Weckesser said he felt as "Jimmy did a fine job as vice the situation at hand from the director of National, State and Weckesser will continue to ing. The Recognition Guidelines though he has been singled out by president," said Matt Holmes, administration." Community Affairs, was ap- serve in USG as head of the con- for Student Organizations at the the University and the case has USG cabinet member. "I feel that pointed USG Vice President in stitutional review board and spe- University also states that offi- been blown out of proportion, a he is being penalized because he • See GREEN, page three. Snowy Chat t 4 Q ■G Ncwi Phota by Jeremy Matt !■ f* •' ^ A kiosk, like this one located be- tween the Centrex building and Kohl Hall, helps to foster com- v • * munication among students. Kiosks back on y campus The BC News Some might not have even no- ticed they were missing. However, the informatory sights for students, faculty, and just about anybody to look at, take notes on, and learn from are on their way back to the University campus. * m Yes, the kiosks are returning. ■ The informative structures are seen to be a key element for stu- dents' social and communicating BG Ncwi Phota by Amy Vaa Hani abilities. University President Craduate students (l-r) Holly Clark, Angela Hass, and Hsi-Ling Huang stop outside the Union to chat, not letting the heavy snow bother them. • See KIOSKS, page three. O. J. Simpson's civil trial ends Attorneys deliver Goldman to death on June 12, conspiracy the likes of which 1994. "O.J. Simpson simply never before has been witnessed closing arguments, He urged jurors to reject ap- - all to get me.' ... That's what a peals of sympathy for the vic- is innocent." guilty man does," PetrocelU said. await verdict from tims' families and consider in- Mindful of recent polls show- stead the plight of Simpson, who ing growing doubts about Simp- deliberating jurors is being sued for potentially mil- attorney Robert Baker son's acquittal, Baker asked the lions of dollars though he was ac- at closing arguments in civil trial unsequestered panel to disregard The Associated Press quitted of murder. the idea the public wants Simp- "He has been vilified and ridi- son to be held responsible for the SANTA MONICA, Calif. - In a culed," Baker said. "You can give guilty man does when faced with murders. powerful finale, O.J. Simpson's him his life back and render a overwhelming evidence. "The media has told the world lawyer urged jurors Monday to verdict like was done before and "What does he do? What does it is politically correct to be ant i- risk being politically incorrect, give Justin and Sydney their dad this guy do? He hires an army of O J. Simpson, and you, ladies and embrace Simpson as an innocent back." lawyers, experts, investigators, gentlemen, are the buffers," he man and "give him his Ufe back." Baker's closing was followed consultants ... They sit down and said. "You have to weigh the evi- "O.J. Simpson simply is inno- by rebuttal arguments from at- they figure out what to say about dence through your common cent," attorney Robert Baker torneys Daniel PetrocelU and all this evidence," he said. sense." said in his final remarks of the Tom Lambert, and the jury "What you have heard in this He hammered home an argu- wrongful death trial. "He didn't wasn't likely to get the case until courtroom, ladles and gentlemen, ment of evidence contamination, dolt." Tuesday. At least nine of the 12 for the last four months. Is what a planting and tampering by de- Speaking in a near whisper Jurors must agree to find Simp- guilty man has to say in response vious detectives. AuacUttd PITH pkata during a two-hour speech. Baker son responsible for the deaths to all this evidence: 'It's all plant- He spoke of bloody gloves and O.J. Simpson relaxes in a car outside his civil trial in Santa Monica, Ca- said there was neither motive nor and award damages to the vic- ed. It's all contaminated. All the socks showing up where they lif. Simpson's defense lawyer delivered the trial's closing arguments on time for Simpson to slash Nicole tims' families. photos are fake.... Every witness Monday. Brown Simpson and Ronald PetrocelU asked jurors what a is lying or mistaken. There is a • See SIMPSON, page five. page two The BG News Tuesday. January 28. 1997 Mike Wendling Opinion Editor Opinion 372-6966 ANDREA WOOD H E Bias shown in everyday language Words are. of course, the most and we all know boys aren't a book which has sold over 700 lous. Men of our species will powerful drug used by mankind. better then girls, it's just the thousand copies and is used protest, for they have most "Perhaps -Rudyard Kipling way we say things." Consider widely for Journalistic writing definitely been excluded from the source. courses: "Readers want a writer the language of one of our there is a fear Language is the descriptor of Throughout history, men who believes in himself and in founding documents. The word that young our reality. Symbols make words, have shaped, controlled and what he is saying. Don't diminish "women" does not produce an boys who see words make phrases, sentences recorded our language. It is not that belief. Don't be kind of bold. Image of all people In our are created and communication Is far fetched to assume that the Be bold." This use of "he," "him- minds, Just as "men" does not. the word made possible. Translating reality dominant group, when given the self" and the like is found all So why then are women (like 'she' used to Is the purpose of our speech, and opportunity to create a society's through Zinsser's book, not just on me) who question the use of the mean every- NEWS the reason we communicate with system of communication, will page 114. omnipotent "he" labeled as each other. For us, words mean favor their own members. Zlnsser. like many writers, uses complalners or exaggerators? one will not "Serving the Bowling truth. People can arrange words Women have been historically "he" as an all-encompasser. "Man" Perhaps there Is a fear that be able to into a He. (pigs can fly") but the excluded from creaUng lan- or "mankind" is a category under young boys who see the word Green community for words themselves: "pigs", "can" guage. Even today the Involve- which theoretically all others fit. It "she" used to mean everyone relate, or over 75 years" and "fly" are concrete. The crazi- ment of women In rhetoric and Is a model, an established stan- will not be able to relate, or believe in ness of such a phrase lies In Its debate, and In fact critical dard.
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