*Nixon Seeks End To Busing Woes WASHINGTON (From Gazette bout those areas where courts Services)--President Nixon have gone beyond the Supreme sent a message to Congress Court and ordered massive this morning asking for a leg- school busing. islative end to forced busing A quick reaction to the and $2.5 billion to improve President's message came from central city schools. Democratic Presidential can- RICHARD M. NIXON In a nationwide broadcast didate George McGovern. last night, the President He said, "what we have just said, "it is time the nation witnessed is a collapse of faced the prob- moral and po- U. S. NAVAL BASE lem squarely. litical lea- GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA "It is time "It is ti, g for the dership by the for us to make President of a national com- n the United mitment to see toatiortoface the States. We that the have witnessed schools in the a total surren- oQitt central cities problem squarely.' der on the are upgraded part of the and that the children who go President of the United States there will have just as good to Wallace-ism and the dema- a chance to get quality edu- goguery that represents." cation as do the children who McGovern's remarks, deliv- go to school in the suburbs." ered in Champaign, Ill., Nixon said, "taken together, were a reference to another the two elements of my pro- Democratic Presidential con- ST. PATRICK'S DAY, 1972 posal, the moratorium on new (Please see BUSING, page 2) busing and the Equal Educa- tional Opportunities Act, will focus our efforts where they really belong--on better education for all our chil- dren, rather than on more bus- St. Paddy, we need you- ing for some of our children." Nixon said his proposed leg- (Editor's Note: This is an open letter to St. Patrick, a islation will require that missionary beloved by all Irishmen--Protestant and Catholic every state or locality grant alike.) equal educational opportunity to every person. Dear St. Patrick, "What I am proposing is Strife-torn Northern Ireland, where you performed many that at the same time we stop legendary deeds, needs you once more. What did you do back more busing, we move forward there in the fifth century? to guarantee that the chil- You firmly implanted Christianity among the Irish* you dren currently attending the brought an end to constant fighting among kings and clans. poorer schools in our cities You improved economic conditions for all the people. The and rural areas be provided issues today are similar. with education equal to that You loved the Irish, Patrick. Born in Britain, you were of good schools in their com- kidnaped in your teens by Irish raiders and taken to Ire- munity." land to work as a slave. The President said he is You escaped after years of servitude and went to France, also asking the Justice De- (Please see LETTER, page 8) .j partment to do something a- Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Friday, March 17, 1972 BUSING- from page oneg GAZETTEER tender, George Wallace, who has favored antibusing mea- sures. .a digest of late news Nixon's decision yesterday to take his recommendations on the school busing controversy directly to the public in a broadcast announcement was a sudden reversal of plans. The President reserved radio and television time for 10 p.m. EST to outline the fundamentals of his more de- tailed message to be sent to congress this morning. The The House voted 366 to 0 yesterday to authorize a announcement came after Nixon had closeted himself with $1 billion, three-year federal attack on drug abuse. It key domestic advisers since Tuesday night at his re- agreed to a comprehensive compromise bill, containing treat at Camp David, Md. President Nixon's ideas for a special White House office Earlier, the White House had said Nixon considered and sent the bill to the Senate for final Congressional busing too complex an issue for treatment in a broadcast action. and would confine his recommendations to legislative pro- posals and a general statement for Congress. French narcotics detectives yesterday dis- But at a briefing yesterday morning, White House Press covered a functioning secret herion laboratory in south- Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon had changed his France and seized 220 pounds of pure heroin in the ern mind as he completed the details of his program. third major drug success within a month. The U.S. street Ziegler said Nixon wanted to speak directly to the value of the find was around $25 million. public "to put into perspective the complexities of this problem that the President feels is a major pro- Housevoted yesterday to allow par- The Florida blem." ents to pull their children out of public schools if The White House denied that Nixon had been moved to a they feel the youngsters had been assigned to achieve a public presentation because of Tuesday's Florida pri- racial balance. The amendment was approved by voice vote mary. In that election, a straw vote referendum favoring and added to a bill, which passed 102-1, lowering the an antibusing amendment to the Constitution carried mandatory age for public school attendance from 6 to S. handsomely, and antibusing candidate George Wallace swept the Democratic Presidential preference voting. President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan Ziegler said the President already "had a measure of arrived in Moscow yesterday and began talks almost im- the problem and considered it a major problem" before up mediately with Premier Alexei N. Kosygin on patching the Florida primary. He said the basic principles had relations strained by the India-Pakistan war over Bang- been worked out before the vote. ladesh. Bhutto was greeted by Kosygin, First Deputy Pre- Nixon had stated frequently that he opposed massive mier Dmitri S. Polyansky and Foreign Minister Andrei A. busing for integrating public schools. His plan had Gromyko. been expected to inhibit, if not prohibit, busing for this purpose. yesterday reported the rare sighting of an The Navy Before returning to Washington, the President had missile-firing submarine on advanced Soviet polaris-type huddled at Camp David with John D. Ehrlichman, chief of of Iceland. Defense officials said the surface northeast his domestic council, Director George P. Shultz of the it was not yet clear whether the Soviet yankee-class office of management and budget, and Raymond Price, submarine, which normally carries 16 long-range nuclear Nixon's pricipal speechwriter. Also present were spe- tipped missiles, was in difficulty. cialists from the Departments of Justice and Health, Education and Welfare. Paddy Kennedy, who has been on Rebel legislator A meeting was scheduled at 8 a.m. thisrmorning with the run since August, was arrested Wednesday night, in Congressional leaders of both parties ard key commit- with a top IRA leader, security forces an- Belfast, tee members to give them further details before the nounced yesterday. Kennedy, 29, a pro-IRA member of formal message is sent to Capitol Hill about noon. Parliament, was seized Northern Ireland's Provincial A press briefing was planned for 9:45 a.m., and in the home of a journalist with William McCorory, Ziegler said no details beyond the broadcast would be of identified Ps the commander of a Belfast battalion made available to the public before then. the provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army. Stateside Temperatures Guantanamo I Gazette OVN Atlanta clear 77 Boston freezing drizzle 38 Chicago rain 39 Local Forecast Capt. b ford Dallas partly cloudy 77 Naval Station Cadhg Oficer Denver . B r.r . hli Mfake OffiIrI clear 61 3 n Smih.editor Detroit cloudy 38 Partly cloudy becomeing clear. 053 leff iah. .itat Editor S on h ok i .ase l rE ta Jacksonville .Ue k0.~~th. .ll.Oio clear 83 Afternoon and evening showers. Vis- tO Lro ared.aoUin tee iia Los Angeles haze 64 ibility is unrestricted. Winds north- Editorial Mvisor Miami partly cloudy 79 erly 3-5 knots becoming southeasterly h. a oa Gratti. lished acOiowg to O. les ad reloatious for .lp .n4 station n.spare New York cloudy 39 3-12 knots. Today's high 83, tonight a. t1uhed ha 35 a-d Inda h. direction Norfolk 2-3 feet. of -e Naval Ba. Pi Aftai Wficer. It U Psit- not available low 68. Bay conditions .ed Sn daysamk at go"a t n .M 0 - -ant ,pint. he Spiis or s t a.nts I Philadelphia not available iS. tha amo hera . ot th rma a. otticilal reflathg h. vIba" wa of Cfaon r San Francisco cloudy 80 Oh mrn.t of Oe Na. Seattle cloudy 58 Washington clear 48 e Friday, March 17, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Page 3 JPT & CO., an eight-piece brass rhythm and blues band including five males, a female lead singer and two go-go girls, will perform at Marblehead Hall tonight, Sunday, and Monday. The group will play Tuesday at Leeward Point Enlisted Men's Club and Wednesday at the Barrel Club. --- LOCAL BRIEFS--- 0 Freshmem Base Employe Convicted The freshman class at W.T. Vernon Victor Malcolm, a Jamaican national formerly employed Sampson High School will hold on base, has been convicted in U.S. District Court in Alexan- a bake sale Saturday in front dria, Va. of assault with intent to commit rape and assault of the Marine Exchange and at by striking, beating and wounding. Camp Bulkeley. The sales will Sentence is set for Tuesday. Maximum sentence is 20 years start at 10 a.m. six months. Malcolm was acquitted last month of a charge involving in- decent acts with a minor.
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