![1952-10-30, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
,. :-.:...... ~'W4' v v.v'•■■... Thursday, October 30, 1952 Page Fourteen EAST CLEVELAND LEADER AUTOMOBILES FOR SRIS AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE He also cautioned pedestrians Paul, October 18th. Campus against too much hurry to get Born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. home from work, as the hurrying Gross, 1783 Coit rd., a girl, Linda Ann, October 21st. For a "honey" of a car, at­ pedestrian is often a earless pedes­ trian. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard tach yourself to ECONOMY News Save $500 “Don’t duck your head against R. A. Walling, 16119 Oakhill rd., BUICK CO. We'U find you Miss Peggy Oats a junior, is as­ the weather or hide behind an um­ a boy, William Charles Walling, the RIGHT car that couples • WATCH sisting in plans for the annual Hal­ brella,” try and keep in mind at all October 20th. ECONOMY BUICK CQ 1952 BUICK lowe’en party being held tonight at beauty with economy. times this slogan—Heads Up! w-SfE YOU AT THf POLLS — the College of Nursing and Health, Don’t Be Struck Down.” CKROH WK OFFICIALS’ CAR University of Cincinnati. The party The LEADER Hu the Buyers wemoou SPECIAL! EAST END NASH is being staged in the roof garden — Sff YOU AT THf POLLS — AT GREAT of the Nurses’ Residence. 1952 Mercury SAVINGS » • * 'See Mike Dubin We're Trading High Two Shaw High School gradu­ BIRTHS FORMERLY OF TAPCO 4-Door Sedan; beautiful light Buick Roadmaster Riviera Bo- ates are members of the Western 1952 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph For the Best Used Car Valuea gray; radio, heater and de­ dan; beautiful Glen Green. A com- Reserve University Marching Frantz, 1860 Roxford ave., a boy, froster. VERY SPECIAL plete custom car with the following 1952 Nash Ambassadors, Band, which made its season debut Joseph Robert Frantz, October 16. Paramount Motors at Reserve’s homecoming celebra­ 492 East 185th SL KE. 1-9262 equipment; dynaflow, power steer­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. Cogan, tion Saturday, October 25th. 1648 Eddington rd., a boy, Daniel EASY FINANCING TERMS ing. E-Z eye glass, white wall tire*, Statesmen and Ramblers Just reorganized under the *2495 radio and heater, special trim up­ leadership of Arthur S. Best, new holstery, and a host of other extras. band director at Western Reserve, Buick's luxury car of distinction. All Models Now’Available the group gave a marching demon­ COMPLETE SERVICE t™. Driven 2850 miles. New car war­ stration at Clarice Field at the ranty. new car finance. football game between Reserve’s ON ALL MAKES OF CARS 1951 DODGE 4-door sedan, a metal­ 1947 OLDS 4-door Model 76; this Red Cats and the University of lic green finish that show: ne car has radio, heater ano QEQE CUSTOMER Satisfaction is our FIRST • Mechanical • Body and Fender other equipment; as is. yUvV Buffalo. For half-time ceremonies, owner care; can be $1650 CONCERN NOW as ALWAYS Highest Prices Paid which included crowning of the • Hydramatic Service • Auto Painting 1949 BUICK 2-door sedanette; a BUY WITH CONFIDENCE homecoming queen, the uniformed • Ignition Service • Steam Cleaning 1950 DODGE 4-door sedan; a dark beautiful green, clean inside and band promoted the evening home- • Wheel Alignment blue finish, and this car has- out; full complement of curpssrr'rsi • Undercoating coming dance by doing a dancing and Balancing than 12,000 miles. $1450 including i ARA RALPH routine, to the music of “I Get • Electric Welding Dynaflow ......................... V ■ *»VW on Used Cars Ideas.” 1950 PACKARD 4-door 2100 Series; 1949 BUICK Super CONVERTIBLE Shaw alumni in the Reserve E. 185th ST. AUTO SERVICE STEWART very clean, low mileage- r'l'-'-’rc Coupe, nice blue finirb- Tadf<» band are James A. Griffith, 2025 1075 East ] 85th Street near Waterloo KEnmore 1-3382 heater and defrosters. Q>-| Mt. Vernon st., and Ann E. Woehr- matic drive; S I 545 a beauty......................... “ 1 SNAPPY for ................... QI WW BUICK mann, 13604 Claiborne rd. DIRECT FACTORY DEALER Griffith plays the trumpet and 4951 STUDEBAKER Starlite coupe; 1950 BUICK 2-door Special, beauti­ Miss Woehrmann the oboe and pre­ hydramatic drive, famous V-8 ®n ful blue finish; very clean- economi­ St. Clair at East 125th GET OUR DEAL ■ *«■■■■ R ^ewamm^a Sohio'c Guarant- cision instruments. W ■ H El ■ n (eed Radiator gine, an economical car $1695 cal car with Buick Q | EftC famous Dynaflow ........ QI Uwil * ♦ ♦ VW ■illrnVLIVkF Starting Service. Campus news may be tele­ 1949 BUICK 76C. This blue convert­ 1950 BUICK 4 Dr. Super, light grey, on a New Car NOW! phoned to PO. 1-3378 or sent to ible has low mileage and shows 2 to choose from; equipment includes 14600 Euclid ave. Deadline is 5 the GOOD CARE BY » 1 CQE Dynaflow and Buick's £ | 7QK STARTER GENERATOR air conditioned ride ... Q • ■ -• ___ p. m. Tuesday. PREVIOUS OWNER V ■ WWW ♦ ♦ e NASH Only 25% Down — 36 Months To Lloyd A. Wittenmery, a fresh­ MANY man at Ohio State University, has OTHERS Genuine Reductions Pay Your Balance been pledged to Thi Delta Theta SERVICE TO <26«*S SUCLID AV€ V»€O CARS CHOOSE fraternity. Lloyd, son of Mr. and Motor Tune-Up—Brake Servlet FROM AS LOW AS Mrs. Lloyd Wittenmeyer, 14621 "Buy Where Integrity Counts" Potomac ave. is a Shaw January Complete Ignition—General Repairs 1952 graduate. - OUR NEW ADDRESS - Whyte Chevrolet*;s O.K. Used Cars EAST END NASH — Sff YOU AT THf POLLS — 1950 CHEVROLET 1946 FORD Take Steps To 18012 Lake Shore Blvd. J1395 NEW CAR SHOWROOM CluD <x5upe; 1951 Rambler elation wagon. 1951 Statesman 2-door .$1495 very clean and well equipped. 13829 Euclid Ave. near Eddy LI. 1-5300 KEnmore 1-8788 Open 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. $645 1950 Ambassador 2-door. Save Your Life $1395 Hydramatic _____ ■ .$1395 GIANT USED CAR LOT Truck Buyers! 1950 Statesman 2-door — —...$1095 “Take steps to save your life!” 1949 Ambassador brougham, 16229 Euclid near Noble Liberty 1-5309 Chief of Police H. S. Weaver to­ 1949 PACKARD 1947 DODGE overdrive S995 day warned pedestrians that this 4-Door; white waiis, raaio, 1949 "600" 2-door S895 Only is an especially’ dangerous time of heater, etc.- new paint; a nice car. 1948 Ambassador sedan$895 Open Mon., Wed., Fri. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE DOWN E MINUTE 1948 "600" sedan$695 the year for them. “Rain and sleet, $335 Till 9 P. M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BY PAYMENT 3 CREDIT APPROVAL $1135 1947 Ambassador sedan . -----------$695 PHONE — 75c MINIMUM, CASH ice and snow,” he said, “combine 1947 "600" sedan $59$ HITH ADVERTISEMENT — 60c to make walking hazardous and 1951 CHEVROLET "600" sedan$395 MINIMUM. MUST BE IN OUR 1949 CHEVROLET 1946 OFFICE BEFORE NOON WED- early darkness with its accompany­ TON STAKE 1942 "600" sedan_______________$195 DORMER'S XI SHAY.______________________________ ing poor visibility adds another 4 L>oor; 1941 Ambassador club coup*-------- $85 1952 PLYMOUTH, radio, heater, only hazard.” a black beautv; only 4.000 miles, good buy. RA. 1-3615, call UNTIL $1095 OTHER MAKES al nd1: ue._________________________Pedestrian fatalities in Ohio last $1195 1948 Buick sedan . $995 CHEVROLET, 1950, two-door, private, 1 A. M one-family car. all accessories. Re­ year totaled 447 — slightly more 1948 CHEVROLET 1947 Buick Super stationwagon._.$795 gent Tire Co., East 145th st. and St. than one-fourth of the 1778 traffic 1949 CHRYSLER 14-TON PICK-UP; 1947 Buick Super convertible_____ IS995 Clair, after 10 a. m. Thursday-Sun­ deaths in the state. In other words, Buick Super sedan ..............IS495 day,_____________________________ BAKED OVEN Rova! Glut C up*. SwU* 1946 one out of every four persons 1949 Chevrolet sport coupe-------- $1195 OH 1940 PLYMOUTH station wagon, good PAINT JOBS Wl Service All Makes Of Cars motor, ladio. heater, snow tires. $195. killed in motor vehicle accidents $1395 $795 1946 Chevrolet Fleetline sedan $695 GL. 1-7175 between 8 a. m.-5 p. m. 1947 Chrysler Windsor sedan____ $895 in Ohio in 1951 was a pedestrian. Chief Weaver particularly cau­ 1949 PLYMOUTH 1950 CHEVROLET 1946 DeSoto Custom sedan__. S695 Your Northeast ‘,a-TOi« . .v;. , 1952 Dodge Custom sedan—___ $1895 tioned pedestrians who are out at M ARK AD MOTOR CO. Deluxe 2-Doac. very clean; only 1948 Dodge Custom club coup*__ S895 Willys Overland Dealer not to try to gauge the speed of $1095 1947 Dodge sedan , ... - $695 USED TRUCKS Sale* Service Part* an oncoming car by its lights. If 13219 Superior at Euclid • UL. 1*2400 1 $995 1946 Dodge sedan $495 OPEN EVENINGS there is any doubt stap on the curb 1951 Ford Custom Tudor............—$1195 1949 FORD until the oncoming car has passed. 1949 CHEVROLET 1947 DODGE 1950 Ford de luxe Tudor $1095 F3 Pick-up, neavy duty equipment; HEKHY AUTO 1949 Ford Custom Tudor................. $795 Fleetline 2-Door; ‘a-TON PANEL; high speed transmission. Sales and Service, Inc. maroon; one-owner. runs good; see this; only 1946 Ford de luxe Tudor ___ $395 $745 1947 Frazer Manhattan sedan, 15000 Aspinwall MU. 1-300S few miles __ ______ $795 $1195 $195 LATE 1946 Chevrolet coach, good tires, Get our 1951 Hudson Hornet brougham__ $1595 1949 DODGE heater, radio. GL. 1-6564.________ Hudson club coupe........ .......$1395 94-ton Pick-up; full diamond plate 1950 1940 BUICK. 4-door sedan, good con- 1948 Hudson sedan, reconditioned $995 bed; exce”*--- "-’oughouL dition. MU. 1-5215. WHYTE CHEVROLET 1946 Hudson 2-door_____________$295 $777 1950 FORD 8 Custom Tudor sedan, 1948 Kaiser sedan $495 spotlessly clean inside and out. A-1 Mw-spccm 543 East 185th Street IVanhoe 1-9030 1947 Lincoln sedan$595 shape, 19,000 miles.
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