CombinedFundDrive Surpasses$4,000 Goal;EstimatedTotalEquals$4,214.98 "The Allegheny Combined Fund Drive has surpassed its goal of $4,000," Ned Vidal, chairman of the drive announced last night, "although itis not yet possible to state exact figures." THEOF ALLEGHENYCAMPUSCOLLEGE Total receipts to date have been $3,448.22, but this does not in- VOL. LXXVI, 22 Meadville, Pennsylvania APRIL 4, 1952 clude net returns from the Carnival, which have been estimated NO. at $816.76. Gross results from the Carnival were $1,170.17. "We are estimating expenses of Two Fraternal Groups the drive, exclusive of Carnival ex- Steve Graffam Wins AUC Presidency penses which are undetermined as Barrows Will Chairman Elect New Officials $50", he "Allowing Tuesday;McCartney yet, at said. for Eisenhower Fans Here; Two fraternal groups on campus VicePresident this deduction, we have an esti- have held elections within the past $4,214.98." Steve Graffam, receiving 382 votes, was elected president of mated total to date of Mock Election Planned two weeks. AUC in the runoffs held Tuesday in Brooks, while Bill Mc- The individual solicitation pro- Named in Alpha Chi Omega bal- $97 Cartney, with 270 votes, was chosen vice president. A total of gram brought in $1,888.10, while "Allegheny's Eisenhower for loting were: president, Mary Bald- 1,389 in pledges, ballots were cast on Monday and Tuesday, according to still remains uncollected President campaign will get under win; first vice president, Sparky Dorm McCafferty, not included in the total way a special organizational chairman of the elections. "The freshman and at Koston; second vice president,Nan- sophomores were the heaviest voters consistently," he said. Special Events meeting this afternoon," said Alle- cy Hough; corresponding secretary, Rod Terry, with 82 votes, defeat- Special events under the direction gheny's chairman Jack Barrows. Warner; recording secretary, Ann Newcomb, polled 70, of Jack Olofson netted $407.31. Of "The object of this meeeting is to Griffith; treasurer, Marilyn ed Tom who Mallie for the presidency, this $207.10 was earned at the auc- coordinate the activities of all stu- senior class- Peterson; and Pan-Hellenic repre- while George Culberson, with 125, tion, $35.16 was collected in the dents and faculty interested in fur- sentatives, Marilyn Peterson and thering won over John Raciappa, who re- grill by Miss Ludwig and Mr. Pic- General Eisenhower's claim Ann Harmony. on the Republican nomination with . ceived 61 votes, for the presidency kering, $53 was collected from the Alpha Chi Rho has announced for Day, the CrawfordCounty Citizens Com- of the junior class. Jan Turner and sale of tickets Blue Jean the following officers: president, $112.05 sacrificing mittee for Eisenhower. This group Rachel Dunnington won the vice and from the of Skip Bone; vice president, Ken will work to bring out the Eisen- presidencies of the senior and soph- deserts. Mack; chapter correspondent, Bob Proceeds of the faculty-student hower vote in the April 22 primary omore classes, respecitvely, by ma- Park; recording secretary, Sandy jority Monday's basketball game, planned by Gordie elections." votes in elections. Reitman; and treasurer, Dave Wi- Harriet McCafiferty Black and Donna Shuman, amount- Barrows and four other Alle- was chosen jun- nans. ior vice president on Tuesday. ed to $67.25. by meeting Special projects, chairmanned There will be a of all Nancy Tolley, with 73 votes, de- Bill Oehmler, netted $1,085.56. A students interested in support- Requiem Concert Met feated Shirley Kragnes by one vote breakdown of this amount by groups ing Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower for the position of senior class sec- and activities follows. for the presidency this afternoon Favorably By Audience retary. Barbara Cooper, polling 123 "Special recognition should go to at 5 p.m. in Arter Hall, room26. According To Critic votes, won over Mary Lindbeck, all freshman in Caflisch especially The late hour of this meeting is with 68, for junior class secretary, Section IV, to the Commons Club, due to Grad Record Exams. by Bill Blackburn ■while Phyl Stewart ,with 92 votes, »nd to Kappa Alpha Theta, which Interested students unable to The allied efforts of the Singers, defeated Ginny Rogers, who re- turned in $103, $100, and $125.84, attend the meeting are asked Sinfonietta, and Chapel Choir in be- ceived 80 ballots, ifor sophomore to Steve Graffam respectively," said Vidal. contact Barrows 6r any of the half of the Combined Fund Drive secretary. Alpha Chi Omega's project of were well received by an apprecia- following: Betts Moore, Jim Class treasurers are: senior, Gus services in Brooks amounted to tive audience on Thursday evening, Boddorf, Sam Bates, and Tom Elias, who received 79 votes $38.16. Alpha GammaDelta, beauty March 27, in Montgomery Gym- 'Schizophrenic Capers' to Ken Gladden. Niemann's 69; junior, Bob Dininny. shop, $40.78. Alpha Xi Delta, sell- nasium. Dr. Herbert Neurath con- with 104 over Reid Agnew"s 86; ing popcorn in dorms, $23. ducted. Set For Friday Night and the ghenians, Betts Moore, Sam Bates, sophomore, GrahamDunlop,polling Alpha Theta, rummage sale, First on the program was the Kappa Boddorf, Tom Gladden,at- "Schizophrenic Capers," this 123 against Monstrom, Kappa Gamma, Jim and "Caliph of Bagdad" Overture by Al with 67. $125.84. Kappa first meeting of the year's Prom, will be held to- tended the Boildieu, the most technically per- Junior Wednesday's voting resulted in selling votes for Carnival king (won Crawford County committee held night in Brooks from 9 to 12 p.m. by Hodge), $68.35. fect work presented. Not only did the following students being chosen John Theta at Gray's Hotel Tuesday night. At The permissions for the affair will Upsilon, darning socks, $8.90. Tal- this overture display the hard prac- as AUC representatives: seniors, this meeting Mrs. Moore was be 12:30's and Tommy Carlyn's typing, shining shoes, tice done .by the Sinfonietta but it Gordie Black, Tom Mustio, Maria lageewes, and named assistant chairman of the band will play. errands, $25.10. also served to show the good work Schneider, Jack Olofson, Bill college drive. It was emphasizedat small group Delta Tau Delta, raffle two steak which this can do when Costumes for the dance are sup- Oehmler, and Jack Hill; juniors, the meeting that the Allegheny Col- it so desires. posed dinners, (won by Ida Smythe), $40. to represent the wearer's sup- Tom Gladden, John Raciappa, Dick lege organization will be an integral Haydn's Symphony sec- Alpha Chi Rho, scrap drive, $60. No. 7 the pressed ambition, according to class Uhrich, and Nancy Smith; sopho- part of the county committee. ond work, was hampered by the mores, Skip Phi Delta Theta, singing for down- president Rod Terry. It was decid- Yahn and Shirley Bald- "We urge all students who are in- poor accoustics of Montgomery and town service clubs, $50. Phi Gam- ed to make it a costume affair since win. terested, to attend, since those who the small size of the Sinfonietta to a ma Delta, giving up Sunday meals, threeother all-college formal dances The five students chosen to work are not of age or who live in other greater degree than was the over- $53. Phi Kappa Psi, raffling a had been scheduled this semester, with two faculty members on the areas can assist in enlisting support ture, for in several spots the music serenade, $50. Sigma Alpha Epsi- and also because of its being so honor code committee are: Steve for General Eisenhower," continued seemed to evaporate before the lis- lon, giving up Sunday meals, $50. close to vacation, he said. Graffam, Skip Yahn, Abbie De- Barrows. He stressed the import- tener could fully grasp what was Theta Chi, sale of used ties, $25. In charge of Lellis, Rod Terry, and Rita Lanza. ance of having all registered Re- being put forth. decorations are Jan Commons Club, shining shoes and Turner, Sparky Koston, Teddy Students also voted to donate three publican faculty and administration "Requiem" by Gabriel Faure, the baby sitting, $100. Dodds, Steve Graffam, dollars per semester to the College attend the meeting. feature work of the evening, was and Rod Freshman men, charging for dates Terry. The refreshments commit- Union, effective as of September, Plans for the local organization performed by the combined Singers, sponsoring a sock dance, $7.80. by Alpaugh 1952. and col- Sinfonietta, and Chapel Choir. Once tee is headed Grant and women: Section I, include a Mock election at the Freshman lege shortly after spring vacation, again conspired Ginny Smith, while entertainment All of the five proposed amend- washing windows, $41.05. Section the accoustics said Barrows. against the performers and much will be directed by Don Paish. Bar- ments to the AUC constitution were 11, waiting table in the Grill, $37.90. of this work was rather thin. The bara Chew, Jack Hill, and Ann passed by "overwhelming majori- 111, washing cars, $30. handling publicity. Section Singers would have appeared in a Warner are ties," according to McCafferty. Section IV, serving meals in frater- The faculty panel in the Chapel, better light had they been un- nity houses, $103. Section V, serv- $14.98. The Requiem Concert pre- adulteratedby the less experienced ices Caflisch, $26. sented by Singers, Chapel Choir, in Chapel Choir; however, in AbsorbingPlay; Cwens, clean-up project, $6.20. and Sinfonietta, $60.50. view of ShadowAndSubstance the fact that only three combined rehearsals were held a mild bravo is Jones AndBordo ImpressiveInRoles in order. Soloists Pat MacEwen PaulDoktor ToGiveConcertOfSolo and W. S. Wright North 'deserve by Irv Fried praise for attempting to sing under "Shadow and Substance," which is currently running at the ViolaMusicInFordChapelOn April17 conditions similiar to that of the Playshop, is an absorbing play, especially when Ed Bordo and Hollywood Bowl.
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