Dine doo Bidaa Hastii, Navajo and the Grand Canyon Jason Nez Dine Archaeologist Nashtezhi Tabaahi nishli Oozei Ashiihi Bashishchin Tahnezahne da shi Chei Nakai Dine’e da shi Nali • Zuni Edgewater • Born for the Salt Clan • Tangle People are my maternal Grandfathers • Mexican Clan is my paternal Grandfathers Keyah Diyin (The Sacred Landscape) The 1st World- Ni ho dilhil (The Black World) A World of mist. Humans and animals existed as mist or foam First Man and First Woman existed on opposite side, and found each other using fire made from Crystal and Turquoise. The different beings, insects and other creatures used witchcraft to war on each other. Because of the conflicts, they left the world and climbed up into the second world. First Man gathered 4 shafts of light, which they carried with them to the 2nd world The 2nd World- Ni ho dootlizh (The Blue World) A world of sky Blue birds existed here. The 4 shafts of light, that were collected in the 1st world unraveled them here. Like the 1st world, this was a world of conflict. The beings, Bears, Badgers, Bobcats, Foxes were all at war. They all wanted to leave, but first, First Man blew smoke over them, to remove the evil they had brought from the first world. Without the evil, they became the insects. First Man sent lightning, rainbows and sun rays in the 4 directions to try to find a way out of this world. Finally, he created prayer sticks of different materials, and put footprints on them. This allowed the beings of the 2nd world to rise up into the 3rd world. The 3rd World- Ni hatsoh (The Yellow World) The bright world. The beings arrived in the 3rd world, to see that there were 6 mountains. 4 in the directions, and 2 near the center. There were 2 great rivers, a male river and a female river. There were also Holy People in this world. The beings went about existing, until the Great Flood. The Flood The 3rd world was set up very much like our current world. The mountains and rivers were in their same places. The people here, were gathered near where Two Rivers came together. Here they were having a ceremony. Pottery was placed under the water at the confluence and spun like a whirlpool. The designs changed and images were seen that told the people certain information. During this ceremony, Coyote was walking along the river and saw two beautiful water babies. The Flood He decided, he would take these two babies, and he hid them under a blanket he was wearing. These were the children of The Water Monster. The Water Monster became angry and the waters began to rise, and massive floods were seen coming in from the 4 directions. First Man told the beings to gather, he went to all the 6 mountains and gathered bundles of dirt to take into the next world. Different birds flew up high into the sky looking for a way out, finally the Eagle found a hole in the sky and reported back. First Man, planted a juniper tree, hoping it would grow up into the sky and they would escape. It didn’t grow tall enough, so he planted a pine tree, The Flood The pine tree didn’t grow high enough, so he tried a male reed, which also didn’t grow high enough. Finally, he planted a female reed, which grew high in the sky and up through a hole. All the beings and animals climbed up the reed, through the hole in the sky, and emerged into the 4th world at a place called Hajiinei (The emergence place). This is located near the Confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado River. As they were escaping, the water was rising, and the Turkey was the last animal on the reed, the rising water lapped at his tail feathers. This made his tail feathers iridescent. The 4rd World The people and beings arrived on top, and saw that the water was still rising. Below, they could see Water Monster Thrashing about in the rising water. They didn’t know why Water Monster was angry. Someone noticed Coyote had something under his blanket, and they found that he had the Water Monster Babies. Water Monster Rose up to the opening, and the people placed the Water Babies and offerings between the horns, and the Water Monster sank back into the water, and the Flood finally stopped. The 4rd World- Ni ha lgai (The Glittering World) The Glittering World On this world were beings, Holy People. Changing Woman, Salt Woman, the gods, other peoples the Pueblos. First Man and First Woman set out and created the 6 sacred mountains, and human kind began to populate the earth.. Navajos have been in the Southwest far longer than modern Archaeology and Anthropology accepts Anaasazi Ana’i- Foreigner, Stranger, Someone from somewhere else, can also mean enemy. Nah- Our Saazi- Great, Great, Great, Great Grandparents Nah Saazi- Our Great great great great grandparents Navajo- Anasazi Relation Many Navajo Clans originated from prehistoric groups that were adopted or assimilated into Navajo culture. For example • Towering House • Bear People • Bead People • Arrow People • Tobacco People • Giant People • Rabbit People • Red House People • Honey Combed Rock People • Yellow House Dine Doone’e Kinyaa’aanii (13) - Towering House Adopted Clans: Tábaahí - Water's Edge Clan Tsenahabilnii - Sleep-Rock (Over-Hanging People Tóbaazhní’ázhí - Two-Who-Came-To-Water Related Clans: Rock) People Related Clans: Clan Haltsooí Dine’é - Meadow People Dzil t’aadnii - Near the Mountain Clan Naakétl'ahi - Flatfoot People - Pima Clan Tóbaazhní’ázhí - Two-Who-Came-To-Water Azee’tsoh Dine’é - Big Medicine People Biihyázhí Dine’é - Little Deer People Clan Adopted Clans: Tazhii Dine’é - Turkey People K’aa’ Dine’é - Arrow People Naashashí Dine’é - Bear Enemies - Tewa Bít’ahnii - Folded Arms People Tséghadínídinii - Crystal Rock Clan Tséníjíkiní - Cliff Dwelling Clan (25) T’iisch’ebaanii - Gray-Cottonwood-Extend- Out People Adoped Clans: Related Clans: Halgai Dine’é - People of the Valley Hashtl’ishnii - Mud Clan Dibe lizhiní - Dibé Black Sheep - San Felipe Naashashí Dine’é - Bear Enemies - Tewa Related Clans: Clan Clan Hooghan lání - Many Hogans Clan Ashiinii (extinct) - Salt People Other Adopted Clans Naadaa - Corn People Tótsóhnii - Big Water Clan Ma’iideeshgiizhinii - Coyote Pass People - Ats’osi Dine’é - Feather People Dzaanééz lání - Many Mules (Burros) Clan Jemez Clan Bííh Dine’é - Deer People Biihtsoh Dine’é - Big Deer People Bit’aanii - Talks-In-Blanket Clan Honágháahnii - One-Walk-Around Adopted Clans: Adopted Clans: (10) Clan Lók’aa’ Dine’é - Reed People Ashiihi - Salt Clan Chíshí - Chiricahua Apache Related Clans: Bít’ahnii - Folded Arms People Beiyóodzíne’ Dine’é - Paiute People Dilzéehi - Mohave Clan (extinct) Tó’áhaní - Near-To-Water Clan Tsédeeshgizhnii - Rock Gap Clan Ná’oodilnii - Dzi Turning (Encircled) Mountain ‘Iich’ah Dine’é - Moth People Ta’néészahnii - Badlands People People Jaa’yaalóolii Dine’é - Sticking-Up-Ears Hashk’aa hadzohí - Yucca Fruit-Strung-Out- Kinlitsonii - Yellow House People People In-A-Line Clan Naayíziltsooi Dine’é - Pumpkin People Ma’iitó - Coyote Spring People Táchii’nii - Red-Running-Into-The-Water Ti’izhilizhíní Dine’é - Black Goat People Naalani Dine’é - Many Commanche Warriors Clan Clan Adopted Clans: Related Clans: Naashashí Dine’é - Bear Enemies - Tewa Níhoobáanii - Gray-Streak-Ends Clan Nát’oh Dine’é - Tobacco People (21) Clan Ts’ah Yísk’ídnii - Sagebrush Hill Clan Yé’ii Dine’é - Giant People Tó’aheedliinii - Water-Flows-Together Clan Naashgalí Dine’é - Mescalero Apache Clan Dzil tl’ahnii - Mountain Cove Clan Dólii Dine’é - Blue Bird People Related Clans: Naayízí Dine’é - Squash People Dzil Ná'oodilnii Turning (Encircled) - Naasht’ézhí Dine’é - Zuni Clan Mountain People Naakaii Dine’é - Mexican Clan To’azoli - Light-Water People Bííh Dine’é Táchii’nii - Deer People of Sei Bse Hooghnaii (15) - Sand Hogan Táchii’nii People Adopted Clans: Gah Dine’é Táchii’nii - Rabbit People of Téeatiin - Trail-To-Garden People Tódích’íi’nii - Bitter Water Clan Táchii’nii Nóóda’i Dine’é - Ute Clan Tsetaa’aanii - Rock-Extends-Into-Water Related Clans: Keha’atiinii - Foot-Trails People Náneesht’ézhí Táchii’nii - Charcoal-Streaked People Tseíkeehé - Two-Rocks-Sit Clan Division of Táchii’nii Tseyanatohnii (extinct) - Horizontal-Water- Tsín Síkaadnii - Clamp Tree Clan Nóóda’í Dine’é Táchii’nii - Ute Division of Under-Cliffs People Táchii’nii Biih Bítoo’nii - Deer Spring Clan Tsi’naajínii - Black-Streaked-Wood Tsezhindii’aai - Slanted-Lava-Spire People People (28) Tódík’ozhí - Salt Water Clan Tsin Yee Na’alo’ii Dine’é (30) - Tree Tl’ógí - Weavers - Zia Clan Adopted Clans: Related Clans: Stretcher People Yoo’í Dine’é - Bead People Kinlichii - Red House People - Zia Clan Deeshchii’nii - Start-Of-The-Red-Streaked People Kinliichíi’nii - Red House People - Zia Clan Tl’izilani - Many Goats Clan Tl’aashchí’í - Red Cheek People The Navajo view of Archaeology • A common misconception is that Navajo people are afraid of the Anasazi. • Our respect for them has been misinterpreted as fear. • Offerings and prayers are left at certain sites. • Certain sites figure prominently into Navajo stories and ceremonies. • Artifacts are used, and thought of as tools left specifically for our use by the Anasazi. Navajos and the Grand Canyon • The Grand Canyon is part of a larger canyon system, connected through a common river, the Colorado River. • Marble Canyon, and Glen Canyon are parts of the larger canyon system that border the Navajo Reservation. Navajos and the Grand Canyon • The Canyon isn’t just a canyon. Navajos and the Grand Canyon • The Canyon isn’t just a canyon.
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