Snow likely High: 29 | Low: 23 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Monday, January 26, 2015 75 cents COMMUNITY BENEFIT Power restored Saxon-Gurney Fire Department holds fundraiser in Wakefield WAKEFIELD — Residents in the city of Wakefield had their n Dinner and raffle power restored on Saturday evening after power outages raises money for fire started early Friday night. department and first The outages began momen- responders tarily on Friday afternoon, around 3:30 p.m. But by 5 p.m., SAXON, Wis. — Nearly 200 power was out entirely in many people dined on roast beef and locations across Gogebic County. all the fixings during a benefit On Friday evening, Xcel Ener- dinner and gun raffle for the gy’s power outage map on its Saxon-Gurney Fire Department website showed reported outages on Sunday afternoon. stretching from Ironwood to According to department Lake Gogebic. Some temporary members, 189 meals were outages were also reported in served during the annual din- Oma, Wis., in Iron County. ner, filling the Saxon Communi- Throughout the outages, more ty Center. than 3,000 people were left with- The meal started around 15 out power, and power was years ago, first as a spaghetti restored to locations in Ironwood meal, then steak and for the last and Bessemer by Friday night. few years, roast beef. However, as 10:30 a.m., on Throughout the meal, atten- Saturday, 50 percent of the city dees dined on roast beef, mashed of Wakefield was still without potatoes, corn, bread and power, according to the Gogebic dessert, and visited with friends County Sheriff’s Department. and family. To help battle the cold tem- Door prizes were given out, peratures, the Municipal Build- and the department also raffled ing in Wakefield, formerly off a Henry 22 LR Rifle and a Father Daniel Hall, was opened Henry 44 Mag Rifle and other to residents as a warming cen- prizes. A 50/50 raffle also took ter. place. In total, 3,145 customers were The proceeds from the event affected. On Friday night, an benefit the Saxon-Gurney Fire Xcel Energy employee said the Department and Medical First Cortney Ofstad/Daily Globe cause of the outage was believed Responders. PEOPLE DINE on a roast beef dinner during the annual benefit dinner and gun raffle for the Saxon-Gurney Fire Department on Sunday after- to be a circuit breaker, but on “Part of the proceeds are also noon at the Saxon Community Center in Saxon, Wis. Sunday night, employees were going to be used to outfit a truck, unable to give a definitive recently acquired from Enbridge brush/rescue truck for the department members were “very “We can’t say enough,” Ofstad throughout the year. We really answer to the cause of the out- Pipeline,” chief Stacy Ofstad department.” thankful” for the community said. “Thanks to everyone for appreciate it.” age. said. “It is being turned into a Ofstad said he and the support. their continued support — Cortney Ofstad — Cortney Ofstad Ontonagon County Friendships forged seeing deep frost depths By JAN TUCKER M-64 between White Pine and through ice fishing [email protected] Bergland. ONTONAGON — Winter On Jan. 22, 2014, the frost By ALISSA PIETILA event has taken place. 2014 may have had the coldest tube depth in Woodspur was 48 [email protected] “One of the things that I find temperatures on record, with inches. On Jan. 21, 2015, the BERGLAND — Mild tem- with the tournament, is just frost depths causing ruptured depth was 47 inches. peratures drew more than 100 that the local community really water lines, but the warm Jan- In contrast the same depth in locals and visitors to Lake supports and helps this event,” uary this year is not showing an January 10, 2013 was just 27 Gogebic for AJ’s Walleye Mary Beth said. appreciable difference in those inches. Lodge’s annual Lake Gogebic The cash prizes for the week- depths. The difference on U.S. 45 near north shore ice fishing tourna- end event totaled $2,500, but The Ontonagon County Road Bruce Crossing was not as close. ment this weekend. does not include the prizes Commission records frost depths The tube last week measured 46 Owners Jim, Mary Beth and given away. at three areas on Ontonagon inches, while in 2014 at the same Anthony Eismueller have There were also other items County roads. That information, time it was 50 inches. owned the lodge for about three being raffled off, including a provided to the Michigan Depart- In 2013 the frost had reached years and the lodge is named three-night stay at Caesars Submitted Photo ment of Transportation, helps to just 28 inches. for Jim and Anthony. The cou- JOHN BERGLUND holds up his 30 inch northern after the sixth annual determine the severity of spring ple’s son. Lake Gogebic north shore fishing tournament over the weekend. More breakup on U.S. 45 in Woodspur, This is the sixth year the than 100 participants attended the event. U.S. 45 near Bruce Crossing and GOGEBIC — page 5 ONTONAGON — page 5 Winter Formal held in Hurley By ALISSA PIETILA Last Blast is an alcohol-free ing was also offered free-of- [email protected] event for graduating seniors, and charge for the students to use. HURLEY — A Winter Formal takes place the night of gradua- Laura Scotford-Fedora said was held at the Iron County tion. there was more than 100 stu- Memorial Building on Saturday The ballroom in the Memorial dents in attendance, but most night for area high schoolers. Building was decorated in shades were Hurley students. Ninth through 12th grade stu- of blue, silver and white and and “There are a few from Iron- dents from Hurley, Ironwood, even included Christmas lights. wood,” she said. Bessemer, Wakefield-Marenisco The dining space and dance This year, the event was and Mercer were all invited to floor were divided by tulle and a planned at the same time as the attend the Hurley fundraiser decorated archway. “They have Hurley homecoming. Herlevi said which lasted from 7 p.m. until food. They have music,” said they decided to host the event on midnight, with music beginning Dorothy Walesewicz, who is part Saturday because the students at 8 p.m. of the restoration committee for are so busy during the week. The dance and dinner is held the Memorial Building. “It’s fun,” she said. “ They have to raise money for the Hurley The food and drinks, including all day to get ready to go.” Last Blast, a graduation party pop, chips and spaghetti, were all For more information on Last Alissa Pietila/Daily Globe held in the spring, said Sue Her- donated by parents for the event, Blast, call the Hurley School Dis- STUDENTS ENJOY a spaghetti dinner during the Winter Formal held at the Iron County Memorial Building on levi. Herlevi said. She said the build- trict at 715-561-4900. Saturday night. C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY KING KRZYZEWSKI Classifieds . .10-11 Daily Globe Inc. Sunday Precipitation Vol. 96, Ed. 21 118 E. McLeod Ave. High 18 48 hours to 7 a.m. Comics . .9 Snow likely Duke coach earns 1,000th Community . .3 P.O. Box 548 —Details, page 2 Low 12 Sunday 0 in. career victory Ironwood, MI 49938 Year ago today Snowfall Educations . .12 High 1 48 hours to 7 a.m. — Sports Obituaries . .6 yourdailyglobe.com Low -5 Sunday 0 in. page 7 Today’s records Snow depth 14 in. Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 High 55 (1981) Season total 136.8 in. Sports . .7-8 Low -33 (1997) Last year 95.7 in. 5 Miles West Of Ashland on Hwy. 2 Sales Hours: 8-7 Mon.-Thur.; 8-6 Fri.; 8-5 Sat. 1-715-682-8400 • 800-296-3819 FIVE STAR www.ashlandfordchrysler.com • 5stardealers.com/ashland 2 l MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2015 NATION / WORLD THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Snow Likely Snow Possible Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy 29º 23º 27º 19º 32º 23º 26º 9º 16º 0º Winds: 10 mph S Winds: 5-7 mph SE Winds: Light winds Winds: 5-10 mph S Winds: 8-14 mph SW Ontonagon OUTLOOK 28/25 Today we will see cloudy skies with a 60% chance of snow, high temperature of 29º, humidity of 69%. Bergland South wind 10 mph. New snow accumulation of 1 to 27/24 2 inches possible. The record high temperature for today is 55º set in 1981. Ironwood Wakefield 45 Saxon 29/23 28/23 SUN AND MOON 28/22 Marenisco Bessemer 26/23 Upson Hurley 29/23 2 Watersmeet 26/21 26/21 25/23 Sunrise . .7:30 a.m. Associated Press 51 Sunset . .4:56 p.m. ANTI-PRIME MINISTER Shinzo Abe protesters rally with signs and a banner reading: “Prime Minister Abe, Mercer Moonrise . .10:50 a.m. save the life of Kenji Goto!” in front of Abe’s official residence in Tokyo Sunday. From prime minister to ordi- Moonset . .Next Day 24/18 nary people, Japanese responded with shock Sunday at a video purportedly showing one of two Japanese Manitowish hostages of the extremist Islamic State group had been killed. 25/21 NATIONAL WEATHER Minocqua Today Tue. 25/21 Chicago 29/25 mc 34/25 pc Dallas 64/46 s 73/48 s Kansas City 56/35 s 55/38 s Los Angeles 70/55sh 69/53pc Japan stunned by video claiming New York 27/24sn 27/16sn ALMANAC REGIONAL WEATHER Orlando 64/42 s 63/44 s Temperature Today Tue.
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