MARZO-ABRIL 2008 Legislación 100 Artículos Generales 103 AFINIDAD Información General 170 Novedades Técnicas 173 Noticias de Empresas 174 TOMO LXV - Núm. 534 TOMO LXV • Nº 534 • MARZO - ABRIL 2008 • AFINAE 66 (534) 97-176 (2008) • ISSN 0001 - 9704 2008 • ABRIL • Nº 534 MARZO - LXV TOMO INTERIOR PORTADA 534 16/6/08 08:43 Página 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS AFINIDAD accepts review articles, original papers (expe- language should seek assistance from proficient collea- rimental reports as well as theoretical studies) and short gues in order to produce manuscripts that are gramma- communications on all aspects of chemical engineering, tically and linguistically correct. process engineering, chemistry and biotechnology. Full Papers and Short Communications should conform to the format found in international chemistry journals TYPES OF PAPER and include: Title and authors, Abstract, Key words, Description, Results, Acknowledgements and References. 1. Full Papers should include a summary of 100-200 Title and authors: The title should head the manuscript words and 3-6 key words. They should be divided into and should be concise and carefully formulated. sections and should normally not exceed 10 printed Abbreviations and trade names should be avoided. The pages. Each manuscript should have less than 10 ori- title should be followed by the first names and surnames ginal figures and tables. of the authors, and address(es) of the laboratory where the work was carried out. Mark with and asterisk (*) the 2. Review Papers and articles of general interest related author to whom correspondence should be addressed. to chemistry are written and presented by scientists invited by the Editorial Board. The length of this type Abstract and key words: The abstract should summa- of article will depend upon the subject. rize the contents of the paper and should state the major findings and conclusion of the article. Any of the three 3. Short Communications should provide a concise sta- official languages can be used. A list of key words in alp- tement of a preliminary report or significant research habetical orden should be added in order to assist in abs- contribution, should include a summary of not more tract listing and index production. than 50 words and should normally not exceed 4 prin- ted pages, containing no more than 2 figures or tables. Description: The main text should contain the following They will have publication priority. items in the sequence given: 4. Letters to the editor should either be on a topic of – Introduction: This brief statement should describe the scientific concern or give comment upon recently importance of the work in relation to the field, remai- published articles and should not exceed 2 printed ning problems, your hypothesis and the objective of pages. the study. Indicate what has been achieved. – Materials and Methods: This section should provide SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPT sufficient information to enable other investigators to repeat the work. The original manuscript plus two copies should be sent to: – Results and Discussion: This section should include all tables, graphs and illustrations necessary to unders- Editor of AFINIDAD tand the study. Results should be presented as conci- Asociación de Químicos e Ingenieros sely as possible. del Instituto Químico de Sarriá Vía Augusta, 390 – Conclusion: Authors must state the main conclusions 08017 Barcelona, Spain of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance. Authors will receive an immediate acknowledgement of receipt of their paper, followed within 6 months by noti- – References: References should be listed, in the order fication of acceptance or rejection after peer evaluation. in which they are cited in the text, at the end of the arti- Authors will be informed of the reasons should an arti- cle. Abbreviation should conform to the Chemical cle be turned down, but not be given the referee’s name. Abstracts Sources Index (CASSI). Papers that are unpu- blished but have been accepted by a journal may be Galley proofs will be sent to the author to whom corres- cited with the journal’s name followed by «in press». In pondence is to be directed (marked on the manuscript all other cases reference must be made to «unpublis- with an asterisk). These should be returned within the hed work» or «personal communication». dates specified, otherwise publication might be delayed. – Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements of financial There are no page charges, 25 offprints of each article support, advice or other kinds of assistance should be are supplied free of charge. Additional offprints can be made at the end of the paper. Acknowledgements ordered at current printing prices. should be kept to a minimum. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the authors should – Units, nomenclature, formulae, graphs and mathe- be prepared to submit a diskette (3.5’’) bearing the final matical equations: The use of Système International version of the article written in one of the common word d’Unités (SI) is recommended. IUPAC standards should processing programs for PC. This can expedite publica- be observed. Known and accepted scientific abbre- tion. Label the disc with the Art. No., the word processing viations may be used, and special abbreviations should package and the version used. In case of a discrepancy be defined when first mentioned. Equations, formulae between the disc and the manuscript, the latter will be and graphs may be marked with Arabic numerals in taken as a definitive version. Illustrations will be accep- parentheses. ted in TIFF, PCX or BMP formats. Please also submit the illustration as separate files, even if they are incorpora- – Figures and tables: Figures should be submitted on ted into the text of the article. disc and hard copy, printed in black and white, and drawn in indian ink on good quality paper. Black and white photographs are accepted. Coloured photographs GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT will be considered in exceptional cases. The numbers PREPARATION and letters should be legible after the reduction of the original paper. The figure legends and tables footno- Articles must be in English, Spanish of Catalan, typed tes should be typewritten on a separate sheet. double-spaced throughout on pages of DIN A-4 size lea- ving a margin of 2.5 cm. on each side. All pages must be Authors should take care to assure the illustrations are numbered. Authors who are less familiar with the English received in good condition. TRIPA AFIN 534 13/6/08 12:52 Página 97 REVISTA DE QUIMICA TEORICA Y APLICADA EDITADA POR LA ASOCIACION DE QUIMICOS E INGENIEROS AFINIDAD DEL INSTITUTO QUIMICO DE SARRIA Edita Redacción, Administración y Publicidad SP - ISSN 0001 - 9704 Asociación de Químicos e Ingenieros Vía Augusta, 390 D.L.B. 460 - 1958 del Instituto Químico de Sarriá 08017 Barcelona © Asociación de Químicos Tel. 93 267 20 12 e Ingenieros del Instituto Químico de Sarriá, 1973 Director Fax: 93 280 42 76 J. Árboles Muntadas afin @ iqs.es http://www.aiqs.es Periodicidad Director Adjunto 6 números año R. Queralt Teixidó, S.I. Coordinación Publicidad Lino Hernández Rué Precios suscripción anual (2008) Consejo Directivo Móvil: 606 211 900 España, Portugal, Países de J.M. Castelló Mestanza [email protected] Latino-América y Filipinas: 37,50 € J. Árboles Muntadas Demás países: 83,20 $ U.S.A. Número suelto (ordinario): 12,60 € Comité de Redacción Fotocomposición, Fotomecánica y CTP A. Barrera Berro S.I. BCN’93 A. Ginebreda Martí Ramón Turró, 100-104 M.A. Pericás Brondo 08005 Barcelona A. Planas Sauter Tel. 93 225 03 26 J.M. Ribó Arboledas Fax 93 221 05 88 L. Victori Companys S.I. [email protected] SUMARIO Legislación Española y Comunitaria, publicada en el B.O.E. y en el D.O.U.E. de Diciembre de 2007 a Febrero de 2008, por D.B. Sánchez de Rojas. ....... 100-102 Obtención de gas de síntesis por tratamiento térmico en microondas de bio- masa y biogás, por Y. Fernández, B. Fidalgo, A. Domínguez, J.J. Pis y J.A. Menéndez. .................................................................................................................. 103-109 Impacto de la contaminación atmosférica sobre el contenido de metales pesa- dos de Talinum triangulare cosechada en huertos urbanos y peri-urbanos, por Tamara de Armas, Débora Castro, Jorge Pino y María Liva. ................................... 110-114 Transformación de arsénico por bacterias aisladas de sedimentos enriquecidos con el metaloide, por C. Mellado, C. Badilla, G. Escalante, V.L. Campos y M.A. Mondaca. .................................................................................................................... 115-119 Componente natural y antropogénica de la composición química elemental de las partículas suspendidas (PM2.5) y sus posibles fuentes de emisión, en un sitio de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, por R.V. Díaz y Elena Rosa Domínguez. ................................................................................................................. 120-128 Síntesis y caracterización fisicoquímica de circonia promovida con ácido tungs- tofosfórico y ácido bórico utilizada como catalizador en la isomerización de n- pentano, por J.M. Hernández Enríquez, L.A. Cortez Lajas, R. García Alamilla, A. Castillo Mares, G. Sandoval Robles, J.L. Rivera Armenta y L.A. García Serrano. ..... 129-135 Síntesis de 3,6-diisobutil-3,6-dimetil-1,2,4,5-tetraoxaciclohexano y estudio ciné- tico de su descomposición térmica en solución, por Gladys N. Eyler, Elida E. Álva- rez, Adriana Cañizo y Gastón Barreto. .....................................................................
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