, I ··11 I . :•:: <.::;,,):;<~<,~i~~dianNational flag represents tbe hopes and· aspirations of fll~:P~~p~,:dflndia.: It is the symbol of'our national pride. Over the last fi1./e>~~Jej;g¢veraJ people including members of armed forces have. tihgf~qgiitily laid down their lives to keep th~ tricolour flying in its · ftilt:'!19'iy( · . ·:· . · . .The significance of the colours and the chakra in the National Fla:g 'was amply described by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan in the Constituent Assembly which unanimously adopted the National Flag. Dr. ··s. Radhakrishnan explained-e''Bbegwa or the saffron colour denotes renunciation of disinterestedness. Our leaders must be indifferent to material gains and dedicate themselves to their work. The white in the centre is light, the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our relation to son, our relation to the plant life here on which all other life depends. The Ashoka Wheel in the center of the white is the wheel of the law of dhanna, Truth or satya, dharma or virtue ought to be the controlling principles of those who work under this flag. Again, the wheel denotes motion, There is death in stagnation. There is life in movement. India should no more resist change, it must move and go forward. The wheel represents the dynamism of a peaceful change." There is Universal aff ection and respect for, and loyalty to, the National Flag. Yet, a perceptible lack of awareness is often noticed not only amongst people but also in the organizations/agencies of the Government, in regard to· laws, practices and conventions that apply to the display of the National Flag. Apart from non-statutory instructions issued by the Government from time to time, display of the National Flag is governed bythe provisions of the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950 (No. 12 of 1950) and the :.·.; l"., .r .. Prevention of Insults to Natiomd Honour Act, l9 7 l (No, 69 of 1971 ). Flag Code of India, 2002 is an artemprro bring together all such laws, conventions, practices and instructions for the guidance and benefit of all concemed. For the saj<~ of ~ony~r1i~nce, Flag Code oflndie, 2002, has been divided .. intotlfr~epaits~.Pa.rt) of'the Code contains general description of the Natiottal Flag. r~rtll.of the Code is devoted to the display of the 'National Flag ~y n1emb~rs <>f public, private organizations, educational institutions, etc. Part m of the Code relates to display of the National Flag by Central and State Governments and their organizations and agencies. Flag Code of India, 2002, takes effect from January 26,, 2002 and supersedes the tFlag Code=-lndia' as it existed. I .. !i ' .' I f t l r f l A.i~A RT. j I Ii I I t-· · .: l. ,. 5. }·.:; J: 1.t;J '.~al Flag shall be a tri-colour panel ma.de up of !lj·.·. .tlittel ,·;:·,. ·:'utartpanels or· sub .. panels ofequal w1<iffis. The col<lUfl_:~i:~~ tpp :panel shall be India saffron (Kesari) and that !9:(!b~)~:ttP.m panel shall be India green, The. middle panel shajl.1P~I}V!Mt~:Jt_bearing at its_ centre tll~ design of Ashoka Chakra in na~ blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes. The Ashoka 'Clialtttlshtttl preferably be screen"'ptj.~ted or otherwise printed or'"stentiled· or suitably embroidered and shall be completely visible oh both sides of the Flagiri the centre of the white panel. L2 The National Flag oflndia;~allbe made of hand spun and hand woven woolh;ottorilsilk khadi b'llnting. : · .... ·. - 1.3 The National Flag shall be rectangular in shape. The ratio of the length to theheight (widtn.fofthifFlag shall be 3:2. 1.4 · The standard sizes of the Natiomd.Flag.shall be as follows»- Flag Size No. Dimensions in mm 't 6300 X 4200 .·.·: ·2. Jooo· ·x ·2400 r 3" 2700 X 1"800 f1 ;. :·:· 4 '. isoox 1200 ~ l ~ !· ,c' '0 ·5 rssc ·x 9()0 ' r:.· I· 6 ·. 900 X 600 ',"~~-i 7 450 X 300 ~· . '8 225 X 150 9 iso x 100 .·.:...:.· 1. 5 An appropriate size should be chosen for display. The '''::" ··:.;. flags of 450X300 mm size are intended for aircrafts on VVIP ' flights, 225X15-0 mm size for motor-cars and l 50Xl 00 mm size for table fiags. PAR1' JI . ·.s' EmQ:NI.. ~ ,. 2 .. 1 There. ;:Kail . be no restriction on the display of . t'1e N•tion.al Flag by members of general pUbUc, priva.te organizations, educational institutions, etc .. , except to the extent provided in the Emblems and Names (Prevention o~ Improper Use) Act, 1950* and it~ - · n I i YHffiW!ili - ,r tt1n:i11 1 Wf.M_-_W;3ff''~~~ .. 1 T?lfit1,i1W!lRnsnn~~u 4•~- .1 i .t sn · n!llflili:.ill!ll.l =Tbe Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950. Section 2: .. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requirest• (a) "emblem" means any emblem. seal, flag~ insignia, coat-of-arms or pictorial representation specified in the Schedule. Section 3: Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force. no person shall, except in such cases and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Central Government. use, or continue to use, for the purpose of any trade, · business. calling or profession: or in the title of any patent: or in any trade mark of design, any name or . emblem specified in the Schedule or any colourable imitation thereof without the previous permission of the Central Government or of such officer of Government as may be authorised in this behaif by the C entrai Government. ~\-OTE: The Indian National Flag has been specifiedas an emblem in the Schedule to the Act ~• .. ., : f! I .·. , :. J,ts to National Honour Act,. 1971 ** and ~j~on the subject, 'Keeping in view the . -; :~Qrementioned Acts ... _.,·.:;~·_:.··x. - .... ,.._:··/''·:'.:\··; --~·..- .... : . - . ··.(~){:f/f.,,.,.,0}1~Ff~tfshall not be used for commercial purposes in .. '.::::l!i:1;i;~,:;fti to~em and Names (Preventiono f'Improper · .\(jjJ·'f}ffle Flag shall not be dipped in salute to any person or thing; .··. ~;~~c·>t:=~~;':}'<;, .. ';· .;,. ,.,_,_,11rt';.,.. .. • ..... ,-.,, ;Jlilll?. .. 11mi · · "'" · · j~;~'.:ft-~:~vention of Insults to:National Honour Act, 1971 · ,~,1~n 2.~ . Whoe~er. in any p~blic place or in any other place withlnimblic view bums, mutilates, defaces,de files, . dl~ftgure.~, destroys;:trainples·up: on or otherwise l,rir,gs_ into contempt &het~e,::bywords , either spoken orwrittenar by qcts) thelndianNational Flag ,u or any part thereof, shall be. punished with imprisonmentfo r a:.,tetmwhich mayextend to three · yearsr · or with fine;o r with both Explanation 1. - _ Ci>mments expressing · disapprobation or criticism of.~. ~."*· the Indian l i· Natio.nalFlag orof anymeasures oft he Government I I I with a view to obtain», ·~·· ~-~ or an alteration of the 1. Indian National Flag bylawful means do not 1 ... · ¢onsfitute an offence under this section. i .. ·.t . .:.>:·.··.·· :_: :' ·.... ' . i E~lnnafion 2. - The expression "Indian National J: . · Ffag1:f includes any picture, painting, drawing or · plio.lQgr_ap~ or other visible representation of the lndtdn · National Flag. or of any part or parts · thereof· made of any substance or represented on - anjrsubstance. · Explanation 3. · --: · The· expression "public place" means anyplace intendedfor use by, or accessible to, the public and includes any public conveyance. ~ .. I 1 l ,f: ,I I1· i: ,. ,, (iii) the Flag shall not be,,flo_wp at half-mast except on occasions I: on which the Flag i~ flo~at bialf... mast onpublic buildings ji i: in accordance with the instructions issued by the 1: Govemmentr." . .. · ·.···. (iv) the Flag shal~ :·nc,t."'l~e u~_ed · as a drapery in any form whatsoever,1ncludlng ppyatt funerals; . ·" ,~: ... ~; ...:' ~ ..... " . .. ·. .. ' . :'. ·. ·. .... :,. '." .. ,':. ' (v) the Flag .. sha.fi.~h~t.;~ .. used as a portion of costume or I I; · 1µ1ifQOO;;~fJ1JlY ~e.~¢tlpiR)~_~gJ·,.~a1i it be embroidered or I,.· I I printed upon cushions, . handkerchiefs, napkins or any !! .' ·dr~~male"riaI; · · · · .·· · (vi} · lettering ,o.f any-kiad shall not be put upon the Flag; · (vii) 'the FJ~gShaU not be used as a receptacle for receiving, dt)rv~rillg; holding or carrying anything; . provided that there shall be no objection to keeping flower · petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as part of celebrations on special occasions and on National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day; (viii)·when used on .occasions like unveiling of a statue, the Flag shall be displayed distinctly and separately and it j shall not be used as a covering for the statue or monument; I (ix) tbe Flag shall not be used to cover a speaker's desk nor :J shaU it be draped over a speaker's platform; (x) the Flag shall not be intentionally allowed to touch the · ground or the floor otrail in water. ii (xi) the Flag shall not be draped over the hood, top, sides or ~ back of a vehicle; train. boat or an aircraft; ii I j (xii) the Flag shall not be used as a covering for a· building; and / I (xiii) the Flag shall not be intentionally displayed with the "saffron" down. 2~i .i -: :,oi , blic,aprivateorganimtioo:oran-educadonal -. }Stldisp,lay the National Flag ori all. days and •· .i_.. ·•·.··· ....... , • . .• • '. ·momaror·otberwise .. Consistent With the. dignity ·.· ~~:i~~~~j:\:()f°the·National·Flag .. · (~iRiO!..... ::·· >ver the National.Flag is displayed, it should occupy .. ·.h~ ·.:.,,\:_t .· e·:positio.n of honour and should be distinctly placed; .. 'J(iiJ. · :;::d~ged or.disbevelled Flag should not be displayed;. (iil) :•·the· Flag .:sho-uld?bot.be flown from_ a .single .masthead. simultaneouslywitb anyother flag or flags.; · (iv) .
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