, 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. _779 Otto W. Petry to be postmaste;: at Elk Lick; Pa., in place of The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Chl'istian S. Lichleiter. Incumbent's commission expi.~ed August Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I object. 7, 1921. Mr. MONDELL. Mr. Speaker, I mo-ve to dispense -with busi.. George E. Kemp to be postmaster at Philadelphl.1, Pa., in ness in order under the Calendar Wednesday rule. place of J. A. Thornton, removed. The SPEAKER. The question is on the motion of the gentle­ SOUTH CAROLINA, man from Wyoming to dispense with business in order under the Harry E. Dawson· to be postmaster at l\:Iount Pleasant, S. C., Calendar Wednesday rule. in place of W. T. Reynolds, jr., resigned. The question was taken, and the Speaker announced that in the opinion of the Chair two-thirds had voted in the affirmative. SOUTH DAKOTA. Mr:GARRETT of Tennessee. Mi·. Speaker, on that I demand Geneva l\1. Small to be postmaster at Lane, S Dak. Office a division. became presidential January 1, 1921. The House divided ; and there were-ayes 81, noes 52. TENNESSEE. Mr. l\10NDELL. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that Thomas W. Williams to be postmaster at Lucy, Tenn. Office there is no quorum present. became presidential April 1, 1921. The SPEAKER. The gentleman froin Wyoming makes the Daniel C. Ripley to be postmaster at Rogersville, Tenn., in point of order that there is no quorum present. Evidently there plnce of w·. B. Hale, deceased. is not. The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the Sergeant at Arms will notify absentees, and the Clerk will call the roll. The TEXAS. question is on the motion of the gentleman from Wyoming to _ Anderson J. Hixson to be postmaster at Abbott, Tex., ill. place dispense with business in order under the Calendar Wednesday of J. W. King, resigned. rule. WYOMING. The question was taken; and there were-yeas 184, nays 86, Elizabeth W. Kieffer to be postmaster at Fort Russell, Wyo., answered " present " 2, not voting 158, as follows : in place of E. W. Kieffer. Incumbent's commission expires YEA8-184. January 24, 1922. Ackerman Elliott Lampert Rose Andrews, Nebr. Ellis Langley Rossdale Ansorge Evans Larson, Minn. Sanders,-Ind. CONFIRMATION. Anthony Fairchild Lehlbach Scott, Mich. Arentz Fairfield Little Shelton _ Executit:c nomination confirmed by the Smwte January ~. 192~. Bacharach Faust London Shreve Barbour Fenn Luce Siegel REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE. Beck Foster Luhring Sinclair William Davis Gregory to be register of the land office at French McCormick Sinnott ~~~am Frothingham McFadden Slemp Wnlla "'alla, Wash. Bird Fuller McKenzie SmHh, Idaho Bixler Gensman McLaughlin, Kebr.Smith, Mich. Blakeney Gernerd MacGr~or Speaks Boies Goodykoontz Madden Sproul HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. · Bowers Graham, Ill. Magee Steenerson Britten Greene, Mass. Maloney _Stephens Brooks, Pa. Griest Mann Strong, Kans. WEDNESDAY, Jan~ta1'Y 4, 1922. Browne, Wis. Hadley Mapes Summers, Wash. Burdick HaFdy, Colo. Merritt Sweet The House met _at 12 o'clock noon. Burroughs Hawley Michener Swing The Chaplain, Rev. James Sbera Montgomery, D. D., offered Butler Herrick Miller Taylor, Tenn. tlie following prayer : Cable Hickey Mills Temple Campbell, Kans. Hicks Millspaugh Thompson Blessed Lord, all that we can give Thee in return for Thy Campbell, Pa. Hill Mondell Tilsqn Chandler, Okla. Himes Montoya Timberlake mercy and _goodness toward us are a grateful heart and a Chindblom Hoch Moore; Ohio Tincher · broken service. Do Thou accept these as our bumble offerings. Clouse Houghton Moores, Ind. Towner The call of the day is with us. Let us answer it with a broad Cole, Iowa Hukriede Morgan Vaile Cole, Ohio Hutchinson Nelson, J. M. Vare understanding, with wide-awake vision, and even with eager­ Colton Ireland ~ewton, Minn. Voigt ness of soul. Ever give us that sweet sense of Thy presence Cooper, Ohio James Olpp Yolk that abolishes fear and drives away anxious care.- Teach us Cooper, Wis. Johnson, Ky. Paige Volstead Coughlin Johnson, Wash. Perkins Walsh that many of the experiences of life are to ·be accepted rather Crago Jones, Pa. Perlman Walters than analyzed. Help us in all things to rest in the Lord and Crowther Kelley, Mich. Porter Wason wait patiently for Him. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Curry Kelly, Pa. Purne1l Watson Dale Kendall Radcliffe Wheeler Amen. Dallinger Ketcham Ramseyer White, K.:ns. Darrow Kiess Ransley White, Me. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Davis, Minn. King Reavis VilliamsC'n appro-ved. Dempsey Kinkaid Reece Winslow RESIGNATION OF A MEMBER. Dickinson Kissel Reed, W.Va. ·wood. Ind. - Dowell Kline, Pa. Ricketts Woodruff The SPEAKER laid before the House the following communi­ Dunbar Knutson Roach Wyant cation, which was read: Dyer Kopp Robsion Yatt>s Kraus Rogers Young WA.SHI~GTON, D. C., December 80, 192L Echols Hon. FREDERICK H. GILLETT, NAYS-8G. StJeal<e?· of the House ot Representatives, Almon Dupre L~yton Sanders, Tex. Washington, D. 0. Aswell Favrot Lea, Calif. Sandlin Sm: I beg to inform you that I have this day transmitted to the Bankhead Fields Linthicum Sisson governor of Maine my resignation as a Representative in the Congress Bell Garner Logan Smithwid: of the . United States fL·om ·the third district of Maine, to t~ke effect Bland, Va. Garrett, Tenn. Lowrey Steagall January 2, 1922. Blanton Garrett, ~l'('x. Lyon Stedman Yours, very respectfully, Bowling Gilbert - McSwain Stevenson JOHN A. PETEP.S. Box Goldsborough Martin Stoll Briggs Griffin Montague Sumne1·s, Tex_ CALENDAR WED- ESDAY PROCEEDINGS. Buchanan Hammer Moore, Va. Swank Tlte SPEAKER. To-day is calendar Wednesday. Bulwinkle Harrison Oldfield Tillman Byrnes. S. C. Hersey Oliver Tyson l\lr. l\10NDELL. 1\Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Byrns, Tenn. Hooker O-erstreet . Upshaw dispense with business under the Calendar Wednesday 'l'Ule, with Cannon Huddleston Padgett Vinson a view to taking up for consideration the antilynching bill. Can trill J eft'ers, Ala. Park, Ga. Ward, N.C. Clark, Fla. Johnson, Miss. Parks.- Ark. W('aver The SPEAKER. · The gentleman from ·wyoming asks unani­ Collins Jones, Tex. Parrish Wilson mous consent to dispense with business under the Calendar Crisp Keller Pou· Wingo Wednesday rule. Is there objection? Cullen Kincheloe Quin Wise Mr. Dough ton Lanh::nn Rankin \Vouds, Ya. KELLER. 1\Ir. Speaker, reserving the right to object, as Drane Lankford Robertson I understand it, the Committee on Patents would have the call Driver Larsen, Ga. Rouse to-day, under suspension of the rules. ANSWERED " PRESENT ''-2. Mr. MONDELL. Oh, no. Rucker Treadway l\-1r. HICKS. Not under suspension of the rules. NOT VOTING-158. l\fr. KELLER. · That committee has a very important bill, Anderson mack Brooks, Ill. Carter which, everybody knows about. The majority of the House is AndrC'\\', Mass. Rland, Ind. Brown, Tenn. Chalmers in favor of it. The bill has been held off for a number of weeks, Appleby Bond Burke Chandlt>r, N.Y. Atkeson Rrand Burtness Christopherson and it seems to me that we ought not to dispense with proceed­ Barkley Brennan Burton Clague ings to-day. Beedy Brinson Carew Clarke, N. Y. 780 COJ.:TGRESSIONAL · RECOI D-HO SE. JANUARY 4, ------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------- Cla. son Ort'enC' . Vt. McDuffie .Riordan General pairs: Cockran Hardy, Tex. McLaughlin, MichRodenberg Codd Haugen McLaughlin, Pa. Rosenbloom 1\lr. WURZBACH with l\Ir. TAGUE. Collier Hawe McPherson Ryan Mr. BURTON With l\lr. COCKRAN. ConnollJ-, Pa. Hayden Mansfield ~abath Mr. ~OLA~ With l\Ir. RAINEY of illinois. Connell Ilays Mead Sanders, N.Y. Connolly, 'Iex. Hogan Michaelson Schall Mr. BunKE with Mr. Rronn.AN. Copley - Hudspeth :Yoore, Til. Scott, Tenn. Mr. BEEDY with Mr. GALLIVAN. Cramton Hull Morin Sears l\Ir. JoHNSO!'i of South Dakota with Mr. TEN EYc.K.. Davi,.., Tenn. Humphreys ::Uott Shaw D al IIusted Mudd Snell 1\lr. FEss with l\Ir. O'BRIEN. D ni on .Tacoway Murphy Snyder l\fr. KREIDER with Mr. CAREw. Dominick Jefferis, Nebr. Nelson, A. P. StaJrord Mr. 1\IcL.A.UGH:I.rn of l\Iichigan with :i\lr. HAWES. Drewry Johnson, S.Dak. Newton, Mo. Stiness Dunn Kahn Nolan Strong, Pa. Mr. RIDDICK with Mr. K~DRED. Edmonus Kearns Norton Sullivan ~fr. STL~Ess with ~Ir. RAKER. Fe s Kennedy O'Brien Tague l\Ir. l\lu-nPHY with Mr. KUNZ. Fish Kindred O'Connor Taylor, Ark. lt'isher Kirkpatrick Ogden Taylor, Colo. l\lr. FITZGERALD With 1\:Ir. TAYLOR of Colorauo. Fitzgeral<l Kitchin Osborne Taylor, N.J. l\Ir. Al\--nERSON with l\lr. SARA.TH. Focht IOeczka Parker, N.J. TenEyck l\Ir. BROOKS of Illinois with 1\Ir. RAINEY of Alabama. Fordney Kline, N.Y. Parker, N.Y. Thomas Frear Knight Patterson, Mo. Tinkham l\Ir. CLARKE of New York with Mr. SULLIVAN. li'rec Kreider Patterson, N.J. Underhill l\Ir. CoNNELL with l\Ir. 1\IE.AD. l!'rceman Kunz Petersen Vestal The result of the Yote was announced as above recordeu. Fulmer Lawrence Pringey Ward, N.Y. Funk Lazaro Rainey, Ala. Webster The SPEAKER. A quorum is present. The Doorkeeper will Gabn Leatherwood Rainey, Ill. Williams open the doors. l;aJJh·au Lee, Ga. Raker Woodyard ljjynn Lee, N.Y. Rayburn Wright .A.PPOINT:ME:KTS AS REGENTS OF T;EIE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Gorman Lineberger Reber Wurzbach Gould Longworth Reed, N.Y. Zihlman The SPEAKER. The Chair lays before the House the follow­ Graham, Pa. McArthur Rhodes ing appointments: Gr·een, Iowa McClintic Riddick ' T·he Clerk read as follows : ~o two-thlr<ls havillg voted in favor there.of, the bu iness in The Speaker appoints, according to tbe provisions of law, as mem­ order on Calendar Wednesday was dispensed with.
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