-J: ■ j*.-- ^ 4 ' ‘■'Ai TT-^ ;■ . ..y. _---- Ja... ■ __ : • i. V 77-*V— ^7' _ £■ £ '■>S' £■ •44- 'A ': •• 1 V:/, . IvJ ■/ -V'd: V" , - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20,''] ATerag6 Daily PreKk itan r 'if / V Tli« Weatlier ' 'PAGE*TWENTY.l!^UR Foir tke Wow Ended j ' ForeMst of ^U. 8. Woather Bureau dlatttl)pjater SttEtting l|m U i March 16, 1967 If . ' ' nUr 8nd colder tonight. Low of Mrs. Donald Harrison. 16 Reared Heart Mothara arele 12,647 will meet Tbureday at 8 p.m.. at 25-^. FHdny fmlr nad oomeHiiot Griswold St. Plans were made to M M HDrive Member of the Audit wOrmor. High In the \&y/et 508. « About Town attend the Holy Day of- Recollec­ the honva. of Mra. Thomaa Heaiy. Bureau of Oirc.ulatlod ■ • ■ . ■' ■ ■■ 1 ■ ■ tion at the Cenacle in Middletown 77 Concord Rd. f'Ti You asked for ihedt ManchesleP— A City of Village Charm March 28 and the Holy Family A t|7 2 4 ,1 8 6 •n» Holy Ohoit Mothofi Circle Monastery in Farmlnfton Aprll^lO. Grace Group of the Centdr Con­ - ^ n d , here the^ last nlglit attended Mlaa Mildred gregational Church will hold a B o w ^ talk on converalon, apon- Steadily inching toward its are! ;^OL. LXXVl, NO. 14$ . (TWENTY-FOUR PAGESf-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY," MARCH 21, 19$7 (iblaeslfled Adrerttsing on Page 62)' PRICE FIVE CElifTS AU members Of St.- Bridget's aprlnt food aale at tha J. W. Hale aored Gibbons Assembly, Store Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. initial goal of 6860.000,'lha Man­ ■ ^ .r. CathoUe Ladies of Columbus. A Church choir are asked to attend iviafnirtinn tnfteiinr &nd a rehearsal of the group at 8:46 The commltteejn charge Inc^ea: chester Memorial Hospital Build- I deal? for gifts or. coOt9 bour followed at the home p.m Rose’ yo^ own home, butions to date of >724,186. B i l l ITrges Winfield Moore. Mra. R ,0. Prior. According to figures produced Mrs, Philip Emery, Mrs.- Russell by Mrs. Margaret Wright, b^k- by Wilson snd Mrs. John Mortimer. keeper in charge of the campatgn'a In su ran ce close-out operation, no aieeable HALE’S 9 contributions have been made aince CHATHAM 1 8 ’ ’ the United Aircraft |166,000 gift was announced March 9. On All Cars ■ / 0)urt Cases Since that date,' about 69,000, FABRIC DEPT. consisting chiefly, of. public con­ A setver'g paradise. Hartford, March 21 (JP)— MOWER A Rockville youth and a, Nike tributions, have been tallied.- Froposed bills to estab­ Battalion soldier were each fined One 660 gift was also reported - 36" FINE POUCHED lish compulsory automobile WercMttr Howtr, 1 H.P, 638 for speeding by Deputy Judge by the Doctor’s Committee. Jules A. Karp this morning. Mrs. Wright provided the fol­ Cotton Satin Prints Insurance in . Connecticut 2 Cyelt Clinton Meter. Richard G. Kelly, 20, of 120 lowing breakdown of conWbu- Brought strong opposition to­ Grand Ave.. Rockville, pleaded not tlons: •« ' Washable, crease resistant, preahrunk. day from private insurance Public Subacrip.Uoni Committee, FuHy Guorenteed! guilty to the Charge, and Pfe • ioAOrtA. repre.sentatives. •The occasion Was a public hear­ home- is In Alabama, pleaded 6310,368; Memorial Giftk, 6114,200; ing before the Legislature's In­ Dag Talks U.S; Leader Special guilty to the speeding charge and Sub-memorial Gifts, 636,266; Hos­ surance Committee ip the Colonial also to i charge of failure to pital Employes, 611,695;' Doctors Room of the Bushnell Memorial secure a license, for which' he was Committee, 6131,487. Rich patterns and colorings with ever- Proponents like Sta' fined 63. Mrs. Wright. said . she has glaze'pollshed ftnlah. mer A. Mortensen of Newington o Nas'ser^ Calls Atom, Philip T. Landry, 17, of 332 clear idea how long tha office will called for compulsory coverage on 2 Walker S t, originally charged remain open at its new location in the ba.sis that in 195.1 "almost a with . reckless' driving,, was fined room 30 of, the House and' Hale 36"WAMSUnA third of the drivers involved in ac­ On Mideast ,Air Chiefs 618 for failure to ' drive right. Building. But she expected it cidents in Connecticut had no in- Landry was the driver of a car would continue to operate until Cotton Satin Prints »urance." which rolled over after leaving the aubacriptlona stopped -coming in. Cairo, March 21 (/P)<—U.N ‘Tremenddus .Hardship' By, JOHN M. HIGHTOWER road at Fern St.: March IS. This might be as long as six Financially he said this situa­ Secretary Genera! Dag Hanj-I tion eftuSes "tremendous hardship" m^rskjolcl today began talks' Tucker’s Town, Bermuda, fined 612 for failure to grant one- Californla Goodwin J. Knight, lift; tella newsmen at Sac- on 'many people. with top Egyptian officials in March 21 (/P) — President half of the highway, a charge ramento, Ckllf. March 20, that he has no record of Teamsters Mortensen also said that the Eisenhow«r and Prime Minis­ which was changed from speeding. Union contributionscontrlbu .to hit campaigns and denies Teamsters in­ present financial resppn.slbiUty law an effort to speed agreement Francis Polrer. 22, of 22 Law­ Team K ^ps Lead Creaae-rcslstant, little or no ironing. Flower-printed setting for gracious liiragt fluence in the appointment,of a San-Kranclsco Pprt director. .In does not require coverage until on operation of the Suez ter Macmillan, spent two PIN-O-MATK rence St., Rockville, was fined 612 Satin finish, preshrunk. You ^wlll want Chatham’s new “Summer Rote”. A hreese- Washim^on Frank Breyvater testified the Teamsters Uniort-thade after an accident occurs. Antici­ Canal and to ease Arab-lsiaeli hours today discussing urgent for operating, a motor vehicle In Elks^Tourney more than one dre?s length of this fabric light blend of rayon, cotton and Orion*—all a campaign contribution to Gov. Knight. •- pating insurance company afgur tensions still threatening the Midcile East problems, in­ without a license. by Wamsutta. Patterns for children, too. meats, he claimed that ''bad cluding the Gaza Strip, Gulf CLOTHESLINE Stephen J. Stenger Jrl, 36. Glas­ The 4XXXX team holds Sv40 the blanket many families need froin spring risks" could be covered by the Middle East with violence. tonbury, was fined 69 for following Arriving in Cairo after midnight of Aqaba and Suez Canal. NO CIOTHFSPINS iVffDfD point lead In the Elks Setback to fall; also good to hare at an extra throw companies through higher pre­ too closely.' He was^arrested after Tournament with only one more miums. b.v plane, Hammaiskjold talked It was the opening session of the FULIY OUARANTIED a minor 2-car crash March 14 at week of play remaining. -- for cold winter. Like all Chatham blankets, Also speaking in favor was Rep. V ith his aides, rested briefly at his Big Two meeting, and afterward it NO STUTCH • NO SAG V'. Center St. and Drive D. After 24 weeks of play, the team Union Funds Used Maurice R. Gerstein of Simsbury. hotel, and then went to see Egyp-^ was announced that President it washes beautifully- Mothproof, too. Hand- Abe Girahenowl^ 49, Hartford, has scored 4,861 points. In second Atty. Hugh Harbison, counsel tifin Foreign Minister M ahn^d Eisenhower has aummened more Heovy bionkett or dainty NOW ONLY . • • screened print in pink, yellow or bliie on Fawzi. advisers, from Washington to assist VI as fined 63 /or passing-in a no place,- with 4,811 points, is The y for the Travelers Insurance Co., with the discuaaien of British qnd rje ri* ViPP*** . i passing zone. Heights. paler tints of the same colots. argued that the main automobile The Secretary General was. to asyon. e o t ^ . Safe, cieon, fort, Konomi- ▼ Cull on President Nasser later to- American defense and atomic prob- Holies were entered in the cases Other teams and their scores For Girl’s New Car problem, today, is the creation of lems. " „ / col.' "Wolkalong"■■■■ " ilonQ" ond "pulley" types owoil-awoil- l•rMelt. wmimIm : day. Othed lef^Gth® gogB* of Dr. Eugene T. Brown, 64, Weat are: Manchester Herald, 4,810; 72' X90’ safe conditions for drivers and Deputy Secretary Reu$rtt Robert­ •oble. Ml hordwore included. Hartford, charged with passing Four’ DeuceSi. 4,804; Diamond pedestrlan.7. Egypt wa.4 ^expected to bSlk at President Eisenhower is welcomed by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan upon his arrival son Jr. la due late tWi afftemoon. stop sign; and Alvin M. Coffman, Jims, 4,718; Joe's Barber Shop, fits twin snd full~»i*s bed* »5.9S. W ashington, March 21 <JP) See* PoUticai Turmoil t'le plea Hammarskjold reportedly at Albuoys Point in Hamilton, Bermuda, ‘March 20. Wearing plumed hat is Lt. Gen. Sir John- Directed to comq, "tomorrow are HniTKRWARER DEPARTMENT ■ . 20. 13 Rrookfield St.. Bolton, 4,^04; Oliva’s Esso. 4,687; Walnut —Frank W. Brewster, West­ Based upon hlassachusetts’ ex­ will make for an Egi'ptlan-lsraell Woodall, gbvemor of Bermuda. Others unidentified. (AP Photo by radio from Bermuda), Secretary of thq, Air Force Donald ‘‘Miami’* in plain colors only $4.95 proclamation of non-belligerency. CLOWER STORE LEVEL) “ - ^ ^ 4,683: Garden Restau- ern Teamsters Union boss, perience with its compulsory in­ Quarles. Chairman Lewis Strauss tjgsav va wvvi* ravav aii*\/«vw^ 680; Woody's Wonders. 4, surance law, the proposed legisla­ It was believed Hammars'xjoid of the Atomic Energy Commission in minbf accidents in Manchester 663; Anderson's Painters, 4,664; testified today “I do not tion. he said, would: would call for such pledges as a and deputy Undersecretary of State recently.
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