May 2, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 899 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PARTY SMART est 2 minutes in the sporting universeÐeven After graduating from high school, he decided better. to enlist in the Armed Forces of the United HON. JIM BUNNING f States. He proudly and courageously served OF KENTUCKY in the Army for a 3-year tour during World War TRIBUTE TO RICHARD OLIVER II. Upon the completion of his tour, he re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WARD turned to attend St. Peter's College and Rut- Tuesday, May 2, 1995 gers University. He later received his real es- Mr. BUNNING of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS tate and insurance broker's license. would like to take a moment to recognize the OF NEW YORK In 1962, Mayor Collins decided to run for significant contribution of a major national al- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public office. He was elected first ward coun- cohol education and awareness program Tuesday, May 2, 1995 cilman and 4 years later in 1966 he was elect- ed councilman-at-large. Thus began an illus- called Party Smart. This program is a visible, Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I want to com- trious career in politics that would eventually effective commitment by the nonprofit organi- mend Richard Oliver Ward for his vast con- lead him to the mayor's office in the city of Ba- zation Beer Drinkers of America to promote tributions to the community. Richard was born yonne. His great leadership qualities and out- responsible alcohol consumption. in Kingston, Jamaica, on February 24 to standing dedication to the community were The message of Party Smart is simple yet Evaney and Joseph. His family consists of five evident to the residents of Bayonne and elect- vital: if you make the adult decision to drink al- sisters and three brothers. When Richard was ed him mayor of Bayonne in 1974. He went cohol, do it responsibly and in moderation. By 12 years old, the family moved to Brooklyn, on to serve three consecutive terms in office, implementing education programs in coopera- NY. more than any other mayor in the history of tion with major spring break cities, promoting Richard is a product of the New York City the city of Bayonne. the use of designated drivers, and sponsoring public school system. After arriving in Brook- As mayor, Dennis Collins helped to turn Ba- enjoyable nonalcoholic events, Party Smart lyn, he attended P.S. 94 and later graduated yonne into a flourishing and prosperous city. consistently has shown, since its inception in from Charles E. Hughes High School. After He improved and expanded the public serv- 1988 that quality, objective, and positive alco- high school, Richard enrolled in the Cooking ices and facilities. Mayor Collins was able to hol education not only enhances people's Food of Marathon School. maintain the city's economic vitality in spite of lives, but helps save lives in the process. But Richard's first love was always music. a national recession. One Party Smart program in particular has He started by playing drums in the church Mayor Collins played a dual role in the city enjoyed a special relationship with my State of choir, but soon put them aside and began of Bayonne. He not only was a leader of the Kentucky. For the past 6 years, The Party spinning records as a disc jockey. Richard community but he was also an active partici- Smart Designated Driver Program has been worked at clubs throughout Brooklyn, single- pant in various community organizations. He an integral part of the Kentucky Oaks and handedly moving his equipment from engage- was a standard bearer of the New Frontier Derby at Churchill Downs. The Party Smart ment to engagement. Word quickly spread Democrats and was also a member of the Designated Driver booths are highly visible that this young man from Jamaica possessed Knights of Columbus. He has participated in from all areas of Churchill Downs, with two an unusual talent for spinning records. From many veterans groups and has been a faithful booths located at the inside track and two salsa to calypso to the electric slide Richie parishioner of Our Lady Star of the Sea Par- more at trackside. Rich mixed it all effortlessly. ish. He has also been a member of various Why is the Party Smart Designated Driver Richard has been employed since 1983 with other organizations that are too numerous to Program adopted by the management and the Police Athletic League [PAL]. He enjoys all mention here. concessionaires of the Kentucky Oaks and sports and is an amateur body builder. He es- There are no words to describe Mayor Den- Derby, and endorsed by Churchill Downs? pecially loves working with children. nis P. Collins, a dedicated leader, courageous The answer is simple. Because it works. Richard resides in the East Flatbush edition countryman, outstanding citizen, devoted hus- More than 2,000 Derby-goers sign up each of Brooklyn and is the proud father of two chil- band and father, and a friend to the people. year to be designated drivers and provide safe dren; Amanda, who is 12 years old, and Rich- Please join me in honoring Mayor CollinsÐ rides home for their friends. In exchange for ard, Jr., who is 1 year old. their pledge not to drink alcohol, designated one of the finest public servants in the history drivers receive free nonalcoholic beer and soft f of Hudson County and excellent congressional drinks. IN HONOR OF MAYOR DENNIS P. staffer. I am proud to have him as a congres- The Kentucky Derby isn't the only place, by COLLINS, A DEDICATED PUBLIC sional staff member. He is a man of great re- the way, where you'll find Party Smart. The SERVANT AND COMMUNITY spect and honor. I know he will continue to Party Smart Fan Alcohol Awareness Program LEADER fight for the betterment, security, and prosper- has been an integral part of many major sport- ity of his community. ing events, including Super Bowl XXIX in Jan- HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ f uary 1995. Championship teams such as the OF NEW JERSEY New York Rangers and San Francisco 49ers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UNITED STATES POLICY ON endorse and participate in the program. It is ALGERIA only natural that this program of champions in- Tuesday, May 2, 1995 cludes The Kentucky Oaks and Derby. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Every year, Party Smart continues doing to pay tribute and honor to an outstanding in- HON. LEE H. HAMILTON what it does bestÐproviding quality, privately- dividual, Dennis P. Collins, former mayor of OF INDIANA funded alcohol awareness information to those the city of Bayonne. On May 3, 1995, the Ba- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who decide not to drink. Beer Drinkers of yonne Zionist District, Zionist Organization of America with more than 750,000 members in America will hold their 63d annual American Tuesday, May 2, 1995 all 50 States, is working through Party Smart Zionist Fund Dinner. At the celebration, being Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, the terrible to make this year's Kentucky Oaks and Derby held at the Bayonne Jewish Community Cen- civil violence in Algeria has claimed perhaps memorable, enjoyable, and, above all, safe. ter, Mayor Dennis Collins will be honored by 30,000 lives in the past 3 years. Both the Al- I, for one, commend the Beer Drinkers of the organization. gerian Government and the underground America, Churchill Downs and the local busi- Mayor Collins has always been an outstand- Islamist opposition reject a dialog and appear ness community for encouraging personal re- ing citizen of the Bayonne community and of determined to resolve their differences by sponsibility and moderation and for doing their the United States. He was born in Bayonne force. In the process, thousands of innocent part to make the Kentucky DerbyÐthe great- where he was raised with 12 other siblings. civilians have been killed. The United States · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E 900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 2, 1995 has important commercial interests in Algeria's your convenience. Please do not hesitate to preconceived notion of the form which such petroleum and natural gas industries, as well contact me if we can be of further assistance. an accord might take. as strategic interests in the stability of North Sincerely, In general, we share with the main Alge- WENDY R. SHERMAN, rian parties the conviction that a political Africa and the southern coast of the Mediterra- Assistant Secretary solution must be designed to prevent the nean. Legislative Affairs. most radical outcome of the conflict. We be- I wrote to the State Department on February Enclosure. lieve that a viable solution must prepare Al- 24, 1995, to raise a number of questions What is U.S. policy toward Algeria today? geria for an eventual return to elections about United States policy toward Algeria. I re- The United States Government seeks to while providing concrete guarantees that no ceived a detailed response to my questions on encourage an Algerian solution which will party can abuse the democratic process or March 29, 1995. The text of the correspond- provide stability for the country and assure impose a dictatorship in the future. We rec- that the crisis does not spill over into Alge- ence follows: ognize that there is a need to rally non-ex- ria's neighbors.
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