G.Nonnan f lmw,, 1:,\1A, Principal of Hoover Arcl1ilt·tl , design subsidiary of 31)/l11l l·1· naaonal, talksabout worlw,g with Wahcr P Moore and Associalcs on U1c CockrellBuH: erfly Center, Ll,e only combined buH:er8y and rainforestex hibit in llie country. "There were so many d1allcngc~ Ll1aln cilher of us cc.wl,I l1t1vcconceive d of Ll,e 11 <lcsign i11Jup1mdendy. 11 Wl1c11Ll1 e boundaries between' designer' and 'engineer' began to blw;tbc b-t co llaborative ideas came f0ttb.11 "Their ideas created a vc1y delicate 'minimalist' slrudt11'L', allowing nrnxim1111111aluti1l light,a rnlprul l·diu~i tl1t• nif1l1l pad1s of dwf,. ,,s1il1•l 11tllt•1fliL·s." <~ u '"',, I '"'!k,,/(/ ,if/,.,.I, 1/,,,,l,,11,1 1/,111,,,,/,, I 1111/1' /I ,ti,I \X 111 I I l I le I I I II A I /\ • 1/\Ml'A I I 111 (d(l ; mo Builtfor Speed. It'sno coincidence wall systems spec ifying pertormanceisstrictly prohibned . Sowhe n withenhanced fire resistance and supenor neN certified100% Pyro Therm' High youspecrfy 100 %PyroTherrrt HPCMUs, you roseabalemenl Well proportiooed and PertormanceConcre te MasooryUnits alwayscan expect a 001S1stenllyhigh quality, sharp.edged, l-rov1Ushave a hightenstle (HPCMUs)are be ingcompleted atrecord highstreng th, reducedweight CMU lhal helps straincapacity to resist Chipping belier, so speeds.After all, a 100%Pyro Therm masooiyCre'Mi really kly track.5 oo the job site . yourd~ns crossIre f inishline loo{ing HPCMUisnl your nnof-the-mtll , "stock" Youcan also expect lower substructure great everytime. greyblock. It's rrore like a lormularacer . costsoff the start ingline due to reduced Forthe high price-performance today's Re-engineeredtobe thebest C MUever structuralloading and r e-barrequirements . As clientsdemand, offer you r cnentsthe 100% made,the ne-N 100% Pyrolherm ~HPC MU forstreng th, HPCMUs havethe oorsepower: PyroTherm Hlg h PerlOl'rnanceadvan tage. 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Seeus in Sweet'sor visit our website al www.txi.com P\'roTl!C'm IS lll1 DP1"11Zedblc<1a ~ ceramcagg1ega 1• l)ttl(lutea DY11(1 Circle, 242 on thl!! readl!!rin quiry card MUSEUMS AND GA LL E RI ES ArtPace , A Foun dation for Contem po rary Art, San Antonio Lake/ Flato Archit ects, ln c., San Ant onio 36 Museum of As ian Cultur es, Corpus Christi Richter Associate s Archite cts, Inc., Corpu s C hri sti 40 European Gal lery Reinstallation , Pl'tiladel­ phia Muse um of Art, Philadelphia , Penn. J ackso n & Ryan Architect s, Inc., Hou ston 42 Byzantine Fresco Chape l Mu se um , Houston Fran cois de Menil , Archit ect , N ew York City, N.Y. 44 Texas State Cemetery Exhibit D esign and Wayfin ding , Austi n Douglas/Gallagh er, Houston 48 DEP ARTMENTS Editorial Note s Special Section 31 Entertainmen t and Corrections 9 Recreation News 10 Survey so New Products 22 Marketplace 55 TA Specifier 23 Travel sB Continui ng Education: Restoration and Renovation On ti" cov,r: Stair11110 g,111, ,,y Sl)JCe'"ArlPau, ~n A/1ton,o,by ~rlato A1th,1m~ SeinAntonio PhotogiJph by P~ulliesttt •11dl l\4 C•rolll•1d.l,\~y Riahl: O~y \'(',tern, It>~ St.nrCenltlery Au1t111,by • nouRl.isiGallJghe1.l1ou~to11 . Photogr,ohby PdulBci1d.tgiy Texas Architect 7/ 8 1997 3 Handle With Care: Software Enclosed The new version ofTSALink is being released right here, right now, in this ad. How? Because you don't need disks to upgrade , just internet ac­ cess. Simply connect to the internet and type in our web address at www .tsalink.com. This isn't so.ftware that you'll have to download , either. TSALink uploading is completely online-freeing up your computer's harddi sk space and making the upload process easier than ever. You don 't have internet access, but want to particip ate in TSALink? Then we'll provide it for you-for free. We'll provide free internel access, including e-mail, to any qualifyin g TSA architect firm wish­ ing to support the TSALink program. For information about TSAUnk check out our web page a l www.tsalink.com, or get information on free intcrncl access by call­ ing Andrew Hamlin at 512/ 478-7386. T~&~ www .tsallnk.com TEXASARCHITECT EDITORIAL NOTE July/ August1997 Museumsand Galleries Ttx11rArchittcr (ISSN : 0040-4179) is published seven rimes per year (bimonthly nnd in April ) by the lcxas Society of Architects, 816 Congress Ave., Suire 970, Austi n, Texas 78701, www.tnrch.com. TSA is th e o fficial Te.us srarc 01'!,'llnit.ati on o f the American ln ­ ChangingTimes •liture o f ArchitecL~ (Dnid Lancast er, Execu tiv e \Ike President) . Copyright 1997 by th e Tera s So­ IN TH£ TWO MONTHS since the last issue of Texas Architect was publi shed, a dcry of Architects. great deal has been going on in Austin. Th e Texas Legislatur e adjourned its David Lancaster Execudvt!Vice President biannuaJ session, ending in a not uncommon whirl of confusion and contro­ CanllO Yermcn Publlshtr Susan Williamson &crutivt!Editor versy. The results for the profession were genera lly favorable: A tax on pro­ Kelly Robers on ManagingEditor fessionaJ services was avoided and definition s of aJrernarive publi c-educa­ Jenna Co lley Communica1ioos1n1ern tion construction delivery methods like design-build were approved. J onnhan Hago od Contributor C..:aru lyn 83kcr Jul, ~9-1•" Advt!rtisingRepresentlltivt! Thjngs at Texas Architect have changed during the past two months as well. Editor Vince n t P. Hauser, AJA, returned to the full-rime practice of TSAPub licationsCommittee Dennis Stncy, AL\, Dallas (chair); Denni s W. Clayton, architecture in mid-May; the current staff incl udes Canan Yetmen, former ly AIA, Midl:1Dd;Lawren ce H. Connolly, A1A,Midland ; associate pub lisher, now publisher; Susan William son, formerly senio r edi­ Mory C rit es, AJA, Lubb ock; Elir.abcth Darl'Z.C, AJA, Ausli n; Val Glitseh, FAlA, Houston; Julius G ribou, to r, now executive editor; and Ke lly Roberson, former ly associate editor, IA. Co llege Station; Mark Gunderson, AlA, Fort now mana ging editor, as well as J enna Colle y, Worth; Mart in J. Harm s, AJA, Lubbock; Douglas Kndrnc, AJA, Austin; J eff Potte r, AlA, Longview; commu nications intern. Although the staff has UPCOMINGISSUES Sh•fi k I. Rifaat, Ali\, HOIJSton; Ed Solte ro, AlA, El changed, the Texas Society of Archit ects' com­ l'•• o; Da n Wigodsky. AJA.San Amnn io mitment to plllblishing the best regional architec­ We invitesubmission of ContributingEditors ture magazine in the country is as strong as ever. projectsto TexasArchitect David Dillon , Dallas; S1ephen Fox , Houston ; Nestor lu fanw n , AlA, Dallas ; Mike Greenbe rg, S,n Anto ­ This commitment to exce llence has been a for upcomingissues : ni o; llnrbaro Koerb le, Fo n Wonh; Gerald M oor­ haJlmark of Texas Architect since the Society be­ hcn,1, FAIA, Housto n; Willi s Winters, AJA. Dallas ; D•vid Woodcock, FAJA. RillA, Co llege St<ttion gan publi shing it in r951. The editor ial vision Nov/ Dec' 97 (deadline21 that brou ght Texas Architect to its current posi­ July)· PublicBuildings • TSAOfficers J~11 Blockmon , AJA, Dnllos , Pr esident ; David tion began with a serie s of architect edito rs­ Richter, FAfA, Corpus Christi, President-Elect; David Bae r, FAIA, from 1951-1959; Harold If you havequestions , or D•rrell Fitz.gcrald , FALA,Houston, Vice Prcsi ­ rlcnt ; Roh1ndo Garcia. AIA, McAllen , Vice Calhoun , FAIA, from 1959- 1961; Don Le gge ideasfor ·News"or l'rcs,dcnt: Maran Horms , AJA, Lubbock , Vice from 1961-1966; and Jim Pfluger, FAIA, from MSurvey,M please call us at l'rcs1dcnt; David H. 'Watkins, AJA, Mouston , \ ~,·c Pre sident ; Bill Wilson, Ali\, Corpus Christi, 1967-1974. In 1974, the first profes sional jour­ 512.478.7386or fax at I 'rcusurc r; Do hn LaBiche, AIA, Beaumont, Sec- naust, Larry Paul Fu ller, took over as editor, a 512.478.0528. 1c1.1ry; Ronald Skaggs, FAlA, Dallas, and Fnnk D1111glas, Fi\lA, Hous ton, AIA Direc1ors; Da,•id position he held for 11 years. His successor, an­ I un<":l.icr, Austin, Exccurivc Vice Pr esident other writer, Joel Warren Barna, also served as editor for more than a de­ TSABoard of Directorsby Chapter cade, from 1985 until 199 5. And finally, when Vince took the reins as edi­ l'hlll ip Mille r, AJA,Abilene Chapter; Stephen Brooks, tor in the spring of 1995, the magazine had come full circle: back under the ,\Ii\, An1arillo Chap ter; Girar d Kinney, AIA, Austin ( ha11tcr; Elton Abbott, AJA, Bnzos Ch apter ; John leaders hip of an architect editor for the first time in more than 20 years. l)ykc mn, Jr ., AJA, Corpus C hristi Chapter; Kirk Vince, who had served on TSA's Publications Committee for five years, h_n1c1,cr,Ali\, DaJlas Chapter; Tommy Ro1Jo1.nik, Ali\, I• I Posn C hapter; Tony DiNicoln , AIA, Forr Worth and had worked for Venruryco tt Brown in Philadelphi a, for the Texas His­ Chapter ; Ernesto Maldonado , AlA, Houston Chap- tor ical Commission, and-in private practice in Austi n, brought a strong vi­ 1er, Rud olph Gome z, AIA, Lo wer Rio Grnnde Valley CJ,aptcr; Mary Crites, AlA, Lubb ock Chapter; Du:tnc s.ion to Texas Architect.
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