COMMUNITY ullerton n bsCAeLENrDAvR Paege 12r-15 FULLERTON’S INDEPENDENT NEWS • Est.1978 (printedO on 20% recycled paper) • YEAR 36 #5 • MID MARCH 2014 Anti-Bullying Super Bowl Champ to be Honored at City Council At the Tuesday, March 18 council meeting at 6:30pm at city hall, Fullerton Mayor Chaffee and the council will honor Super Bowl XLVI- II Champion and Seahawk fullback Derrick Coleman for his actions both on and off the field. The Troy High grad is the first deaf offensive player in National Football League history and continues to be an inspiration to millions around the world, using his celebrity to encourage individuals with challenges to persue their dreams. Derrick is home through the end of April when he returns to Seattle for off-season training. Recall: Freeze Dried Real Fruit Snacks 59,780 cases (each containing 20 pouches) of Kirkland Freeze Dried Snacks sold at Costco with best use Fullerton and Brea residents asking for a moratorium on Acidizing of oil wells in their towns met in Rolling Hills Park for an info session. date thru March 2015 have been They were joined later in the morning by a handful of nearby residents concerned about wells near their homes. PHOTO BY MIKE RITTO recalled due to Salmonella contami- nation. The product was produced by Oregon Freeze Dry Inc. Go to Acidizing’s Happening Here CREATING A www.fda.gov for details or call 1-888- A rally was held on Sat., March 15 at Thanks to new state disclosure laws, oil SUSTAINABLE 641-2933. Rolling Hills Park on E. Bastanchury. Its pur- companies are now required to give notice pose was to make residents aware of the unan- within 24 hours of their intention to acidize HOME LANDSCAPE swered questions surrounding the acidizing or frack wells. You can find information on and fracking oil recovery processess happen- the wells being fracked or acidized near your A free public forum “Creating a 7 . A 7 Sustainable Home Landscape” will be S D . ing locally, including potential dangers to air home, and a list of chemicals used, on the 5 C I D 1 U presented by Neighbors United for A E . and water quality. The group hopes to AQMD website. (See links on page 8.) Five N P T D O Fullerton at 6:45pm on Monday, O E R R encourage the cities of Fullerton and Brea to wells in Fullerton are listed as being acidized N T G A O March 24 at the Osborne Auditorium R T A S put a moratorium on both practices, as LA by Breitburn Operating, LP. D I E T E at the Fullerton Public Library, 353 L N S M R recently did, until questions are answered. In Fullerton, over half of our water is L A O P R T W. Commonwealth. U P E Updates about the persistant leak of water pumped from the underground aquifer and it S F P from Mountain View Park, ongoing since is important to protect that resource. But, In 21st-century Southern May 2013 were also offered. The park, locat- there is little oversight or regulation of acidiz- California, we are experiencing signif- ed at the corner of Bastanchury and State ing and fracking methods, or of the transport icant changes in the availability of College, sits across the street from the source of the chemicals through our towns. water and space. We are surrounded of the January 2, 2014 oil spill, which There is a link on the city website to the by a built-environment deficient in required a 24-hour, four day hazmat cleanup. Dept. of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resource the regenerative resources of natural Acidizing and fracking are two of the meth- map of all oil wells in California. Once on the wilderness. Yet there is an instinctive ods used to bring up the last remaining oil site you can zoom into Fullerton and see the bond between human beings and from aging wells near the end of their produc- enormous number of old oil wells we have. nature, and a well-designed landscape T can be responsive to its inhabitants in N tive life span. Both methods use cocktails of As more aging wells are acidized, what is E powerful ways. L hazardous chemicals which are forced into the the combined effect on air and water quality? L D Mike Sullivan, a licensed landscape A I wells and may end up in our air and water While many communities across the nation C S 2 architect and Fullerton resident, will E supply. are playing catch-up Continued on page 8 S E 0 R I discuss "Everything You Didn’t Know E 4 R T V 6 R You Wanted to Know about Creating - R T E E 5 V No-Bid Contracts for a Sustainable Landscape." Mike will S N 2 D B E share what he has learned about creat- 5 A - R O ing environments that meet our needs 4 High School Lunch Food Vendors O R E 1 for both beauty and practicality. We T 7 U H The Fullerton Joint Union High School approached the district with proposals and T C District agreed to enter into no-bid agree- the district’s food service department worked will see exciting examples of how N nature and technology can work I R ments with two fast food restaurants to pro- with them this past fall to bring forth recom- together to create new self-support- O vide food items for the district’s seven cam- mendations for products meeting the nutri- puses. tional guidelines. ing, aesthetically pleasing, sustainable The controversial Chick-fil-A agreement Could lunch at local high schools include gardens. By wisely using items such as (see Early March Observer frontpage “High offerings other than from these two fast food recycled and repurposed materials, School District Fast Food Lunch” in the past restaurants? According to Director of Admin. regionally adaptive plants, edible issues section at www.fullertonobserver.com) was Services Jennifer Williams, proposals from plants, rainwater harvesting, and solar approved on Jan. 14, 2014 and the Taco Bell other food vendors with items falling within energy, we can improve our home agreement was approved on Feb. 25, 2014. the nutritional guidelines would be consid- environments. Both are short-term agreements ending June ered. Those guidelines for school year 2013- With more than 25 years of experi- 31, 2014. Staff recommended the limited 14 include a lunch that provides 750 to 850 ence, Mike has lots to tell. He will 4 show slides of beautiful spaces he has 3 duration in order to evaluate student accept- calories with less than 10% of calories coming 8 N designed over many years, including 2 R ance of the products. from saturated fat, zero grams of trans fat, 9 1 O 5 E award-winning landscapes in SoCal A 0 According to high school district Assistant and less than 740 mg of sodium. T V 7 C as well as international projects of dis- R R Superintendent Rob Lebs, if a contract is The guidelines are available at X N E tinction. Mike’s sense of humor and E O O under $84,100 the district does not have to http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-01- L S B T knowledge of his field will surely R L B go out for bid. That is the case with the recent 26/pdf/2012-1010.pdf. O E P entertain, educate and inspire. The U L agreements which will provide food items at Parents and students may comment by call- O L F session is free. For more info contact U high school campuses for an estimated ing Ms. Williams at 714-870-2801 or email F $20,000 each. He said that the two firms [email protected]. [email protected] Page 2FULLERTON OBSERVER LOCAL NEWS MID MARCH 2014 Former Lawmaker and Wife Accuse Each Other of Abuse Fullerton by Noberto Santana Jr. & Tracy Wood The couple have one child born in 2011 It’s the second time in two years Observer voiceofoc.org and are raising three of Martha Norby's Fullerton police have been called to the Martha Norby, wife of former children from a previous marriage. She Norby home to investigate reports Chris Assemblyman Chris Norby, told Voice of said that in the past she has sought psy- Norby physically abused his wife. The Fullerton Observer Community OC Thursday that during five years of chological help for the children. In 2010, the district attorney’s office Newspaper, founded by Ralph and Natalie marriage she has been subjected to repeat- “My kids have too much trauma,” she investigated but decided there was “lack of Kennedy and a group of friends in 1978, is said. “I love my kids. I’m a very good sufficient evidence” to prosecute Chris staffed by local citizen volunteers who create, ed verbal and mental abuse as well as the publish, and distribute the paper throughout alleged physical abuse for which Norby mom.” Norby after he and his wife acknowledged our community. was arrested Wednesday. Martha Norby was born in Honduras having an argument but denied that he hit This venture is a not-for-profit one with For his part, Chris Norby, backed by and speaks accented English. Among her. Police had been called by a man mak- all ad and subscription revenues plowed back Board of Supervisors Chairman Shawn other things, she said he makes fun of the ing a delivery to a nearby home who said into maintaining and improving our inde- way she speaks.
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