Jacksonville State University JSU Digital Commons Chanticleer Historical Newspapers 1941-12-03 The Teacola | Vol 7, Issue 6 Jacksonville State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty Recommended Citation Jacksonville State University, "The Teacola | Vol 7, Issue 6" (1941). Chanticleer. 118. https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty/118 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Newspapers at JSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chanticleer by an authorized administrator of JSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I-h AS we see ~t fi AU of you who missed hearing and seeing Dr. I. Q. during his recent visit to the campus, if there shouId be some few soub .I1 who were otherwise occupied at that time, certainly were left out i; of one of the most outstanding and entertaining events of the col- lege year. Not only was the well-known radio quiz-king hand- some, dashing, and personality-plus, but he presented the student A Student Publication, Jacksonville State Teachers College- body, faculty members, and visitors with forty-five minutes fill- I ed, and brim-ng; we mean, with radio education, hints, amusing - -em to some 01 his questions, and a real answer-~l~a~~pro- Volume Seven Jacksonville, Alabama, Wednesday, December 3, 1941. Number Six gram for the benefit of his audience--and ten boxes of I. 0. - candy,_chiIdren, if you haven't heard. -0- Dr. Daugette At Home After Serious Illness When a freshman comes to college, we hear it rumored that Landers Presides those four long years betwixt him and a degree seem mighty Famous Quiz King -.: hard and lonesome, but take a grand, old senior's advice, little ones, and really enjoy your term of serviture there. We realize Over Session that it isn't all play and no work and that teach- OF Educators ers-- can be confusing.- to put it mildly, but just wait SPEARMAN, GIBSON, until it's a matter of days, Dr. I. &. Questions weeks, or months, not Men 'Taken' AND LUCIA, MAM years, before you're going SPEAKERS OF THE DAY students, Faculty to be turned out into the In Sadie Hawkins In Typical Fashion wide. wide world, and then The Fall Conference of the State squirm-we maintain that Curriculum development program Dr. I. Q., alias Jimmy McClain, the home fires from your widely-known radio personality Day Revelery was held at Jacksonville State Alma Mater are the bright- and quiz-king for Mars, Inc., with est yet. Teachers College November 18. SOUTHERN GENTS his famous Mental Banker program -0- Mr. E. J. Landers, director of the came to Jacksonville on Tuesday Now that basketball's SUBMIT TO WOMEN'S Training School, presided over the afternoon. November 10, to present definitely here, why FORWARDNESS conference whose theme was. "The one.. of the most entertaining events or. the year. \d"p't everyone, no ex- State Course of Study far Elemen- , . Mrs Margaret Sfapp. of the col- .-- ceptlons, &ow a whale The fm~mesreigned for a day. tary and Secondary Schools." lege arts department, was responsi- '1 , November 17. at JSTC, and what a , pardon the expression--of Mr. C. E. Spearman, ~rinciaalof ble for securing the visit of the L d;~v and nighl! They chased and a lot of interest in the the Clay County High School, charming and delightful Dr. I. Q., 4-d home games and the acti- ciught their men and showed them spoke on the subject, "Basic Con- who has been stopping in Binning- . ' vity abroad of the team. thrcugh a day of feminine planning. sideration in the State Course of ham for the past six weeks and (Don't they usually, only in a was on his way to Fort McCleUan , , We have someihing to be Study." He dated that our program on the eighteenth to be featured proud of, students; so more subtie way.) DR. C. W. DAUGETTE . - should be much more flexible. He DR. I. Q., the Mental Banker, in an evening broadcast from there. -. Everyoi~etaking part In the day's : let's tell the boys just how It fs with very great pleasnre that THE TEACOLA announces that also pointed out that specialized spoke before a large audience of Program At JSTC :i activities enjoyed the reversal hil- we feel about them! Jacksonville's presid'ent, Dr. C. W. Daugetle, has returned home from subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, students, teachers, and businessmen Arriving at three o'clock on Tues- afiously. Especially enjoyable was -.- Fohns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland, after having undergone a serious Latin etc, had no place for average of the neighboring towns when he day, Mr. McClain kindly consented it for the boys who left the prob- made a visit to the campus on The Soph Hop should be operation in the famous medical cenkr. students in high schools of Ala- to be interviewed by reporters Iem of escort to the girls, along Tuesday, November 18. - Using the from THE TEACOLA and JACK- a gala dfair in view of Much deep concern has been felt for the president of the State Teach- bama. He lJnsisted that Ulere were value of radio in education as the with the financing of refreshment SOh'VILLE NE1iVS. Promptly at the preparations that are ers College during his absence from the school and town and many have too many other things more im- theme of his talk, the famous and entertainment. For a day (a been the expressions of hope for his recovery. Especially have the stu- three-thirty, before hundreds of being made. It's the first portant in the development of radio personality conducted a quiz college students, visiting teachers, day only, darn it) boys' billfolds dents and faculty members missed the presence of a friend and counsellor, program, giving candy to the con- big dance of the year and a place which can only be fined by Dr. Daugette. pupils. Another aspect which he business men and their wives from remained unfolded. testants. promises to be one of the Although it wiU be several weeks before the president can resume dwelt on was the personality of the neighboring towns, assembled in best. The Sadie Hawkins' treked up his administrative duties, the knowledge that he will do so in the near the new gymnasium, the Mental and dovfn the dark, steep hills of pupil. He stated that this deserv- Everyone should attend future is indeed gratifying to his hundreds of friends and fellow-workers. Banker conducted forty-five minu- Jacksonville after their dates that ed increased emphasis in all of our tes of helpful instruction for the and benefit by the elab- Sophomore Dance night in their outlandish garb ex- schools. teachers, liberally sprinkled with , ' . , orate planning of Robert . periencing the footwork and ex- amusing answers received during '.'. , . Cox, president, and the penditure boys endure so nightly Twelve-year School Program To Be Big Event his radio hours, concluding with an sophs. to date the girls of their choice. It The second speaker was Mr. Roy example of his own quiz program. ' ;-. was women's night to push, pull, Greek Students Send . - Gibson, superintendent of St. Clair Details Of The Hour . #- Ruler, and regulations or carry their date up some of the . County Schools, who spoke on the Of Fall Season After an jntroduction by Dr. W. PCP men and women in re- inclines for which this campus is important characteristics of the J. Calvert, Dr. I. Q. launched into r,;, :. gard to the dance will be famous. twelve-year school program. Some DECEMBER 6 PET For once the fairer group knew Reply To MedicalAid a short and informal talk on the :: 1: !-:' 7 found ekwhere in the of those provisions were democra- AS DATE; ALUMNI value of radio as an educational what it meant to hasten in order (Mitor's note-last year, students and faculty members on the camp- " >$ paper. Read them care- tic living, recreation, creation, and URGED TO ATTEND device. He spoke of the programs .- :4' i , to meet a date on time. Taking the us contributed most generously to a fund for aid to the struggling Greek fully. skills. He suggested that we should sponsored by the federal govern- :"j4 . responsibility .of boys on this re- nation in its defense against the overwhelming Italian forces then be- teach children and not subject mat- Attention seniors, juniors, sog- ment, such as "Farm and Borne" ; -0- versed occasion, they had to be sieging the small nation. In recognil:on of thls act,l the fd&t+ingletter ter, and that Wsshould be ap- homores, freshmen, alumini, and and "Let's Pretend." wliich-h&!'-' There should be no need prompt in keeping a date; for as a was sent Dr. R. P. Felgar. local chairman in charge of the collection). plied as the need arises. He also others! been intended to instruct thousands of our having to borrow woman, they are justified in being To the Students of the Unlted States end Canada insisted that change in society is an Once a year, just at the end of of Americans. Then, he told of the someone e 1 s e ' s record- tardy and delayed in keeping ap- Dear Fellow Students: important factor. pointments. They do it and with our the fall quarter when tests are quiz hours, planned for general en- player in order to supply Accept profound gratitude for the material aid which you are The third speaker was Mrs. Hous- over and Christmas only a few tertainment, but ones which have womanly sweetness get away with giving us and for genuine sympathy in the cause for which we are fight- music for the weekly tea ton-----=.
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