DIBEO'l'OBY, J CHESHIRE. 0Bt7BOB MINS:SULL. Working Men's Institute (Alfred • - COMMERCIAL• VICAR'S CROSS. Beach, caretaker) Beech James, farmer, Claypits farm PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Yeats James John, cattle dealer, Beech James, farmer, Saighton lane Banks J oseph, Oaklands Woodbank (letters through Row- Faulkner Samuel, farmer Carrol Ernest, Brentwood ton, Chester) Faulkner William, farmer Crewe Alfred, Littleton lodge Fleet William, fa·rmer Deer Edward Joseph, Spring:field COTTON ABBOTS. Rawlinson J. & Co. Ltd. india rubber Dobie Mrs. Heathfield house Walley Richard Pedley J.P. farmer manufacturers (letters through Downes Francis WaverLon, Chester) Downes Frank Frederick, The Cottage Dunn William, Shandon lodge ROWTON. Salmon Richd.Robt. farmer,Holly brik Williams William, farmer Ferniehough Miss, Thornleigh PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Witter William, farmer Giles Mrs. Gowy Mead Barley Edward Arthur, The Poplars Houghton Henry Charles, Claremont. Day Miss Lonsdale Leonard, Deny's court Fleming Thos. Ratcliffe,Rowton grnge COTTON EDMUNDS. Martin Henry, Firbank Gott Capt. Thos.Hy.2 Moorcroft villas Paul William Hill Thomas Keith, The Hollies Fearnall Thomas, farmer Sidebottom Samuel, Littleton Hughes Lloyd, Burley house Peacock Robert, farmer, Cotton hall Ward Howard. Edward, Avondale· Hughes Miss, Brook lodge Rowe Edwd. B. frmr. Stamford mills COMMERCIAL. Macfie John William J.P. Rowton hall Toft Mary (Miss) & Thomas, farmers Baker Brothers, brick malters Murthwaite Miss, I Moorcroft villas Kirk John, nurseryman Parry Charles James, Moorfields Lamb Robert, brick manufacturer;­ Salmon Joseph Hugh, The l''irs LITTLETON. office & stores, Cow Lane bridge, Salmon Richard· Robert, Holly bank Okell John Clare, Old· hall Chester. See advertisement: Woollam Thomas, The Gables page 8 Bentley Ellen (Mrs.), farmer • Wynne John, Elm banks Okell John Clare, farmer Meacock Henry, sen. market gardener· CHURCH COPPENHALL is &. small parish, 2l here, erected in 1868. The charities for distribution in miles north from the Crewe station, 4 north-east from bread and money are of £I6 ss. yearly value. There is­ Nantwich, 5 south-west from Sandbach, in the· Crewe no lord of the manor, but there are many landowners. division of the county, N antwich petty sessional division, The soil is very stiff and poor; the subsoil, clay. The hundred, union and county court district, rural deanery chief produce is cheese. The area is 794 acres; rate-.. of Nantwich, and archdeaconry and diocese of Chester. able value, £5,913,; population in 1911, 731. The township of Monks Coppenhall is absorbed into the Sexton, William Stockton. town of Crewe, and the greater part of the original township, also the church of Church Coppenhall, has Pillar Letter Box, Broughton road, cleared 8 p.m. weeli- been added to the borough of Crewe, Nov. 9th, 1892 days only (see Crewe). There is a Primitive Methodist chapel (For schools, se'S Crewe.) Dyson Henry, Alderley ho.Stoneley rd Furber John, farmer, Waldrons lane Padley William, farmer, Dove cottage-· Irwin Wm. Shandon house, Groby rd Irwin William & Sons Ltd. artificial Palin Albert, White Lion inn COMMERCIAL. manure manufacturers, Groby road Palin George,cowkeeper, Broughton rd': BJulton Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper, Irwin Wm.horse slaughterer,Groby rd Palin Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Kent's la. Broughton road Lea James, farmer, Stoneley road Stubbs George, cowkeeper Charlesworth James, poultry farmer Micklewright Geo. farmer, Groby rd Thompson Jame•s, farmer, Groby 1·d Crewe & District Ice Oo.Ltd.Groby rd Moulton Thos. cowkeeper, Groby rd Tomkin!'on John, cowkeeper Darlington Geo. faTmer, Groby farm Owen Joseph, cowkeeper, Mablin's la Wolbrom Thomas, cowkeeper CHURCH HULME, see Holmes Chapel. CHURCH MINSHULL (so called to distinguish it Roubiliac. On the exterior south-east wall of the· from the adjoining township of Minshull Vernon) is a chancel is a ~lab with undated inscription to Thomas· parish, township and small village on the west bank of Minshull esq. of Eardswick, and Alice, his wife, and the river Weaver, which is crossed by a bridge of two there is also a memorial to the wife of Milton, the­ arches to l\Iinshull Vernon, and on 1!he road from Nant- poet: there are sittings for 250 persons. The parish wich to 'Varrington, about I! miles £ram Minshull Ver- registers commence in 1561, and contain the following· non station, on the Crewe and Warrington section of remarkable instance of longevity:-" 1649, Thomas the London and North Western railway, 6 miles north Damme, of Leighton, buried 2oth of February, being­ from Nantwich, 4 south-south-east from Over, and 5 miles of the age of seven score and fourteen." The living south-west from Middlewich, in the Eddisbury division is a vicarage, net yearly value £105, with glebe and of the county, hundred of Northwioh, union, county court residence, in the gift of Charles F. C. Luxmoore esq. district and pet.ty sessional division of Nantwich, rural of Ashbrook Towers, and held since 1909 by the Rev. deanery of Middlewich and archdeaconry and diocese of .Alfred Edward Thorp L.Th. of University College, Chester. The Shropshire Union canal crosses the border Durham. Charities :-The poor have £31 yearly, £ro of the parish. The church of St. l3artholomew, erected from the bequests of Wade, Frogge and others, which in 1702 on the site of an older structure, is a plain is distributed in coals and clothing at Christmas, edifice of brick and stone, consisting of apsidal chancel, and £21 derive·d from the rent of two fields situate nava of four bays, aisles, and a western tower with at Tetton, and distributed in money on St. Thomas's pinnacles, containing a clock and 5 bells, cast in 1717: day. This place was formerly in the parish of the piers of the arcades appear to be the remains of Acton, and attached to the barony of Wich Milbank the former church: in 1861 the church was corn- (Nantwich), but on its division it fell to Philip ;Bas-set, pletely restored and re-seated at a cost of £Boo, and in and afterwards was vested in the Lovels·. The mesne I8gr was further restored at an expense of nearly £s6o, manor was formerly possessed by a family who assumed under the superintendence of Mr. Waiter M. Bowden, the local n.ame soon after the Norman accession, and from architect, of Chester: an organ, in memory of Captain whom it passed through an heiress ·in the reign of Edward Charles Luxmoore Brooke, of Ashbrook Hall, d. Jan. 9, Ill. to the Dutton family. After the death of Sir Thomas 18go, was placed in the church in r8go by his wife and Dutton, in the reign of Henry VII. without male issue, children: in the church is a mural monument to Jane, it passed to the representatives of Eleanor, :his fifth wife of Thomas Cholmondeley esq. of Vale Royal, d. 14 daughter, who married Richard de Cholmondeley; a April, 1866, and there are also ·several modern tablets: younger branch of the Minshulls continued the male line, in the churchyard, at the foot of the tower, is an and resided here until the demise of John Minshull, in the ancient tomb, on one side of which is a portion of a year 1654, when his estate passed in marriage with skeleton carved in stone, but the inscription is now Elizabeth, his sole heiress, to Thomas Cholmondeley esq. entirely gone: this was the burial place of the old of Vale Royal, ancestor of the present Lord Delamere; family of Wade, from whom Wade's Green takes its he thus became possessed of the whole property, and died name, and there is a strong local tradition that the in 1652, and the estate was afterwards sold in 1770 to remains of the Right Hon. George Wade P.C., M.P. John Brooke esq. of Hallwood, Cheshire. Ashbrook Field Marshal, and commander of the King's troops Towers is the residence of Charles Frederick Coryndon during the Jacobite rebellion of 1745, who died 14 Luxmoore esq. who is ·lord of the manor and principal March, 1718, were interred here; but it is evident landowner; Henry Done esq. of Tarporley, also owm from the register of Westminster Abbey that be was some land in this parish. Lea Green Hall, formerly buried there March 21, 1748, near the choir gate, and belonging to the Vernon and Crewe families, is a brick in the abbey nave is an elaborate monument to him, residence, the property of Henry Done esq. and now executed by the distinguished sculptor, Louis F. occupied as a farm house. Minshull Hall, an ancient CHESHIRE 18* .
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