Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on October 1, 2021 ‘Intrites’ from the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup, UK: a new form of microbially-induced sedimentary structure (MISS) LATHA R. MENON1*, DUNCAN MCILROY2 & MARTIN D. BRASIER1,2† 1Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3AN, UK 2Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, NL, A1B 3X5, Canada *Correspondence: [email protected] Abstract: Simple discoidal impressions are the only evidence of complex life in some Ediacaran and older rocks, but their interpretation is notoriously difficult. We reassessed a puzzling discoidal form from the c. 560 Ma upper Burway Formation of the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup, Shropshire, UK. The structures, previously described as Intrites punctatus Fedonkin, are found on both the bed tops and soles. They vary in morphology from mounds with central depressions to incomplete rings and pairs of short ridges. Examination of the purported Intrites documented from the Longmyndian in cross-section revealed a torus-shaped structure bounded by microbial mat layers and commonly containing white laminae. We interpret the ‘Longmyndian Intrites’as a product of microbial trapping, sediment binding and authigenic clay mineral and carbonate pre- cipitation on the flanks of small sediment volcanoes. Subsidence of the ring-like structure into muddy sediments resulted in a torus-shaped microstromatolite. Preferential stromatolitic growth parallel to the prevailing current produced the observed partial rings or parallel ridges and explains their preferential orientation as current alignment. This interpretation of ‘Longmyndian Intrites’ expands the known variety of microbially-induced sedimentary structures (MISS) and emphasizes the importance of considering microbially-induced structures and abiological processes when interpreting discoidal impressions in ancient rocks. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license. The enigmatic, soft-bodied Ediacaran macrobiota, fossilized remnants of microbial filaments in thin which flourished from c. 580 to 541 Ma, is domi- section (Bland 1984; Peat 1984; McIlroy et al. nated by discoidal impressions. In the absence of 2005; Callow & Brasier 2009; Callow et al. 2011b). more diagnostic features, such as fronds, some Pre- The nature of the Longmyndian discoidal impres- cambrian successions with discoidal markings have sions has long been debated (e.g. Cobbold 1900), been used as evidence for the presence of an Edia- but they have latterly been regarded as probable evi- caran macrobiota and thus of probable complex dence for complex Ediacaran life. The discoidal life (e.g. Hofmann et al. 1990; Farmer et al. 1992; structures were formally described as Medusinites Arrouy et al. 2016). It is well known that round aff. asteroides, Beltanelliformis brunsae, B. minutae impressions may be produced in a variety of ways, and Intrites punctatus (McIlroy et al. 2005). The including abiogenically by fluid escape (e.g. Cloud first three of these structures have been reinterpreted 1960; Farmer et al. 1992; Menon et al. 2016). The as pseudofossils resulting from sediment injection careful, critical investigation of possible discoidal and loading produced by small-scale fluid escape body fossils is a fundamental prerequisite to an structures mediated by microbial mats (Menon accurate assessment of Ediacaran taxonomic diver- et al. 2016). These processes are insufficient to sity, palaeobiology and palaeoecology. explain the remaining disc, described as I. punctatus Discoidal impressions were first observed in Fedonkin by McIlroy et al. (2005). A re-examina- rocks of the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup, tion and reinterpretation of the purported Longmyn- Shropshire, UK by the Victorian palaeontologist dian examples of Intrites is the subject of this John Salter (Salter 1856, 1857). Subsequent obser- paper. It should be emphasized that the discussion vations revealed widespread evidence for the herein refers purely to material from the Long former presence of microbial mats, including micro- Mynd. The type material from the White Sea Edia- bially-induced sedimentary structures (MISS) and caran successions (Fedonkin 1980) differs from the †Deceased 16 December 2014. From:Brasier, A. T., McIlroy,D.&McLoughlin, N. (eds) 2017. Earth System Evolution and Early Life: A Celebration of the Work of Martin Brasier. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 448, 271–283. First published online November 2, 2016, updated November 8, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP448.12 # 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on October 1, 2021 272 L. R. MENON ET AL. Longmyndian form in being found only as rows of small central depression to broad, low-relief ridges positive hyporelief impressions and is currently a forming an incomplete ring around a wide central valid taxon. flat area (Fig. 4). In some cases, the ILS are found as paired, almost straight, short ridges instead of arcs forming an incomplete ring (Fig. 4c, f; the ‘Are- Lithology and stratigraphic context nicolites didymus’ morph of Salter 1856). Some upper surfaces of beds exhibit counterparts of ILS The specimens of Longmyndian Intrites discussed as negative impressions with a central peak or ridge in this paper were collected from rocks of the upper (Figs 3 & 4d), presumably moulds of positive Burway Formation, Stretton Group, Longmyndian impressions on the sole of the originally overlying Supergroup and were exposed in a disused quarry bed. ILS are usually found in clusters on bedding in Ashes Hollow (Fig. 1). Intrites-like structures planes. Interestingly, they are not found in associa- (ILS) are found at Ashes Hollow in the Long tion with the ridges of the common Ediacaran Mynd, along with other discoidal impressions that MISS Arumberia (McIlroy & Walter 1997; McIlroy have been determined to be fluid-escape structures et al. 2005), a structure also seen in the Long Mynd. (Menon et al. 2016), preserved in thinly inter- ILS are sometimes seen in association with Medu- laminated units of mudstone, siltstone and fine- sinites-like pseudofossils preserved in positive grained sandstone. The fine laminae, ,0.2–1 mm hyporelief and, in such cases, the ILS differ only thick, show a strong colour contrast between the by virtue of having a central depression rather than grey-green of the chloritic mudstone and the dark a pinhead boss. More characteristically, however, brown of the hematitic sandstone, allowing a ILS occur in dense aggregations on bedding planes detailed study of the sedimentary structures in pol- as the only circular morphotype present. ished cross-section. Associated thin white laminae ,0.2 mm thickness, previously thought to host microbial filaments preserved in a white aluminosil- Methods icate mineral (Callow & Brasier 2009), were found in this investigation to consist entirely of the silici- In addition to field observations and the examination fied remains of microbial matgrounds (Fig. 2). of .40 hand specimens, the ILS from the Longmyn- Initial scanning electron microscopy–energy-dis- dian were examined in polished cross-section to persive X-ray spectrometry investigations of thin gain insights into their nature and as a test of bioge- sections through these silicified mats indicated a nicity. Fifteen hand specimens from the upper Bur- striking absence of sulphur in these rocks. The way Formation with ILS on either the upper or lower microbial layers appear to have been limited to a bedding surfaces were sectioned, serially ground few types of filamentous cyanobacteria without and photographed. The resultant photographic data- any evidence for underlying assemblages of either base enabled examination in cross-section of .30 sulphur-reducing or sulphur-oxidizing bacteria. Lit- examples of ILS on these hand specimens. ILS, tle phosphorus was evident, suggesting nutrient- along with other sedimentary features and microbial poor conditions. The Burway Formation has previ- mats, were also studied in 10 thin sections. Work on ously been interpreted as shallow marine deltaic the microbial mats, including scanning electron sediments and the overlying Cardingmill Grit as a microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectrome- fluvial deposit (Pauley 1986, 1990, 1991). try, is ongoing, following which the thin sections The age of the upper part of the Burway Forma- will be placed in the Oxford University Museum tion is constrained by U/Pb geochronology of tuffs of Natural History, where specimens of ILS previ- from the underlying Stretton Shale Formation and ously collected by Richard Callow and examined the stratigraphically higher Lightspout Formation during this study are deposited (OUMNH A´ .02390– and is estimated to be c. 560 Ma (Compston et al. A´ .02394). 2002; Fig. 1; Menon et al. 2016). Longmyndian Intrites in cross-section Morphologies of Longmyndian Intrites The ILS on bedding planes can look similar to gas The discoidal ILS described from the Long Mynd domes or sediment volcanoes as they are raised are unusual in occurring with the same morphology structures with central depressions, although the on the soles and tops of beds (i.e. they occur in pos- crater flanks are more rounded than the conical itive epirelief and positive hyporelief; Fig. 3). There shape typical of sediment volcanoes. Given the is little size variation
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