Resettlement Plan 49215-001 Loan: 3260 August 2017 NEP: Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project Godamchour-Godabari-Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road Project Prepared by the Government of Nepal for Asian Development Bank (ADB). This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the terms of use section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. ilns v{6rt ffi{ rTfirff npn enftrq f{6rt rrdrwt ffi oTrdrffir a,rqi;qffi go,rg ilERrdl 3nrsTtrdr wx rqr:Gty'ffda{ lovv/ou/1o a.n.: $gy' ftrft: qfirfr5{ * Pq-dT qTd-q-aT .FIqFqq-{ Ff,f*, qtd"I( Hqq: Resettlement Plan keF tt-trfe[qT I (lY.qc fu.fr.1 r *q-rffir (q'qt fr"fr') sqtn6 sgqacrr{T rfr{rsqtq-rffi-q-gfrdfr-ilfrqwrg qtq-{T, lltrq qlP.rfi-{ur qTe k-f,-a 1l-€ qffi arq ffifl R-e-fr { 3S- e-g-fi T{-Aiq $frqitT rtwF-rqqre qr+aqfi qfr ?Tq qnTT q}Trf{d *gu'fr ffi q.rffii-fi FcrrTT e{rqCr wrm erFm "FFrqT qi s-T{tFT txr qfrfinq itffil qi-EqTft1 frffiilT-+l orfrr qrm wrk qe-r"ft anrifuPa, ?oe?" +1 Es'I { qrF+ qrTM qfflT T qq 3Tfu qlw ffi qrn nfrq Eq-r c q;t qfufrTqrd w+-rfr, qr{qfd-fi { t qr,q-qTi qq-* tTtr q3Trdql haiTur rri r erq fffi wrmdft\ {El-€mI Srqfd-a mr{q EWf 'nrn q"kq q\r+l-fr qTfh .{-E-a.fi 4r-.qffi q-{Trrg q-6rg{ fqifr RoeY/oe/Re sr RTfrq rdli?T kqfr q6rg\r+1 qjvllTtrI eT{ q-iTrtg q-drgrl rqfra a t Resertlement plan €-m_r{ .'6i g I 3-$- " 4TdTST: tfl"frT ffr;tl-rr qfufd enrqi{q, qtdd5{ Central Implementation Support Consultant (CISC) Government of Nepal Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development Central Level Project Implementation Unit Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project Lalitpur, Nepal Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (ADB Loan 3260-NEP) Detailed Project Report Godamchour-Godabari-Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road Subproject, Lalitpur Section III: Social Safeguard Volume 2: Revised Resettlement Plan August, 2017 Prepared by: Central Implementation Support Consultant (CISC) AF-Iteco Ltd. Switzerland Ekantakuna, Lalitpur Table of Contents ABBREVIATION .................................................................................................................... I GLOSSARY OF TERMS ....................................................................................................... II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... III 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. 7 1.1 Scope of Land Acquisition ....................................................................................... 7 1.3 Losses of Trees .................................................................................................... 10 2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE AFFECTED HOUSEHOLDS ......................... 11 3 INFORMATION DISSEMINATION, CONSULTATION, PARTICIPATION, DISCLOSURE …………………………………………………………………………………………………...14 4 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISMS ..................................................................... 15 5. RESETTLEMENT POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 18 5.1 Nepal Government Applicable Legal and Policy Framework ................................. 18 5.2 ADB‘s Involuntary Resettlement Policy Requirement ............................................ 21 6. ENTITLEMENTS, ASSISTANCE AND BENEFITS ....................................................... 25 7. RELOCATION OF HOUSING AND SETTLEMENTS ................................................... 26 7.1 Valuation and Compensation Determination ......................................................... 26 8 INCOME RESTORATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM .................................. 27 9 RESETTLEMENT BUDGET......................................................................................... 28 9.1 Compensation for land ...................................................................................... 28 9.2 Compensation for structures .............................................................................. 28 9.3 Compensation for standing crops ...................................................................... 29 9.4 Compensation for trees ..................................................................................... 29 9.5 Other Supporting Cost ............................................................................................... 30 9.6 Total RP Cost Estimate of Godamchour-Godabari-Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road Subproject ....................................................................................................................... 30 10. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ........................................................................... 32 11. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ............................................................................. 33 12. MONITORING AND EVALUATION .......................................................................... 39 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................... 40 Appendix I: List of Affected Households .............................................................................. 40 Appendix II: Poverty Analysis of Interviewed Households ................................................... 40 Appendix III: Details on Land Compensation Estimation ..................................................... 40 Appendix IV:Details on Structure Compensation Estimation ............................................... 40 Appendix V: Details on Private Trees Compensation Estimation ......................................... 40 Appendix VI: Details on CFUG Trees Compensation Estimation ......................................... 40 Appendix VII: Details on National Forest Trees Compensation Estimation .......................... 40 Appendix VIII: Details on Bamboo Clumps Compensation Estimation ................................ 40 Appendix IX: Nepali Summary ............................................................................................ 40 Appendix X: Entitlement Matrix for Resettlement Plan under EEAP .................................... 40 Appendix XI:Meeting Minutes .............................................................................................. 40 Appendix XII: ADB Comments ............................................................................................ 40 ii | P a g e List of Tables Table 1: Land required by the Subproject .............................................................................. 8 Table 2: Summary of Land Loss ........................................................................................... 8 Table 3: Structure Losses along the Alignment ..................................................................... 9 Table 4: Summary of Affected Households by the Subproject ............................................. 11 Table 5: Food Sufficiency and Income level of the Affected Households ............................. 11 Table 6: Poverty Level of the Affected Households ............................................................. 12 Table 7: Key Difference between ADB Policy and GoN ....................................................... 23 Table 8: Details of Land Rate of the affected Plots .............................................................. 28 Table 9: Labor Requirement for Cutting and Transportation of Trees .................................. 29 Table 10: Summary of Harvesting and Transportation Cost of the Affected Trees .............. 30 Table 11: Budget for Resettlement Plan Implementation ..................................................... 31 Table 12: RP Implementation Schedule Godamchour-Godabari-Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road Subproject ................................................................................................................. 34 ABBREVIATION ADB The Asian Development Bank AP(s) Affected Person(s)/People CDC Compensation Determination Committee CDO Chief District Officer CFUG Community Forest Users Group CoI Corridor of Impact CLPIU Central Level Project Implementation Unit DCC District Coordination Committee DLPIU District Level Project Implementation Unit DLRO District Land Revenue Office DLPIU District Level Project Implementation Unit DMS Detailed Measurement Survey DISC District Implementation Support Consultants DSO District Survey Office DTO District Technical Officer EA Executing Agency EEAP Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project FGD Focus Group Discussion GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion GoN Government of Nepal GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism Ha Hectare HHs Households IA Implementing Agency IR Involuntary Resettlement LRO Land Revenue Office LEST Livelihood Enhancement Skills and Training MoFALD Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development NRA National Reconstruction Authority NRs Nepalese Rupees RF Resettlement Framework RP Resettlement Plan SPS Safeguard Policy Statement SPAF Severely Project Affected Family sqm Square meter VDC Village Development Committee I | P a g e GLOSSARY OF TERMS Affected Persons All persons who as of the cut-off-date stand to lose for the project all or part of (APs) their land or
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