McKnight resigns ASG presidency Joseph McKnight, newly appointed ASG representatives are elected in time for next Sun- president, caught the majority of council by day's meeting so that ASG can move on to the surprise Sunday night when he announced his business of the term. resignation. In the only other business conducted at Sun- day night's meeting, ASG passed a statement Conducting his first meeting as president in of position on the Ad Hoc Committee Report an informal manner, McKnight went on to Statement formulated last term by McKnight announce that vice-president Dannie Wilkins and several other members of council. Part would succeed him. of the reasoning behind McKnight's resignation McKnight, former ASG vice-president, had is tied closely to ASG's stand on this Statement. just moved into the top spot in the student Joseph, as McKnight calls himself, stated government in December when former presi- that he felt he could better operate, in terms dent Frank Tadley resigned to study in Mexico. of benefiting the black experience, by moving After the startled council members quieted to the outside of the ASG framework. He cit- down, McKnight opened the meeting to ques- ed paperwork as one of the things which tions in an attempt to clarify the situation. bogged him down and prevented his doing the Dannie Wilkins, the former head of Allegh- kind of research on the phases of the "Black eny Community Exchange who had just moved to the vice-presidency, now has the task of ap- Question" at Allegheny, that he had hoped to pointing a successor to herself. She will also do. In a statement which appears below, Jo- have to fill a number of committee chairman- seph has explained more fully the reasoning ships. Hopes are high in council that this term's JOSEPH McKN IGHT behind his action. To the Student Both,: 1 find it tremendously difficult doing this I now do. It is diffi- cult because I would rather have it sonic other way. First I would like to say that I was well aware of the load and responsibility of the job when I took it. However, at that particular stage of de- velopment, things that I thought would be out of the way still re- US main as problems to be solved. The work load in ASG, if done as CA MP Vol. 95, No. 35 Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. Wednesday, January 12, 1972 it should be done, is more than even the exceptional student can deal with. Yet even with the restrictions of time there is much that can be done. When you think of the time involved in coordi- nating and working with groups of people, which is absolutely ne- cessary where ASG or any similar structure is concerned, you can Alarms prompt code revision begin to understand that it is by no means an easy job. The ad- See McKnight ". a different level", pg. 3 By RON McNELLY Board to the College Board who Humphrey instrumental neginning this term a new fire absolved the floor of any respon- Humphrey, who has as one of code came into effect as a result sibility and suggested that chan- his main duties the maintenance of a series of first term meetings ges be made in the existing poli- of all fire equipment on campus, between Edward Humphrey, Di- cy to better fit such cases of "ac- has initiated another innovation rector of Campus Safety, and var- cidental tampering". whereby resident advisors as well ious administrative and student Eleven false alarms as members of the Campus Safety representatives. "The first term policy was a- Department check extinguishers dopted in the summer months un- and other equipment for faulty "Accidental" false alarm der 'strained' conditions between parts or malfunctions. Prompting the action was an in city and college officials as a re- Kerrie Logan, third floor advi- cident occurring the first week of , sult of 11 false alarms last year," sor of Brooks Hall and an active the fall term in which afire alarm Humphrey told the Campus, "We participant in the construction of was "accidently" set off on the couldn't involve the student body the new fire policy commented third floor of Ilrooks Hall. Ac- because of the time of year and that "the new code was written cording to the former code, the the pressure exerted by the city to be purposely ambiguous so as girl responsible was fined for fathers. However, I am very to fit every situation conceiv- "unnecessary setting off of the pleased with the new policy. I able". fire alarm systrn". She appealed think it has been written to deal Flexible code her cas.? to the Student Judiciary fairly with most situations that Board who absolved her of res. , could arise. Also, its conception "The code is flexible enough to ponsibility, but shifted the blame involved more of the college com- deal lightly with accidental tam- to the entire floor. The third munity than the previous policy, pering and at the same time pro- Scene of one of the false alarms triggered last year floor as a whole then appealed which is certainly the way it vides harsh penalties for inten- at Baldwin Hall. The new fire policy seeks to prevent through the Student Judiciary should be," tional vandalism." such "accidents" by imposing fair penalties. Former Alleghenian faces drug charge detectives and arrested. The other detective By JOHN TAYLOR had remained stationed outside his window. Director of Campus Safety klward Hum- A trial has been set for the week of Febru- phrey disclaims any role in the case. According ary 14 for former Allegheny student Richard io him, his office had nothing to do with the I•leineman, arrested for the possession of narco- tic drugs late last term. investigation or arrest, all details were worked According to the District Attorney's office out by the State Police. On the clay of (he ar- in Meadville, Fleineman, who is free on $2500 rest, he spoke to a policeman who identified hail, has been sent a letter apprising him of the himself, showed Humphrey an arrest warrant charges. il-Heineman pleads "not guilty" he and asked if such a person as Heineman existed will he required to stand trial before a grand ju- and where he could he found. ry during the week of the 14th; if he pleads Humphrey stated that campus security po- "guilty" he will return to Meadville to be sen- lice "have no police powers" and cannot arrest tenced at that time. anyone, although they do "co-operate" with The !)A's office sent the letter on December law officers. In the past, his office has been vi- 30th, 1971, but has not as yet received an sited by CIA and FBI agents as well as city and answer from Heineman or his lawyer. state police. The warrant entitled the arresting Heineman faces a possible sentence as a first officer to "go anywhere in the Commonwealth time offender of a fine of not more than $2000 of Pennsylvania" and the officer needed no per- mission to enter college property. and/or 2 to 5 years in prison. At the time of his arrest, the Meadville Tri- Heineman had been quite active in ASG and bune reported that Pennsylvania State Police had chaired the committee which named him- self to a list to he honored as "Who's Who A- apprehended Heineman with an estimated total mong Students in American Colleges and UM- of $500 worth of marijuana stowed in a laun- versities" just one week before his arrest. dry sack. He voluntarily withdrew immediately from A witness to the arrest said that Heineman, Allegheny, taking incompletes in all his courses, suspecting a possible bust, had returned to his room early from dinner on the clay before although it is uncertain if he will he returning. Heineman is presently at his home in Ro- Thanksgiving. As he was leaving his room with the marijuana wrapped in a pillow case, Heine- Rick Heineman, who was active in ASG and Student chester, New York, working as door-to-door Committees, is now in his Rochester home facing a man was stopped by one of two plain clothes Fuller Brushman. possible jail sentence if he is convicted of drug charges. Page 2 CAMPUS Wednesday, January 12, 1972 No surprise Evangelical Imperative The term "credibility gap" was originally used to describe the distrust of government fostered by the dissembling of former Presi- dent Johnson, but in his three years in office Richard Nixon has de- By WENDY BORN Therefore, in order to follow God's leading monstrated that the gap is a bipartisan phenomenon. The most re- as we are compelled to do, we are breaking — cent dramatization of this fact came with the publication by Wash- organizationally — from the liberal Christian ington columnist Jack Anderson of secret minutes of White House In the last year Allegheny has witnessed a group, including Dr. Hobson. It is only in great strategy sessions during last month's war between India and Paid- growing, struggling Christian community, at- sorrow that we say this; for me, personally, pre- stan. tempting to proclaim to the campus that Jesus sentingethis to the Christian community Sun- Despite an apparent mix-up of signals on the part of government is Lord of our lives — and that that really day night was the most difficult thing God has spokesmen, few doubted at the time of the conflict that the United makes a difference. Here, as in Christian required of me. But it is time that we stop states blamed India for the fighting (U.N.
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