VOL 33 NO 11 NOVEMBER 2008 Fish News Legislative Update Fisheries Journal Highlights FisheriesAmerican Fisheries Society • www.fisheries.org Calendar Job Center Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation of Dolly Varden, White-spotted Char, and Bull Trout Cooperative Research Program Goals in New England: Perceptions of Active Commercial Fishermen Fisheries • v o l 33 n o 11 • n o v e m b e r 2008 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g 529 Redefining Species To measure the effect of AVT on pupfish behavior, Dr. Lema tagged one group of Amargosa pupfish with NMT’s Visible Implant Elastomer (fish with red tags) and then administered either AVT or a saline solution to them. Fish treated with AVT were less aggressive than the control fish. Photos by S. Lema Dr. Sean Lema (U. of North Carolina) is studying the development change in response to slight environmental desert pupfish (Cyprinodon sp.) in remote corners of shifts and contribute to the morphological and behavioral Death Valley where summer temperatures reach 49C differences he observes among fish in different habitats. and the average annual rainfall is just 5 cm. Seven taxa The hormone, arginine vasotocin (AVT) is a of pupfish occur in Death Valley, each uniquely adapted neurotransmitter that modulates behavior in some fish to its particular habitat, and all exhibiting remarkable species. Dr. Lema observed differences in neural AVT phenotypic plasticity—significant morphological and phenotype between populations of pupfish, and showed behavioral differences are evident within a couple of that AVT influences pupfish behavior. He then generations in response to small environmental changes demonstrated that the AVT system in pupfish is in their unique habitats. Included in the traits that influenced by temperature and salinity changes. change are those that may be used to define the species. Dr. Lema’s work demonstrates the necessity of Thus, when the habitat changes, a species’ phenotypic preserving habitat for these endangered fish, and characteristics may also change, suggesting that habitat questions the basic concepts of assigning species. restoration for recovery of highly plastic species must Northwest Marine Technology is proud to have a role in consider its affect on phenotype. this fascinating study—please contact us if we can help As well as looking at the patterns of plasticity among with yours. pupfishes, Dr. Lema searches for insights into the mechanisms of these phenotypic changes. His Lema, S. C. American Scientist 96(1):28-36. Lema, S. C. & G. A. Nevitt. Hormones and Behavior 46(5):628-637. experiments suggest that the pupfish’s physiology and Lema, S. C. & G. A. Nevitt. J. Experimental Biology 209:3499-3509. Northwest Marine Technology, Inc. www.nmt.us Shaw Island, Washington, USA Northwest Marine Technology, Inc. Corporate Office Biological Services 360.468.3375 [email protected] 360.596.9400 [email protected] 530 Fisheries • v o l 33 n o 11 • n o v e m b e r 2008 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g VOL 33 NO 11 FisheriesNOVEMBER 2008 537 AmericAn Fisheries society • www.Fisheries.org EDitORIAL / SUBSCRIPtiON / CIRCULAtiON OFFICES 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110 • Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 301/897-8616 • fax 301/897-8096 • [email protected] The American Fisheries Society (AFS), founded in 1870, is the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists. The AFS promotes scientific research and enlightened management of aquatic resources for optimum use and enjoyment by the public. It also encourages comprehensive education of fisheries scientists and continuing on-the-job training. AFS FISHERIES EDITORS OFFICERS STAFF PRESIDENT SENIOR EDITOR ScIEncE EDITORS William G. Franzin Ghassan “Gus” N. Madeleine Contents PRESIDENT ElECT Rassam Hall-Arber Donald C. Jackson DIRECTOR OF Ken Ashley COLUMN: LETTERS: FIRST PUBLICATIONS Doug Beard VICE PRESIDENT Aaron Lerner Ken Currens 532 GuEST PRESIDENT’S 560 To THE EDIToR Wayne A. Hubert mAnAging William E. Kelso HOOK Freshwater Species Conservation SECOND EDITOR Deirdre M. Kimball A New Home for Habitat Status list VICE PRESIDENT Beth Beard Robert T. Lackey William L. Fisher Dennis Lassuy A potential new AFS Fish Habitat Section The Value of Information PRODUCTION PAST PRESIDENT Allen Rutherford could fill a gap and provide a unified source EDITOR Mary C. Fabrizio Book review of information on increasingly important fish Cherie Worth EXECUTIVE EDITORS habitat issues. AFS RESOLUTION: DIRECTOR Francis Juanes Joe Margraf Ghassan “Gus” N. Ben Letcher 563 RESOLUTION ON Rassam Keith Nislow THE DEVELOPMENT Dues and fees for 2008 are $76 in North America NEWS: ($88 elsewhere) for regular members, $19 in North 533 FISHERIES OF INSTREAM FLOW America ($22 elsewhere) for student members, and $38 ($44) retired members. Fees include $19 for Fisheries PROGRAMS subscription. Nonmember and library subscription rates JOURNAL HIGHLIGHTS: are $106 ($127). Price per copy: $3.50 member; $6 COLUMN: nonmember. Fisheries (ISSN 0363-2415) is published 534 North AmERICAN monthly by the American Fisheries Society; 5410 JouRNAl oF AquACulTuRE 564 guEST DIRECToR'S lINE Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 Stream Restoration Workshop ©copyright 2008. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, 534 JouRNAl oF Aquatic Maryland, and at an additional mailing office. A copy of ANImAl HEAlTH Speakers at a Western Division stream Fisheries Guide for Authors is available from the editor or restoration workshop outlined both lessons the AFS website, www.fisheries.org. If requesting from the managing editor, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed UPDate: learned as well as possible new interdisciplinary envelope with your request. Republication or systematic solutions. or multiple reproduction of material in this publication 536 LegislatioN AND is permitted only under consent or license from the PolICY Jude Wait American Fisheries Society. Postmaster: Send address Elden Hawkes, Jr. changes to Fisheries, American Fisheries Society; 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199. COLUMN: FEATURE: Fisheries is printed on 10% post-consumer 566 STuDENTS' ANGlE recycled paper with soy-based printing inks. 537 FISHERIES Institution Representative Program: CONSERVATION A Program to Boost Student Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation of Participation in AFS Dolly Varden, White-spotted Char, and Bull Kristal N. Schneider and Robert Dodd Trout Advertising Index A review of the ecology, evolution, and CALENDAR: Advanced Telemetry Systems . 579 conservation of native chars across the Pacific AFS Western Division . 570 Rim provides a synthesis of insights and issues 568 FISHERIES EVENTS Jason Dunham, Colden Baxter, Kurt Fausch, California Department of Fish and Game 577 Wade Fredenberg, Satoshi Kitano, Itsuro OBITUARY: Ecotrust . 569 Koizumi, Kentaro Morita, Tomoyuki Nakamura, Emperor Aquatics, Inc. 559 Bruce Rieman, Ksenia Savvaitova, Jack 570 Robert David BISHoP Floy Tag . 547 Stanford, Eric Taylor, and Shoichiro Yamamoto Father of Tennessee’s Striped Bass Halltech Aquatiac Research, Inc.. 549 Program Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc. 580 FEATURE: Little River Research and Design . 559 551 HUMAN DIMENSIONS AFS ANNUAL MEETING: Lotek Wireless. 550 Cooperative Research Program Goals 572 3RD CAll FoR PAPERS Myriax . 575 in New England: Northwest Marine Technology, Inc. 530 Perceptions of Active Commercial Fishermen PUBlications: O. S. Systems . 559 Active commercial fishermen in New England 574 Book REVIEW Sonotronics . 570 hold an array of perceptions about cooperative research that will impact the design and Sound Metrics Corp. 541 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Texas Chapter of AFS . 568 effectiveness of cooperative research programs. Troy W. Hartley and Robert A. Robertson Vemco (A Division of Amirix) . 543 576 JoB CENTER Vemco (A Division of Amirix) . 545 COVER: A pair of Miyabe char (Salvelinus malma miyabei), a subspecies of Dolly Varden Tell advertisers you found them through endemic to Lake Shikaribetsu, Hokkaido Island, Japan. Fisheries! CREDIT: Kentaro Morita. Fisheries • v o l 33 n o 11 • n o v e m b e r 2008 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g 531 COLUMN: Joe margraf margraf is with the U.s. geological GuEST PRESIDENT’S Hook Survey, Alaska Cooperative Fish and wildlife research Unit in Fairbanks. He can be contacted at [email protected]. A New Home for Habitat The American Fisheries Society is on the verge of creating nonetheless. I queried several of my colleagues and their a new Unit, the Fish Habitat Section. If all goes accord- consensus was, “This is a good idea—why don’t YOU put ing to plan, the new Section will be approved at the Annual one together, and we’ll join.” Fortunately, having spent six Meeting in Nashville next August. Until now, habitat issues years as the AFS Constitutional Consultant, I had a pretty have been a major thrust of several Sections, particularly good idea how to go about the process. First, you must the Water Quality and Fisheries Management Sections. draft a petition seeking to form the new Section and get the However, there has been no Section dedicated solely to the advancement of knowledge and exchange of information signatures of at least 100 active AFS members. The Annual on the broad scope of multidisciplinary marine, estuarine, Meeting is an obvious place to do this; plus, it doesn’t hurt and freshwater fish habitat issues. The nascent Fish Habitat to spend some time explaining your ideas and thoughts to Section will focus primarily on the physical aspects of habitat a large cross-section of the AFS leadership and Governing and will work closely with other Sections in advancing Board. habitat issues. The eventual direction and foci of the new The second order of business is to draft a set of bylaws Section will, of course, evolve over time as its membership for the new Section. Here I worked with Gwen White, the grows and participates in the building process. current AFS Constitutional Consultant, who will present Some questions that come immediately to mind are, the new bylaws to the Governing Board for approval at its You mean we didn’t have a habitat Section already? mid-year meeting in March 2009.
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