{ The M1ss1ss1pp1 Freedom Democratic Party ":lNSIDER 'S NEWSLETTER" Thursday, June 17 TO Ot!R BROTl!ERS AND SISTERS IN JA.IL--WE A1!E STEPP:lNG UP Ot!R PROTEST CAMPAIGN. ' '1!liE STREETS OF JACitSON WILL RIIIJ""WITH THE SOUND OP FREEDOM. THE WHOLE NATION KNOWS WHERE you ABE AHQ WHY vou ARE THERE KREP np THH s _piBIT-t"BB aBE COMING F'DP DECLARES "D·D.AY" ON FRIDAY, CHICAGO MOVEMENT SYMPATHIZERS ,PROM ALL OVER THE TI!LIWRAPRS St1PPOR!l' COtiN'l'RY EXPECTED. Following 1a the text of a text of The BOP will continue its demonstra­ a telegram to the FDP from the tion activities protesting the il­ oordinating Committee of Community legal government of Mississippi O~gan1za t1 ons, Albert Raby, chair­ with a massive "Demonstration day" man. The group bas been actively ef~ort this Friday. The call has demonstrating, with 'p'icket lines gdne out for all sympathizers from and sit-ins, protesting the re­ across the country to come to Jaok­ hiring of School Superinten<l.ent so.n for the march. Benjamin Willi&. In a week of ac­ t1vity close to 550 demonstrators "Friday we wUl rpull every strategy have been arrested. we know how in the city of Jackson. We will .do whatever the spir1t teills "Oree.ttnga from the Chioago move­ us to do Friday, • a party spokesman ment in the 11 St poi1ce station told a news conference yester<l.ay. to our Drotbe.rs and sistera in the Jackson Jail. In M1ss1asiPP.1 and Jame.a Farmer, CORE National Direc­ Chicago, we shall overcome ." t or, plane to Join with PDP demon­ (signed) Al Raby strators and Dick Gregory, current­ Dick Gregory ly active 1n Chicago demonstrations, says that 1f he is not busy 1n the Yesterday the Chicago group focuaed Chicago Jail, he will be glad to ita demonstre t1on. act'!on on the Join the group in the Jackson Jail. arrests in Jackson, llrotesting po­ lice brutality and the illegal ar­ Demonstrations headquarters will ~eets. And 'in Washington D.C. de­ tl:oday be moved from the Morning monstrators enter their third day Star Church to the larger Masonic of picketing at the Justice Dept, Temple on Lynch st. to socomodate protesting the Jackaon arrests and the large crowds eXpected for calling for the unseating of the today' a and tomorrow ' a cativities. ~1ssisa1pp1 Congressional represen­ t atives. Moat of today will be devoted to workshops end planning sessions on New York SNCC announces plans to canvassing and luganizing. In de­ be.s1n demonstrBtions in support monstration act~V1tiea this a~ter­ of the PDP protest early next week. noon civil rights workers from Selma Alabama will join Mississipians and LIBERALIZING LEGISLATURB PASSES PDP volunteers ~s guests or the REPRESSIVE ACTS city of Jackaon. In a one hour sesaion yeaterday At last night's mass meeting a morning the state Senate tempor­ spokesman tor the Negro Business arily abandoned their alleged ef­ mens Club said the group wil~ forts to liberal be the state •s support the PDP protest. Some voting laws and passed, without businesses Will close on .Friday to debate, two measures banning demon ­ permit workers to participate in the strations at the Capitol end at march. courthouses throughout t)'u~ a.tate. MOVEMENT LAWYERS SBEK FEDERAL The Capitol measure, designed "for COURT AID TO STOP ARRESTS OF DE­ the protection of buildings and pDO­ MONSTRATORS - perty or the state Capttol building" earriea a maximum penalty of $100 On Saturdlry Judge Clayton Cox or fi.n.e and one ye.al' in jail. The the Federal District Court in Jack­ courthouse measure, which car~>iea son will hear a suit filed by at­ a penalty or $1000 fine and one torneys with the NAACP Legal Pe­ r,esr in jail, makes 1t a crime to tense FUnd seeking a ruling from 'demonstrate or picket 1n or near the court against the arrest of a building housing a court or the demonstrators. The suit also seeks state .••or occupied as a resi­ to have the o1ty ordinance requir­ dence by a judge, Juror, ~1tness ing a city permit for demonstrations or court officer, w:tth the :tntent declared unconstitutional of interreri'llg w.ith, obstructing or impeding the adm1ninstrat1on of The oourt ruled favorably in a simi­ justice." lar suit submitted by McComb civil {con •t. page 2 col. 2) rights demonstrators earlier in the year. { -2- BAIL FUND FOR DEMONSTRATORS CON­ LIBERALIZING D!OISLATURE--con 1 t 'l'I:NUES TO ORQW Following the Senate's passage of Kiss Thelma Hill or the PDP office the measures, Oov Paul Johnson announces the t the be 11 1'und 1'or announced he would ask the legis­ the demonstrators 1s growing dally, lature to ban demonstrations at ~ith loans and contributions coming the Governor's mansion, the old 1-n from a 11 over the country. capitol building and the state office building. Priends and relatives of the a~rest­ ed demonstrators have been speaking Mrs Annie Devine, FOP Congress­ at meetings end talking to people woman, stated that the Party would in their oommunit1es,to hebp build ignore the rulings. up the rund. Many civil rights groups, such as SNCC, CORE and "These laws w111 in no way affect NAACP have o~so mobilize~ to seek our pla~ns ror continued demonstra­ bail contributions. tions at the Capitol. Those men hold office illegally because al­ most half of the state·• pol!)ulat1on ts denied the right .to vote. They have no right to make the laws of M1ss1ss1pp1 and we have no business nonoring and respe~ting their laws." An FDP volunteer commented: "The M1ss1ss1ppi legisl ature called to liberalize the voting laws winds up spending ~ts t~me drafting un­ const1tut1.onal an~ repressive le­ gislation. I guess they got tired or· posing as something thet're not." ' .. I ' .
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