Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Preacher's Magazine Church of the Nazarene 6-1-1992 Preacher's Magazine Volume 67 Number 04 Randal E. Denny (Editor) Olivet Nazarene University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, International and Intercultural Communication Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Denny, Randal E. (Editor), "Preacher's Magazine Volume 67 Number 04" (1992). Preacher's Magazine. 602. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/602 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Preacher's Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Year of Preaching BRINGING THE WORD INTO THE WORLD PREACHING TO WOMEN CULTIVATING THE FINE ART OF STORY PREACHING THE THREE MOST COMMON MISTAKES EVEN GOOD PREACHERS MAKE o Godlet me preach with enthusiasm because of what Christ didnot because of what the crowds think; because of the salvation we have, not the size of the group we have. Use m e O God!, not because it's the hour for the message, but because You’ve given me a message for the hour. —Ed Towne SUITABLE FOR FRAMING y EDITORIAL Preaching— Putting Light into People's Faces by Randal E. Denny Spokane, Wash. hen Edward Rosenow was God. Pastors can do nothing with you will be left adrift on a glassy sea, a small boy, his brother more direct and eternal results than with no wind of the Spirit to carry became seriously ill. preaching God’s written Word to our you forward toward God’s good king­ WThe family was panicked with fear generation. dom of life” (p. 21). as they watched the physician exam­ One fellow wrote of his major de­ Every pastor I know has to learn ine his brother. Edward kept his eyes nomination, which is losing mem­ how to handle interruptions that riveted on his parents’ anguished bers by the shiploads, hinder the sermon—unscheduled faces. At last the doctor turned to his The church is making pro­ social events; ringing telephones; parents and said with a smile, “You moters out of preachers. Look­ emergencies that necessitate his im­ can relax. Your boy is going to be all ing over some current promotion­ mediate help; physical tiredness right.” al materials, I am wondering how from welldoing; the unending, Young Edward was profoundly im­ a preacher today can find time to ceaseless, required committee meet­ pressed with the visible change in prepare an effective sermon. Ser­ ings; and on and on. But God has his parents’ expressions. Years later mons do not come out of thin air; called the preacher to preach—-and he said, “I resolved then and there they come out of hours spent with to preach with expectancy and en­ that I was going to be a doctor—so God in prayer and study. thusiasm and inspiration and consis­ that I could put light in people’s Our world needs preaching with tency. He has commissioned us to faces.” biblical depth and the anointing of deliver His “mail” to a world that That is also the joyful privilege of the Holy Spirit. Gerald Sloyan in­ needs good news that will light up preaching the good news of Jesus— sisted, “Preaching well is a great la­ their faces! putting light in people’s faces! Eliza­ bor. That is the chief reason it does G. Ray Jordan, in his book Preach­ beth Achtemeier, in her book So not happen very often. People ing During a Revolution, wrote: You re Looking for a New Preacher, are dying of triviality” (ibid., 15). The minister’s task makes such said, “Most church members rank The value of good preaching can­ demands that he must become de­ preaching as their highest priority in not be relegated to the sidelines of voted to the hours of daily study. selecting a minister to lead them. our ministry. When I am studying Besides preaching there are many . The list of a modern minister’s and thinking and praying and pre­ other skills he must learn and nu­ roles could be expanded almost paring with diligent care, I am do­ merous activities in which he will endlessly. But nothing that your min­ ing ministry. Our people work hard have to engage. If, however, he ister does will be more important all week in secular employment, and does not know how to preach, he than preaching” (pp. 1, 4). She they come before us in our sanc­ may not get the chance to partici­ noted also, “The first impression tuaries to see how we have spent our pate in the others (p. 41). that visitors . will have of your week with Jesus and His Book. They In this “Year of Preaching,” would church will be formed largely by are asking, “What have you found you join me in going back to the ba­ what they hear from your pulpit” that will help us through our com­ sics of our God-given assignment: (pp. 4-5). ing weeks?” “Devote yourself to the public read­ This year has been designated Gerald Griffiths, a pastor in Toron­ ing of Scripture, to preaching and to “The Year of Preaching.” To me, to, remarked, “Every week God gives teaching. Do not neglect your gift” such an announcement urges us me bread for my people.” (1 Tim. 4:13-14). Rekindle the per­ back to the basics of our call from His friend and fellow preacher sonal thrill of standing before your Stuart Briscoe replied, “That’s true, people to preach the good news of but you spend a lot of time in the Jesus. Said James S. Stewart: kitchen.” Every Sunday morning, when it Someone has paraphrased, “Now comes, ought to find [the preach­ abideth administration, counseling, er] awed and thrilled by the re­ preaching, but the greatest of these flection—“God is to be in action is preaching.” Achtemeier insists, today, through me, for these peo­ “Where the pulpit leads, there the ple; this day may be crucial, this church follows, and no matter what service decisive, for someone now his or her other qualifications, if the ripe for the vision of Jesus” (Her­ candidate you choose cannot preach, alds of God). $ JUNE/JULY/AUGUST 1 CUIIVKIAL-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- iPreacher's Preaching— Putting Light into People’s Faces MAGAZINE Randal E. Denny 1 Volume 67 Number 4 June/July/August 1992 p r e a c h i n g Editor Bringing the Word into the World Randal E. Denny Ian Macpherson 4 Assistant Editor Cindy Osso Preaching to Women Jill Briscoe 8 Consulting Editors Bill M. Sullivan, Director Division of Church Growth The Call Church of the Nazarene Louie E. Bustle 9 Wilbur W. Brannon, Director Pastoral Ministries Church of the Nazarene Cultivating the Fine Art of Story Preaching Wayne E. Caldwell, General Editor The Wesleyan Church C. S. Cowles 10 The Christian Use of Humor Contributing Editors General Superintendents Montford Lee Neal 18 Church of the Nazarene Eugene L. Stowe Jerald D. Johnson The Power of Preaching John A. Knight Raymond W. Hum L. Milton Hankins 19 William J. Prince Donald D. Owens Blackwood’s Prime Pointers for Preachers Superintendents The Wesleyan Church 20 O. D. Emery Leslie Conrad, Jr. Earle L. Wilson Lee Haines The Three Most Common Mistakes Harry C. Wilson Superintendents Even Good Preachers Make Evangelical Friends Church Stanley Perisho Kenneth J. Collins 22 Maurice Roberts John P. Williams, Jr. How to Tell a Good Story Howard E. Harmon General Superintendent Jean Gray 24 Churches of Christ in Christian Union Dan Tipton Art in Preaching General Conference Secretary David Vardaman 25 Brethren in Christ Church R. Donald Shafer M ISSIO NS Cover Photo: William Pope All unidentified Scripture quotations are from The Holy The Many Faces of Mission Education Bible. N ew International Version copyright © 1973. 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society, and are used by David F. Nixon 28 permission o f Zondervan Bible Publishers. Quotations from the following versions are used by per­ PASTOR'S PFPSONAI GROWTH mission. The Jerusalem Bible (JB), copyright © 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd.. a nd Doubleddy & Co., Inc. The N ew A m erican Standard Bible (NASB), © The Lock- I Quit! man Foundation, 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973, 1975, 1977. Greg Mason 30 The Revised Standard Version o f the Bible (RSV). co p y­ righted 1946, 1952, © 1971, 1973. The Living Bible (TLB), © 1971 by Tyndale House Publish­ HINDERING HANG-UPS ers, W heaton, III. The New Testament in the Language of the People (Williams), by Charles B. Williams. C opyright 1937 by Bruce The Hang up of Realism Humphries, Inc.; assigned 1949 to M oody Bible Institute, C hicago. Raymond C. Kratzer King James Version (KJV). 31 The Preacher's Magazine is published quarterly by Bea­ PASTOR, BE FNCOURAGED con Hill Press o f Kansas City. 2923 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO 64109. Editorial offices a t 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, MO 64131. Address all correspondence concerning sub­ scriptions to your denominational publishing house. Sub­ Lessons from a Rocket scription price: $7.50 per year. Copyright 1992 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansqs City. Litho in U.S.A. C. Neil Strait 32 2 THE PREACHER S MAGAZINE MINISTER’S MATE The Real Me Beverly Caruso 33 Twelve Basketfuls Margie L. Stewart 34 The Blessings of Obedience DehbiL.
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