Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL Tel: (01403) 215100 (calls may be recorded) Fax: (01403) 262985 DX 57609 HORSHAM 6 www.horsham.gov.uk Chief Executive - Tom Crowley Personal callers and deliveries: please come to Park North E-Mail: [email protected] Direct Line: 01403 215465 Development Control (North) Committee TUESDAY 3RD APRIL 2012 AT 5.30p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBER, PARK NORTH, NORTH STREET, HORSHAM Councillors: Liz Kitchen (Chairman) Roy Cornell (Vice-Chairman) John Bailey Ian Howard Andrew Baldwin David Jenkins Peter Burgess Christian Mitchell John Chidlow Josh Murphy Christine Costin Godfrey Newman Helena Croft Jim Rae Leonard Crosbie Stuart Ritchie Malcolm Curnock David Sheldon Laurence Deakins David Skipp Duncan England Simon Torn Frances Haigh Claire Vickers David Holmes Tricia Youtan You are summoned to the meeting to transact the following business Tom Crowley Chief Executive AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To approve as correct the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 6th March 2012 (attached) 3. To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee – any clarification on whether a Member has an interest should be sought before attending the meeting. 4. To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive Paper certified as sustainable by an independent global forest certification organisation 5. To consider the reports of the following officers and to take such action thereon as may be necessary: Head of Planning & Environmental Services Appeals Applications for determination by Committee – Appendix A Item Ward Reference Site No. Number A01 Forest DC/11/2585 Old Doomsday Hammerpond Road Horsham A02 Rusper and DC/12/0178 Durrants Drive Faygate Colgate A03 Southwater DC/11/2502 Easteds Barn Easteds Lane Southwater A04 Horsham Park DC/12/0299 Ashton Grange Nursing Home 3 Richmond Road Horsham A05 Rusper and DC/11/0799 Rusper Nunnery Horsham Road Rusper Colgate A06 Roffey South DC/12/0386 Open Space at Junction With Oak Tree Way Redkiln Way Horsham A07 Roffey North DC/11/2699 Charmans Close Horsham A08 Southwater DC/11/2698 Shipley Road Southwater A09 Nuthurst DC/11/2517 Land Rear of 21 Woodlands Walk Mannings Heath A10 Broadbridge DC/11/2074 Plot 1 Land South of Broadbridge Heath Old Heath Wickhurst Lane Broadbridge Heath A11 Denne S106/1825 Land East of A24 Worthing Road Horsham A12 Broadbridge DC/11/2059 Plot 1 Land South of Broadbridge Heath Old Heath Wickhurst Lane Broadbridge Heath 6. Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as urgent because of the special circumstances. DCN120306 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL (NORTH) COMMITTEE 6TH MARCH 2012 Present: Councillors: Liz Kitchen (Chairman), Roy Cornell (Vice-Chairman), John Bailey, Andrew Baldwin, Peter Burgess, John Chidlow, Christine Costin, Helena Croft, Leonard Crosbie, Malcolm Curnock, Laurence Deakins, Duncan England, Frances Haigh, David Holmes, Ian Howard, David Jenkins, Christian Mitchell, Josh Murphy, Godfrey Newman, Jim Rae, Stuart Ritchie, David Sheldon, Simon Torn, Claire Vickers, Tricia Youtan. Apologies: Councillors: David Skipp DCN/115 MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 7th and 21st February 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. DCN/116 INTERESTS OF MEMBERS Member Item Nature of Interest Councillor Peter DC/11/1660 Personal & prejudicial – in 2004 he Burgess had been the subject of a complaint to the Standards Board by the applicant in relationship to his chairmanship of North Horsham Parish Council Councillor Christian DC/11/1660 Personal – he knew the applicant’s Mitchell grandson DCN/117 ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements. DCN/118 APPEALS Notice concerning the following appeals had been received: Appeals Lodged Written Representations/Household Appeals Service Ref No Site Appellant(s) DC/11/2127 Lierre, Lambs Green, Rusper Mr and Mrs B Wells DC/11/1672 124 Woodlands Way, Southwater Mr John Douglas Development Control (North) Committee 6th March 2012 DCN/119 PLANNING APPLICATIONS: DC/11/1709 - SCHEME A WITH NO GLAZED LINK: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF 48 RETIREMENT APARTMENTS (32 X 1-BED AND 16 X 2-BED) WITH COMMUNAL FACILITIES, LANDSCAPING, CAR PARKING AND NEW VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM CLARENCE ROAD DC/11/1710 - SCHEME B WITH GLAZED LINK: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF 48 RETIREMENT APARTMENTS (35 X 1-BED AND 13 X 2-BED) WITH COMMUNAL FACILITIES, LANDSCAPING, CAR PARKING AND NEW VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM CLARENCE ROAD SITE: MID SUSSEX AREA PROFESSIONAL CENTRE CLARENCE ROAD HORSHAM APPLICANT: MCCARTHY AND STONE RETIREMENT LIFESTYLES LTD The Head of Planning & Environmental Services reported that application DC/11/1709 (Scheme A - no glazed link) proposed the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of 48 retirement apartments comprising 32 x 1-bed and 16 x 2-bed with communal facilities including laundry, refuse room, guest suite and internal residents’ lounge with kitchen, landscaping, car parking and new vehicular access from Clarence Road. Application DC/11/1710 (Scheme B - with glazed link) proposed the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of 48 retirement apartments comprising 35 x 1-bed and 13 x 2-bed with communal facilities, landscaping, car parking and new vehicular access from Clarence Road. Both schemes proposed retirement flats contained in one ‘U’ shaped building, set around an internal courtyard. The building frontage to Brighton Road would be three storeys high, with the projecting rear elements along Clarence Road and Moons Lane gradually reducing in height to two storey and single storey elements at the north eastern end of the site. The development proposed a combined vehicular and pedestrian access off Clarence Road, with a car parking area for twenty cars, and pedestrian access off both Brighton Road and Moons Lane. The main differences between the two schemes were the number of one and two bedroom units proposed and the design of the front elevations facing Brighton Road. Whilst the visual appearance of the frontage in both schemes would be broken up to add visual interest and articulation to the mass of the building, Scheme A would have a solid frontage, broken up by recessed brick built stairwells between the main building blocks, and Scheme B would have a frontage broken up by glazed links between the main building blocks, which aimed to give the appearance of separate building blocks along this frontage. The site currently comprised an existing West Sussex County Council building, known as the Mid Sussex Professional Centre. The area 2 Development Control (North) Committee 6th March 2012 DCN/119 Planning Applications: DC/11/1709 & DC/11/1710 (cont.) surrounding the main building was generally tarmac surfaced, with the southern area of the site laid out as car parking with two access points off Clarence Road. The application site was located within the built-up area boundary of Horsham and was located in a sustainable area. The area surrounding the application site was generally characterised by residential development comprising houses and flats of two, three and four storeys in height. Government Policies PPS1, PPS3, PPG13, PPS22 and PPS24; Local Development Framework Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP5, CP10, CP11, CP12, CP13 and CP19; Local Development Framework General Development Control Policies DC2, DC6, DC7, DC8, DC9, DC18, DC19, DC31 and DC40; and South East Plan 2009 policies CC6, CC1, CC2 and CC4 were all relevant to the determination of this application. Relevant planning history included: HU/31/55 Temporary hutted classroom for primary Granted school HU/31/61 Extension for meals service for primary Granted school HU/322/64 Vehicular access Granted DC/08/2562 Demolition of existing buildings and re- Withdrawn development with residential comprising 8 dwellings and 13 flats (21units in total) (outline) The comments of the Housing Strategy & Development Manager, Public Health & Licensing, the Landscape Officer, the Design & Conservation Officer, the Drainage Section, Strategic & Community Planning, West Sussex County Council and Southern Water were noted. Sussex Police raised no objections. The Neighbourhood Council objected to the proposal and their comments were noted. Two letters of objection and two of support had been received. One member of the public spoke in objection to the proposal and the applicant’s agent spoke in support. The main issues for consideration in the determination of these applications were the principle of the development in this location; the impact of the development on the character and visual amenities of the area, the amenities of neighbour and future occupiers; parking and highway safety issues, together with sustainability; and whether affordable housing should be provided on site, or if it would be appropriate to provide such housing off site and, if so, what the level of contribution should be. 3 Development Control (North) Committee 6th March 2012 DCN/119 Planning Applications: DC/11/1709 & DC/11/1710 (cont.) The site was located within a sustainable location with good access to local facilities and a range of services within the town centre and good links to public transport. Also, the existing building was not regarded as being of any significant architectural or historic importance and it was therefore considered that there was no objection in principle to the redevelopment of the site. The development
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