DOCUMENT RESUME ED 473 839 PS 031 037 AUTHOR Hanssen, Elizabeth, Ed.; Zimanyi,Louise, Ed. Support for Families: Working with Parentsand Caregivers to TITLE Support Children from Birth toThree Years of Age. and Development, INSTITUTION Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care Haydenville, MA. SPONS AGENCY Bernard Van Leer Foundation, The Hague(Netherlands).; World Bank, Washington, DC.; High/ScopeEducational Research Foundation, Ypsilanti, MI.; ChristianChildren's Fund Inc., Richmond, VA. PUB DATE 2000-00-00 NOTE 84p.; Journal is subtitled "AnInternational Resource for Early Childhood Development."Additional support provided by UNICEF, UNESCO, USAID, InterAmericanDevelopment Bank (IDB), Radda Barnen, and Save the Children USA.The Coordinators' Notebook is published twice annually. AVAILABLE FROM For subscription information contact:Louise Zimanyi, Ryerson Polytechnic-University, School of ECE, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3, Canada. Tel:416-979-5000; Fax: 416-979-5239; e-mail: [email protected]; Website: PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Coordinators' Notebook; n24 2000 EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. Nations; Early DESCRIPTORS *Caregiver Child Relationship; Developing Childhood Education; Early Intervention;Family Programs; Family Support; Foreign Countries;*Infants; *Parent Caregiver Relationship; *Parent ChildRelationship; *Parent Education; *Toddlers IDENTIFIERS Early Childhood Development Programs;UNICEF ABSTRACT This theme issue of "Coordinators'Notebook" focuses on how early childhood care and development(ECCD) programs world-wide can work with parents and caregivers to supportchildren from birth to 3 years of age. Section 1 of the journal describesthe needs of parents and families and the development of parent programs aroundthe world. Section 2 highlights the needs of infants and toddlersand the importance of appropriate care. Section 3 considers the key questionregarding the kinds of support parents and caregivers require and the best wayto provide that support. Section 4 considers the components of parent programsin developing countries: (1) stimulation, and developing program content,including health and nutrition, professionals based on materials for children;(2) curriculum development, by information thought to be universal,by professionals with local adaptations, by professionals based on localobservations, by professionals based on childrearing studies, or through agenerative process;(3) curriculum professionals, trained delivery procedures;(4) service providers, including (5) information local or outside facilitators, ortrained local volunteers; delivery, including home visiting,parent groups, media/distance education, and working within existingservices;(6) program costs; and (7) evaluation findings related to outcomes forchildren, parents, and providers. Also included is a discussion of whatinformation is needed to better reach infants and toddlers throughparenting programs. The journal concludes by pointin out that suortin familiesincludes he. 11 11 a Reproductions supplied by EDRS arethe best that can be made from the original document parenting in ways that respect their traditions but also that support the health and safe development of their children within a changing milieu. The journal's regular feature, "Network Notes," reports on activities, meetings, and the calendar of the Secretariat and of the Partners of the Consultative Group on ECCD. (Contains 51 references.) (KB) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. No.24, poo Coordinators' not,.001( An International Resource for Early Childhood Development w. THE CONSULTATIVE -a ON EARLY CHILH CARE AND DEVELO U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research andImprovement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION IXThis CENTER (ERIC) document has been reproducedas received from the person ororganization originating It Minor changes have been madeto improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinions statedin this document do not necessarilyrepresent official OERI position or policy Cv st O PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Cv ©0 &th gxzm5, 4 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Working with Parents and Caregivers to Support Children SupportorFamilies: from Birth to Three Years of Agepage 1 Related Resourcespage 35 Network Notes, Page 45 ECCD Initiativespage 37 BEST COPY AVM I Working with Parents and Caregivers to Support Children from BirthtoThree Years of Age JUDITHL. EVANS 0, c ne of the greatest challenges for the early childhood -2- .00 field is to find appropriate ways of supporting the 0:1 0 growth and development of children from birth to .,,., ,..., NYA. ,,,,, 0three years of age. What makes this such a chal- ,.... , , ....,,,\'`%.,.. lenge? There are several answers to this question. First, we cst .., == tit \ \ t \ know how important the earliest years are in terms of establishing the base for later learning; thus we want to ensure that all children have access to appropriate sup- "Taking care of the best ports. Second, programmes for children under three years of age are much less well developed than programmes for interests of the child, as set those who are considered to be of pre-school age (chil- out in the Convention on the dren from age three to school entry). The programmes that do exist for the youngest children are offered primar- Rights of the Child, must not ily by the health and social welfare sectors, and they tend be seen as a threat to the to focus on children's survival, with only minimal regard for child stimulation and without a holistic perspective. family, but as a challenge Third, most children in this age group are taken care of for society." within the family during these years. While increasingly there is a need for children to be cared for outside the home, most parents would prefer to be able to provide Malta World NGO Forum care at home. The challenge here is how best to provide support to families while they provide direct support to the child. 3 sr The demands on families and the support that is available to them have shifted tremendously over the last twenty years. For those young children who are cared for within what has worked and in what ways, and some ideas the home, the question then becomes, how do we for the way forward. The final section outlines what ensure that they get the kinds of supports they require we need to know more about in order to better meet in order to thrive? The obvious answer is that we need the needs of parents of young children in the context to work both with parents and with the family as a of the family and community. whole. If we accept this premise, we are brought to a second series of questions. What kinds of interven- tions can be created for working with parents? How Parenting and do we reach them? How do we work with them? Families What do we want parents to know, and how do we Around the world, in both Majority World countries bring that knowledge to them? And, what kinds of and in industrialized nations, the demands on fami- support do parents need from the wider society? What lies, the conditions in which they live, and the is it that parents themselves need? expectations they hold have shifted tremendously This article attempts to answer some of these ques- over the last twenty years. The on-the-job training tions, but, not surprisingly, in doing so it raises even many parents used to receive from extended family more questions. Nonetheless, we begin with a descrip- members or from religious and cultural traditions is tion of the needs of parents and families today. This is largely unavailable to contemporary parents. followed by a description of the needs of young chil- Whereas in the past most societies could claim a dren birth-three years of age. The following sections normalized parenting patterneither an extended provide an overview of the strategies that have been family model, a community/tribal model, or a developed for working with parents, a discussion of nuclear family or some other stable patternnow 1 SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES Coordinators' Notebook, Issue24 most societies are reporting that their family norms families in providing support for children: have been disrupted, and the effects on children and The family must be the main agent in protecting parents alike are devastating. the Human Rights of its members, especially the At the same time, children need parenting.Parenting vulnerable. It must answer the needs and promote is defined as the provision of the ongoing care and supports that a the potential of its individuals as physical, social, child needs in order to survive and thrive. All children have the emotional, intellectual and spiritual beings. (8) need and the right to be parented. On their own, families can no longer provide all While the assumption is that a child's biological that children need to grow up well. It requires an parents will provide parenting, this assumption is not interlocking system in which families and accom- always valid. For an ever-increasing number of the panying formal and informal networks and services world's children, biological parents are simply not work together. The challenge in our time is to available most of the time, and sometimes not at all. arrive at a new relationship between family and the Parents are leaving children behind to go in search of state. The family must, in a new way, become the work; they are losing children in the context of dias- protagonist of family policy; it must be ensured poras and armed conflicts; they are leaving children in that laws and state regulations not only do not the care of other children while trying to earn a living; offend but also enhance the role of the family. (8) they are dying of AIDS; they are being ravaged by There must be a new awareness of family concerns drugs and poverty; they are trying to carry on while and needs, even while recognizing that families are juggling the inhuman demands caused by long work in transition and that new and different needs must days and by the demands placed upon the ever-grow- be addressed.
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