6 7 8 1 COMMON NAME Sp Su Fa Wi COMMON NAME Sp Su Fa Wi Bank Swallow R White-throated Sparrow R R R Bird Species Barn Swallow C C U O Vesper Sparrow O O Cliff Swallow R R R Savannah Sparrow C C U Song Sparrow C C C C Checklist Chickadees, Nuthataches, Wrens Lincoln’s Sparrow R U R Black-capped Chickadee C C C C Swamp Sparrow O O O Chestnut-backed Chickadee O O O Spotted Towhee C C C C Bushtit C C C C Black-headed Grosbeak C C R Red-breasted Nuthatch C C C C Lazuli Bunting C C R White-breasted Nuthatch U U U U Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, Orioles Brown Creeper U U U U Yellow-headed Blackbird R R O House Wren U U R Western Meadowlark R O R Pacific Wren R R R Bullock’s Oriole U U Marsh Wren R R R U Red-winged Blackbird C C U U Bewick’s Wren C C C C Brown-headed Cowbird C C O Kinglets, Thrushes, Brewer’s Blackbird R R R R Starlings, Waxwings Finches, Old World Sparrows Golden-crowned Kinglet R R R Evening Grosbeak R R R Ruby-crowned Kinglet U R U Common Yellowthroat House Finch C C C C Photo by Dan Pancamo, Wikimedia Commons Western Bluebird O O O Purple Finch U U O R Swainson’s Thrush U C U Red Crossbill O O O O Hermit Thrush R R To Coast Jackson Bottom is 6 Miles South of Exit 57. Pine Siskin R R R American Robin C C C C Lesser Goldfinch U U U U Exit 57 Varied Thrush R R North Plains American Goldfinch C C C U European Starling C C C C To Portland (20 Miles) House Sparrow U U U U N American Pipit R R R • MAX Cedar Waxwing U C U • Hillsboro To Forest Grove The following species have been recorded at Jackson Warblers, Tanagers To Beaverton Orange-crowned Warbler U U U O Bottom but are not expected with any regularity. MacGillivray’s Warbler O O Acorn Woodpecker Hudsonian Godwit To Scholls/Newberg Common Yellowthroat C C U American Tree Sparrow Lark Bunting Yellow Warbler U C U Barrow’s Goldeneye Leach’s Storm Petrel Bar-tailed Godwit Yellow-rumped Warbler C R U Mountain Chickadee Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve Black Scoter Nashville Warbler Black-throated Gray Warbler R O 2600 SW Hillsboro Hwy Black Tern Northern Goshawk Townsend’s Warbler R R Black-necked Stilt Northern Pygmy-Owl Hillsboro, OR 97123 Wilson’s Warbler U C Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Palm Warbler Hillsboro-Oregon.gov/JacksonBottom Yellow-breasted Chat O O Brown Pelican Prairie Falcon 503-681-6206 Western Tanager R R Calliope Hummingbird Red Phalarope Great Blue Heron Clark’s Grebe Ross’s Goose New World Sparrows, Common Loon Sanderling Grosbeaks, Buntings Common Redpoll Short-eared Owl Chipping Sparrow O O Forster’s Tern Snowy Egret Fox Sparrow R R U Gray Jay Snowy Owl Dark-eyed Junco R R U U Gyrfalcon Tricolored Blackbird White-crowned Sparrow R R R Golden-crowned Sparrow U C C 2 3 4 5 COMMON NAME Sp Su Fa Wi COMMON NAME Sp Su Fa Wi The Birds of COMMON NAME Sp Su Fa Wi Jackson Bottom Geese, Swans, Ducks Vultures, Eagles, Hawks, Falcons Herring Gull R R R Wetlands Preserve Greater White-fronted Goose R R R O Turkey Vulture U U U Iceland Gull O O Snow Goose R Osprey C C R Glaucous-winged Gull R R U Cackling Goose C C C Golden Eagle O O Caspian Tern O O This 2018 checklist includes 215 species. Domestic, exotic Canada Goose C C C C Bald Eagle U U U U Doves, Owls, Swifts, Hummingbirds and hybrid species are not included. Forty species have Trumpeter Swan O Northern Harrier U R C U been recorded but are not expected with any regularity. Rock Pigeon U U U U Tundra Swan R R U Sharp-shinned Hawk R U R Band-tailed Pigeon R R R Wood Duck U C U R Cooper’s Hawk R R U R Some notable changes since the 2009 checklist include: Eurasian Collared-Dove U U U U Gadwall U U U U the addition of nesting Osprey and Great Egrets; Lazuli Red-shouldered Hawk U O U U Mourning Dove C C C U Buntings, once occasional in spring, are now common Eurasian Wigeon R R Red-tailed Hawk C C C C Barn Owl R R R R spring and summer; American White Pelicans, once American Wigeon U O U C Rough-legged Hawk O O Western Screech-Owl R R R R unexpected, are now rare to uncommon spring, summer Mallard C C C C American Kestrel U U U U Great Horned Owl U U U U and fall; Marsh Wrens, once common are now rare. Blue-winged Teal O O Merlin R R R Barred Owl R Cinnamon Teal C U U R Peregrine Falcon R R R R Bald eagles began nesting at the Preserve in 2000. A Vaux’s Swift U U U Northern Shoveler U U C C pair has nested here each year since, usually fledging Rails, Coots, Cranes Anna’s Hummingbird C C U U one or two chicks each year. They have built and lost four Northern Pintail U R C C Virginia Rail U U Rufous Hummingbird C U nests on the Preserve, each one lasting 1 – 8 years before Green-winged Teal C U C C Sora R R Kingfishers, Woodpeckers, Flycatchers falling. Their fifth nest is just west of the Preserve. Canvasback R R American Coot U U C C Belted Kingfisher U U U U Redhead O O O Sandhill Crane O O Red-breasted Sapsucker U U R R Jackson Bottom is designated an Important Bird Area (IBA) Ring-necked Duck C O C C because it provides critical winter resting and feeding Shorebirds Downy Woodpecker U U U U Tufted Duck O habitat for thousands of migratory waterfowl such as Black-bellied Plover R R Hairy Woodpecker O O O O Greater Scaup R R R Northern Pintail, Cackling Goose, Tundra Swan, Green- Semipalmated Plover R R R Northern Flicker C C C C winged Teal and many more. It is one of three IBA’s in the Lesser Scaup U U C Killdeer C C C C Pileated Woodpecker R R R Tualatin River Watershed. Bufflehead U C C Dunlin U U Olive-sided Flycatcher O O Common Goldeneye O O O Baird’s Sandpiper R O Western Wood-Pewee U U R Over the course of a year one can observe a diversity Hooded Merganser R R U U Least Sandpiper U U U Willow Flycatcher U U of raptors, waterfowl, songbirds and shorebirds at the Common Merganser R O U C Preserve. Four miles of trails, open dawn to dusk, allow Pectoral Sandpiper R Pacific-slope Flycatcher R R Red-breasted Merganser O O O access to wetlands, uplands and riparian habitats. Some Semipalmated Sandpiper R O Black Phoebe O O R Ruddy Duck R O U U trails may be flooded between November and April. A Western Sandpiper U U U Say’s Phoebe O O restroom is available during daylight hours at the main Pheasant, Quail Short-billed Dowitcher R R Western Kingbird O O parking lot and in the visitor center, open seven days a Ring-necked Pheasant U U U U Long-billed Dowitcher U U C O week (except holidays) from 10 am – 4 pm. California Quail R R R R Shrikes, Vireos, Jays, Swallows Wilson’s Snipe U R U U Northern Shrike O O Grebes, Cormorants, Pelicans Seasons Wilson’s Phalarope R R R Hutton’s Vireo R R R R Pied-billed Grebe U U U U Sp – Spring March – May Red-necked Phalarope R R Cassin’s Vireo R O Horned Grebe R R Su – Summer June – August Spotted Sandpiper C C R Warbling Vireo U U Fa – Fall September – November Eared Grebe O Solitary Sandpiper R R O Steller’s Jay U U U U Wi – Winter December – February Western Grebe O R R Greater Yellowlegs U R U R California Scrub-Jay C C C C Double-crested Cormorant R R C C Lesser Yellowlegs R R R American Crow C C C C Seasonal Abundance Codes American White Pelican U U O Gulls, Terns Common Raven R R R R C – Common, easily seen in season. Herons, Ibis and Allies Bonaparte’s Gull O O O Tree Swallow C C R R U – Uncommon, usually present through season American Bittern U U R O but low numbers or harder to find. Mew Gull R R U Northern Rough-winged Swallow R R Great Blue Heron C C C C R – Rare, present every year in season but not Ring-billed Gull O R R Purple Martin O R R Great Egret U U C C continuously or difficult to find. Western Gull R R Tree Swallow C C R R O – Occasional, not present every year in Green Heron R U U O California Gull R O U U Violet-green Swallow C R R season, but expected from time to time. Black-crowned Night-Heron O O O.
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