Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 10-20-1969 The Guardian, October 20, 1969 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1969). The Guardian, October 20, 1969. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The~lGuardian..,.,..,.,.,.,.# Volume VI , October 20, 1969 Issue 4 Pres. Golding Expresses War Opposition During Moratorium President Brage Golding of Wrigh t·Sl>tc University, speaking at the Then , mo ving from the rote of i11vitation of sludcnls. told a Victn:1m Moratorium Day crowd that private citizen to that of Univer­ he. pcrsonal!y, is opposed to the war in Vietnam. sity president. Dr. Golding cau­ He S3id war rcprcsc111s a fa ilure of diplo macy. needless sacrifice. tio ned the group not to confuse and a to tal waste of our resources. the role of a university com­ munity with ,.ela tion to public ··1 om o ppo,.,d." he added. 'l>cc•~sc the po>Sibly desirable objective' this country had . .now seem incapable of atlainmcnti policy. regardless of the outcome." ..Most students todoy .., he said, " believe ...that a college e d ucation...auto matically en­ dows them with the capacity for :md the responsibility tu make wise political judgments and expound publicly their convic­ tions on every aspect of public policy: This is nonsense! "The capacity for good judg­ ment comes wilh lo ng experi­ ence. Any type of education should be dedica ted 10 in· culcating a healthy respect for the difficulties of arriving at simple answers to complex ques­ tion$.'" He told the group of students. lint• W .S.U. Vlot nsn . M on\orlum pro1•s1or"s p l.card s>l •ed• f or ..n l tv In faculty and Ou tsiders th at there a n lnMn• w o rld. FoJ •II our .-..·No MORE WAR . is co nfusion between liberal ed­ ucation and democratic govern- Some university people, lhc Bbly .more awu e po!iticaJJy than • ment. The first has to do with president noted. have corrup1ed your c o ntemporaries who have culture, the s-econd with politics. the two roles by mixing them . no t received an equivalent c d­ Dr. Golding- said: ··n.erc is - Tiil!se • peopte ;- "expcctln~ po.li1i.;.' ucation. Please remember your liltlc wisdom in expccling or cians lo display the freedom or education docs not of itself hoping that a formal education scholars, have demanded an confer political wisdom. .." ...wilt produce citizens dcmon­ instant c hange in long·standing s t rably superio r in political policies. wisdom. Political awarcne!':s Dr. Golding did not cancel Weekly perhaps. but political wisdom ­ any classes Wednesday, making no!" attendance a matter of individual He said the university exists decision. In ending his address to for pursuit of truth, witJ1out the campus group, he said , " You Calendar .:omprom.isc in rcse::uct- or discu s-­ meet today as cit izens who ,.,MfMnt Goldlng add r•.-d 1tudenb durin g the Vle tnem W 9" Mor•1orlum lw,r happen to be port of the Wright Mo nd a y, Oct. 2 0 ... Choir W~n-.c;1.., , H e tPok• flnt • •n l ndlvldual •nd then u PrMlct.nt o f the sions. ''Government. ..exists for Untvors lty. the pumiit of compromise!" State c'Jn:ununity. You ar.: prob- Sing-Don Co•5ack - 3:10. W. C. Fields .1 Laurel & Hudy movie~ - Lower Hearth in Rehabilitation Program Dea n Warre n Abrnham Is ­ Center I : 15 - 25 Cents Tuesday. Oct. 2 1 ... Sk.i Club WSU's Provost Meeting. 12:00-12:45 No. 2 Established at WSU N ~~ R 1~~!!~ g I A rehabilitation education base. Advisors from community !lua rdlan Statf rm. UC Movies in Center ­ I : 15 - 25 Cents program leading to a Bachekirs groups and gra~uate schools are Warren H. Alirahom ·.113s nppointcd last September 29 as Acting Degree in the Wright S;,,1e Uni­ Poovost for wsu. He will keep his chair as Dean o r the Division of reviowing the proposed curricu­ Wednc<day, Oct. 22 .. Soccer venjty Division of Education is lum for what they consider es­ Continuing Education while fulfilling his duties as Acting Provost. I game at Cedarville. 3:00 p.m. being pl3nned for next year sential clement! in undergraduate As Provost (second in command after President Golding). Dean Abraham's duties will consisr of evaluating reports coming out of Movies in Center - I : 15 - 2 ~ The curriruJu m, designed to training of rehabilitation educa­ Cent> include study of man as a tion students. various divlsion commillcrs; of reviewing budgetary and faculty psychological, social and l>iolog­ A steering committee of repre­ requests from the various divisions. He will be ttc1ive in the Thursday. Oct. 23 ... W. C. icaJ unit, will prepare students sentatives from each division, in­ adminisirution of promol ion :inj tenure within th: focully. Dean Fields - laurel & Hardy for immediate employment or cluding continuing educatior., Abraham also is in charge of all faculty personnel records. as well :is movi es 3:30 in Lower llcarth 3dnti§ion to graduate school• in and the University administra­ being responsible for the admmisuative operation of the Library and of C'entrr. ~5 Cents :adnus3ion rehabilitation counseling and rt· tion, is being formed. the Registrar. lated fields. Rehabilitation education and ln addition 10 the above, Mr. directs 1hc summer tcm1. which Friday. Oct. 24 . .. Ski C!ut> The major will rely heavily o~ counseling trains penonnel for Abraham is a member of the is separate m admin1strat1an and O:rnce ..Wa rlocks... Movitt in t.udget set-u p from the fal!. win­ exisling psychology, soci<>logy professions as employees in Stote Curriculum Committee, the Uni· Center. J : 15 p .m. - ~~ Cents and hiolo&Y courses :.t Wright Vocational RchabiHtation Agcn· versify Resoun:cs ConuniHcc. the ter a.nd spring qu.aricrs. State, according to Project Di· cics, Rehabilita tion Centers, Pelitions Conunlttet and chairs Saturday. Oct. 25 ... Cofftt rocto r Perry L. Hall. Mr. Hall is the Acadcmil! Council meetings (The Continuing fdur.ation ltoL.sc - R· 11 UC - Lowr-r sheltered workshops and similar Division i.s an admin1St rat1ve divi­ NOrking with a $20,19 1 budge: whenever nec~S3ry . Hcorth Lounge. Soccer g:i n"' progranu. Meeting the needs of sion which t:ikcs muructors usu­ provided by a f :deral Pl• nning the disabled and disadvantaged is As Dean of the Division of 01 0.U. - 2:00 p.nc ally f1om 1he o ther dep~r t mcnts Grant for Rehabilitation and the the long-range goal of the pr<>­ Continuing Education . Mr. Abra· on campus. Also. 11 1s respo11 sibl<" Helping Professions. gram. h.-m is responsible for co-ordi· Sundny, Oct. 2h ....Ridins Cluh for those students on campus Mr. Hall, a nine-year vetcmn Mr. IY.111 is planning the cur­ mning cff.-campu$ ac11vtt1cs. wch Meeting who ac.e not wo rking for a d~~ of the Ohio State Department of as the WSU extensions at Celina riculum 10 include sociaJly, cul· grce. and for the non<rcdi1 spc· l!du,ation Bureau of Rchabilita· and Piqua. His d1v1sio n also co-­ Mo nday. Oc1. ~7 ... A1..'1.."l"•un1 inll 1un1lly and educationally de­ Cl31 courses offered. It also runs lion Education, hopes 10 offer ordinates the late afterrtoon and C"tub MC"ctin~ J ; 15 R\l\\tU I prived pmo ns in the category of inooScrv1cc Cducallun programs for the introduc tory course during evening courses on campus and .l05 Millttt. GuC"SI ~JX~Jk l·r . ..disadvantaged and disabled". teachers.) the Spring or Sumn10r, 1070. Wright State Univcn;ity rt· Mr. Goglc \ l'A. Guor<11an dc•·j 1nhu1cJ alttr ~ : 30 quarter. He will teach the course. ceived the federal grant after classes here. Dean Abraham holds a M.S.l:d Counc material, as envisioned requesting infomlBtiGn about the Additional fund• will be frum l nd1:inu Umvcnity. 1~ l>y ~'r. I !all. will be basically needed to implemtnl the , training of the la1 ge number or pro­ m3rricd. and has 4 d~ildn.•n . ___ prac tical with a philo'Pf'liical disabl ed students attending gram now being planllU. j Page '2 GUARDIAN ' • • October 20, 1969 WSU Professors Late"t Flick.s IMPORTANT! **** **** 8 \' RICHAR D OISHOP Back from Europe BUS SCHEDULE •. W. C. Fields and Laurel and mosl loved comedy team of Two me mbers of 1hc Wright of Pure and Applied Chemistry and Hardy Live Again Laurel and Hardy. They were State University focuhy have re­ and the Polish Academy of CHANGES lwo of the few comedi2ns of the turned from trips 10 Europe Sciences, was held al W. C. the Palace Eff~ctlv r Mond•y, Oet. 20 Fields and Laurel and •ilcnl era who were equally where 1hcy altended professional \lf Science and Culture. This Ha1dy live again this week as funny in the "talkies," prod•1cing conferences this fall. skyscraper, • copy of Moscow I. ON TUESDAYS ANO Beta Phi Omcp sponsors a film comedies together from 1927-52. Dr. Jerry Hubschman c.f the University, was presented to the series of tru!y classic comedy. On One thin and one fat, one timid THURSDAYS, THE FIRST WSU Departme nt of Biology re­ Polish people by S1alin.
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