NEWS AND NOTES 591 versity in England for the academic year versity of Utah will be visiting professor at 1957-58. the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social . Science of the New School for Social Research, Francis Dunham Wormuth of the Uni- New York, during the academic year 1957-58. APPOINTMENTS AND STAFF CHANGES Minoo Aden walla has joined the political Geoffrey Carnog of the University of Min- science faculty at Kenyon College. nesota has been appointed an instructor in the department of political science at Michigan Myer Alpert has been promoted to assistant State University beginning Fall of 1957. director of operations research of Slick Air- Joseph Y. Chennault has been appointed to https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms ways, Inc. and has been named acting-director of its operations research department. the faculty of the school of government and public administration of The American Uni- David E. Apter has been appointed an as- versity as lecturer in police administration. sistant professor of political science at the University of Chicago. Harlan Cleveland was inaugurated on March 8 as dean of the Maxwell School of Ivan Asay has been appointed to the faculty Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse Uni- of the school of government and public ad- versity. ministration of The American University as William L. Day resigned as executive assist- lecturer in research administration. ant to State Auditor Lloyd Morey, Springfield, Frederick C. Barghoorn has been promoted Illinois in January to take a position as con- to the rank of professor of political science at sultant with the Governments Division, Yale University. Bureau of the Census, Department of Com- merce. Robert Baum has been promoted to the Karl W. Deutsch has been appointed pro- , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at rank of professorial lecturer in African Govern- fessor of international politics at the Fletcher ments in the school of government and public School of Law and Diplomacy, in addition to administration at the American University. continuing as professor of history and political William T. Bluhm, previously in the depart- science at the Massachusetts Institute of ment of political science at Brown University, Technology. has accepted appointment as assistant pro- Robert G. Dixon, Jr., has resigned as associ- 23 Sep 2021 at 19:38:21 fessor of government at the University of ate professor of government and politics at the Rochester; beginning September 1957. , on University of Maryland to accept appoint- ment as associate professor in the Law School, Norman Blume has been promoted to the George Washington University. rank of assistant professor of political science at the University of Toledo. George Bell Dyer has been appointed lec- turer in political science at Yale University for Kathleen R. Bott was appointed an instruc- the year 1957-58. tor in political science at Vassar College in February, 1957. Carol M. Edler has been appointed instruc- . IP address: tor in political science at the University of J. Cudd Brown has resigned from the de- Wisconsin. partment of political science at the University of Oregon to accept appointment as assistant William H. Eells of Ohio Wesleyan Uni- professor of political science at San Francisco versity was named by Governor C. William State College. O'Neill of Ohio as an administrative aide starting March 1. Among Eells' duties are to Richard G. Brown has been promoted to the serve as executive secretary of the Governor's rank of adjunct professor in comparative gov- Council On Atomic Energy, and director of ernment in the school of government and pub- public relations for the Bureau of Workmen's https://www.cambridge.org/core lic administration at The American University. Compensation. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400071458 Downloaded from 592 THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW Hugh L. Elsbree of the Library of Congress hours to multifold problems of individual has been appointed chairman of the depart- students." ment of political science at Wayne State Uni- . versity effective April 1. Royce Hanson has been appointed to the faculty of the school of government and public Rowland Egger has been appointed chair- administration at The American University as man of the department of political science, instructor in government. University of Virginia. He continues as direc- tor of the Woodrow Wilson department of Samuel Hendel and Norman J. Powell of the foreign affairs. department of government at the City College of New York have been promoted to the rank Richard F. Fenno, Jr., formerly of Amherst of professor. During the academic year 1956- College, has accepted a position as assistant 57 Professor Powell has been serving the Board professor of government at the University of of Higher Education as consultant on person- https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms Rochester beginning September 1957. nel. Thomas M. Franck, assistant professor of Oliver W. Holmes has been promoted to the law, University of Nebraska, has been ap- rank of professorial lecturer in records man- pointed associate professor of international law agement in the school of government and pub- at New York University to succeed Clyde lic administration at The American University. Eagleton who retired in February. Thomas Hovet, Jr., formerly of Miami Uni- Samuel K. Gove has become executive as- versity, Oxford, Ohio, has been appointed as- sistant to the State Auditor, State of Illinois. sistant professor of government at New York University. Ernest Griffith, director of legislative refer- Stanley L. Johnson, director of the civic cen- ence service of the Library of Congress has ter division of the school of public administra- been appointed dean of American University's tion of the University of Southern California, school of international service. has resigned to accept the position of executive secretary of the Los Angeles Bar Association. Morton Grodzins, professor and chairman of He begins his duties on May 1, 1957. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at the department of political science of the Uni- versity of Chicago, has been appointed Chi- Marc Karson, formerly of Washburn Uni- cago's first Ford Research professor in govern- versity, is now associate professor of govern- mental affairs. ment at Southern Illinois University, Carbon- dale, Illinois. Raymond H. Gusteson has been appointed chairman of the department of government at C. Mansel Keene has been appointed to the 23 Sep 2021 at 19:38:21 Ohio University. faculty of the school of government and public , on administration of The American University as A Chester Hanford, professor of govern- lecturer in personnel administration. ment Harvard University, will retire this sum- mer. John Kieffer has been promoted to the rank Hanford served as dean of Harvard College of professorial lecturer in comparative govern- for twenty years from 1927 to 1947, longer ment in the school of government and public than any other person in Harvard history. He administration at The American University. has been with the University since 1915, teach- . IP address: ing government before becoming dean. Louis W. Koenig of New York University In his 42 years at Harvard, Hanford helped has been promoted to professor of political initiate many important reforms, including science. the House system, the National Scholarship Walter Kurylo has been appointed to the Program, the tutoring and the beginning of faculty of the school of government and public General Education. administration at The American University as When Hanford retired from the dean's of- lecturer in public budgeting. fice, Paul H. Buck, then provost of the Uni- versity, remarked, "Above all, he will be re- Robert E. Lane has been promoted to the https://www.cambridge.org/core membered as a humane counselor of youth— rank of associate professor of political science a man who gave understandingfand endless at Yale University. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400071458 Downloaded from NEWS AND NOTES 593 Robert S. Lorch has joined the staff of the of government and public administration at social sciences department at the Georgia In- The American University. stitute of Technology. Mr. Lorch is finishing the work for his doctor's degree at the Univer- Steven Muller has joined the department of sity of Wisconsin. political science at Haverford College as as- sistant professor of political science. Conrad McBride has been appointed in- structor of political science at the University Frank Munger has been promoted to the of Colorado. His duties also include part-time rank of assistant professor in the department work with the bureau of state and community of political science, Maxwell School, Syracuse service at the same institution. University. John P. McCarthy, formerly of Purdue Fred Warner Neal has resigned his position University Center, Fort Wayne Indiana, has as assistant professor of political science at the https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms been appointed assistant professor of politics University of Colorado to accept a position as at the Catholic University of America. associate professor of journalism at the Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles. Joseph D. McGoldrick of Brooklyn, former Comptroller of the City of New York and New Louise Overacker will retire from her posi- York State Rent Administrator, has been ap- tion in the department of political science at pointed chairman of the department of politi- Wellesley College in June, 1957. cal science and full professor at Queens College by the Board of Higher Education as of May L. Vincent Padgett of Texas Technological 1, 1957. College has been appointed assistant professor of political science at San Diego State College. Gerard Mangone has been appointed associ- ate professor at the Maxwell School, Syracuse Anthony Pearce, of the University of Cali- University, where during the coming year he fornia, has been appointed as an instructor in will participate in a research project on the political science and in the humanities program education and training of Americans for public at San Jose College.
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