Sample file Burial Site Secret Passage Secret Door Sewer • Sewer Opening to Surface the City of QReyhawk 1. Shacktown 2. WhaRf Qate high 3. QR&nd Citadel 4. hiqh maRket 5. SacRed temple of St. CuthBCRt 6. CaRQO Qate 7. QaR6en Qate 8. 6uke's Qate new City 9. talasek's BoaRdmqhouse 10. Low maRket il.theWhistlinqfish 12. maRsh Qate 13. ORUIO'S Qate 14. Stone Rinq 016 City 15. Black Qate 16. theQReat BuRn 17. fish pRocessinq WaRehouse 18. mill/QRain WaRehouse 19. PROduce WaRehouse 20. hiqhway Qate 21. the PROcessional 20 Falcon's Revenge Credits Table of Contents Design: Richard W. and Anne Brown Editing: Timothy B. Brown Introduction 2 Cover Art: Ken Frank Chapter 1: Interesting Company 4 Interior Art: Ken Frank Cartography Supvr./Designer: Chapter 2: Something Rotten in Greyhawk 9 Dave Sutherland /Dennis Kauth Chapter 3: The Plot Thickens 16 Building Fold-ups: Frey Graphics Typography: Gaye O'Keefe Chapter 4: Shacktown 19 Graphic Design: Stephanie Tabat Chapter 5: The Great Burn 23 e1990 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sample file Primed in the U.S.A. Chapter 6: The Diary 30 ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Chapter 7: Where Evil Lurks 35 AD&D, GREYHAWK, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the Chapter 8: The Spurned Cult of Iuz 46 TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Chapter 9: The Falcon Freed 52 Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Appendix 1: NPCs 57 Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Appendix 2: New Magic 59 Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Appendix 3: New Monsters 61 This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any Appendix 4: Rumors 64 reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. TSR, Inc. 120 Church End, POB 756 Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva, Cambridge CB1 3LB WI 53147 USA United Kingdom 9279 ISBN 0-88038-830-7 introduction Slums Falcon's Revenge is the first in a The content of this module is Large Tbmple trilogy of modules that take place meant for the DM's eyes only. The Several city gates in the Free City of Greyhawk. The DM is free to give portions of the modules are designed to flow to- text or maps to the players to ease gether smoothly. However, each play, but for the most part, the in- Locating References module is also equipped with an formation is directed to the DM. When information from another appropriate alternate ending Any text that appears in a box is source is required, the page num- which brings the module to a satis- meant to be read aloud (or summa- ber of the reference is given along factory conclusion for DMs who do rized) to the players. with an abbreviation of the book in not wish to play the entire trilogy. which it is found. PH refers to the Thus, any of the modules will be AD&D® 2nd Edition Player's Hand- equally enjoyable regardless of The Setting book. DMG refers to the AD&D whether the others are played. 2nd Edition Dungeon Master's If possible, the DM should deter- The City of Greyhawk boxed set is recommended, but not required Guide. GA refers to the mine whether he plans to use more GREYHAWK® Adventures hard- than one module at the beginning to play this adventure. The adven- ture is designed to take place in bound book. Two references are of the adventure. However, the from The City of Greyhawk boxed modules are designed so the alter- Greyhawk, but it would work nearly as well in another large city set: GoF, indicating the "Gem of nate endings only affect the last the Flanaess" booklet, and FFF, in- few pages of the module. If the DM with some additonal work from the DM. dicating the "Folk, Feuds, and changes his mind near the conclu- Factions" booklet. sion of the adventure, he will have Most of the locations are de- little difficulty "changing gears" to scribed in detail in this adventure; accommodate either ending. the DM would need only to locate Overview Should the DM decide to end the them somewhere in his own city. adventure with the first module Other locationSamples that ar filee described To assist the DM, the following is and later decide that he wishes to in the boxed set are referred to the a brief summary of the events of proceed with subsequent modules description in the box, but are ac- this module. in the trilogy, advice is offerred for companied by staging notes so a Many years ago, the City of circumventing this earlier deci- DM may generate an appropriate Greyhawk was infiltrated by an sion in order to keep the story setting. For example, when the DM evil cult whose members desired going. is referred to the description in The to destroy the government and City ofGreyhawkboxed set for the drive away the citizens. They dungeons beneath the Grand Cita- hoped to establish Greyhawk as a How the Module del, the DM who is not using the city of evil life, devoted to the cult. is Laid Out box set is advised to create an ap- The followers of St. Cuthbert dis- propriate setting for a small sec- covered the secret, and a battle tion of the dungeon of a large city. The events of this adventure are was declared against the members The sections that a DM might need of the cult. A specially chosen force presented chronologically. Certain to generate are generally more ge- events must happen in a specified of four—a cleric, a paladin, and neric settings (such as a jail cell) two mages fought to save their order. Other events may occur as that should be easy to design. the PCs choose. The DM should city. read the adventure thoroughly be- If the DM is using a city other The forces of good eventually fore play to help ensure that the than Greyhawk, he should make overcame the forces of evil. Rather adventure will run smoothly. The certain that the city has the follow- than put the evil cult leader to DM is encouraged to add to the ing features: death, the heroes decided to im- events listed here to enhance the prison her, alone, for all eternity. A atmosphere of the adventure and Burned section special dimension was opened for to adapt it to his own campaign Sewer system her, and she was cast inside. The and his players' styles. Wealthy neighborhood portal was finally sealed, and the Marketplace citizens of Greyhawk were able to If the PCs are confused or need a Use caution not to give out too return to their normal lives with- push in the right direction, feel free much information. Overexplain- out even realizing the evil that to read rumors as necessary. ing can spoil the fun and reduce threatened them. These can provide helpful hints in the sense of suspense and mystery All of the cult members were times of need without spoiling the that is so important to this adven- killed. The youthful members, plot for the players. ture. It can also give players a however, were spared. They be- sense that the adventure will un- came determined to bring their fold as planned regardless of their cult to power. They have been General Advice actions and decisions. A good DM careful over the years to keep their can ration the clues he gives so the plot a secret. Now, they are prepar- This adventure is somewhat un- players maintain a sense of con- ing to work the magic that will free usual. Before the players can ac- trol, discovery, progress, and ulti- their imprisoned leader. Cult complish their mission, they must mate success. members have infiltrated many first figure out what their mission is. The PCs stumble into this ad- levels of the city government in or- A NOte AbOUt AD&D® der to keep their secret from the venture quite by accident, and re- higher officials. alize that something funny is 2nd Edition Rules going on long before they unravel The PCs will unknowingly stum- the entire problem. Pieces of the This adventure is written using ble onto this plot. They must not puzzle fall into their laps; at first, the terminology and rules of the only stop the cult's activities, but to arouse their suspicions, and AD&D® 2nd Edition game, but is they must first unravel the secrets later, to help them discover the still easily playable by those who of the cult and learn what they are are using the original game mate- up against. plot. Once the PCs have learned the rials. whole story, they can begin to de- Some of the more noticeable dif- using the feat the evil that threatens the city. ferences are changes in name only. If the PCs begin to stray off The term "magic-user" has been Rumors Table course, there are several ways to replaced by "mage" (or, in a few nudge them back on track. places, the more general designa- The final page of this module tion of "wizard"). The "cleric" lists many rumors that the PCs 1. Provide them with one or more appropriate rumors from the character class is now the "priest" will encounter at some time dur- Sample file class, although members of that ing this adventure. At certain rumors table at the end of this ad- venture.
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